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The Funniest FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER

Mar 07, 2024
oh holy guacamole Toole this is the weirdest armor in the world oh people who cheat on their


are hilarious because they are terrible at hiding the fact that they cheated these are the





this speedrun is wildly


and stupid, guys today We're doing Minecraft speed so let me play this conveniently for the reason oh brother yeah that's right the Speed ​​Runner breaks this very flashy looking dirt block and underneath is a chest with 66 obsidian and a very little used one. flint and steel, wow, how lucky they are. Well, this very legit speedrunner takes his obsidian to build a nether portal and power it up, unfortunately.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
I think this is the first time they've placed blocks. They proceed to have this golum style. Go crazy, why did it work? Yeah, then the footage just cuts out and your portal suddenly works. Now this speedrun really ramps up as soon as they enter The Nether, they run into the illustrious Villager God closely related to many traitors and again the speedrunner is very excited about all these things. to sound like Gollum F's villager, oh, now that the speedrunner is back in the Overworld, there's a chest right in front of them with 64 Eyes of Ender, so they throw an eye seller into the sky, okay, wait, this is taking too long, this is just something. that tells me that exp Bond chest B is fine, wait, why doesn't it work?
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever

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the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever...

Yes I found a strength. Yeah, the footage just cuts to them immediately being in the fortress, it doesn't draw attention at all. Well, now that the speedster found the portal. In the room they are filling the portal with eyes but they jump into the portal before filling it so they are slowly dying in the lava luckily even though they redeem themselves and enter at the end they are still burning and yes that's when the images appear . It cuts away again very suddenly and the villager god is making his second appearance in Act 2, he's just going to ignore that villager spawn egg in his hot bar, there, oh, go, give me creativity, oh oh, then you'll know, yes, that's right, the village god grants. the speedrunner with creative mode and now that the speedrunner has creative mode, they have no more use for this villager, so they start digging a hole in the void to push the villager down, but despite popular belief, the villager is in reality much smarter than that and that's when the speed runner falls into the void.
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
Did they forget that they are in creative mode? But this is my favorite part of the speed racer. This is when they have their last panic attack. All this time we have been watching smeagle. This is where Gollum comes out. no, no, no, no, this is unfair, this speedrun is actually Super Mario 64. Mario enters the castle with a fishing net and drives a sports car in the Mushroom Kingdom. No, I don't actually remember this part of Super. Mario 64 oh and there's Bowser and he defeats Bowser wow that was so impressive yeah this is fake. I know this speedrun is extremely unusual because they are calling its world name Minecraft speedrun at 5 minutes, 58 seconds and 71 milliseconds, man, I hate to break it. for you, but that's not how the fastest race works, how do you name your world at the time you're going to complete the game?
the funniest fake minecraft speedruns ever
They create their world and their world creation screen looks normal, but as soon as they appear, oh, come on. the timer hasn't even started, it says set to game mode for survival. I feel like I've been fooled. They appear right next to a ruined nether portal on the beach. When you open the chest, there are many golden weapons and a fire charge. the chest, so they use the Golden Ax they just took out of the chest to break this tree and make a workbench right next to the ruined nether portal there is a desert temple, so they go in and they really seem to know what they're doing. what they are doing, they don't activate the pressure plate like a Goofy Goober, they collect the TNT under them, but this is where things really start to go downhill, they open the chests and there are so many enchanted golden apples, this is not possible , hate. to break it, they open more chests, there are just more golden apples in your dreams, friend, so they leave the desert pyramid and return to their ruined nether portal, which by the way is not even ruined, it is complete, the speedrunner uses the fire charge to Light the lower portal and enter at the end.
Wait a second. What's going on here? I don't know if you caught what happened. I can not speak. I don't know if you caught what just happened, but it fits. per frame there was an extremely sudden cut, the speedrunner suddenly has a level of experience points, there are items all over the ground and when they turn around there is a chance gathering of piglins in a GE ditch. I wonder how they got there, the speedrunner throws 32 gold bars into the piglins' pit, they waste a funny amount of time just organizing their inventory and end up getting 23 ender pearls from their trades, which is statistically impossible and as of this moment they jump off this ledge apparently jumping into the well. of lava, but beneath them there is water, which I'm pretty sure is impossible, since I'm 99% sure you can't put water in the abyss, so they waste a lot of time clumsily swimming around on this obsidian platform until the nether fortress simply appears in the air.
I have so many questions that now they have to waste a lot of time going back to where they were in order to enter The Nether Fortress, why did you jump in the first place finally, although the speedrunner finds a blaze spawner so that they consume their fire resistance potion. fire and his enchanted golden apple, yes you're going to need it given the way you've been playing after wasting so much time being horrible at aiming and hitting things, just knocking The Blaze too far away so they can't touch them again, kill at two Blaze and they get seven rods of fire from them, which means their sword must have looted a bajillion Chan, there's no way for that to happen statistically and wait a second, did you notice what just happened?
