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Jun 08, 2024
We are going to have to play the most extreme game of hide and seek from safety to make it through the night, there is literally not a single person here, when was the last time you went to a water park, I actually never went, when was the last time last time? The last time you went on vacation was probably when I started editing for everyone like three years ago. I'm going to need you to take next week off because we're going on vacation to the biggest water park in the world. I already have the tickets for you.
24 hour overnight waterpark challenge
Guys, yeah, I can't wait to see the cute guys and the abs. Well, cat, I'm here, Alex, that's the opposite of you, cat, did you call my son fat again when you're not around? So what's the difference guys, not me? I don't want to say this Hannah, you don't need to thank us, no, no, no, my doctor said I can't go to any pools because I have explosive diarrhea, so let's put our phone inside a conveyor belt and record. What's in there for you? So we're finally inside the largest water park in the world, but before we try to spend the night, we first have to mingle with everyone, right before they close.
24 hour overnight waterpark challenge

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24 hour overnight waterpark challenge...

We will have to play the most extreme game of hide-and-seek. and check security so we can spend the night, I better not drop the cover of my phone, wait buddy, look, it's a tunnel, it's going to go crazy, oh my god, that was fun, oh, let me out. Have you ever been so scared to the point of not doing it? he screams because none of us screamed on that ride other than Allen because he didn't even come down to ride I didn't he did his hair isn't even wet I've never been so scared in my life closing in five minutes so they just announced that they're closing In five minutes the plan is to spend the night they are kicking people out so we have to find some really good hiding places each of us are going to split up and good luck to all of you, it's okay because if they catch me I'll stay I won't leave we're going to publish this video I already know where I'm going to hide look at that place right there no one is going to check there I'm hiding up there I'm going to hide in the tube, well I'll try to hide here it says just personal I'm coming in guys oh , this is pretty good, I'll probably hide here, okay, I'll wait about 20 minutes before I come out and good luck. everyone, okay guys, I'll hide in the bathroom, look at this giant snapdragon.
24 hour overnight waterpark challenge
I'm going to hide inside. I don't think anyone can find me because I blend in with the pink. Okay, there are three more. There are minutes left, I don't know how long I can last in this position because my stomach hurts, oh my God, I hope no one heard that echo, I think I just heard someone fart, is it Alan or Sean, it's so funny, I am literally standing. So it's been five minutes, I still haven't found a hiding place, so I'll hide here. I was the last one to hide and I'm in the dark tunnel because it's perfect for that, guys, I think we're good.
24 hour overnight waterpark challenge
About 15 minutes have passed. I saw all the lifeguards leave. Well, I'm going to go find everyone else. I think I see the security guard. How is he, sir? Unfortunately, the water park just closed, but unfortunately, guys, I saw Mark being escorted out. but does anyone know what happened to Sean? Wait guys, listen to that, what are you doing? Mosquito, yes, in the tunnel. Okay, looks like they were doing something else very quickly. If you want to do fun things like this with us, then everyone. What you have to do is literally subscribe, we're constantly sending our subscribers to hang out with us and be in a full YouTube video, so if you want that, subscribe, so since Mark got kicked out, we'll call it super fast and we'll just check. up on them hello buddy, I saw, we saw, I know, I know, wait, where are you going now?
I'm going back to the hotel, meet me at the hotel and tomorrow okay, okay, bye, mark what. an idiot not an idiot, I feel bad for him, are you ready to have fun because this whole place is ours now let's go the plot is nice Alex you didn't even do anything that's that cat we're throwing into the water? I don't know what to say, oh okay, so we don't have tubes, but we're going around the lazy river anyway. Okay come on I'm too cold buddy this is great just recharge wait this would have been a good place to hide they're going to get us shut up they're going to get us honestly I never dreamed we could break into a water park and do stuff like this honestly this is like a dream come true if little me was watching this right now we'd be freaking out hey listen we should have our backs up right now except we have to walk backwards , okay, okay, ready, one, two, three, oh, look, okay, he's cheating, he's cheating this way, but if someone comes up here.
I am holding my breath for about five minutes, if necessary, I can hold my breath for more than two minutes. No, you can't, I can't, no, you can't even compete in three, two, one. We just added some flavor to the water so you don't have to add any more chlorine, okay, so there's this huge slide that we never got to go on before, so now let's grab these slides and go down the water slide, here Come on, I say have a race to see who falls the fastest, well that's not fair, obviously it's because you're the headless one, I don't even want to go down anymore, just go home, I don't think we're even allowed lower. through this entrance, oh my god, we're in a secret underground passage, hey, there were so many good places to hide, okay, wait, I think we're lost, it's so big I don't even know where to go anymore, dude, there's not even only one. person here on the count of three we'll all slide down, are you ready, yeah, three, two, one, excuse me guys, excuse me, excuse me, you can't be here right now, you gotta start going, okay, get the police, right?
Guys I just cast your friend as Romero I think it's oh Breck Rivera it's Brett's breath and actually it wasn't brand it was our editor yeah but we can't be here unfortunately it's not the water park. closed right now I really think you need to go you know, technically the only people we can have in our videos are people who are subscribed, are you subscribed or am I really you? oh wait, he's really funny, he's fine, so what can I? Let's do it for you, we can get out of here and I can show you the mall.
We always end up hanging out with our subscribers, so let's make it so we're too lazy to walk, so instead, let's be. Carrying this around the mall, these things are fast, real snow, that's why it's so cold here, yeah, 26 degrees 26 every day, hey, this is becoming a


to try not to freeze. Come on, are you sure you want to do that? Alex, excuse me, man, one more fat joke I'm going to have. Click here to watch me lose 100,000 calories so the cat will stop calling me fat and click here to watch my wisdom teeth removed.

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