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The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year (2020) FULL EPISODE | Big Fat Quiz

Apr 14, 2024
last set of questions. It's Nicola Coughlin from Dairy Girls. Hi Jimmy, I love the costumes I used in my new series Bridgeton. but that's not the only iconic fashion moment I loved this


. Mosquito creative director Jeremy Scott was dubbed a creative genius when he debuted the collection for spring summer 2021. Well, what was unusual about it? So they did a fashion show in the middle of the pandemic, oh I know this is funny, people couldn't be there, so what was unusual about that fashion show? If I wasn't short-sighted, the curtain is currently rising, okay, question number two, Lily Allen had a new release in October it was called freedom what was unusual about it?
the big fat quiz of the year 2020 full episode big fat quiz
I'll do this one, okay, great, of course, the loose woman is getting this. Okay for the next question, it's over for YouTubers and novelty song musicians, boy, hey Jimmy, we're Mark and Rox. also known as lad baby and we have a huge following on social media which means we like to keep up with everything that's happening online, so we couldn't help but notice back in september when wayne lineker, gary's brother, raised some eyebrows when he posted a list of criteria he was looking for in a future bride. Can his team tell us three of the things he listed as his desired requirements?
the big fat quiz of the year 2020 full episode big fat quiz

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the big fat quiz of the year 2020 full episode big fat quiz...

So what is Wayne Lineker looking for in a partner? Do you want to do it? All I know is one. with travel gloves on is Wayne Lineker who I think has only been kept alive for parts if he appeared in the crisp adverts it would be a very different story after spending £2.4m fixing up his house in the UK Kingdom, Frogmore Cottage, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved in. to america and they gave the keys to which couple, so meghan markle and prince harry built their cottage in frogmore for 2.4 million pounds and then gave it to another couple, who gave it to the final question of this round?
the big fat quiz of the year 2020 full episode big fat quiz
Check out these entertaining ones. home videos of jack black, mick fleetwood and jennifer garner, all I want to know is what is everyone doing washing us, what is everyone doing, everyone is doing an example of something that was huge this


, is it about the house that was ? quite massive this year, that's what I mean, yes, that was a big thing this year, not that I asked you what was unusual at the Meschino spring summer fashion show, what did you wear, of course, thank you, fashion show, you thought it was a pet fashion show, yeah. Oh, okay, what did you put in, David Meyer?
the big fat quiz of the year 2020 full episode big fat quiz
Well, we said yes, the labs were pretending to be there, but they were at home, so it was like a virtual reality show, I mean you, your fashion Instagram, well, yeah, if I'm wrong. Sorry, everyone who made that apology accepted that they were wrong, uh, Joe Lysa and Richard Iwadi, the real fashion people, thank you, um, there were puppets, puppet fashion show, how completely useless, I miss you, why Don't they just say why not? They are simply taking advantage of the opportunity of the pandemic to not have fashion shows. They should have taken the opportunity to make them useless years ago.
Simply timeless. Stop walking up and down in something crazy. Question two. I asked you what was unusual about Lily Allen's latest release. freedom, what did everyone put in? They had to be injected uh uh you put uh stacy was for uh our own vibrator amaya david and we put the vibrator in it was a sex toy and lily hoped it would help people feel empowered this is the uh he's a womanizer named after david mitchell ok boy darling i wanted to know if you could list three things wayne lineker wanted in a woman what do you have ok he wants a woman who likes to travel loves the luxurious life young lover of fun with fake tits three points, what did you guys put?
We made the young people calm and fit. Two points for the young people. And in shape. He wanted someone outgoing, not quiet. What did you put in Joe?Roger said he works in Ibiza or at the pool which is where he is right, that was one of the reasons why sports cars are fine and then he must like eggs, healthy food loves eggs eggs, three points, you can't have a point for eggs, right, buddy? here he says one of my favorites says: be smart but not boring, yeah, that's hard, that's pretty hard, isn't it? That's the problem.
Chomsky, very smart, what a damn pain in the ass. Well, I wanted to know who Harry and Megan handed over the keys to Frogmore. Cottage too, did you get Stacy Kylie and Jason so close? That would have been cool, no, it's like McCartney after John Lennon died, they actually wanted it to be swapped just to have equal time, uh, David Meyer, what did you choose?, normally, the princess and her husband . the man jack um, is the correct answer yes, now they have the house it has an extra pocket there the one on top are the stamps I asked you what jack black mick fleetwood and jennifer garner were doing what did you put apparently is this? right, no, no, David, stop right now, you know it as well as I do, I know it as well as you can tell them with your chest, say it proudly, it's the challenge, it's a challenge, but it's not a rap challenge, only one of them did the james stacey challenge two uh joe richards synchronizing the songs miami made songs that aren't they all doing tick tac challenges uh ticked up not whack jack energetically participated in the whap dance challenge mick Fleetwood participated in the Fleetwood Mac Dreams Challenge and Jennifer Garner participated in the Think About Things Dance Challenge uh yes it's time for the big final question please welcome from Madame to Swords London Commander in Chief Donald Trump yes four more years


.marked the end of Donald Trump's term as president, so we wanted to test your knowledge of Donald Trump's wisdom over the years, so we're going to play a game called Trump or Gump, so I'll give you one. phrase you have to know.
Tell me, did Donald Trump say it or was it someone else? Grab your oars, okay, so you'll only get a point if you both agree. You'll get five bonus points if you get them right, okay, okay, panels done, everyone's okay, he was a monster and he's not a monster anymore, he's dead, was that Donald Trump or was it Batman, he was a monster and He's no longer a monster and now he's dead, okay, raise the panels so you're going to succeed, you're going to go to camp. Come on, you're going to go crazy, yes, I can tell you the answer is Trump, very true.
Okay, maybe hate is what we need if we're going to do anything. It was Donald Trump or Elon Musk. I don't think he said that. I would go to camp because I don't know, I don't think Trump would say that, you think Elon Musk, you think Trump, you think Trump, I can tell you the answer is Donald Trump, so true, next I think gay marriage is something that should being between a man and a woman was it donald trump or was it arnold schwarzenegger let's go travel oh okay you're going to succeed you're going to succeed you're going to try I can tell you that the answer is arnold schwarzenegger uh fake story after fake story, okay, the Next, my favorite part of pulp fiction is when Sam pulls out his gun in the restaurant and tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up, tell him that, say that, say that's cool, say that's cool.
I love those lines. It was that Donald Trump. or charlie sheen okay then charlie sheen charlie sheen and you're going to succeed you're going to succeed okay, i could tell you that you're right, that was donald trump, very true, okay, the last one of these, how is it that women who are deeply concerned, deeply, Deeply worried, are they? You are always the best in bed, is it Donald Trump or is it Jeff Bezos? Oh, that sounds like Trump. Oh, you definitely think he's wrong. He is Trump. He's fine, so Trump, Gump Trump. And I can tell you that the answer is Donald Trump. of those things, other than that, yeah, it turns out he's a terrible human, so the final scores are in last place and there's no shame in that james and stacy, the dream team, cinnamon and shepherd, spy 24 points , david and maya, 26 and a half points Congratulations to the winners of the big


on the worst year ever with 29.5 points yes, joe lysett and richard iwadi, ah, that's it, thank you very much to all our panelists, our special guests and thank you for watching at home.
I'm Jimmy Carr, these have been the big factors of the year. Good night.

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