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Testing Viral ICE CREAM RECIPES!! **no churn/ice cream maker!

Jun 06, 2021
Don't listen to me today, I just, you know, woke up and chose violence trying to blind you all with my shirt and my nails, which I didn't realize matched until I came here, so let's just pretend this is intentional and I just wanted to mix it up today and today we're going to make some really popular ice



that I've seen floating around the internet and I'm so excited because it's finally nice weather outside, it feels like In the summer like two weeks ago it was cold enough to use jackets out so this is nice and all of these


that we're going to try today don't require the use of an ice



which I think is great so if you don't have one we can still make ice cream together make sure to give it a try like this video if you love them, if you want to see more tested ice cream recipes and also make sure to subscribe if you don't have new videos yet. here every Saturday so make sure you turn on those notification bells, just a single bell, but anyway make sure you turn them on so you get notified when new videos are posted and now let's dive into recipe number one which is very fitting when I came across this and I was like, well yeah, I don't care, I'm making this, it's cookie monster ice cream and we all know I love, I love cookies, so we're going to need Franny for this recipe, come here , Bernie, I saw it. all your comments in the last video about the name of our fryer and I still can't decide between I really like freya which is my personal favorite and then chris is in favor of the friar talk so let me know in the comments freya friar attack waving I mean Freya and Francesca, like they clearly have adventures together, also the blender Blenda Blenda Freya and Franny, I mean, yeah, that's a trio I need to know about, so let's start drinking this bowl here and This recipe calls for heavy whipping cream. we're going to whip this up, it's two cups and that's going to give it that light, foamy ice cream texture and consistency, then we need two tablespoons of vanilla extract, tablespoons, yes, tablespoons, it's a lot of vanilla and then chew and then food coloring because obviously cookie monster is blue, we want blue ice cream, I think it's fun, so I have a little bit of royal blue here, it's pretty, like it's a bright blue guy, but like a dark shiny blue guy, you know, oh , my drawers open, it's embarrassing. use a knife to scoop out the blue food coloring, let's start with a little bit because we can't remove it, we can just add, we're going to put that in there, so now we're going to mix this in until you start to get really stiff peaks. to form so we're basically making whipped cream this is going to take a while oh my gosh it's swelling now we're going to add a 14 ounce can of sweetened condensed milk so we're just going to pour this in and this will probably affect the color so which I'm probably going to add a little more food coloring to this because I want blue ice cream, okay, nice little doll up there, you know, look how it works.
testing viral ice cream recipes no churn ice cream maker
It's an experiment, do you need to add that much? I'm just going to mix this together this is a promising shade of blue push this in Oops I added more okay Oops my hand slipped oh yeah this is the blue I'm talking about and now for the fun things we can add. some chopped cookies that I haven't cut yet, do you want to cut them? It feels very formal. Now I'm going to cut them up because I want them to be a fairly uniform fish size, so of course we have today's chips. You know a cookie monster classic, but I feel like cookie monster?
testing viral ice cream recipes no churn ice cream maker

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testing viral ice cream recipes no churn ice cream maker...