If I rewind the footage, there's a very obvious cut where the speedrunner suddenly has TNT and they're building up to the nether portal, but if I rewind, they had a lot of blocks in their inventory, why did they go into creative mode to catch up? themselves? more blocks when they already had something, oh brother, they are back in their nether portal and are returning to the Overworld, the Eyes of Ender speedrunner ships launch it into the air to determine the location of the fortress and not far from where they are. they spawned, they dug wow, could you see they dug right into the portal room coin?
I don't think so, the speedrunner fills the portal with eyes and they enter at the end so clearly on the screen that they are using beds to defeat the Ender Dragon, just when they won. the game and that's they got the world record, but look closer and tell me if you notice, yeah, they got this low quality health and hunger bar and put it on your screen for a while. I didn't even realize they had been in creative mode this entire time, which explains why they aren't taking any damage. They've simply been in creative mode throughout this entire speed race and just like that, they beat the game in exactly the same amount of time they said they would when they created their world.
It requires a lot of skill, this speedrun well, the speedrunner starts by breaking a tree and then they make a workbench and make a Dyson fan, now it seems that the speedrunner is entering a new dimension, the dimension where he kills a light. light bulb with a blue paintbrush and then he got his golden fries and it looks like he actually just broke them into some particles, now the fries particles and now he has a dirty Penny, the Speed ​​Runner, which is entering into the territory of the Purple Dyson fans. This dimension is that of the spots, it doesn't matter, he is feeling the orthal with his eyes.
He knew that the speedrunner flies into the final portal and defeats the purple cat just like that. He won the game in 78 seconds. Wow, this speedster may seem normal at first. look, but at the bottom left of the screen it says very clearly mod, the speedrunner creates their world, all their settings look normal and the loading screen looks very legit, but as soon as they appear in the world, they are at level eight , so I'm not sure how they're going to explain this to the judge, they also spawned right next to a lava pool and a village, and this speedrun is very basic, exactly what you'd expect from a very normal, typical speedrun.
Minecraft, break the blocks. in the house to get wood, they make a work table, they make a wooden pickaxe using it to collect some stones. At this point, the speedrunner is fully prepared, so they collect some hay flint and steel and then start killing this Golem, getting four iron ingots. From there the speedrunner can now create a cube, he steals some water from the villagers and they begin to create his nether portal and although the speedrunner is very slow to create a nether portal with a cube, he doesn't he's wrong and We're right in The Nether and wow, could you see that as soon as they're in the Nether?
It turns out that they spawn right next to a Bastion, they use a boat to fall to the bottom of the Bastion, this all seems like a very typical Minecraft speedrun, that is, until they open the chests, there is enough obsidian in this chest to create a billion Abyssal portals, at least they tried to hide the fact that they were cheating, they spread the obsidian a little in the chest, but when they are all selected, it adds up perfectly to a stack of 64 blocks. I don't know what can make it more obvious. I mean, come on, the proof is in the pudding.
Well, the speedrunner runs into Piglins and starts trading with them. them, the speedrunner throws in maybe 10 gold bars and they get 16 eyes from the offender now, although the probability of this actually happening is very very low, I might give him the benefit of the doubt here, until they come out from the Bastion and open your inventory that's when I realized that you didn't get 16 Ender Pearls, you got 128 Ender Pearls, yeah that's not possible, well after wasting a lot of time walking aimlessly the speedrunner eventually finds himself with a lower strength and is built up to the surface. it's very easy with its 64 obsidian blocks, the speedrunner eventually comes across a flame generator and they end up killing two flames, a Blaze Rod which they pick up, but keep an eye on this Blaze Rod that fell off the edge here, it will definitely come in game later, that's all.
I'm going to say that they kill another Blaze with a total of two fire rods in their inventory and it is at this point that they create a nether portal to help them determine how they will get to the fortress as quickly as possible. possible and I'm going to tell you how the speedrunner, when he is in the Overworld, creates his Eyes of Ender and throws one into the sky, zooms towards the Eye of Ender by pressing F3 and shows information such as the angle which in this case is approximately ...65 and then they leave the Overworld now, the only thing I can imagine.
What's going on here is that they have something like the ninja brain robot running on a second monitor or they're just cheating, there's really no way to know because typically fast runners have that calculator. on the screen, regardless that casting that Eye of Ender could provide the speedrunner with information about where the fortress is in the Overworld and the nether coordinates for the speedrunner to kill three more flames, getting five flame rods in total and Then they fall to those fire rods from before giving them a total of eight, which is great luck. It's at this point where it seems like the speedster is wandering aimlessly, but actually what I think is happening is that he's heading to that place he came from. his calculator sees the problem is that he n


