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The Big Fat Quiz Of The Decade: '10s (2020) FULL EPISODE | Big Fat Quiz

May 07, 2024
of them are out of their titties with brownies you really are a fan of Jason Bieber we are fans of Jason and we don't care who knows it. Okay, I gave you paper bags. I told her what Shia Labeouf wrote in hers when she went to a movie premiere. uh to get your answers just open your paper bags okay i wrote that backwards okay so jonathan you got god it feels like the klu klux klan has run out of budget alan with the glasses , you look extraordinary. I feel like he's at some kind of tent party with his eyes wide open.
the big fat quiz of the decade 10s 2020 full episode big fat quiz
Things are about I'm not famous anymore. You have Jonathan. Yes, that's what I think you wanted. Okay, and then, Stacy, you wrote. I wrote the same. only the other way around jimmy okay, it was like that hi claudia the same situation in this team yes the same okay, of course and then you have uh joe not famous and alan I'm not famous anymore you sounded very sad there well, everyone understood that point All good, now It's time for a special bonus round. I'm going to show you three memorable photos from the last


that have been subtly enhanced.
the big fat quiz of the decade 10s 2020 full episode big fat quiz

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the big fat quiz of the decade 10s 2020 full episode big fat quiz...

All I need you to do is tell me who is in the original photo, so here's the first one. Just write this on your screens, I mean, I look great, why is it Jimmy? If you just realized, I thought she was a beautiful young woman, she is a great singer, it doesn't matter what she looks like exactly, it's all about the voice, yes, you. I know it's not me, well I know, okay, so next one, oh yeah, I don't want to give anything away, Stacey, but that's me, that's my face and that's my botox to break the Internet photo.
the big fat quiz of the decade 10s 2020 full episode big fat quiz
Okay, and the last one is the only one where the photograph is improved by having your face in it I don't know, yeah, you're right, that's not like that. Do you have three answers? Yeah, okay, let's wait, what did you get? What did you get? Adele Kim Kardashian. and ed miliband okay, and I think everyone agrees yes, yes, yes, absolutely correct points, let's take a look, there's Adele, there you go, okay, and there's Kim Kardashian and then the last one, Ed Miliband, there you go , oh, okay, so let's see what's done. As for the scores, I could tell you that Allen and Joe have 35 just ahead of Claudia and finish with Jonathan and Stacy 44 points.
the big fat quiz of the decade 10s 2020 full episode big fat quiz
Joining us after the break won't be like doing anything wrong here. Extenuating circumstances will have made us turn to drugs. See you then. The next round is about the most interesting talking points and moments of the last 10 years in 2010. Boris bikes were launched in London. They are called Boris bikes because, like Boris bikes, they are heavy and cumbersome and constantly headed for a car accident. Tinder launched in 2012. and apparently the most effective way to get a date on Tinder is to make someone laugh, which is why I always send a photo of my little penis. Every time an unusual red sky was reported across London in October 2017, you know what they say red sky. at night shepherd's delight red sky in the morning global warming there was nothing to worry about just a natural phenomenonphenomenon like the melting of the ice caps, the disappearance of all the bees and Yorkshire being under water.
Well, it's time for your last set of questions. What mid-


