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Startup Company IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Scamming = Infinite Money Glitch

Jun 06, 2021
you're going to give me 420,000 for it, it doesn't matter if I do it, except the offer, press here, press select and press accept offer again and oh my God, here we go, we just got eight hundred thousand for selling Skype, I don't even think that Skype is currently worth eight hundred thousand Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm the excellent Brit and today we're going to play a


, a lovely


very similar to Game Dev Tycoon and Software Inc. However, this one has a bit of a twist Instead of being a random guy in your mother's garage producing


s, you will produce websites, that's right, you will create the next Facebook, the next YouTube, whatever, that's what you're here to do or rather, that's it. what 99 of the players are there to do well, no matter how well it is going to create a


that operates a little differently, so to speak, one that will be fabulously rich, rich and extremely famous, although famous for all the wrong reasons, so make sure you sit back and relax. and you have a hot cup of yorkshire tea in front of you because we are about to break this game and play it in a way that the developers probably didn't predict well.
startup company is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   scamming infinite money glitch
I think all we have left is to start a new one. game, although before I do I want to say that this game has immediately gone up 14 points in terms of my game review score for the sole reason that it defaults to Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, a win for civilized countries, ladies and gentlemen from all over the world. Anyway, let's jump into a whole new game, so naturally we'll be starting a really lovely custom game and we need a name for our


. Well, this game wants us to maybe call ourselves superstar developers or maybe code katana or advertising brains, no, no. no none of those names will be welcome on trickstarter it's like kickstarter however there is a bit more going on because just like kickstarter almost all of our customers and users will feel scammed 90 of the time right now let's set our lovely company we are going to start with just 15,000 pounds, barely enough to earn anything, but in reality we are going to generate an


amount of wealth, now what we have to do is decide on the name of a lovely CEO and naturally, when it comes From a CEO, we will be playing as the legendary Chris Roberts, many of you may not necessarily know him, but he is currently the designer of Star Citizen and don't worry, my lovely foreshadowing will start to make sense very soon. soon of course we will give you the x designer experience and now what we need to do is choose a name for our first website.
startup company is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   scamming infinite money glitch

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startup company is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits scamming infinite money glitch...

Now, of course, maybe we could create a new social media platform, maybe a new shopping platform, a stream. service, you can even create a new youtube, but no, instead we will create a gaming platform and call it Galaxy Citizen 100, not a subtle jab now that we have our 15,000 in cash, our new Galaxy Citizen website . Actually, we're going to need to choose a place to be our office, in our case, we're going to choose this lovely random shed in the middle of nowhere. We have 5,000 left in cash here, ladies and gentlemen, but don't do it. Don't worry, we'll find a way out of this.
startup company is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   scamming infinite money glitch
All we're going to need to get started is a nice desk and here we go, we have 2000 cash left and now we're going to need to send our lovely Chris Roberts over so he can start working for us right now because we've just jumped into the game. We are in a somewhat complicated situation. The reasoning is simple. We only have 1,800 left. This is not like this. enough to do anything and in a month we will be bankrupt and dead, so what we are going to do is immediately start looking for a new developer because we need someone to actually start developing Galaxy Citizen, so let's start the process of finding staff, but even if we found someone, we don't have enough


to hire them, we are going to have to go to finance here and ask for a loan now, of course, we can't ask for a loan for 2.7 million, but we will start by asking for a loan of 130,000.
startup company is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits   scamming infinite money glitch
This is a great start for us, although we will soon have to stop paying. It's all good, don't worry. Everyone needs a little loan of a hundred thousand to get them started now that we have we can get a second desk, heck we can even throw in a plant that will keep everyone happy, let's add another desk and there we go in case we decide to hire another employee. Now we have found a couple of lovely and willing workers like, for example, Roy Baldwin. Here we are going to offer a good salary and a comfortable signing bonus, plus Rory counters our offer and asks for 5400 a month and honestly, we are going to face it now that we have Roy, we will give him some space to work and we will make him work in creating the user interface and back-end components.
We're also going to grab one more desk, beautiful things, and in fact, we're also going to pick up one more designer. harry casey, let's see if we can get you six thousand seven hundred a month for yourself, very good harry casey, you better put your


