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Jun 05, 2021
way to make it


, see all that? I think I put


all over our kitchen thank you I threw a scepter don't worry did you do it? I turned off the camera and this was not like this before Hey, look at


ything spread out and this one is missing uh, a


dough of mine, you even take the bad one, okay, so let's get to it now, let's add a little salt and vanilla, half a teaspoon of kosher salt, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and then they said to put all the wet ingredients aside and slowly incorporate in all of the dry confectioners'


so that no lumps form because obviously royal icing is all about consistency, I almost put it in the center of the bowl and we all ignore it tonight and then we'll add gel food coloring, but come on I'm going to break this up into a couple different colors because you know we put in all the effort and we might as well make it look really good and requires a quarter cup of pasteurized egg white now that I'm pregnant, I'm NOT going to be.
i tried tasty s best ever sugar cookies vs my recipe
Use pasteurized egg white. I'm sure it's fine for most people and would be totally reasonable to use. I'm going to substitute meringue powder and water and it's supposed to be a pretty accurate conversion replacement. I have some rain dust here, as well as some water. I'm going to beat little by little until


ything is incorporated, oh my goodness, my shape won't be as difficult as it will be embarrassing, so this is the consistency we have. they have here, so how close is it to the thicker version they have in the savory


? Because they have a thicker one to do the edges if you're doing some kind of filling or flooding, I should say, and they also have a There's also a thinner one that you could use for flooding as well.
i tried tasty s best ever sugar cookies vs my recipe

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i tried tasty s best ever sugar cookies vs my recipe...

Mine is a little thin so I feel like this is good for the consistency of the flood. I feel like I need to work in batches. Try to think about this. I'm going to make the snowflakes in blue like a blue like a violet blue and I'm going to add a little more sifted powdered icing sugar, however, for the more similar outlines or the red stripes of the candy canes, you know , to me it seems like a nice consistency, like a ribbon. I think what I want, so one will stay white, that's fine, red for the candy canes.
i tried tasty s best ever sugar cookies vs my recipe
Let's put a few drops of that. Rochelle will simply read the candy cane background and the white outline. That's not what she wanted. Can I take this out? I think I can save it although I think I have it I think I have it all a little speck of red dye here no it's take it out oh no it's spreading ah the bread is ready the white is ready let's do like a blue now What if make it more of a swirl and put a little bit of blue and a little bit of purple on it and spin it around and then try the dipping technique because they had a couple different techniques on the tasty website they made it on?
i tried tasty s best ever sugar cookies vs my recipe
In that, you choose one. I don't really know where I should go, so I guess I should have looked up some instructions on this, but you know, sometimes in life it's true, and then let's try to do a little like. a little swirl, that's right, it turns out horrible guys, no, I'll just do it right, okay, so far, so good. I'll leave it there before my tendency to try to affect it takes over, okay, let's try this with one of the snowflakes and just look, see what happens, a little excited, let's stick the cookie in so it's covered nicely , oh no, don't break it, please don't break it, I mean, pick up the cookie, shake off the excess, turn it over.
Like it's not bad, right, I feel like the rest of them will look like this, although it's okay, this time don't press so hard when putting the cookie in the frosting Rachel, with a little gentleness, I gently say to my son of Three years, oh, right. I don't think this one is going to be that good guys, which is also a cool pattern, you know, I'm not, I'm not mad at this technique, I try it and I want to give it a minute to dry a little bit and then I want to put it on a little bit of foaming sugar because it will look really good.
I'm excited about my snowflakes, the last one, the last one, I mean, he's going with the boy to Kate, I'm doing the


he can. this I'm making a big mess okay now I'm going to have some this is just fizzy white sugar I feel like I need to do this in my hand I'll do it from the jar and we both know it that's good, bad, awfully good, let's start with a bit and let's see how it looks ooh, I put it in the wrong one, I put it in the wrong one, all that one wasn't ready, this one I bet it was, that one is better, okay, it was. too ripe with this one you have to wait until it settles and I forgot wow I'm a mess today let's get some of these cute oppa noodles all I'm going to do here so I'm just going to throw in a little bit of this in the bag, oh my gosh, it's already coming out, this is not good for


