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Surviving 24 Hours In A City With No Laws!

May 06, 2024
people are arrested people are cut short people are cut into pieces we are literally in the middle of nowhere how did they get this plane here you will see how anarchic and stupid this place can be what is this these are all bones that I'm going to get Get out of here, oh okay, let me see what just happened. Sean, they're sure they don't have food. This is the last


in America without


, no police, no electri


, no running water, and for the next 24


. We are going to try to survive in the most dangerous city in the world.
surviving 24 hours in a city with no laws
I brought a golf club and a baseball bat, so I feel pretty safe. I brought a mop. I think Allen hits this for me but you guys know this is a killing machine obviously there are no water slides I have no idea what kind of water park this is what tanner what made you think this was a slide city water park hi We're in slab city oh my god that's so dark and spooky tanner are you walking? First man, I'm a little scared, get us out of this. No, I think the fattest person should protect us.
surviving 24 hours in a city with no laws

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surviving 24 hours in a city with no laws...

Wow, that makes sense. Oh my god, there's nothing there. That's a snake. I feel like this place could collapse. I heard this was built. using paint and as hay so it's not that sturdy just don't stand on it after 15 minutes of exploring we finally found the reason why there are no police officers in this town what are you looking for alive or dead? We fought against 15 police officers. I can't say how that got there that's not me, that's not me, they just told us not to go further that way if we value our safety, so for you, we'll go further that way, Slab City, welcome. this is apparently the welcome booth there are clothes here hello excuse me over here oh my god friend there is like poop here go ahead put the camera in there I'm not going to go there what is that wait what is that sound hello sisters every year there is no people, people die, come on, let me show you, yeah, yeah, I got here, oh, there's no bathroom, the shower here and that's a TV, yeah, I have international electricity, so there's no crimes like here or yeah, there are crying.
surviving 24 hours in a city with no laws
People get trapped. People get shot. People are cut. addicted to pieces it was a fun thing in the morning, would you recommend we spend the night here? No, I don't think it's dangerous anywhere, so there are no