to use and also make backend components and UI stuff, and now we've found a designer too. we're hiring bertie brady oh my god she wants 9000 a month sorry ma'am that's not happening oh my god look I know I'm going to become a millionaire but Chris Roberts isn't made of money. he's made of loans, let's offer this different person the job, there we go 4,900, that's a lot closer, we'll take it and now we can switch Chris Roberts from recruiting people to becoming a designer again.
We also have our extra colleague to help. We're out with all our lovely graphic productions, so it's basically day three, technically we're a hundred and thirty thousand in debt, but now we have four employees, all working on basic stuff, we have two programmers whose job is to produce back-end components for our website and UI components for our website and two designers who are doing blueprints and wireframe components, basically, they're just doing, you know, a lot of beautiful design things. Now that we have a blueprint component and a graphics component, we can update our beautiful website and give it a level one homepage, here we go, we have done it immediately so that this website can have a maximum potential users of 2500 and look we just gained our first user.
Wow, a user is not so bright, oh no. we've lost them, we've lost them, well beans, oh beans, oh no, here we go, we've got another user who's brilliant, fantastic stuff and, uh, and probably has zero registered users, okay, we need to find a way to Improve this, fortunately, we can update our beautiful website two more times because we have acquired more plans and graphic components, so voila, now we can have a maximum of 12,000 potential users. This is a lot of users, so what are we going to do? To do it right, we want these users to join, how are we going to do it right?
We're going to do email campaigns, ladies and gentlemen, why aren't we doing text ads right? In reality, they require someone to work. you have to physically write something, but a Nigerian prince email scam, well anyone can send them, we have a reach of nine million people we can try to get with this, so let's start a new campaign, although you can actually choose this And start. two campaigns at the same time, hell, we have money, let's start for free, not actually four, so we have five email campaigns, all with a budget of 1000 designed to convert users to our lovely website immediately.
They've done it, we're already up to 2000. the users make that three thousand, oh my goodness it's increasing, we're up to five thousand registered users and with that look at this, our website was just worth ten thousand dollars, that's right citizen In the galaxy, a website with just a very rubbish home page is now worth ten thousand dollars and it's only going to go up, so let's update our home page even more as soon as our workers can access it because by doing so we can have more maximum users and more maximum users we will have. the more our website is worth, as you can see we have reached our maximum of 12,000 users which means our website is worth 31,000, it's not that fantastic, I mean this is still not enough to pay off our loan so that we have to go.
Also, ladies and gentlemen, we need to make more money, so we are going to update the Galaxy Citizens home page two more times and now we can have up to 25,000 users. Now you might be wondering, ladies and gentlemen, what is Galaxy Citizen and what does Chris have? Roberts created or Galaxy Citizen right now is basically nothing, it's a website that could theoretically have 25,000 registered users, but if you went to Galaxy, all you would see is effectively a page with maybe a couple of images that say "Hello." Check out Galaxy Citizen features and content likely to appear later.
Also here is the button where you can invest and give us money now. Many of you will think wait a second, it's not a website, it's not even a product that no one is going to buy. that, but that's where you're wrong, ladies and gentlemen, because when you're marketing with a bunch of email campaigns, people sign up for Galaxy Citizen, it sounds brilliant, it sounds fantastic, and who wouldn't want to participate. I know 25,000 people who would do it. I love to register on our website, a website that I would like to point out is now worth 83,000 and here we go, we have updated our home page to the maximum, it may reach a level 10 home page, which means that we can have 70,000 registered users but of course we don't have 70,000 users right now, we only have 44,000, so we are going to need to increase our marketing budget, that's right, it's more email campaigns, ladies and gentlemen , just spamming people's emails with unlimited stuff.
Hey, have you signed up for Galaxy Citizen but would love to sign up for Galaxy Citizen? I know you would love to sign up for Galaxy Citizen. Oh my goodness, ladies and gentlemen. I just talked to Chris Roberts and he told me to be a star. citizen oh no sorry I mean galaxy citizen for galaxy citizen the first 7,000 people to like this video will receive a unique custom spaceship that only they can fly on and they will get it free for everyone Other people who cannot jump. In this offer, when available, you will have to pay the standard price of a spaceship in Galaxy Citizen which, as everyone knows, is $4.2 million, a


