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10 Unforgettable Moments from The Graham Norton Show

Jun 28, 2024
hello Tiny Tim hello but it looks even worse when I see listen to mr. Norton, I'm really excited about your Christmas


, buying them off each other with a break, oh no, they want you to do the sound effects yourself. Do you want to make one? Not at all. Hey, come on, come on, but can you make the noises? Alright? It's true that you did this, yeah, like in Rocket, they also did this in Rocky, where you had to do the sound effect yourselves, so you had to go back and the sound was a nightmare because there was a group of people who didn't do it. they did.
10 unforgettable moments from the graham norton show
It was quite difficult at first not to make the sound, yes, and it also goes away because it makes that nicer Shh noise when it goes down. Oh yeah, have you heard that in Rocky they are partly like the first movie, in particular, it's a lot of surface sound effects you're still fine little you like little lights out let's go to the lifestyle I guess you have to turn them on good so go away, how do you make mine keep turning off when I turn it, is it my last moment? a stick and a push say: I don't know what that means Liam Neeson Neeson in a million ways to the West, so have you ever?
10 unforgettable moments from the graham norton show

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10 unforgettable moments from the graham norton show...

You're taking your version of the phone call taken for him, our version on Family Guy was Kermit the Frog making tape I'm not going to be able to hear the speech I don't have any money A very specific set of skills A nightmare for someone like you if you don't let go to the girl, okay, we'll track you down, okay? We will find you, we will kill you, what are you afraid of? Well, I was going to fly, but I think I'll go with girls over 12, so I mean I like a silly sky like Michael, who fooled me when he was a pager.
10 unforgettable moments from the graham norton show
You know, unless I went home one weekend and I was like 30 years old. He was probably 33 years old. I went home to see my mother and then I came back and while I was home my mother did my laundry because I was only 33 on Sunday night I got really drunk and then I went for a curry and then the next day I went to school . I go to school and it was a school in Slough and it was a pretty tough school but they had a really brilliant hearing impaired department so they were hearing impaired children who, you know, had difficulties, they were looked after a lot in the school anyway.
10 unforgettable moments from the graham norton show
I was very hungover. I went there and I bet I felt really uncomfortable at recess. I thought something wasn't right. You know, I went to the bathroom and I pulled down my pants and some of my mother's panties were mixed up in the washing machine and I was wearing my mother she left now I remember you're a loser, this is such a low point, loser and then Korean food, the Korean, the alcohol took effect on me the night before. I liked a fecal Jackson Pollock, that's right. Oh God, not this, oh Jesus, so I cleaned myself.
I took off my mom's pants back in the classroom and saw one of the hearing impaired kids play like that, that's what I remembered. I had a microphone directly the last time I was here. I did my Fresh Prince rap. Yeah, last time I was here I did my Fresh Prince rap. 8 million views on YouTube were activated. I can see your face you like what she left good this time I brought my DJ Jazzy Jeff oh here we go here we go I guess no one told you that life is going to be like this we've been here since five on the other side of there herself You guys have been there and were able to see who comes out better in the Battle of the Action Figures because we have a couple of action figures, both of them are excellent.
This one is right Liam and we also have Oh, it's very exciting. because there is a thing of enlightenment, isn't there? It's very exciting when you see it, you will be impressed. Well, then this will be a piggy bank and you can operate it. Yes, this is Captain Jean-Luc Picard, at least do it again. friend gets better venereum you have a story is it edinburgh? I'm going to Edinburgh with my


Oh, yesterday, that's right, yes, last time I was in Edinburgh I hope this doesn't offend anyone, okay, way ahead, I'll be. I was offended, I mean, I may have gone, yeah, one night I was walking home late after a show and I was walking through the meadows, which is kind of a field in the middle of Edinburgh, and I heard a rustling noise above me. me, almost everything is above me and I looked up and saw a young man masturbating in the tree he climbed up and I said what are you doing I felt worries yes and I said what is your occupation he said I am a soldier and I said in the tattoo because you know there is a area - yes and he said yes I am and I told him to come down right away so he slid down the tree and I said you know you can get in trouble for doing what you're doing did you do what you did with the painters with him you heard the hands thrown, didn't you?
Yes, I helped him and I must say Massey is grateful too. Oh my God, he can drink the fly, oh my sweet God, your hands, it's okay, it's okay, it's connecting galas, I have to tell you. trash now he's drunk I chewed it drink had ice in there oh let's see let's see okay are you ready I see are you ready it's sexy if it flies finish it Jeff I don't think Betty is already three two one?

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