I mean, I would dabble in a couple different types of cookies, you know? Would it just have chocolate chips? I don't think so, right? Would you reject it? an oreo, yeah, I didn't think about it, so I'm going to move this to the side and we're just going to cut out some cookies, how many do you measure with your heart, like I want them to be big enough that you can tell they are. They're cookies, but small enough that they're not like a rock-hard piece of cookie, you know, cookie dough is different, okay, if you have cookie dough in your ice cream like that, it melts a little bit. , I mean, yes, it's a little solid, but for the most part it melts, just keep the cookie experience in mind.
testing viral ice cream recipes no churn ice cream maker
Some Oreos like this feel like a reasonable chunk, like you understand it's a cookie, but it's not aggressive, plus I bet I can make this so it's not just crumbs, I just take the big chunks, you know, and I just put this. I think that's all. Fold the cookies. Okay, so we don't want this guy anymore. I can't tell you how happy he makes me. Seeing a blue ice cream like this, I don't know why this feels good in so many ways, sprinkling a lot of cookies, look, it's a masterpiece, okay, now I'll fold it. I have my little Americano and an iced Americano.
testing viral ice cream recipes no churn ice cream maker
I felt very summery, you know, it's good, like the third coffee of the day. Add all those pieces. Do you want to add more? I don't think I want to add more than that. I feel like it's okay, so now let's just go. freezing this basically like you want to freeze it overnight I think, but like they say, four to six hours is probably fine so we'll see what it looks like and then we'll make a call from there and oh, don't look at all. These are like cookie crumbs, what am I going to do? Oh, maybe I'll make like a frappuccino.
I'll make like a cookie frappuccino. Ooh, that could be good. Oh, that's a lot of coffee, although I might have a sip of Chris. I'll make him one oh no, you know what I'm going to do. I'm going to sprinkle this on top later a little like je ne sais quoi. You know, okay, so while it freezes let's move on to the next one. recipe, we are making cinnamon toast crunchy cereal and the way it is made is a little similar to cookie monster, but we are doing things a little different and I am here for some of these modifications, it will be very good, Also I have a few similar versions of cinnamon toast crisps because for some reason I couldn't find the original in the store, but don't worry, don't worry, I have others, we'll get to that in a second, but the first thing I probably two hours ago put a little bit, this is like leftovers, oh, can't you see that, wait, here we go, this is cream that I had put on a bunch of cinnamon toast crisps earlier to soak them. of the leftover cream from that, so we're using this as part of the base for the ice cream, which I think is amazing, it's a nice, clever way to infuse the real flavor of the cereal into the base and to this we're going to add a cup heavy cream, this one is simple with nothing, a tablespoon of vanilla and then a tablespoon of cinnamon sugar and then we're going to blend this like before, now blend it, we're going to blend it, we're going to blend it. it has stiff peaks again, here we go, everything good, it looks good and a little bit too mixed and then we're going to add again another can of sweetened condensed milk, then we're going to combine this a little bit and now I'm going to add the cinnamon toast crunches, so hold on , you have to see what I got.
The first one I already opened because I used it for the base, everything on that base, not the base, no problem, these are the crunchy cinnamon toast churros, which they are. delicious and then I bought another one and this one is crunchy chocolate toast. I just realized it's just chocolate toast, not crunchy chocolate cinnamon toast, so I thought I'd try them and see if we want to make a mix. I just want to stick with churros, who can say, and by the way, churros taste like a churro, but like a crunchy cinnamon toast, it's still a fun little shape.
Christopher, will you? Do you want to try them with me? especially these, these are the little turtles, they are very tasty, have you tried them yet? It's not right, is there any difference besides the shape? I'm talking about cinnamon, sugar and bread products. Yes, I think it's mainly the shape, although they are good. well, that's good, it makes good ice cream, so I'm trying to decide if I want to combine some chocolate with some churro. I feel like you get a better ratio with this one of bread and cinnamon, sugar, cinnamon, crunchy toast, it's so thin it's like a bite of sugar that's what makes it magical this is the chocolate version this one is shaped so that can you see it as a normal yes look at the difference in coverage yes you get a much better ratio and I feel like this won't work as soaked these are good too try those little chocolates they taste like the checks you like yes somehow way they do it but not like these are more sugary again the checks are puffed so they have the right volume and they have like a really good chocolate flavor if you like chocolate cereal the chocolate chex are as cut as if these were good too, but do I want to combine them with this?
Why not? Well, I mean, let's try cinnamon and chocolate. I'm making a noise sandwich, don't ask, it's okay, it tastes like sugar, ah, wouldn't you believe? You know what I was thinking because I kept forgetting and these were like, you know, the crispy French toast. What do you think the people who made the crispy French toast thought when they tik? Tok started making the mini pancake cereals. They're like we've already done this. We have perfected it. Is there a crunchy cereal for pancakes? If you make perfectly crispy French toast, why bother with pancake? I can't taste any sugar, yes, mix. everyone why don't we mix them together yeah we'll see what happens okay thanks for your input so let's add a cup of mixed cereal um I'm probably going to cut these in half or something before I add them because they're still a little big ones and we're going to put a cup in the mixture, fold it and then sprinkle more on top after I like it, we just did it like a random um. cereal tasting right in the middle of an ice cream video just give them a little shop you know I feel like doing it and I'm long overdue for taste and cereal