fair and


way to gain access to a set of pixels that you will never actually have access to because it will never be finished, oh God, what have I done?
The chaos in the comments section is going to be too much. Okay, be polite ladies and gentlemen, I want to see praise from each of you, praise from all the other comments, that's what I want every comment to have. to have a response below it has to be a compliment ok if you find someone who is upset because I'm making jokes about Star Citizen be nice to them offer them a cup of tea in this difficult time anyway let's get back to the video and So the progress on our website is going absolutely fantastic, we have technically reached the peak that our website can reach now, each day that passes through our website becomes more and more valuable, however, it is important for us that we really Let's sell it because, how can it, Look, with only twenty-three thousand dollars in the bank, we really can't afford to sit back and get a better offer than what's currently available, it's what's currently available, it's a quarter of million millionaire boys. club that is willing to purchase the entirety of Galaxy Citizen along with all of its users Galaxy Citizen is a buggy website, it is a website that basically has no features other than the fact that it has a page, but beyond that, the 70,000 registered users probably aren't.
I don't get much satisfaction from a website that crashes every day between 6 p.m. m. and 9 p.m. m., but we are still going to sell this lovely thing and of course we are going to sell it to the millionaire boys club for a quarter of a million and if we are especially quick we can sell it twice because of the way the game UI, so let's sell it quickly, we will accept the offer after taxes and a trading fee, it will be reduced to only 190,000, but it is still a ridiculous amount of money, so we will accept the offer and then also immediately click to re-enter and accept the offer a second time.
Oh, I was too slow, you can really relate. the process and do it in five seconds, you can collect the money twice, which is an excellent benefitadditional. There we go, we've gone from having 15,000 to 200,000 and in fact we should probably pay off our loan, bam, let's pay that off. Oh, look at that, so out of nowhere we're up to just under a hundred thousand without needing to pay back any loans and we're ready to take on the world, but what the hell did we just see? We just saw Chris. Roberts makes money out of nothing, but what if you wanted to do this strategy too?
Fortunately, Chris Roberts has an entire speech where he can demonstrate how to achieve this. Yes, it is a simple method and can be explained in four simple points. repeatable and accurate profits from chris or garbage for short, this is a way of describing the endless process of creating a website, designing a home page for it and then selling the faulty and broken website for a quarter of a million to make massive profits , you see, this game will actually make you think that you really need to make money with your websites, you should try and maybe come up with new fantastic ideas maybe add crazy features like the ability to view images or videos, heck maybe if you're going to create a messaging platform, maybe add a feature that allows users to talk to each other, but don't use the garbage method that Chris Roberts uses. able to streamline the entire development process to something very simple, sell a concept and make millions and millions of dollars with it and that's exactly what we're going to do, we're about to turn this bad boy up to 11 because now with 87 000 in the bank and a decent inventory of all the components needed to build websites.
Let's start spamming these bad boys and watch our profit margins grow. It's time for us to make our next website now a natural gaming platform that it was. Great, we made a good amount of money from it. Instead, we are going to create a new dating platform. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Prawn Hub, the premier website for all marine life to communicate and spend time with each other. It's not 100 a website I just created to remove simple typos from millions of users. No, this is an official website, so naturally, being an official website, it needs to have a home page, so let's become one of these lovely things and immediately. with such a big landing page we can have 18,000 users so let's immediately start the email sending process because we want some users to wait for the emails to arrive and voila we already have 8,000 users and our website is apparently worth 52,000 on the first day, wonderful stuff, let's make it even better and in fact I'm noticing a slight bottleneck, we need more graphics components, we need more blueprint components, so maybe we should hire more staff, what a splendid idea.
Oh, I'm so fabulously smart, so come on. once again let's get chris roberts looking for the next generation of workers, let's get another designer, nice things, give him a decent signing bonus and a good monthly salary and they will ask us for 5400 a month, very good, okay, don't worry. Very soon we will have