, good for me, splatter, okay, let me try it and make an outline, a constant amount of pressure all around me, oh my gosh, I feel that I'm doing this. it's so much fun I'm having fun we're going to try it two ways we're going to try adding some white frosting once it's ready and the other I'm going to try like dipping it all about experimentation here today people it's definitely my favorite way to flood by flipping so far it's a lot easier than I feel like spooning the frosting on it, it's going to feel like this frosting is a little thick, oops, smooth, smooth, okay, who should try my sprinkles now?
I feel like I should do it first. Try it with this guy. I think they look beautiful. They have a green that I like. I have a really nice green for the Christmas trees, but I think I want to trim them a little first. Do you know why not? At least try to make them look. more like a Christmas tree, you know, and this could be really cool or it could be terrible. I do not know yet. It looks more like a tree, ah right, I'm excited, I'm excited, I broke it on the top, but it's okay, oh, I can look at scraps, so I mean it's not perfect, but you know what Christmas tree is perfect, You always turn it, you turn it a little bit, you're missing some branches or something, just look at the wall. and pretend it's not there, make another one that was a pretty tree for working so hard in their forest, you know, when I give them some pretty trees, oh my God, what have I done to this tree?
Oh, Rachel, stop, stop, just stop the thought. that counts everyone okay plus the leftovers we'll make one more one more and then I'll see if I can refill these candy canes so I was just saying let's take a little honesty. I'm careful with the spoon, Rachel, and you just drink. a tablespoon and you just let it go in there and use it like a toothpick, well at least I know the red one is ready because I like to scrape it with my toothpick and it didn't budge, I think you're going to add a little more water to the next and see if it's a little bit easier, okay, there's one, oh no, it's spilling out the side, damn, and then for the trees I mixed the green with a little more water. to make the frosting a little runny, err, just try that for the dipping technique oh no, no, oh no.
The Titanic is down. The Titanic is down and maybe I'll save it, yeah, let's see if I can put it back together. Christopher, come and see. come and look at my decoration, yes I


to fix your tree. I didn't do the


job, but I'm confident. I made a couple of candy canes and I thought you might want to grab a chair and you can make a couple of candy canes and kami on Shane and also if you want to put ribbons here with the red, then I can put the little dots on top as lights, no, so what I would like to do is eat them well, yes, but we have to decorate them first. and you can go home, so I've never held a piping bag in my life, so you, yeah, and you take it off, be careful because it'll come out the bottom, oh yeah, I'm so naturally talented that there are competitions or piping and Are there cash prizes I like?
I think you get everything and you get all the profits. Oh, oh, come on, oh, what are you doing now?, oh, we're just delivering here. Wow, that's masterful, hey, good job, you know what I like. Payment. for the lessons, well, I don't think I can afford them, you can see, I went a little crazy with it in the next look at the Flair with it, although the art, wow, I'm so impressed I'm going to sprinkle some of these on you know, like lights, I don't know if they appear like that, but I'm going to try what do you think lights look like?
Your only answer is yes, how about absolutely yes, yes, well, I'll accept that too. do you want to try them yes, real cuisine, which is tasty, I mean, tasty, the


, I don't know if it's tasty, it's not my experience, but it's actually good, I think it's a good cookie, yes, the consistency is good, It crumbles, it's a little more crumbly than I would have expected, it almost has like a little shortbread ridge on it, yeah, a little bit not as much as um, hey, it looks heavy, but kind of like that, so let's do that , what you notice, that is the one inside.
I like the shape of it's the best in the range, it kept its integrity, the ones that aren't as soft, no, for me it has a more traditional sugar cookie structure, that's what I would associate with sugar, just you're a a little stiffer, you can taste more of the salt in the savory recipe. I thought it has a little more depth of flavor, which I appreciate and it is a softer cookie, but with softer


it will spread more, so if you want pretty cookies, I feel like this is the route I guess and I wouldn't, I don't think I would cook them as long next time.
I will say this is one of the few times I've seen a standard recipe tasty and over the top like this, I think overall it's an improvement. I like it, I have to say tasty, really good, any bakers out there, if you have any tips on how to keep it from spreading but keep the same softness, let me know in the comments because I would like to make these again, but I want it like this be. Keep the cookie in shape. I owe BuzzFeed an apology, after all they serve a purpose. Hey, what's up with the two-day-old cookie you like?
I like the one that I am better in this less than two days that you heard here for these people. I'm going to eat cookies, now I'll build some furniture. It's almost finished for today. Oh, do you think I know why? Yes, stay tuned on Saturday so you can appreciate and admire all the hard work I've done. These are really good thoughts, looking so good building furniture. I oversell it I'm NOT handy you put it together you put it together it's all flat furniture I have a Phillips screwdriver so let's go eat some cookies Cookies Ben and ramen that's our signature help me get the cookies in okay check it out These videos about our faces you missed the cake drop video, you should watch it and never talk about it again.
Thank you very much for watching everyone.

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