here, just one. Okay, you should subscribe because you're seeing this. I think it's a lot for you guys so if you're watching this please subscribe subscribe man before we go we just wanted to give you a hundred bucks thank you man I appreciate it yeah that helps definitely couldn't help but notice but actually there is a basketball. goal here and as you know we were supposed to play professional basketball but we gave up all that to film YouTube videos for you guys that's the game there this is the house of thoughts oh and that's Ninja Kitty Oh, just when you're told, you accept donations.
surviving 24 hours in a city with no laws
Yes, thank you very much, yes, yes, oh, it's Alex, what is this? Oh, I wonder how they got this plane here. Did someone just crash it here? Did you like transporting it or do we have to get one of these? our backyard this looks really cool this is a little creepy guys this is a bunch of dolls here with their heads cut off i'm your mediocre half tour guide i don't give tours the secret of the seesaw the lightest person gets fine so you shouldn't go on there how wow she's calling him oh my god oh my god that's scary that's so scary holy shit hey it's not working we have a plan b for a weight distribution oh fear for your life but my personal favorite is I didn't know Sean was here, but left a note behind Mental Master.
You'll see how lawless and stupid this place can quickly become. He turns against you. The land here is free. Yes, anyone can stay here. You can go out and find an open door. locate and listen you can camp anywhere you want realistically go this way find an open place to camp so we just finished scouting this whole area with a drone and it looks like this place is relatively safe we ​​will probably be We set up camp here and we're actually going to make some honeycomb candy from the squid game because it's so sweet and easy to make, it looks like it's starting to melt, oh that looks good, now we're going to make some eggs too , wait.
How do you want the eggs cooked? I don't like it. How do you want them to be cooked over medium heat? Look what we have to deal with. The eggs look ready now, so we'll divide them into four parts. Okay, let's dig in. Come back here. That's why you're better twin, oh my God, stop that, Sean right now, let's play the squid game, it'll be Sean vs. Cat, and you know what happens when you lose, because there are no laws here, oh you. Better not lose, I've got my money on shot three, two, one, I've got my money on Alex's, he ain't moving, oh look at those, come on, come on, but really, where is he, where is he?
James?, so we only have two sleeping bags, which means two people. We'll have to sleep outside the tent and right now we're going to play a quick game of dodgeball to fix that, okay, we're done, we're done, we have to try to find a safe place to camp before night comes. dark because from what I hear anything beyond this point is extremely dangerous so the locals here tell me that we actually need this video to reach a million likes for our safety so let's take this video to a million Like, guys, this is very dangerous. What we're doing especially when it gets dark, we finally found our own place to set up our tent and honestly I've never been good at setting up tents so Tanner why don't you go ahead and set this up right.
Hey, because this is about to end. get clues hey I've got my you're gonna have to grab this and get my tire out here my rocks okay listen I've got knives come here from the property here I didn't know you know there's a lot There's a lot of crazy people like that here so I'll show you everyone here how to defend themselves, so come at me like you have a knife in this hand. I'm going to touch them. Raise this arm. Get behind you very quickly. Once I have you here, scroll like this and notice now, let's try this at real speed, pay attention guys, because our lives depend on this.
Come on, we were exploring a little earlier and stumbled upon this. area and at first we thought this was sand or dirt, but look guys, these are all bones, bones of dead creatures or even dead human bones because for all we know, this is probably where they hide the corpses. There are millions of dead fish outside. there because the water is actually 50 softer than the pacific ocean 51 now what are you doing feeding the fish? The fish are already dead. This will bring them back. We just finished exploring this area with our drone and it seems pretty safe from the crazies. now guys stop fucking around before i fuck you up okay wait that was a tanning prank but on second thought we should all run away since there are no laws here oh yeah this video is about to get difficult, three two one, what the hell are they?
Oh well, the video wasn't difficult, but I did it. This is what happens when you bring a girl with you to something like this because she's about to get dark and instead of helping her she's sleeping and I haven't actually been able to use this mortal. mop yet so let's put this to work that's what you get I'm so happy come here oh wait he's actually peeing he's actually pink he's so excited to see us I think he's excited because he knows we're about to hit 10 million subscribers , I think he wants us to get there in case you guys think we won't stay tonight.
Our car is literally stuck, so we have no choice. There is nothing wrong with that. It's a camry. What's wrong with the truck? Damn, it's getting really cold. Right now we're going to ask Tanner to light the fire, since he's very good at it. If you light the fire, could I put it out with a little bit? So let's light the fire now. Imagine we had some cupcakes and some hot chocolate oh yeah what did that do? Oh, that was, honestly, I would make it because we're here without the Internet because we're off the grid. I feel like maybe we should tell some scary Halloween bedtime stories because it's Halloween and yes, why?
Why don't you start with some scary Halloween bedtime stories? Be me. Okay, so I was with Bubba. Why is dark written with a k and not a c? Why can't you see in the dark. So what was that? I was taking a selfie, kind of like a group selfie, yeah, not like that, just a silver one, just a selfie of me eating fries, let me see that, hey, let me let me see what just happened, wait, what was that? ? So I finished reviewing the images and Sean. In fact, he got caught in 4k red-handed and, speaking of Sean, he actually disappeared, probably out of embarrassment, so we're going to go look for him, but since it's dark and we can't see him, we'll have to trust our ears Sean wait can you hear that guys what is that wait what is that turning on the flashlight actually stopped the sleeping bag so let's get into 10 okay guys are you scared?
Who is scared right now? Like I was saying about the scary story, there was actually a murder here four months ago and it took them two whole months to find the body in the exact same place no, who's doing that, who is that hello, it's really bad timing because We just finished telling like a murder story happens here, are you guys? doing that no, we will keep the camera recording all night in case something happens, you wait, you go to sleep, I will stay awake and keep watching, yes, let's take turns, yes, no, no, it's okay, it I will step Really, yeah, okay, thank you Sean, oh no, no, so we're doing morning pee right now and you guys don't know it, but someone stole a camera last night because we left it on a tripod to prove that we're actually still the ones. all night to have a time lapse for yourselves and someone got up and stole it from us and now we're outside without a camera oh my god, I just saw that you guys don't have to take my morning photo oh my god, we Now we're going back to the store and we will check the cash.
Let's make sure everything is okay. The real bars, the stakes are still here. Someone just broke into our store while we were out for 10 minutes and just stole. everything they took everything they took their lawn chairs they might still have them they took six of our chairs and our entire tent and six of our sleeping bags buddy, what if we tracked it down? What would happen if we looked at the footprints? What if we just call? the police there are no police here I say we asked one of the locals there is someone right there and if it was him who took it he is very tense excuse me we stayed there tonight last night yes we heard you guys sounded like he did it We had it well all night long we kept hearing someone saying that he was moving into a tent and stuff and at first we thought it was like a wild animal and then just now when we were going to take a 10 to 15 minute break to go to the bathroom, we come.
Back and the tent disappeared and along with all our chairs and everything, did you really see anything? No, I did not see it. This just happened. Hey, are you filming me kicking rocks? There are many dangerous people here, but little did we know. The most dangerous person here was the one behind the camera because Sean was detained by the sheriff. What's happening? It's the same as a prayer for Sean. Click here to watch us play the squid game in real life and click here to watch us bust 100 myths in 24



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