this needs to happen leave a comment about what cereals you should try put a little chocolate.
There are more of these delicious nuggets of wonder now would I eat this for breakfast? I didn't notice it at all, but I'm really affected by sugar, my whole family, my dad, my dad and my sister mainly and I, if we eat sugar early in the day, I eat aggressive amounts of this level of sugary cereal, uh, we . We'll just build up for the rest of the day like we just need a constant intake of sugar otherwise we'll crash, which is why I tend to eat most of my sugar intake with cookies at the end of the day so I just crash and crash.
I go to bed is that healthy, I don't know, but we're not going to question it. We're making ice cream, so I'm just going to fold in the cereal. Now we need to put this in a loaf pan. I am very excited. about the next recipe, by the way, this one is going to be so good, I saw this one and I have never seen anyone make this before, so for me it will be very interesting, if it works, I will just double this here and then we will just cover it with more cereal, oh it didn't fall because we'll try it, oh my gosh this is so good, I still have a good base that's not quite ice cream, although I'm also pressing them down so that In fact, freeze it to ice cream, here we go, It looks really good, so now we'll cover this, freeze it for a while before we can taste test it, and move on to the next one, which will be very interesting.
Now I think this ice cream is probably the most unique ice cream I've ever seen and it's made in a pop-tart container. Yes, you heard me, let's grab the pop-tarts. Let's make pop-tarts. Ice cream in a pop-tart type case, I guess, and I chose chocolate because I think it's one of my favorites, which is like s'mores, I think it's number two, probably like no one's mad at chocolate tarts. . Chris's blueberry ones are delicious, so no blueberries, so what I'm going to do is have some cups here and my pop tart containers. I'm just going to make two, oh, before we put them here, let's squash them and I feel like maybe I should take them out of the container and squash them because I feel like I'm going to squash this and I'm going to make a hole in this in this bag and I feel like Because that the bag is something important, I don't want to do that, this feels a little bad, but I'll still do it, oh my god, it was 100% worth it, oh, it's so much fun and it's so easy to break now. let's try to shovel this that back in this is going to work very well let me just put this in a thing that pours there come on ta-da it's like a very full bag but let's go with it, I'll put it here and we'll do the same thing with the other one, let me know if you try this and try to squish it in the bag, let me know if it works because obviously that saves a lot of steps, this is apparently very complicated and now all we're going to do is take heavy cream and we're just going to pour it into each one of these containers and this hasn't been sweetened or anything like that, so this is very interesting to me, it's good, it's like going all the way to the bottom, so I'm pouring it very slowly.
Now what we are going to do is stay. some, what's the word popsicle sticks, except I don't have popsicle sticks, but I do have bamboo sticks, so I thought maybe we'd do that instead and they said stick one in each side because you're going toDivide them into like popsicles. I stuck that in there and I put the tiny side out because I didn't want my kids. I like to bite the tiny end, so um, that's the explanation for that, at least I can like to tape these ends together, so now we're going to put them in the freezer, let everything freeze and then we're going to test taste, well guys, I came back the second day, everything is frozen, so now let's do the taste test.
I'm really excited for the first one, which will obviously be the cookie one and I will say that I didn't use that many. cookies when checking the recipe again it called for I don't know why well I do know why I probably just want to eat them but we might have to add some more later but let's see how it looks so blue cookie monster . Be proud, I'm also not noticing a ton of crystallization on the top anyway, we'll see what happens when we dig into it or whatever, but it looks, it looks really good, let's dig into this look, so it's got like cookies and stuff like that, so we'll see what it looks like when we like the scoop, but can you take it out so I can see what it looks like up close?
We meet with the camera. It was magical. Everything about it. It's a good scoop. It's great. tablespoon, it's very creamy, super creamy, it looks pretty, it has a nice blue hue, I feel like a good amount of cookies now I'll say I needed a lot more cookies, this looks good to me right now, we'll see if I really needed a lot. plus, okay, that's really good, it actually tastes like cookie dough. I didn't buy any cookies. Oh, that's a good note actually because that means I need a lot more cookies in there. I was worried that they would be, you know, very harsh and like that. crunchy bits, you know, I usually don't like bits in my ice cream, it's tasty, but these melt a lot more, so you get the point.
I've got some on there, it's good, it's really good, it's really good. I would add more chocolate chips. chipsets to oreos I think oreos are good, what would I say? The raw material of the chips is part of this, so the chips ahoy, cookies, I would like a two to one with oreos, I like cookies better. not adding enough, that's bad, I'm mad at myself, but it's really good, the base is really good, it's super creamy, not at all icy, surprisingly creamy but not icy, ridiculous, it's a delicious ice cream, it would absolutely make the skin be very good I'm going to try another one we have three thank you it's not the same one different one is my tongue oh my god it's so blue amazing well that's worth it we have another good one we have another good one oh you thought two I don't know how it can be better than that, but let's try this one, this is the um crunchy, no, I was going to say krispy kreme, that's not it, cinnamon toast, crunchy churro edition, just a lot of cereal, it's a lot. cereal on top, I may have overdone it, okay, let's take it out, this is where you want to help me take out some.
