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Eating Death Row Inmates Last Meals!

May 18, 2024
You may be wondering why we have this little boy on the lunch tray and that's because a


row inmate actually requested this as his


meal. Doug Steffener was a cannibal who ate his victims for which he was sentenced to


and he ate more than 20 children in his neighborhood and like all prisoners sentenced to death, he was given one


request for food, this last meal He was denied, so they gave him the last traditional meal, which is a medium-rare steak on fried eggs with French fries, toasted milk, and orange juice which I haven't tried. breakfast, but we are going to eat the last


of the death row


today and these last food requests are getting more and more strange, so stay tuned now, how is the tanner steak mmm it tastes like baby, let's move on to the following? our next death row inmate was One of the most famous and sickest serial killers of all time, Jeffrey Dahmer, he kidnapped 17 victims, what did he eat for his last meal?
eating death row inmates last meals
He denied nothing at his last meal and, just before he was executed, an inmate stabbed him 20 times in the stomach and, just before he was executed, one last time in the back the next inmate was actually the youngest person in be sentenced to death at the age of 14 george stinney was found guilty of murdering two girls aged seven and eleven he was sentenced to death by the president of the electorate now what was his The last meal was just a glass of milk and what is a madness is that later in 2014 he was found innocent, so he was unjustly executed.
eating death row inmates last meals

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eating death row inmates last meals...

What would be your last meal? Honestly, I don't think I would have the stomach to eat if I knew what I was going to eat. dies, wait, how did he die again in the electric chair? Well, I guess you could say his ending was shocking. The next meal is one of the strangest last meal requests. James Edward Smith was a former voodoo priest who participated in six ritual murders, including the beheading of a one-year-old child as a sacrifice to a voodoo god for his last meal. He requested land, more specifically rokunda daggers, this request was denied and instead They gave him yogurt to eat, why did you remove the dirt?
eating death row inmates last meals
I'm not going to allow it. They put dirt in their mouth, well I'm going to put some dirt in your eye, wait, no, it's still wrapped up. Our next last thousand request comes from real life. Pennywise John Wayne Gacy, also known as the Killer Clown, performed at children's hospitals and birthday parties. dressed as a clown, there he chose his victims and then killed them for his last meal, he ordered 12 fried shrimp with fries, a bucket, a KFC chicken and half a kilo of strawberries, okay, let's wait, I want some food. brother, he eats more aggressively than me, you know, this is very good, but honestly, I don't think he deserved the last meal because he killed 33 children right before he was executed by lethal injection.
eating death row inmates last meals
His last words were kiss my ass, what was that? oh sean you could have gone back there hello sisters our next inmate was actually the first serial killer sentenced to death eileen buenos was a street prostitute who shot and killed seven of her male clients at her last meal what did she order just one cup of coffee, I'd rather be belittled than drink this, speaking of being belittled, what do you think you'd go to death row? I would go to death row for spending fake money, you spent fake money, well I didn't know it was fake. years of money and joe doing it this next death row inmate had the smallest last meal request victor harry feiger killed a doctor and stole his car and for his last meal he asked for a single olive.
In fact he hid the olive in his pocket which was later found in his grave he hoped the olive would sprout from his grave and become an olive tree symbolizing peace in case you are wondering who he is we actually have a subscriber who will help us eat the olive, uh, I have to eat that thing that you don't If you don't want to eat it, does it look good? Yes, you don't see that advertising. If you don't want that, you'll probably want this 10,000 and we'll also give away 10,000 to someone random who subscribes. within the next seven days, so subscribe, subscribe, Our next death row inmate wasn't too happy with what happened to his last meal, Thomas J.
Grosso strangled an 87-year-old woman with the lights of his own tree Christmas on Christmas Eve just to steal 12 in cash. in his last meal he ate two dozen clams two double cheeseburgers from Burger King half a rack of barbecue ribs two strawberry milkshakes a pumpkin pie with whipped cream strawberries and most importantly a can of spaghetti wow this is drying up now the reason he wasn't too happy about his last meal is because instead of giving him spaghetti they gave him spaghetti instead his last words were I didn't eat my spaghetti I have spaghetti I want the press to know this who's going to eat the clams I'm not going to eat that.
I know the way it opens, but Sean, if you don't eat the clams, then you'll have to go through a punishment. Instead, what punishment? Well you guys have to keep an eye on that at the end because it's going to be extreme punishment and Sean, we're not going to go easy on you, like, our next death row inmate is probably the scariest one on the list, I mean, look at him, but what he ate for his last meal was even more terrifying, jeremy morris murdered two nuns and for his last meal he asked for the holy bible his request was accepted because they thought he was trying to repent, however he just started tearing pages out of the bible and eat them like they were potato chips, obviously we are not going to eat the bible, but he is. executed by the electric chair, not many people know this, but before they put you in the electric chair, they actually shave your head and then the rest of the body hair, you mean, even this doesn't touch the chest hair that be my last request the next death row inmate is actually someone you know very well bubba was convicted of kidnapping sean three times for his last meal he actually ran away to look for him escape uh yes mother what you shot him yes the last one next inmate meal request It was so strange that the state of Texas no longer served last meal requests What did Lawrence Russell Brewer do?
He was a sheriff who was also part of the KKK. What was his last meal? Two fried chicken tenders. Cheese omelette with ground meat. A large plate of fried meat. okra with tomato sauce triple meat burger, bacon and cheese three fajitas a pound of barbecue and half a float of white bread a special pizza for meat lovers a pint of homemade vanilla ice cream a piece of peanut butter fudge with peanuts shredded and three root beers and what he actually did with that meal he didn't eat it because he claimed he wasn't hungry and that caused Texas to remove the last meal request.
This is about to become a 100,000 calorie challenge. I haven't eaten all day, it doesn't seem like it, oh. cat, I'm going to bring you, what is this? The steak is a little dry, you're saying my ribs are dry. The next inmate sentenced to death was known as the vampire. Peter Curtain was given the nickname vampire because he drank the blood of his victims. His last food request was blood, but this request was denied, so he asked for a bottle of red wine because it looked too much like blood. Peter Curtin was executed by guillotine in 1931. Another reason he ordered wine was so he could get drunk before his execution.
Now, how's the wine? I would ask for this too. The next inmate is actually the most suspicious person ever sentenced to death. He was convicted of fighting 15 police officers while he masturbated. What do you want for your last meal? What did our next inmate eat? Of the most poignant last meal requests, Philip Workman robbed Wendy's and then shot and killed a police officer while he was escaping for his last meal. He requested that a large vegetarian pizza be given to a random homeless person. His request was rejected and because of that, they are going to give this large vegetarian pizza to a homeless person.
I don't want them to think we forgot about Sean's punishment. Actually, we're going to lock him up here for the next 24 hours at least. here alone, right guys, you've heard the phrase if looks could kill, this next death row inmate will use his good looks to attract women and kill them? Ted Bundy kidnapped more than 30 girls. They caught him once, but he escaped and continued the murders of him until he was finally gone. They caught him again. She was given three death sentences in just two trials for his last meal. He ate Where is the food?
He didn't ask for anything. He was in the mood to eat, of course you were. Oh God, the next inmate actually asked for money as his last meal. Two thousand four hundred dollars to be exact for his 24th birthday, it's actually Mark's birthday, guys, so mark, yeah, that's real, yeah, guys, that's real. We'd probably go to jail for not posting twice a week anymore. Millions of likes and I will start editing the videos faster. Come on guys, click here to watch us play extreme hide and seek for 50,000 and click here to watch our latest video.

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