money. Let's put up another desk and then give it a lovely job. Now let's also find another developer and start looking, and here we have it. A lovely developer for 5,100. oh, very good, that will have to do now we can return Chris to his normal job of designing things, everything is fine and set up a nice chair for our new developer, fantastic stuff and it's as easy as that and we're. bam prawn hub now has a level 10 homepage, which means it's somewhat premium, ladies and gentlemen, but why stop with prawn hub when we can have multiple websites up and running at once?
It's time we created a streaming service, that's right, that's dozens more ladies and gentlemen, a top-notch website where you can watch all your favorite dozens of movies; However, it will only be a home page and even after paying our exorbitant membership fees, we will also add premium paywalls to get access to the best. movies, so dozne plus may have 12,000 users, of course, it doesn't actually have that, so once again we're going to need to start some marketing campaigns for dozne plus just to increase those numbers, presto, bam and that's it ! Immediately, users are flooding Dosney, so logically, let's once again update this homepage even more.
We are now at level six, which is perfect. Let's start a time machine and bam! No? Plus, you're now on level 10. homepage, that's right, we have all your favorite movies there, mainly because Dozne also legally owns about 50 parts of the world at the moment, so any movie ideas also immediately include dozens of fantastic stuff with that tidy website, it's time you create a social media platform too, what better social media platform than Skype, such a good and amazing platform that no one uses it anymore, so let's improve this homepage as much as possible and naturally, of course, let's start the charming email campaigns necessary to convince older people. that skype is still relevant and a great way to contact your grandkids now, how is prawn hub doing? oh no, prawn hub server usage is at an all-time high.
All the local marine life populations are having a great time looking at the website to the point where Actually, this is all great news for us because it means that we can start selling the website and see that it is worth over four hundred twenty thousand dollars. Isn't it so perfect? Let's sell our shrimp center and, oh my God! offer oh no, that offer is not good enough only 386 000 I don't need to accept that offer or at least I don't need to accept that offer yet and fantastic, this time we have an offer from a slightly richer company technically they are offering 440 000, the website because it's been around for a while now it's worth 500,000 but since we only have 3,000 in the bank we need to accept this offer otherwise we'll go bankrupt so naturally we press select and This is when we can do some little shenanigans and hopefully win three hundred thousand twice, so we're going to press accept offer immediately, come back here, press select and accept offer again and oh, could you see that suddenly we accept the offer twice? and the shrimp center was sold to the same person twice, which means we now have over half a million dollars in our company bank accounts.
Chris Roberts' boot hack looks absolutely fantastic. What lovely company you have here now that we have six hundred thousand under our belt. We are poised to establish ourselves as a huge, dominant money-making monolith for the rest of the long life of our company. Now let's quickly finish upgrading Skype to the maximum level and we can just sit on our lovely websites because we have a lot. Money doesn't really matter and the longer we sit on them, the more money they will make us, which is perfect, so while we are all busy generating the components for future websites, let's try to hire a brand.
New investigator, ladies and gentlemen, let's start looking for an investigator. Let's offer Susan Quinn some money and hopefully she'll accept. There we go, 5400 a month, wonderful stuff, so now we have someone who will generate research points for us. What are we going for? To spend them well, I want to generate 200 research points to unlock the nice framework 1.0. This will allow us to increase the feature level to 40, meaning we can have even more users on our main pages, so we now have two. researchers who are going to work hard to make us beautiful research points oh no my goodness we have our first product review effie curtis here two days ago said I don't know dosney and also it's a good concept but it just lacks features , what do you mean?
It's packed with features, it's packed with almost 500,000 features that don't really exist, but it doesn't matter, oh, it's just a beautiful infinite money maker, the longer it exists, the more money it's worth, which is just brilliant, in this moment it goes up to 490 in terms of value, you know, actually we could also create a new website, okay, let's create a dating platform, it will be the friend zone, a place for people to make friends and that's it , let's give it its patent-pending homepage, it immediately goes up to level 9, which is fantastic, of course, and now let the marketing campaigns for the friend zone begin.
Do you like someone? Did you know that person probably doesn't like you? Are you going to try to force them to like you anyway? Well, it looks like you could use the friend zone brought to you by Chris Roberts, who is also an expert on being in the friend zones here. Oh god, this video is definitely being taken. in legal proceedings, yes, Dozy plus is now worth 550,000 just because it's been down for a few days, which is perfect and we're almost halfway to unlocking our next set of tech. We could also sell a dozen more, why not, let's see.
Who is going to buy it? How is Skype? Skype is working very well and the friend zone is also working pretty decently. Well, we are going to sell dozens more and friend zone and create a new website and next to it, this can be a shopping platform. Of course, there will be organs for you. A


