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Testing VIRAL COOKIE DOUGH HACKS for CHRISTMAS BAKING... what's worth trying??

Jun 06, 2021
Alright guys, the


monsters unite, I have hot coffee, I'm dressed as a marshmallow and today I want to be a


scientist. The other day I realized I needed to replenish my cookie supply, which, in case you know, also lives in my freezer. In case you didn't know Hi, I'm Rachel and I'm a cookie monster, welcome to my Cookietopia. While


to decide which cookie recipe I was going to create, I came across more cookie


and if you didn't know. I've made several different videos about cookies. I know it's a big surprise and I came across a bunch of them I haven't tried before, ones that will make pre-made cookie


taste like the homemade ones that are supposed to be homemade. cookie


tastes even better, there are so many options to choose from and instead of choosing one, I chose them all, so today we are in for a cookie extravaganza, so get ready, get comfortable, come and hang out, let's make a whole. a lot of cookies and we're going to decide to make a side, I'm very excited, I can't speak English, speak English, speak English very well with words today, so today we're going to delve into the world of cookies to see if any of These particular tricks work. better the cookie and just decide which trumps all the others, so if you're not already subscribed, make sure you subscribe to new videos here every Saturday, we bake a lot and I hope you have a lot of


in the coming weeks.
testing viral cookie dough hacks for christmas baking what s worth trying
You guys are ready because it's bacon season, you know? I'm excited. I've already hit the counter so many times today. Oh, my hand really hurt. The first ones we are going to try are the homemade cookie tricks because these have to go. in the refrigerator for a while to let them come together, it makes the cookie always better, that's the number one trick you didn't know yet that if you're not doing that to your cookies, you better believe you should start right now, Right now, it's


it. the wait so we have to hold on Francesca oh I'm so comfortable today I'm so glad I used this well so the recipe we're going to use for the cookies today is a classic and if you know cookies, you know exactly


I'm going to say is one of my favorite episodes of friends, yes it is because it's a really good classic recipe, it has all the elements, it's a really good cookie and I crave the element of control, yes that's right, taking out the 7th grade science terms for the control group cookie.
testing viral cookie dough hacks for christmas baking what s worth trying

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testing viral cookie dough hacks for christmas baking what s worth trying...

I feel like it will be easy to compare and I can include a lot of different things and it won't alter the recipe too much, it's not fussy so I'm going to start with a cup of softened butter, who saw coming


everyone did and then three quarters of a cup of white sugar and three-quarters of a cup of brown sugar, come on sir, we don't have all day, thank you and then a teaspoon of vanilla. extract a little more than that now let's beat it together you see it's from flying underneath you don't want to be part of the cookies get in there mix it this with your friends at that time of the day when I start talking to the brown sugar and the butter, okay, beautiful, by the way, I don't even think I mentioned it, but this will be the control cookie recipe, we're going to make separate ones.
testing viral cookie dough hacks for christmas baking what s worth trying
I've made little half recipes, but this one. This will be the control cookie, so we'll start with that because it's the standard recipe and now we'll add our eggs. I'm so excited because I can make all my Christmas cakes, now I know. I bake all year I bake for Christmas all year long, but now it's like