I need another good spoonful, it's more of a challenging spoonful because of the chunks, no, the brisket itself seems tougher, it looks tasty, although it seems like a tasty bite. okay, ready, okay, this one is yes, it's harder, but I want the parts that he lives in me, here we go, okay, I have some parts. I'm excited about the base of this one because it has like a cereal milk base, yeah, that's great, Eddie. It's good I don't like the bits above those were the seven words in that order that I also had in my head they are not necessary I don't try it without any bits there are some bits in the base i have some, it is much harder than the other, oh it's worse yes it just tastes like stale cereal and no one wants that but the bits on top are so much better than the mixed ones oh yes I'd rather just have the base and then sprinkle fresh cereal on top yes you know what I mean, well it would be good, it's a little moist but stale and frozen, but the base is very good, I like to sit, this would be good with caramel and caramel with the cinnamon, I don't know, maybe a kind of dolce de leche , something I had killed, sorry, we have a churro, I bet the cookies are much better, the coffee one is better, yes, I will still eat it, it's okay in the end, but no less important are your favorite pop tarts.
Oh, they're not really pop tarts, but I have to finish them. Okay, you can go and then I'll let you know when it's ready, but you'll call me one of them. I'll let you know, okay, I won't leave you hanging, don't worry, I feel like my whole face is blue, oh well, so to finish off the pop tart ice cream let's grab some chocolate and let's go. to melt it because we're going to dip cake ice cream in the chocolate because it's not enough to have all the chocolate in it now they also like drizzled white chocolate and stuff, but I'm not going to do that mainly since I don't have any so we're going to melt this .
I love melting chocolate. It's very difficult to do with one hand, although just moving the bowl around now that it's melted a little bit, I'm going to transfer it to this. cup because we are going to dip the pop-tarts, this will make the process much easier, so much chocolate, we are going to melt this a little more and then we will get our pop-tarts, okay, the chocolate is melted, I transferred it. Again because this is somewhat thinner anyway. I have the bricks that are these popsicles and I'm going to cut myself completely if I try to cut them, so I'm going to see if Chris Chris, do you want to do that?
Cut them for me because I'm going to hurt myself if I make this pop-tart. I like pop-tarts. This is very exciting. Look at it, I don't know, it's stuck in there. Aha ta-da, so you need. to be cut in half two popsicles and you hold it steady on this one it will be fine you didn't need that finger the banana cutter is still haunting me and they make this part look so easy spoiler alert it doesn't have to be hot knife look at that look on that cross section, although it did a pretty good job of getting all the pie pieces to pop almost completely, except for one random section right here, I don't know why, but it did a pretty good job, so it's Now, at this point, we have than to dip this, I need to reheat this chocolate, but then I have to dip it and then it needs to freeze, then we'll eat it, okay, now we dip them in the chocolate, hopefully I'll melt it. enough, I didn't want to go overboard and melt too much, you know, I want to be a waste, oh, so close, maybe if I like to move it a little, that worked, oh, something is happening and it's not a good thing.
It doesn't look appetizing, I'll tell you what, but it's covered in chocolate. Maybe if you made it like melted chocolate, I don't know, with cream or something, it would be a little smoother, but this is it. I'm reacting aggressively to cold ice cream so keep that in mind so I'm going to throw them in stick them on a tray and then we'll do a taste test okay so I took them out of the freezer. I made one. without chocolate and I made one so we could see if it needs it, which I assume it does because it doesn't have anything like a sweetener in it, but maybe the tart pop will make it sweet enough, let's find out, okay Chris. last round of pop tart pop-tart pop-tart have you ever seen a pop-tart in this shape or in this shape it reminds me of a Haagen-Dazs bar without the nuts it would be good with the nuts I don't know?
Okay, so I made one like we had the wrong one. Oh okay, so I thought I'd try it with and without and see if you need it. I just don't know how to do it. You bite it. Oh, I can't do it. You bite into the ice cream because like I can't, I can't do it, I don't want to, anyway, I feel like I have to do it now, oh, that's nice, did you hear that crunch I felt? that's right mmm crunchy I like it good this is horrible that's that's good oh I'm just eating chocolate right now you're trying it I'll change with you I only bought chocolate that's why I stepped aside because there's too much on top I'll tell you what happens if you like a cake soft pop with milk, this could be your option.
It is edible because of all the chocolate that is not. Alright. It's easily in the top three ice cream sundaes you've made today. better than um again I mean cinnamon toast krispy kreme this is not better than that so beat that yeah I guess I would have to agree with you this is not as tasty as I expected but I mean the chocolate coating worked better than I expected a lot of chocolate is very good the rest yes it would be better if it was the cookie monster inside that might be too sweet although you don't know what they are like Now I don't care about that well I appreciate your help everyone Anyway, if you're going to keep eating it, eat this one.
I don't know why I keep eating it, it's not that good, but I guess I'll just do it. keep eating this one, I'm going to eat the cookie monster one, yeah, shave me a little, okay though, look, I'll think about it for a bit, thanks for the ice cream, you're welcome, I don't know what to do with this. Now I guess we'll just keep eating it. I feel like this is just the beginning of our adventures through frozen treats this summer, so if you have any others I should try, leave them in the comments section below if you've seen it. them on tick tock or instagram or just wherever you can pm me on instagram I'd love to know what recipes you think I should try to see if they're worth it I want to make popsicles I want to make like frozen you know I like big smoothies, I want to make more ice cream, maybe some like an ice cream


, I don't know, so let me know and check out these videos on the side and make sure you're subscribed if you haven't already.
New videos every Saturday and I will see you all in my next video I love you all.

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