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Jun 01, 2021
Okay, okay, record this amazing scene. Logan *coughs* yes. good morning logang what is POPPIN?!?!?! So what's up guys? How are you guys first? Well, that's good to hear. As you know, today we are going to film with my main man, my boy, Dwayne The Rock Johnson. we're shooting *ringing* oh god who the hell! George George, what do you want? Yes, hair, that's how much I'm in a hurry. That's my Boy. Okay, I'll see you in a moment. So that's the second thing George, Trisha and I are going to have for breakfast. Today I will take a day off. my muscles need a little recovery But yes, the video is for Dwayne's channel.
i snuck on set
The last video is what I did on my channel got uhh 48 million views on Facebook *hysterical laughter* The channel on YouTube got I think about three aka Wayne and I'm hard to kill him man where's my boy? Hey? Oh, did you take a bath this morning? Yes, I know I can see you beautiful. Oh, you heard you shot with Blaine today. Yeah, it's not a big deal. Don't worry. What would you do? Just say, that's my boy you're talking about, hey, watch your mouth, little bird, okay, stay here, stay, stay, stay, stay, good bird, okay, I hid my camera in a bush, look, here's the bush and when George comes out, see if I care, yeah. good morning good morning final are you tisha here is how are you okay I have it I'm getting well good to see if it's not there go guys Hello girls first brother don't be selfish there you go I'll see You later, hey, we have a push in the table right oh yeah oh yeah I forgot not to learn everything by myself bro hi oh you know what I just realized because George told me about the vlog today say Patrick they broke let me see the joke, damn, what a joke.
i snuck on set

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i snuck on set...

