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The Best of "Friends" bloopers

Jun 30, 2024
Hey Pheebs, check it, check it, check it together, can we watch Chandler's show? He never shows up well, so appreciate Joey's show. Oh, don't give me that because sometimes, Ross, how do you expect me to grow up if you don't? let me ring hello, hey, is Chandler around? No, he dated a girl he met at the coffee shop. I remember because when I told him I was like, "Oh my God, I can throw white paper towels in here, but no, yeah, you can be ready, yeah, what do I smell?" Sorry, me too oh my god, it's huge.
the best of friends bloopers
Thank you. Oh, what are you doing? It's still a little bit on fire. Oh dear, it's okay, thank you. Are you doing guys? They want to get married? Yes, I really want to, yes, but I don't think he ever will. I'm going to ask no, but our last pizzas together as roommates. I wish I had known you would do that. I already had dinner together for the last time. I bring all of your food. You have to come see this. How terrible. No, we don't. every year and we've never founded them, we've never founded them, let's start sailing and I want to go there on that boat full of girls, yeah, okay, so what do you want to do, I don't want to go, yeah, Chandler, I told you that No. tell anyone about this dog thing it's like it didn't end well thanks Pheebs I'm a total secret keeper I've kept all our secrets hey oh god Chandler is making his sexual face hello one hand on the cheek , Joe, oh.
the best of friends bloopers

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the best of friends bloopers...

Yeah, oh, sorry, you saw that, didn't you? Okay, this is, this is my big fight scene coming on you, Chandler, well, Joey, I'm a headhunter, I hook up with an out-of-work Soviet, how about you, Chandler, well, Joey? I'm a headhunter. I meet unemployed Soviet scientists with rebellious third world nations. Excellent, he didn't participate in our wedding. Everyone will leave. It'll be like when he rapped at my Bat Mitzvah. She takes that tray to the doctor because if she people don't die so she was thinking okay now you go in there and do your job? How could I have done it wrong?
the best of friends bloopers
Well, if you want, I can lend you some money. Do you remember my old boyfriend Mark? Yes, she is his father. It hurts to be stood up he's left shit I know it hurts to be stood up I feel like a perfect ass, trust me, trust me, let me tell you something, Church, did you tell him what we talked about about his kids? Game over, take off your robe hello, you'll never guess Joey has gonorrhea. I just found out who you are. You gotta see This. This is about the size of my arm. What does it take for you to forgive me?
the best of friends bloopers
Yes, I know you didn't see the tape. Okay, if you had seen what was on this tape, believe me, you would have some comments, get in there. Okay, that's how I know you didn't see the tape. Okay, that's how I know I can't believe those who are still asleep. No, what are we going to do? Finkle, come on, ha ha ha ha. Amen, what is that? That's fire.

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