for Christmas right now, what's next here? I'm literally looking at the package, the Nestle package, telling us, oh, I think I even have stamina, oh no, the bad thing is that it's from Hershey. I'm embarrassed not to use your recipe, I like your chocolate chips, although I'm looking for the recipe and in case you're wondering, this is a sticky note because I always lose my phone, so anyway, dry ingredients, I have the flour. baking soda and the salt, all in a bowl right here, so we'll gradually add it to the wet ingredients just a little bit at a time.
testing viral cookie dough hacks for christmas baking what s worth trying
For anyone wondering, I'm going to make a full recipe video about my mom. My in-laws' upside down chocolate chip cookie recipes, which have to be like from now on, my favorite staple, it's the one I've been making the most and it's so good it's like a very chocolate cookie base. deep and then it has that creamy texture. white chocolate chips, so get ready, I hope you use some fun baking stuff and then bake with me, you guys wear aprons and stuff when you bake, I don't, if that wasn't obvious, I just ruined my clothes. I had to take a step back because you never know when you're going to get flour on yourself.
I'm going to mix this up a little bit and then we'll add the chocolate chips. They have a measure for chocolate chips, but do we ever do that? You really measure the chocolate chips for the cookies, you measure them with the heart, my mixture, beautiful fresh cookie dough, it smells so good, now what I'm going to do is I'm going to wrap this up and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and It makes a better cookie, so let's roll this all into a ball and then move on to the first trick. Technically speaking, this is actually like a recipe, but I'll still group it into its exact form.
I know how to make your cookies, it tastes like hot chocolate and basically for this recipe I adapted the existing hot chocolate recipe I found online to the Nestle Toll House recipe, so I adjusted the sugar content a little because we're obviously adding hot chocolate powder, but otherwise it's the same Nestle high house recipe, and also marshmallows because you have to have marshmallows if you're going to have hot chocolate, I mean, come on, we're basically going to do the exact same thing. Same thing except make that little adjustment and then this will be half the recipe versus the full recipe that's now chilling in the refrigerator, so from the top just this time we have half a cup of butter, brown sugar and the white sugar.
Honestly, I'm having a problem with my brown sugar today and we're also going to add it to the hot chocolate mix since it's mostly sugar. I'm going to add it to this stage, go in there mmm it smells good and now we're there. Let's mix that up by locking up Francesca, there's like, why doesn't it turn on? okay now let's add an egg boop you have to make a sound when you break the eggs does anyone else make that mix? I liked it, I was like, “Hey, cookie tricks,” and then the first recipe I made I was like “no,” it’s just hot chocolate cookies because I wanted to do it.
Now we're going to add the dry ingredients and now we're going to add some mini marshmallows. In addition to some chocolate chips, I'll now note that the original recipe called for mallow pieces, not a lot of marshmallows because I guess a lot of marshmallows are a little stickier and messier, but I don't have mallow pieces, so we're using mini marshmallows. I won't take that away from the final results, mix it all together, it smells like hot chocolate, I know that hasn't happened, I'm so excited, okay, now we put this one in the refrigerator and move on to the next one, right?
You thought we were done, we're not done. oh, not really, wait, I'm not done yet. I also need to add half a teaspoon of vanilla. I almost forget it. Oh, that would have been embarrassing. Vanilla. Now this goes in the refrigerator and on to the next one, which I promise is a trick this time. trick number two technically one, but we're going to say two and this one again we're starting with the same base, this one has the addition of malted milk powder and what that will do is add this depth of flavor, a more nutty undertone. plus a little chewier texture, same as before, butter, sugars and an egg, mix it all together, anyone else, a messy cleaning perfectionist who likes to organize but is mostly messy.
I feel like it's a very specific category but I can't be the only one so now for the dry ingredients, for this I added malted milk powder here and reduced the flour a bit but otherwise it's the same, does it smell different ? No, oh, I did it again, I forgot. half a teaspoon of vanilla, okay, now wait until this is incorporated and then I'll add it to the tap that I just turned on. I was a little surprised to let the dry ingredients rest here and I think later I think what I could do is I could ask Chris, blindfolded, to try the cookies and see if he can guess or at least tell me which one is best.
I want you to choose one of the store-bought ones. Okay, number three combo cookie dough made in the refrigerator and this, once I put it in the refrigerator, this is where we go into the store bought cookie dough to see if we can make the store bought cookie dough. store tastes like homemade because that's what all the


promised me, so what I have Done, I actually cut up two different cookie doughs, like store-bought logs, and put them in four separate bowls because we're going to try four different tricks, that's right, I tried my best, so for trick number one we are I will add espresso powder and this is supposed to help mask the cloyingly sweet and sometimes artificial taste that store bought cookies can sometimes have, so I'm curious if this will actually work if it will taste really good. coffee or not because I often use espresso or I like coffee in my baked goods and I find that it makes a big difference and adds a lot of depth to the flavor so we'll see if it works for this so what am I going to do?
I do it because I don't want to just throw espresso powder in here. I don't think this will do much more than add a nice grainy texture to your mix. What I'm going to do instead is Melt some butter and add some espresso powder because that way I can integrate it better, you know guys, I know, I say every video is my favorite video to film because I just to film videos that I want to make but I like them. This is one of my favorite videos