fad was described as narcissism wands? The most shameless fashion accessory of all time and caused a journalist to ask: human arm such a problem is quite funny I think you can give yourself a clue it's not the Fleshlight how do we cross this out jimmy it's not okay it's okay it should have a treatment 2011 beauty described here I thought I might have misunderstood because it felt like they had teeth, the sharp tickling was simply their strong sucking mouths, slurping frantically, soon it became softer and gentler oh oh yes please it's okay now it's mcfly's turn for a question, hello jimmy, we've had a good decade now, i won strictly.
I was crowned king of the jungle, joined Voice Kids as a coach and became a best-selling author, but one of the biggest books of the decade was Fifty Shades of Grey, oh man I love it, yeah I couldn't get in there. I was going to read that line anyway, back to the question, can your team tell me what name the main character Anastasia still refers to the mischievous voice in her head, oh the voice in her head, so Anastasia Steel from fifty shades of gray uses what name go back to? the mischievous voice in his head why did this family's BBC news appearance end with 32?
Well, I guess I'll go and do it myself, I mean, I think Claudia could understand it well, why did this family's BBC news appearance end up with 32 million? views on YouTube and led the father to admit that it was definitely not staged and yes, he was wearing pants, this is the best thing ever, yes, it's pretty good, it's pretty good, it's okay, dating apps like Tinder have popularized the terms catfishing, ghosting and benching catfishing, uh, when having a fake online profile ghosting is when you suddenly cut off communication with someone, can you tell me what benching is?
Yeah, Tinder, Tinder is uh, it's a grinder for straight people. Now neither of us have been too much, it shouldn't be, I know. No, it shouldn't be allowed. I don't approve of you knowing what my problem is. I just don't want to hear about it. No, I don't want to hear about what straight people are getting and doing. their rooms, it's up to them, but I just don't want to listen to them, I think it's disgusting, oh okay, everyone's done, yeah, yeah, let's get some answers, okay, I asked you what was described as narcissism and the most fashionable accessory shameless.
What did you get with a selfie stick? We said that the selfie stick also targets all selfie sticks. What a beauty treatment must have from 2011 was described as I thought I might have misunderstood because it looked like they had teeth, the sharp tickling was just their strong suction. mouth, what did everyone think? um suspect in pedicure, yes, fish pedicure, the fish eating pedicure, yes, well, eat fish, no, the fish eats you, the fish eats you, yes, yes, oh claudia nish, fish pedicure, fish pedicure , fish pedicure, alan joe, yeah, uh, fish that eats dead skin well. You're absolutely right, yes, oh well, the guys at Mcfly wanted to know what the Fifty Shades of Gray character called his mischievous voice.
We are happy with our response. Ghost. Do you think Anastasia Steele's kind of mischievous voice in her head was time for bed? I just found out about that video tonight, that movie would be so much better if every time Mr. Gray ghosted in, uh, what you got? Well, we didn't know when neither of us read the book, neither of us saw the movie, so we assumed it was the devil do you think the voice downstairs would be you said it was a voice in the head some kind of inner voice here yeah so stacy vs the devil i figured pippin would you give him a name would you say oh pippin's awake Again, I like that this is what the name says.
I would say pippin, what do you want pippin to kill again? What do you think 50 Shades of Gray is about? I haven't read it, but I guess he's a mass murderer, okay? What do you get from Alan Joe? uh, it was Rebecca Vardy, did you read that? Fifty Shades of Grey. No no. I thought the movie was garbage and there aren't many times I lose a boner at the movies. Oh well, she called it the inside of her. Goddess, no one gives a thumbs up, I asked you why this family's BBC news appearance got 32 million views absolutely, absolutely, it's the best clip, yes, if you move, if you do the chair and I will be the news anchor where I will do the interview. chorea and he goes, yeah, so as you see, excuse me, did you really think that my teeth would come out too if you had dentures, would you really go for those?
I asked you what the term bank that became popular thanks to Tinder meant, um, Claudia. wenkemann nishkumar we have put your relationship on pause. Do you have another relationship but you don't break up with it? you just pause it like you know on a football field yeah, I'm benching you, the correct answer is Okay, so what do you get from Jonathan Jason? You keep it on the bench for later. Yes, you know someone in reserve among us. We put this up, but I don't know why Joe wrote it like it was from the Wild West. Sacred substitution. a substitute, can I give you something as a substitute?
Yes, them for a while. Well, points on all counts. Well, it's finally time for you to ask the big question, ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome Charlotte Crosby. Hey guys, she's always hi, hi jimmy, it's like another sex dream. it's coming true, wow, okay, so you have a great question for us. I'm telling you, you guys look like you have a massive hemorrhoid, so I have a question for you: what was the biggest movie in the UK? at the box office, the most-watched TV show, and the best-selling album of the decade, well, if she falls to her death, I can tell you that this will be the most-watched show, and there are ten extra points if you get all three.
This looks like ten bonus points, so anyone could win by relaxing, it looks very fair, it feels like being in the womb, how big was your mother's womb? I'll give you a little hint with the TV show event, think big event, oh what a wind. I don't know, but you really have to stop taking whatever niche I've been giving you. So do you have answers? Yeah, okay, so what did you think was the most important movie? What did you get, Jonathan? We thought we put on Frozen. You put on Frozen. interesting, they froze you and what did you choose for Claudia and did you finish Skyfall?
Well, I could tell you the answer is Star Wars: The Force Awakens. I guess that's what Skyfall is too. I think for a second, yeah, well, okay, most people watch TV. Uh, what did you get, Jonathan Stacy? We put on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Oh, it was closed. Okay, what did you get? The opening ceremony of the Claudia Olympic Games. Okay, what did you get Alan Joe? What's that? It's so right. We will read it. We will read the words. The Olympic Games are closed to be fair. Charlotte is trying to do it by sitting on a wrecking ball.
You've been up all night and you're standing on the floor. phone, yeah, good point, Johnny, yeah, okay, point for the Olympics, yeah, and then what do you think was the biggest album of the last 10 years? We thought it would be Adele's 21, we thought that and what do you think we went with. 21 by Adele to 21 now what's the answer 21. Okay, so Star Wars, the force awakens uh, it was the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games and it was 21 by Adele, okay and that means the final scores are Alan Joe, okay, not great, you You have 41 points, you didn't win, you came last, you're right, okay Claudia, and this you got 42, you did very well for the winners, Jonathan and Stacy, come and collect your trophy thanks to our amazing panel, our special guest and thank you all.
For all of you to see at home, this has been the great


of the decade. Happy Jimmy Carter. Good night.

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