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Minecraft 1.21 | New Friends and Foes | EP. 7

Jul 05, 2024
domesticate it. Oh my gosh, you took a lot of bones. There is some? friend of yours or is it just you, boy, I don't see any more black wolves, oh wait, no, there's an amazing one here, it's two of the black wolves and we have what three, four of the brown wolves, four from the place. wolves and just one of the naked wolves so let's go ahead and get these guys back home before something bad happens to them and I'll see if you want to get there we got these guys back home let's go ahead and we'll put them with the rest of our guys, that's four more new variants of dogs.
minecraft 1 21 new friends and foes ep 7
Wow, let's get the rest of these guys to sit down too, which means we have one, two, three, four, five and six of eight of the new dog variants and then of course we have the normal Minecraft default wolf , that means there are two more we need to find, which one is the snow wolf. I think it's the one that spawns in the Grove biome and then the rusty wolf, the one that spawns in the Edge biome in the outer jungle, so now I have to go hunting. those two below, I hope it doesn't take too much longer because I really want to build these guys up like a small dog area, you know, give them some dog beds, some dog houses and stuff because I don't want to leave them sitting around. here in the rain, but I'm going to go get the last two dogs real quick and then I'll come back when we find them.
minecraft 1 21 new friends and foes ep 7

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minecraft 1 21 new friends and foes ep 7...

I think I just saw the rusty wolf. Come here


, there are two. Let's go ahead and tame these. guys, maybe okay, that's one and let's go ahead and get this guy here and he loves me with a bone. I like you more, you're my friend, you're a little greedy, I think that's it, that's the last wolf, come on buddy. let's take, come on, we've got each and every dog ​​in the new Minecraft update, now all the achievement pack and this guy here just tamed with a bone like an amazing good boy, let's go ahead and take this guy home from time to time, let's start building. up the small dog area for our new


as you can see here we have 1 two three four five 6 7 eight and nine the nine of the new dog variant that we now officially have so now I'm going to do a little a little By breeding that way, I can make sure I have backups of each one in case something bad happens to any of them without saying anything right, but just in case, I'm going to breed these dogs a little. a little bit just to get a little bit more of each variant and then we're going to start working on a little dog enclosure right here, we're going to get some dog houses on some dog beds and things like that so these guys can be nice and comfortable. in their new home, so I'm going to breed some and I'll see them when I'm done, so I might have killed a little more brood than I wanted or, you know, than I thought I was going to. to do, but it's okay, at least I'm not lonely and at least I have a bunch of dogs that love me, so, that's good, but now we have to start building some homes for these guys because they just can't. running around like this this this doesn't look good they need they need a place to live a place to sleep at night a safe place to rest so let's go ahead and get everyone to sit down and then let's start working on your little dog enclosure, right?
minecraft 1 21 new friends and foes ep 7
OK? I counted all the dogs and I had 38 so I'm going to need to clear a decent sized area so I can start putting up some dog houses, as you can see this dog house I'm making is very very simple it just requires some trap doors , a fence post and some stairs and then you can literally put whatever you want inside to decorate it for your dog or even if you're trying to live in this thing, I don't know why. You would try to live in this, it's small, but hey, you could make it work I guess, but yeah, you can put whatever you want.
minecraft 1 21 new friends and foes ep 7
I just threw in some rug and some loom to make a nice dog bed and I think it turned out pretty well, what do you think? I'm going to try to make a small dog bed using some of these. If I do like this, maybe this will come and put some of those so it looks like a puppy. bed for our kids, I think it looks, I think it looks pretty good, let's go ahead and make this one a little bit bigger and once that you have finished completing it. In one I started building more dog houses following the same design as the first, just changing some of the blocks to give it a little more variety and make this place a little more colorful after I was done with all the kennels and beds for dogs.
I went ahead and made some rugs so the dogs could sit and relax whenever they wanted and added some looms on the outside just to give it a little extra detail. I also decided to do a green and white rug around the other dog beds just to make this whole area nice and colorful and so the dogs would have plenty of places to sit. I also added some different colored beds with different types of hatches to add even more color to this area. Once all of the dog beds were in place, I decided to go in and texture the floor using some hay blocks as well as some blocks. way to blend it a little better and I think the end result turned out pretty good.
I also decided to add some compacted mud blocks as well as some coarse soil to texture this soil a little more and make it blend in a little more with these road blocks and hay blocks I was using for the soil around the beds. For dogs, I also added a very simple barrier to surround my dog's enclosure just using some of the larger pots as well as some of the mud brick walls, and I think this turned out pretty well, you guys. I think I'm done with our little dog enclosure here and As you can see, I made a little path just to connect with the rest of our stuff and then I have a little bale of hay right here, our hay stack and then on top of our pots for our fence, I added some lanterns. just to make sure this whole area stays nice and bright because I don't want any monsters wandering around here and hurting any of my pups and I mean any of them.
I know I'm 38 but none of them can be replaced, um, but yeah. I have some invisible element frames here to make some poop and some bones. I probably shouldn't be so close to the poop. That's not very hygienic, but hey, don't step on it, but yeah, we have a lot of dogs. Here some of them have different colors. I think there are only a couple with red collars, but most have dyed collars. And yes, there are some more invisible element frames everywhere, so I think this area turned out very, very well. I don't know, let me know what you think in the comments below, but yeah, I think this 1.21 update is definitely one of the most fun Minecraft has ever had since all of these dogs are super cool and of course they can do it.
Don't forget about the mace, it's crazy, it's crazy, but yeah, I just want to say, thank you all for all the love and support on the last video I uploaded with Creeper Farm and it did really, really well. um when we went and got our Netherite armor in the last episode so I just want to thank everyone who watched that video and liked and commented and then I also want to thank you for the 100 subscribers and I think I'm making this outing, We're actually at 102, so I want to thank everyone for subscribing. I just created this channel to not do the two that we do in Minecraft and, uh, I'm still, we're still. in the world and 100 people, 102 people are now here with me, I will experience it in the next episode.
I definitely want to start working on expanding our base, although we will get more buildings here. I know we don't build too much. I've been exploring a lot recently, but a lot of cool things have happened, the test jambers were super cool, super fun, so I'm really happy that we were able to do that yet, but definitely in the next video we'll be. I'm going to have to switch gears and start doing some builds, but yeah, thank you all for subscribing and if you're new to this video, you know what to do, subscribe, hit the like button and I'll see you in the next video. week.

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