cookies all day. Are you kidding? And since this is only half of it, I want to be careful with how much espresso powder I add because this is a powerful coffee, um, but I want to add enough.
I'm actually going to notice a difference because I don't want to add a little bit, you know, a little pinch, you know you want to add a little bit of spice, you know, so the trick says to use a teaspoon of espresso. powder for a whole piece of cookie dough so I'm going to do half because the math then I'm going to pour the mixture made a little like a bunch of cookies espresso butter espresso butter I don't know what that would do but Sounds fancy or like a bit of toast with a little espresso butter Why am I using a quarter teaspoon to stir?
These are the questions we must ask ourselves. Use a normal spoon like a normal person. Mix this so that everything is combined. Now I'm going to put this one in the refrigerator no, I'm not the first, let's tackle the others, look at all my cookie dough, look at it, look at it, look at that one, look at that, what's that one? this one has espresso powder and butter because butter makes everything better. Now I'm going to do the next one. Do you want to make one of them? We're definitely going to add brown sugar and butter mixed together because apparently brown sugar has that rich, deep flavor that's not usually present in store-bought ones.
I have butter here and then it doesn't say how much brown sugar to add so start with a lot and then add yeah and then. I'm going to do the next one, it's the checks, so I finished a good job, I know I'm so good, so much efficiency, so much efficiency, so many, wow, I did two, so you're already falling behind, you just got there, honestly, I don't know. Why did you hire me and then for this one we're going to add more vanilla? It's pretty simple, but it's supposed to make it taste better. I don't know, I'm just following the instructions on the internet.
How much do you add? I don't know, they told me to add brown sugar. I'm doing it, don't add too much, which one of these will be the best. What I'm most interested in is trying the espresso. I don't know if it's the best, but that's the one I think is the most interesting. I'm going to add a little more vanilla. I feel like a quarter teaspoon is not enough. You know, oh, I didn't tell you about the other one I did because you already know how I did it. all homemade dough yeah okay there's another one I haven't made yet so I'm going to make that last one because it has to be done I can't put it in until it's ready to bake okay done I mean.
Technically I'm not done, I guess I need to put it on the cookie sheet, the control should be at the end, you should start labeling them before these golden leaves. I'm getting nervous. I'm going to write down some things I'll remember, okay? so control the espresso oh right vanilla you have to know what the control is because it's science these are going to go in the refrigerator and then we do a taste test to prepare for this taste test this is going to be a great taste test , that's a lot of cookies. That's a lot of cookies, so we have our different types of cookies.
I put the little piece of paper underneath and then last we put bacon on them and all you're supposed to do before you put them in the oven is you're supposed to spread bacon on top of the cookies so that's whatI'm going to make I don't know how much bacon to put that looks good salty bacon cookies nobody's mad about this and we're going to put the whole oven in and then we're going to try it and ta-da very excited these look burnt but they're not, they're hotchocolate, They all look really good, I had a little trouble because some seem to be more done than others but they are cookies and I'm excited that you want to try some cookies okay wait wait you can't look at them yet it smells like cookies they are like cookies , I'm going to give you two cookies.
The deal is not done yet and you have to guess. I mean, if you could guess what they really are. Wait, I have to tell you what it is if the cookie is homemade or from the store. I bought it right and if you can really guess what's in it, that's like bonus points okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, wait, okay, here's number one, okay, you don't have a nose to smell things, so I don't know why did you do that. I think I'm nervous about that texture, very good, which is like a perfect cookie texture. I like it a lot, but there's one weird thing about it, yeah, okay, now write that down, any guesses if it's homemade or from the store. bought there is a kind of aftertaste and I can't tell what I'm thinking it's that it's a little bit astringent it's almost like because I know you put extra vanilla in one of them it's almost alcoholic ready for another one, you have chocolate on top, there's another one, I only have one of those, so don't eat it all, I'll give you that part back then, okay, this is hard, I don't like that texture, oh, interesting, okay, I'll call that store.
I bought well, that's the texture I don't like, but beyond that, I don't really have guests, I don't have any ideas about any of them in terms of inclusion or not, no, I would just call this your basic store-bought cookie. the store. The first one would say homemade and I don't think you put more vanilla in it, so maybe that's the malted milk. Then, actually, very good, that was the malted milk. The first was malted milk. It's not pleasant, although I didn't like it. no it was the second one bought in the store the second one was bought in the store okay it was the one that was the vanilla one that was the vanilla one oh okay wait I need I need to have a focus here in terms of where I'm going you have a plan, right?
I have a plan that was fun. I just wanted to see that you understood. You got it. My plan is that I want to test the controls first. What I am going to do? comparing it to get the store bought out of the way why do you hate them so much it's just that they still have cookies in them okay don't eat them all just in case don't worry it's a cookie so this is the one you tried that had extra vanilla. I don't see much difference, I don't think. No, I don't see anything. I don't think it made a big difference.
Although I'm curious about the brown sugar one. brown sugar one is good very sweet very sweet but also denser and harder it is too sweet I don't like that espresso that is the best of the four that is absolutely that makes an absolute difference for me I am not really understanding the taste of espresso but there is something in there adds some depth to it, there's not much like a hey, this is coffee or espresso, that's very good, although if I were making a store bought cookie, I would definitely add espresso powder and butter and make it.
I don't know what that was, you know what I mean, like it didn't have a very strong coffee flavor or like I couldn't even smell it there, okay, that's definitely the espresso winner, okay, it's homemade, like that what we need To start with the control, now I noticed something that I thought was really interesting is that all the home made ones were really inflated, they stayed pretty central, they didn't really spread out if we started with the control. Oh, they look so good, so fluffy. classic, the chocolate is very good in these good solvent and ordinary cookies on the back of the package.
I still think your mom's is better, as I'm going to say, but like the hot chocolate ones, I put marshmallows in the cookie, they melted and got very sticky and almost gave it a little caramel crust. lacy there's a lot in these okay these are overcooked for me like I can't really taste some hot chocolate like more chocolate but not like upside down chocolate chip cookies I don't know if they would be