I'm going to see how many for that, it takes 20, you know what I just realized, this game takes 30, you know what I just realized, that George told me about the vlog and shukla mini agon a pill, okay , you know that today the st. St. Patrick's Day, yeah, where's your green? Oh, because she wasn't dressed in green, it was your dream. I'm dressed in green, ah, actually, I don't look like a dream, what a damn marriage, very moody, so I can feel it, I can hear it. Hey, what did you do to that water? But I did it three years ago.
i snuck on set
I became the essence of the guy named Logan Paul. Hello, if I didn't make it into a vlog, I would really eat it up. Look what we have here, friends, huh, my goodness, how delicious? delicious confirmed in my boy ass because she was the rocks I'll see you later how you fight remember what I have to go anywhere there's a rocker here that's the plan hey being dyslexic does it make any sense hello guys for Trisha I hate to see she's gone , but I love seeing her go hahaha after about an hour of travel we arrived at the set.
i snuck on set
I'm angry with her players, this has to be just starting. I mean, what was going on? This seems bulletproof, I don't really know, but. Honestly it's pretty sick Dwayne I don't think I need a bulletproof car because the man is bulletproof too haha ​​okay I don't know how loud I'm allowed to be here I'm probably like zero loud and I don't think let him do it. There's not much film in there either, but I'll do what I can do, guys, I also remind you that we're on the set of Ballers. AKA there are only Ballers cars like these here.
Better, oh yes, but this is your vehicle, new brother, who did they bring you? I know the UH exactly yeah cool I like it don't dress so this is where they're building the sets for the show and who knows what else is being done in this room like what is this? We have a camouflage minivan, okay, cool, I have the blacked one. -tires out, windows darkened. If you're a mom, you're driving this car, damn accessories, dude, and who knows what kind of dance vehicles are under these, like my God, oh, this is yours, kick rocks, dude, run a little lower. and it just gets me from point A to point B, yeah, because it's true, mainly you can't see because it's camouflage.
I'm on your mind. Tour. Do you know what will be the most exciting thing about this session? What is the space? that I have to shoot with Wayne Ford Wayne and I have this little corner to shoot our sailors. Wow, are you kidding me? Can we get a little more spec on brother? Get out of here. There's a whole warehouse and we're sitting here. We're probably two of the biggest guys here and they're giving us 25 square feet haha. I'm trying to find a makeup artist right now because my face is a little shiny, no big deal bro, I'll have a shiny face, no. 'cause we're just waiting for DJ, where are you?
I knew people are looking at me he's the wall instructor here warming up these are sanded people weren't necessary bj get ready for our scene watch the boxes there because Duane and I are giants the creek again why do we put mess in the corner oh why are we running a little bit after someone I have to tell him that DJ got a boner in five minutes don't tell Rose because I'm in Boston in five, you have a gift Don't tell us that DJ has a heart out oh yeah, you're going to Fuck yeah, if they finally find you, I think you're just here, so Logan, it's okay, do you like it?
Do you see? What are you doing? What are you doing? much harder, make it much harder, look brother, how do you know a brother?, yes, yes, yes. Rosa's place of communion is crazy, yes, you know, a game called, you see, about how to drown, so we can figure out the others later, when I say how to be clear. what I said, the house listing wanted to come back for Johnny, right, that's a disgusting start, yeah, I'll go to the top row like this and see how you're good at seeing man to man, so the expression water attached services He will say it is a big bottle.
The main DJ on the wall and just below was him who was the fire as always. Now I know we don't have permission. Let's try to sneak onto Ballmer's set. I told them I'll do what I can and this. The arrow tells me that the players are this way, so are you doing both? You gotta leave that man alone, this is really boring, so this is the set, this is sad, these are the Spencer Shay machines that people sit on the bridge, yeah, Reggie Joe, I already got it we link. top Wow, okay, this is one of the sets with see it all, this is broken butter, hold this for a second, do something important, cool, I love coffee, this is like a fake multiplex, oh, I got you, yes, because the hair, but I love it, yes it is.
One great thing about Hollywood, you can be anywhere in the world, for example, some kind of garden where the scam left me the wrong kitchen, white hat from stress, oh wow, can I stop by? So just love, okay, this is what they call video. town, which means they are filming on this set, what do we have an office here? Oh sweet, I think it's useful, I can't eat, that's me dying, are you here? you'll reverberate to the background actors yeah, no, I'm not yet, I'm a man, oh yeah, your poem you're coming, oh, okay, sit here, let's get them to type on the computer, okay, your partner I work in four digits, it's okay, I know it works, cycle, thank you, it's okay, it's okay, she's just amazing.
Seen Logan Logan, look, he's not here, my The character's name is Jared, welcome to Cave, is it like that anyway? It's cool, Wayne, I'm, it's you, I know, you, I know, oh, you look like me, I know exactly what you look like, it has to be the hair, uh, yeah, that's all we have. here I think I walk they told me have fun you walked on this but you can't walk on this set you just can't walk on the fly here how are you okay you know they're pretty tall yes that's right but things are working hard they're part of our team, you can't just, okay, we'll talk, it was my mistake, I'm right, okay, you're right, mr. prophet to process well, I have process, we talk to you, we work it out, okay, laughing, yeah, I'll leave it, but you know I always get you back.
I know you're okay, I bought you something. What do you have a protein shake? Come on, okay, you never know when you're going to need some protein, man, okay, I'm about to get out of your hair, oh, you see, you see, that's always why everything was going great, the protein shake happy and nitrogen. hair dye is that I wrote it, I don't have hair, you have a lot of hair, right, was it a little more fun? Okay, it was a little fun for Blanco to do this for me in this blog post. I saw you a lot that you think it's funny funny I'm Larry, yeah, okay, I guess, oh yeah, well, like that, a lot of pretty girls, right, this I understand what you want to come out, so that's why I came after you know , look at everything, this is crazy, I'm waiting, wait.
Wait, no, yeah, but I gotta go, good luck, keep killing, bro. I have said it before. I'll say it again. I always loved working with the big guy. I admit it. I need to relax with the hair jokes. I saw this photo someone posted. this picture here and I just don't know, bro, the combination between Duane and I inherits what's going on, magic, okay, back to Hollywood, where's my car, it's here. I'm just playing with you, come on, well, let's go back to your parents. Are you home It's late It's Friday night I think I'm going to kill tonight I recently lost my desire to go out and have fun like every other kid in Hollywood I'm changing bro What happened?
I'm lovely oh this is me I don't know what I like and it makes that note that's the lowest day thank you all for watching. I have some fun things planned for this weekend so stay tuned and if you're not a part of the channel. Make sure you subscribe by having the family join the low game because it showed up and as always I'll see you tomorrow grab these pants bitch do you do it? Okay, what are they doing haha?

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