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Can I bake BETTER cookies than Crumbl Cookies?

Jun 19, 2024
We're testing the internet's most popular copycat recipes and seeing how they compare to the real thing, and in case you've been living under a rock like the sky, Good Morning Crumble Cookie took over the world with its weekly cookie flights comprised of 170 different recipes. The flavors, if they are that good, can't be replicated or can they be, so each weekly flight has six different flavored


. They always seem to have milk chocolate chips and then their other flavors. Because it's different? What is different? Kevin helps Kevin, although Kevin helps. Kevin, where's the brownie batter though? Where we had to like research all the copycat recipes and find all the ingredients to be able to make your exact recipes and be able to try them because every week is different so we can thank you for calling it a chocolate chip cupcake. no, apple cider, strawberry milk, that's not what I have, hello, um, I know you have the automated thing, but what are the actual


that you're selling now?
can i bake better cookies than crumbl cookies
Oh, thank God, okay, okay, it's about time that everything they ruined, I didn't ruin. up, okay let's make some cookies, the weekly flight they don't actually have, what's on their website is their milk chocolate, chocolate chip, brownie batter, churro, lemon curd pie, berries and cream and peanut butter, chocolate chip, which is a good flight. I'm happy with that mix. I did my research and found the highest rate of recipes online for every


e cookie. Be sure to watch the end to see if my cookies turn out




es, starting off strong with classic milk chocolate chips.
can i bake better cookies than crumbl cookies

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can i bake better cookies than crumbl cookies...

I'm going to leave the recipes below because I'm not going to name everything, that would be crazy because we are making six cookies, this is a sandwich with these. I feel like they're calling my name, it says to add my egg and vanilla mixture for one more minute and this recipe uses all-purpose flour and cake flour you look at the amount of chocolate chips per batter, I mean there's a big heavy ratio of chocolate chips, that's a good ratio, that's the kind of ratio you need for a good cookie, you like chocolate a lot, oh yeah, I had a dream that last night I was in high school, I had to take a test, I couldn't find the empty spot in the seat to take the test, it was stressful and then I realized I was graduating from grade 12 and would never be in high school. school again and then I got sad, okay?
can i bake better cookies than crumbl cookies
So you form a ball of cookie dough that looks good and then the heart puts it back together to get what pulls the ball in half and then puts it back together, but when you've pressed it? press and then press it again with one of the serrated ends facing up oh, I can't be right oh, today you chose a Wally Vibes like that. The instructions make sense Kevin, that was the only image because these things usually have like massive articles with images, I guess we should follow it so they look thick, they don't show like the steps, no they don't show them, there are no steps, oh We're not going, boy, aren't we?
can i bake better cookies than crumbl cookies
You will stay here, you will get up in a minute to follow us. I know it's hard to understand, why wouldn't I keep it that way instead of tearing it apart and flattening it? You know what I mean? Like yeah, so I can try to get up, break it good, she gets up Archie, up, good boy. I don't know why you need permission every time you live here. You know what's


. I'm going to put them in the refrigerator. That way they keep their shape. I'm going through these recipes really quickly because I really need everything to turn out right after last week's video because I


with a lot of love and anxiety.
You guys wanted this shirt to be here. You can click down. below and get it because you know I'm an anxious person who also tends to