making even if they bake less, there's no yeah, there's not enough like wow, there's a nice chocolate flavor that's coming out and I like it if it did. this way or rare or like that, I didn't do it, I didn't really notice a big difference, okay bacon, okay, I was going to use malted milk, but I guess we'll save the best for last, this makes me curious because bacon , bacon. it's a very direct flavor, I don't like that there's not a lot of synergy there, I thought there would be more sweet and salty interaction, it just tastes like a cookie and then there's bacon too, I really thought it would be a lot.
Better than bacon, good bacon is very good and I can see the bacon in the sweet things. I'm sure it works very well no, I don't like it, no, then try this malted milk. I need water, all I can taste is bacon, okay? this is my favorite texture for a cookie which is the best of the eight as far as I'm concerned less flour is because there's less flour okay interesting so you like it more it's because it's so soft yes soft big and pleasant to spread. cookie, yes, a little crunchy on the outside but not crunchy, I feel like something salty comes out, but I don't understand the big aftertaste, oh it's so weak, it's like it's right at the back, it's not pleasant, it starts salty and I like ooh, a nice flaky salt and cookie type thing and then it fades into something weird like, oh, that cookie is expired or something like sour and astringent, so I thought, oh, too alcohol-like, you know, extracts Right?
It's not a nut. right, no, no, I mean I wouldn't know, no, I guess not, it's like an expired cookie, if such a thing existed, that espresso, the espresso was really good, although yeah, of all of them, this is the only one trick I would recommend if you're going to buy store bought you actually know what would be good and homemade oh absolutely yeah sure but save the store bought yeah now maybe just go ahead a little bit because this texture is very good, maybe more butter and espresso, but I like it. this texture isn't that bad either, I mean you would like to add a little more butter, like not to overdo it, but I mean it's still a nice texture, overdo it, do it with a lot of cookies, yeah, these are really good, I like it. espresso is great, it hacks everything else, but I would add espresso to my cookies, that could be interesting.
You eat cookies at night. If you do, maybe reconsider that may not be my smartest move. Can you imagine it was just me? cookies I didn't know it would be like I need to film a video right now ok I take that back speaking of cookies I'm going to make the upside down chocolate chip cookies in the video those are really good yeah really good , like many. depth of those cookies, so stay tuned because they are really good cookies, but the espresso that's where it is, you can't have any of these cookies, I don't want any more cookies, I'm fine, you're out of here.
I can have some bacon. I'm not on this channel so please let me know if you've tried any cookie hacks or would recommend any cookie hacks that I might not have tried here today or any cookie recipes that I'm always open to. new, but if they're going to do anything it'll be the espresso cookies, which I just realized I'm eating right now and it's 10:49 p.m. m. all night, but I hope you are having an amazing Saturday, thank you very much. Lots to watch and I'll see you all in my next video I love you all surprised.
No. Oh, I have chocolate in my hands. I always have chocolate in my hands.

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