legitimate website for all your organ purchasing needs. There we go immediately. Now it's level 10 and let the marketing begin. Are you missing a kidney? Would you perhaps like an extra kidney? How many lungs are too many? I certainly don't know, that's what organs for you are for, they're here to offer the only top-notch service where you can buy organs for yourself, right?
Let's now sell dozne plus for six hundred thousand to the Gold group. This looks perfect, right? Well, bam! we're going to accept this offer and we're going to get 431,000 naturally press this and this and then select oh I was a little slow oh well okay we could have sold it twice. Is anyone trying to buy Skype? No, you don't want to buy Skype. Why wouldn't anyone want to buy Skype? Everyone wants to buy Skype. It is a top-notch communication website. Everyone uses it. Well, everyone used it in 2012, but still, we are going to create a new gaming platform.
This will be a website where you basically host all your games, it is now called stodia, unlike normal game launchers this is completely online which means you only need a good internet connection to play and of course In fact, even if you have a good Internet connection, you will need a lot of luck to be able to play your games, you may wonder why this is the case. It's because here at trickstarter we refuse to update any of our servers, which means that fundamentally your fps and game fidelity will be tied to the random whims of our Server Gods, okay let's send out the email campaigns that everyone they will love them.
Well, there are still no offers to buy Skype seriously. There are four days left to purchase Skype. Someone wants Skype. No, no, I don't see why it's worth 600,000. Apparently not. also sell the friend zone someone else can take care of the friend zone here we go someone wants to buy skype oh the belvida corporation my friends are going to love skype everyone loves skype they are going to give me 420 thousand so it doesn't matter if I do it , except the offer, press here, press select and press accept offer again and oh my God, there we go, we just got eight hundred thousand for selling Skype.
I don't even think Skype today is worth eight hundred thousand, that's fantastic. so much money oh so much money now we're up to 1.6 million Chris Roberts 1.6 million think how many scams we can do with 1.6 million in the bank oh it's incredible and the thing is even if our employees get angry, all we need to do is to make them happy, just give them money, thousands of dollars to each of them, it will bring them back to one hundred percent happiness and really improve their work speed. Some would say it's a bribe, but I prefer to see it as a lovely motivational package.
Well, I think it's time we sell the friend zone. It's worth a decent amount of money, so let's sell it to JH Capital. We are ready and can sell for the second time. Yes we can, oh yes we can. 2.3 million dollars, ladies and gentlemen. oh, that's great, okay, let's create a new streaming service. This will, of course, be a lovely streaming service where people can watch their favorite watches, although of course considering it's just a homepage you'll only really be looking at it. a still image of probably ninja, but you know there's probably money to be made from it.
I mean, if you look at some of the products he sells, he has a book that's just a notebook but it's ninja branded, it's just an empty ninja branded book, so it's worth like 20 quid. You can put ninja on anything and sell it to an investor for half a million. That will be oursplan. Great, we just achieved 400 research points, which means we can now research our ending. feature of subscriptions now, why do we need to do a good research on subscriptions? It's because to really upgrade the basic Twitch framework we need to max out our features and our features need to be at the maximum level, so logically we could have investigated. maybe live streaming features for Twatch so users can live stream each other, but that would actually require developing things that aren't basically graphical components, which we're not going to do, but rather add subscriptions and add text ads on our beautiful website and by doing so we can upgrade to the next level for only sixty thousand, bam and now our features can be leveled up and of course naturally we will immediately remove the text ads because that's going to annoy people have subscriptions to text ads, however, we may maintain subscriptions.
I have no idea why anyone is going to subscribe to the website, but it's okay anyway, now that we have all these points, we can update the website immediately. Level 40. Now we can have 500,000 potential users on Twitch, so let's level up. Oh, and let's notice that the registered user number is going up and up, I admit the server isn't necessarily handling this very well. Noticeable. for the fact that the response time is currently about two seconds, oh and now it's about four seconds, this is fine, don't worry, I'm sure the users won't notice and since we need more users , let's just spam. a few more email campaigns, let's really increase the rating of this bad boy, okay, more email campaigns are needed, come on, this will make us a lot of money, ladies and gentlemen, a lot, a lot, a lot of money, we now have 100,000 users , this is incredible.
