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The Enemies of Jake Paul

Jun 06, 2021
We're just trying to make it sound cool. I feel like that's all they're going to think about. I mean, because I definitely want to interrogate him about everything, but what is it? it's gone because there's also clips like there's a whole compilation like, you know, Jake Paul, like bullying Tessa Brooks and Jay Paul bullying Martin's teachers and I guess half of that is included in jokes that maybe they knew, but then there are other ones where he calls Tess's laugh, oh you sound like a walrus, yeah you're good because you laugh like a walrus all the time, it's annoying that you like a lot of these one-off comments, which are things from shit that if I heard someone say that, I'd be like, oh, that's a pretty shitty person, like, maybe, they're not the worst, but no, they're definitely shit, and all of Elissa's stuff too, if she Half of what she said was true, it was like he was a shitty person, I mean, that's what I boil down to is that he might be kind of a shitty person, you just want to make him look bad in front of you. the camera, that's what you want, but I hope there's no hope.
the enemies of jake paul
Am I getting into this too? Oh no, I have hope, so no. I don't think it's a hope. I think we might be disappointed. A lot of people think Shane you shouldn't do this because you shouldn't give Jake a ball platform. This is bad. I understand why they think that. Do you think so? Do you think this is a bad idea, no, because I think it's important for people to understand why, if that makes sense, yeah, Jay Paul did this and they did this, no one stopped and said, I wonder why he jumped. about a news story. van, I wonder why they classify our targets in the burning pool.
the enemies of jake paul

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Well, this doesn't work if he's not honest, like he sits there like a rehearsed thing and he's just doing this to try to save himself, so that's it if he's going to do it. this and it's going to be real, so I think people should give him a chance for me, because if I was in his position, I went to bed at night and knew a lot of the world, I just thought he was an evil idiot, Hey Shane, so I decided. text message and I think it would be good for me to just tell my side of the story that I've been through a lot and everyone's been like shaming me and calling me and calling me all these names, but they have no idea what really happened back then. so.
the enemies of jake paul
I'm super, super scared and I've always been scared, but if you think I should do it, then Frick, let's do it, man, if I bring Katie, the therapist, with us and she's there all the time too. I don't think she's going to be like them. I don't think she's going to be comfortable. I think it's going to be a bit fake, so I came up with a kid and it sounds really bad. I had never done anything like this before. The plan is that Katie, the therapist, will pretend to be our producer and she will be with us all day watching, listening, analyzing Jake seeing what he is like when the camera goes off and throughout the day she will take me to another room so Jake He won't have a clue and I'll go into the other room and just ask him: How are you doing?
the enemies of jake paul
What do you think? Well, first of all, let me tell you this. Jake has specifically told me over and over literally anything you want. make Shane like he trusts you, I just want this whole thing to be real so I feel like he would be okay, right? I'll tell him later, yes, he's not comfortable with that. I want to upload it, so this is really like a secret. there's a whole time he's going to think like Oh, tour of the house, like, oh, this is fun, like, oh, we're just your house, like a therapist, like looking at you and me, like, oh my gosh. , this is definitely new territory for us, as a mom.
Do you want him to just record as much as yes or as what we're going to do? Sneak into a room. Oh, I got so cool. I felt sick. Oh, you mean he's fine. I mean, at the end of the day. right and they will be aware of the fact that if the cameras record something that they let slip it will come back, invite them to the office if there is a camera, you know, in his face and we're talking, he still won't be able to shut down a real person like if maybe I was still too aware of it like what do you think I should?
Should he? Well, I'm not suggesting putting on the secret camera if that's what you're trying to put on, so Oh, no, but I mean, I can't, no, I'm not telling you this, no, yeah, I'm not telling you to record it secretly. , but what I'm telling you is that it was a camera error and it just kept getting rewarded, we didn't even do it. I know in practice I'm pretty good at doing that, I've done it to you a couple of times so it's going to be like this oh my gosh Jake haha ​​nice g-wagen haha ​​okay yeah we'll cut for a second while yeah , let's try. for a second your whole relationship with Arizona yeah that's crazy to people about that oh my gosh if her dad is there and we're doing that what if we do that and then the dad says hey hey hey You would do better, yeah, wait, why would you?
You trust me, come on, do you trust me? I trust you, we trust each other. I'm not like you. I have to trust you. You're just filming everything.

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