presses F3 to show his coordinates how does he know where to go? he just has a really fantastic sense of cardinal directions.
I think not, friend, regardless of the fact that once they reach their final destination they create an inferior one. portal and as soon as they enter the Overworld they immediately start digging and if you look they dig right into the fortress it seems like the speed knew exactly where the portal room was which only further proves that this guy is trying . to make it seem like he's doing all kinds of sophisticated strategies and calculations, but I think he just memorized what to do. I don't know, it's just a hunch. Well, the speedrunner creates more, is a salesman, fills the portal with eyes and enters at the end, wait.
Wait a second, did you see what just happened? As soon as they appear, they just fall into the void, then they are teleported back to the platform and out of nowhere, the Ender Dragon loses all but one HP of its health, as if that weren't the case. It's pretty dumb, with one HP left, the speedrunner misses the dragon with his bow and arrow so many times, oh, he almost missed that one eventually, after losing so much and making an embarrassing fool of himself, he kills the dragon and wins the game, this one speedrunner. starts appearing in a village, the speedrunner is so tall that he can't actually fit under the doors, so there was a sudden cut in the speedrun and just like that, he found adiamond sword in a villager's house, which we all know is not possible.
Speedrunner begins attacking the villagers. I don't know what's wrong with him and he continues exploring the village. Could you see that he also has a diamond pickaxe? So he's mining the cobblestone, which is exactly what you do with the diamond pickaxe. The speedrunner. He continues exploring the town and finds a painting that secretly hides an underground tunnel system with Minecart tracks. This is something else. He had n