Twitch is going viral. Twitch is going viral, ladies and gentlemen. What is going viral? It is a landing page with a subscription service that no one will sign up for because there are no premium features that come with the subscription service. Oh, you love to see him well. Come on, it's going viral. It's worth it. Let's send more email campaigns while it's viral. That's what people want. I want an empty website viral oh yes it's perfect my beautiful website we have up to 130,000 registered users this is just amazing absolutely amazing considering we have plenty of resources out there let's improve the efficiency of the website and in doing so reduce downtime issues response we are getting no, it's fine, apparently there is no way to fix the response time, oh my goodness, as long as we don't go down in users, I'm sure it's fine because the more we go up in users, the more money we will be making, so That's okay, how are your organs doing?
They're working pretty well, it's worth seven hundred thousand, you know, let's upgrade this bad boy to dumb levels too and text ads, etc., let's upgrade the frame now we remove it. these update the website even more, here we go, the bodies for you will now try to double your user base. How is Twatch doing? Twatch is working fantastic, almost worth a million. I'm noticing a small problem which is that technically twatch can't grow once. the server is actually down and since the server spends a lot of time down, we're going to have to fix Twitch and we're going to rent this little crap place in the middle of nowhere, research some basic hosting equipment and build. ourselves, a basic fan and a small server rack, here we go, oh my goodness, twatch is doing absolutely brilliant, it has so many registered users that it is worth 1.3 million, sure enough, what is a blank page offering a subscription service, but at the same time we are? getting so many lovely tweets like saying its shrink down yeah the shrink is really slow today yeah don't worry it's um 100 its not my fault its just the website oh my god the crap is down a ddos ​​attack, oh that's okay, they can do it.
Don't stop it, you can't stop the clock once it started running, it's physically impossible, right, we're going to have to recruit ourselves as a system administrator for the sole reason that we really need to set up some servers, but I have some. Good news, even though the servers are down 50% of the time so you can't even be a registered user, it's growing at a lovely rate, it's now worth 2 million to watch, that makes it 2.1 million and each day just brings. With more and more money, I can't wait to sell this lovely bad boy, of course, at the same time, we have two new sysadmins who will help us optimize our servers so that we can actually uh maintain Twitch on our own, which It will be wonderful and that's it, here we go.
Twatch is suddenly up and running, the website will no longer crash, which means we can continuously register new users and reach the 500,000 mark, oh this is it ladies and gentlemen. We've done it and with Twitch's servers now fixed, it can actually grow at an incredible rate, which means, you guessed it, ladies and gentlemen, look at those 500,000 registered users on Twitch. Oh, it's brilliant, we've peaked and we're not. stand there with half a million people eagerly staring at an empty blank page with subscriptions, we will see how the value of this website increases, as you can see it is three million, but as soon as we move on to the next day it will go from being worth only three million to be worth, you guessed it, 3.2 million, it's just why it goes up 200,000 every day, nothing has changed for Twitch, okay, you know what let's actually sell Twitch, let's see if we can do it, let's start accepting offers . for our lovely websites, they don't want to buy Twitch, okay, we've won the bid to buy Twitch, it's from jh capital, uh, for 3.2 million, so you know, let's select this, we'll get 2.3 million from it and let's accept the offer immediately hit there and there and we will accept it twice, so we just generated almost five million twatch.
Twatch is of course the main website that had nothing it had no inherent value it was just garbage and yet so many people used it oh so many people used it and the same thing will happen with the organs for you we will increase your base of users and we will take it to millions stodia well, you will be stuck at a value of seven hundred thousand. I'm scared, my friend, but it's okay, we have so much money, our company is worth seven million. Look, isn't that just fantastic? We could give all our employees a small retirement plan if we wanted.
I mean, of course we're not going. because we're evil, but you know it's something we could do if we were really nice, you know, let's start the biggest campaign ever. We're going to push bodies to use the user base to as many as we can get. shortest period possible we need as many email campaigns as humanly imaginable oh look at that growth oh these are fantastic organs for you what a website omg we can sell stadiums but yeah we can sell it to the band partner here we go, we are going to sell it. we sell it for the second time, of course we can, beautiful things, we sold stadiums for a million, sorry stodio, oh no organs for you, you are under ddos ​​attack, although actually, this is fine because of our beautiful server configuration, it doesn't really affect us at All this is amazing, my goodness, well everything looks very good and excellent, to be honest, the bodies for you are working great.
You would love to see it. Our beautiful things. We just achieved 500 research points, which means we can acquire a new one. framework the cute framework 2.0, which means oh my goodness, some crazy things are about to happen, let's go to the organs for you and apply our additional features, naturally, subscriptions and of course text ads, and let's update this framework, let's put framework 2.0 in buckets. us 300,000 but believe me, it's worth it, of course, let's immediately remove those text ads, but now what we can do is refresh this page even more, we're bam and we're bam and we're back there, come on, we're up. at level 90 which means we can have 1.7 users in theory, that's what we wanted to do, we could have it and the organs for you are going viral right now, who could have guessed?