things, but it's only here for a limited time and you guys sold out of our cake softeners in just a couple of days, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm going to try to bring them back. I'll leave a link in the description below if you want to sign up to be notified when they return, but this is here now and grab yours before it's gone. The brownie butter cookie is basically a brownie, but you add some ingredients to make it more like a cookie, since each recipe is from a different blog, they all say different amounts, like two tablespoons versus one large cookie scoop versus one ball, that's so many grams, so I'm going to make them all the same that's sticky that's Kevin do you want to come do this part no I'm not fine thank you I have the camera you know I have to keep my hands clean for that I have a pet Archie in the middle takes 23. apparently the churro cookie recipe has 23 different measured ingredients which is intense, so this one, once you have the cookie dough, you're supposed to roll it in your hands and then mix it with a mixture of cinnamon, sugar white and brown sugar, and that.
You've flattened it, it looks good, let's do the rest. Lemon curd cake cookies are basically a sugar cookie from what I'm seeing, but I'm surprised it doesn't have graham crackers in it if it's cake, not all cakes have graham crackers in it, no no, maybe chicken. cookies okay, maybe it's okay. I tried chilling the dough because it was so sloppy that it just lays flat on the cookies, um at pan level, I don't know what that is, but since they're all supposed to be uniform, we're making the berries and cream the same size also look like a sugar cookie and are covered with berries and cream, but actually there are no berries or cream clearly.
I lied because I missed the fart where it says whole fresh fruit in the dough, but I don't know. how is all this fruit juice going to work in a cookie dough because I have never baked cookies with fresh fruit, delicious although the last peanut butter chocolate chip cookie I couldn't find a copycat, uh, it must be a new recipe because It wasn't on the internet, but I found your ultimate peanut butter recipe, so I thought I'd look online. It looks like it's just a peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips and paper chips, that's what we're going to do, except when I was looking, it really looked like it was. more chocolate chips and peanut butter chips, so I'm doing a cup and a half of milk chocolate and then a half cup of peanut butter chocolate.
I just hope they taste the same. Oh my god, that smells like a peanut butter cup, but it'll be better than theirs. Will any of these be better? I don't know, but I have all the dough in the refrigerator now and first thing tomorrow morning we'll go pick up their cookies and bake our own fresh. So that way. They're both fresh next to each other so we'll see them in the morning so Kevin went to get the crumbled cookies and I've been trying to bake all morning all the different solid chocolate chip peanut butter cookies that they see each other amazing churro I think it's not fully baked, it might feel a little hard, but these are like gooey, gooey, baked so I have some ideas to make my house currently smell amazing in here, lots of different smells, but like all of them. well the chocolate chips, I feel like the texture really worked really well, it has some of that original cookie crumble chocolate chip texture, the brownie batter is messy.
I kept feeling like it was undercooked and then I had to remind myself that it's brownie batter that's supposed to be battery-powered and underbaked, so it got to that point where I took it out of the oven where it still looked very sticky on the inside. the middle, but now that it's done on the edges, chocolate chip peanut butter was pretty easy. It came out and while it was still warm I added more chocolate chips and peanut butter chips for the lemon curd pie cookie. It actually needs a crater, so when it came out of the oven I just pressed a glass and rubbed it. a little bit of butter and I pushed it up just to create this little indentation and then for the lemon curd filling, it's actually just a lemon pudding mix that has more lemon extract and then you fold it in with a whisk, oh let me have some of that cool whip.
Would you say I feel like mine looks a lot fluffier than crumbly? Yours looks a little creamier. It looks like they just added a small dollop of whipped cream and a slice of lemon. Subtitles are not available. OMG, they look perfect. I feel like mine are similar, how do they taste? I was reading your box, it says the best cookies in the world, that's a bold claim. I guess it's time to find out, time to find out that mine are going to look pretty similar, I mean. Aside from my chocolate chips and peanut butter chocolate chips, yours are huge, okay, row of chairs, I look dense in them, it's thick, it's not very good, um, it's not crunchy at all, it's just chew, it's really good, it's not as thick or dense, I think the cookies are almost identical, the frosting too sweet, this was thicker.
I think it's a comparable brownie batter. I'm not a fan. I feel like it's very bitter, like a very bitter brownie, but not like bitter chocolate, better. just like sour, mine has more goo, that's much better, it's not too sweet. I like the bit of stickiness. I feel like this one has a much better flavor than theirs, but they both like it on that brownie cookie train, let's go for their classic chocolate chip cookie, you know it's really good when you're immediately like a second bite, give me a second bite, it's a nice chocolate chip cookie, which has the most similar cross section, but oh almost identical, both are amazing, this one has mine too. a lot of salt, but you lower the salt, oh that's good, what are they?
They're not chocolate chips, they're kisses, they're huge and they taste like a peanut butter cookie with chocolate and peanut butter chips. Very good, this is your ultimate peanut butter cookie recipe. should be should be similar oh gosh, that's delicious, they're identical, it tastes a little more like peanut butter, they're really good some days. I love my job, lemon curd pie. Now this one I feel like mine looks more different if you look at it. how creamy and spread theirs is they had a good idea it's almost like they baked it in a special tray yeah they probably bake it like a tartare or something because theirs looks so much more perfect than mine wow that It tastes like A perfect little bite of cookie cake that is tasty.
My cookie feels identical. The cream on top is almost Lemmy enough and I don't think I would like it if you were going to add a little bit of whipped cream, a little bit of whipped cream but not as much whipped cream. they're using cream and cream batteries I'm a little loud berries and cream berries and cream I'm a little louder loves berries and cream oh no, I took all the berries sorry little cookie oh I don't see any pieces of fruit in there's a way that there are pieces of fruit in mine it's not interesting hmm it reminds me like a high tea I'm having like a small biscuit with jam and cream it's really good oh that's gummy I've never experienced a biscuit like that really delicious mine has fruit in pieces I feel like it needs very very small pieces, more sweet and two bags of fruit pieces, but other than that these are definitely some of the best cookies I have ever tasted and they are so similar with these small changes they were identical very good

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