seen this in a speedrun before. Then they get the special Minecraft suitcase The latest Minecraft update in the suitcase update, it starts flying oh my god it's in creative mode it's cheating I can't believe it this immediately disqualifies your career it starts mining this cobblestone wall in creative mode, can you believe it and find the final portal? the final portal is completely full, I mean there is a one in a million chance that he will enter the end, break the final crystals and start punching the Ender Dragon, oh my god, this fight with the Ender Dragon was really impressive, the great skill and determination that the sprinter has. it's amazing wow Dragon below rest in peace like this the speedrunner beat the game in world record time wow I'm very grateful to say it starts out normal there's nothing suspicious here the speedrunner walks forward breaking this tree so they take those logs and turn them into wooden planks and wow, sacred cow, they spawned right next to a lava pool, this is a very lucky start, they explore the forest a little more and find a village, enter a villager's house and open a chest to get a little bread, a potato, an emerald, a couple more logs, nothing unusual, still, they break the bed picking it up, but clearly I spoke too soon, oh, everything seems normal, now wait a second, friend, did you see what what has happened?
There was a very sudden cut and on the top right of your screen it shows very clearly that they have been given a status effect to make them very, very strong, which explains why there are these particles in the air and explains why they can kill to this Golem with a single blow. So yeah, the speedrunner gets four iron ingots from that Golem and while they're clearly cheating, this isn't one of the worst defenders, at least they don't travel like a flying golden pig, but unfortunately things go so downhill from here they come back. to where they killed the Iron Golem and now there's just a trillion million iron ingots on the ground, yeah this went from 0 to 100 really fast, so the speedruner goes back to the lava pool they spawned in before and they try to make a nether portal and wow i'm actually so impressed this speedrunner is really good at making a nether portal oh yeah nevermind yeah they messed up making the nether portal.
They made a cut at the top left of the screen. It says very clearly that it is set to game mode to survive. Come on. Dude, but again, wow, they're just going to make this one inferior, nevermind, they screwed it up again. In which incarnation they went into creative mode again they fixed their nether portal and now they are in the nether portal waiting for these wooden blocks to power it up, so despite the fact that this guy is clearly cheating, he actually has some of the basic skills of a


speedrunner. Well, the speedrunner appears in The Nether and appears right on top of a Bastion.
It's highly unlikely that this will happen, and besides, there's only one stub. of gold blocks on top of the Bastion, you know, I'm not going to get frustrated by this, maybe this is legit, maybe this is all in my head, well, anyway, the speedrunner breaks the gold blocks, which it will definitely be useful for when they decide to trade with piglins, then the speedrunner turns around and there is another fortress right behind him, while exploring the speedrunner runs into an angry horde of enemies and almost dies, so the speedrunner runs away and then They set his game mode to peaceful and that's all great because he didn't die, but that immediately disqualifies his speedrun, so now that the speedrunner isn't going to be attacked by any of the angry mobs, he finds a piglin that's conveniently trapped in a hole, so the speedrunner decides it's okay.
I'm going to trade gold with the piglin so the speed racer goes back to normal difficulty and then starts getting chased again by the angry horde, he's on fire, they shoot him and then he falls down a ditch and dies, but it's okay because he timer is still ticking, they still have plenty of time to redeem themselves, that is, until they respawn and go into creative mode to head back into the abyss wasting tons of time trying to locate all the items they just lost and are finally there. Back in survival mode, the difficulty is normal and once again they are about to die, they are being chased by withered skeletons, they are on fire, that's when they open the chat box and start typing slash effect and it Which I think is happening.
Here they are, maybe they're going to give themselves strength, maybe fire resistance, but I think they forgot what the command is and they have this going crazy on their microphone, they need fire assistance. God, what the hell can't I fight in this condition? although it literally gives a suggestion on the left side it says fire resistance just write that friend he writes fire reside fire resist fire resist finally I don't have to endure that torture anymore finally they have their fire resistance we have fire resistance out of Out of the air you got resistance into the fire of nothingness It sounded like you were giving birth while trying to figure out how to write resistance What do you mean by good intentions?
Anyway, it doesn't matter, the speedrunner receives two fire rods and then a whole Suddenly, the footage shows them looking at a corner of the nether fortress that again has a trillion Shilan fire rods on the ground, so, Long story short, they didn't end up trading with the piglins, they have more fire rods than they could ever need. and they return to the nether portal returning to the Overworld as to what they are going to do with the Ender pearls. I have no idea that the footage immediately cuts to a pile of cooked steak on the ground while saying "Set to game mode to survive." at the top left of the screen and again the footage cuts back to where there is just a hulking mass of Ender on the ground which answers my previous question, so they create eyes for a vendor, throw one in and would you see the fortress is ? directly below them the speedrunner enters the portal room filling the portal with eyes and they enter at the end and while they are digging they are about to die and once again they go into creative mode at this point this fool has lost me for complete. wasting so much time just going over all of his old commands that he entered before giving himself strength and single-shotting the unarmed Ender Dragon, still wasting so much time because the Ender Dragon clearly still has a little bit of health left and then actually I'm not sure what happened, he just died out of nowhere, yeah, it was painful to get over it.

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