Let's get as many users as possible and get as close as possible. 1.7 million users as possible because it's amazing, this website will be worth so much money and what is just a blank page, but people love blank pages, it's exceptionally fun to see what happens if we add text ads . that will make people leave the platform, let's set up text ads. You would actually need a sales executive to complete them. Okay, that makes sense. We will not have text ads. So, it's too complicated. In reality, we will have no sales. executive do anything we're just selling websites now that's where the money is made also we're going to need to set up another server here oh my god what are these bodies for?
You received your first support ticket. Make sure you hire a collaborator first. Response times are too high. We have a support ticket. What the hell is necessary? I have no idea. Has no sense. I mean the website with a home page and apparently there are a million people on it. A million people are simply logging on. organs for you and be like yeah, this is what organs look like, ah, people buy these interesting, very interesting, yeah, yeah, okay, let's sell, let's sell our backup cash website, this only exists because I wanted a little extra money, so here we go.
I'll sell it twice and get two million from it. Beautiful things. What are these organs for you? Support satisfaction is currently not the highest. Not because our average resolution time is long. But that's okay because it won't stop people from signing up. People love organs. For you, okay, I have started some new marketing campaigns, which means that the user base of organs for your use will grow even faster. Now I mean, all you need to do is start a new one and then modify the budget to make it a hundred thousand. and bam, suddenly the user numbers are going to go absolutely crazy.
Can we improve it even more? Oh my god, we can do it. The maximum user base is 5.7 million. I don't think it's really possible for us to achieve it, but it could happen in theory 5.7 million. I don't see why we couldn't access it, let's also start a new advertising campaign. This we can have a budget of a million. There we go, a million people. Let's get as many people as possible to our website. We're also going to need to duplicate our server systems, oh my goodness, we're going to need to duplicate this a lot. Actually, oh my god, so many users, 3.3 million users right now, it's just a blank page, but it doesn't matter. organs for you is the best website in the universe.
It's true that I have realized that spending so much money on the marketing budget means that we are spending a million a day on advertising for this website and that has accidentally hurt our business quite a bit. Organic growth is much more affordable than spending a billion a day on ads. You know, I think it's time to sell my masterpiece. It is valued at 15 million. Let's see who wants to buy my beautiful website. Well, make that 17 million. It's okay with every step. day goes up in terms of value by quite a considerable portion now it's 18 million precious things okay, now it's worth 20 million this is perfect 21 million our lovely website oh my god, organs for you is becoming a viral platform, it's a craziness.
We have six million users right now and hey, we can even have more, we can have as many as we want. 7.8 million users, that will be the peak, that is the limit of this website, but honestly, we can't keep organs for you forever. eventually i will have to sell it as nice as it would be to sell brand ads to these 7.8 million people, as someone who actually runs a youtube channel i know that 7.8 million users probably won't be enough in terms of income, i would rather have 57 million dollars in my account that seven million views on a video, my god you know what that means, that means we have to sell this sausage, yes we will sell it at some point or another, probably soon considering we bleed around 30,000 a year. day in terms of maintaining our staff and so on, so hopefully we can sell it to a lovely company.
What I love is that in terms of platforms, it is the seventh largest shopping website, that's right, this is a huge shopping website and yet for some magical reason. actually it has nothing, it's a shopping website where you can'tbuy anything, sure it's called organs for you, but honestly, it's just a facade, there's nothing there that won't stop us from selling it for, hopefully, around 60 million here we come someone came it's the belvedere corporation offering 54 million I'd like to a little more than that oh you know what happens if you're going to be the only person offering money for it come on so let's go get 39 million for the sale of this beautiful website and you know we'll sell it twice there we go we get to 78 million dollars, ladies and gentlemen, this is incredible, we have so much money, we are worth so much, it's oh, it's Fantastic, the value of our company was worth 140 million.
They love to see it, ladies and gentlemen. It really is incredible how much money we are worth. Oh my goodness, ladies and gentlemen. I'm afraid that's all we have in store for today. watch the legendary chris roberts has managed to scan millions and make millions in the process using chris robert's legendary patent pending marketing and strategy methods well done as always if you enjoyed today's video and want to see more like this, be sure to give it away. Please like the video as it helps us tremendously and hey, if you're new here, why not consider subscribing?
We have even more great videos lined up and trust me, you won't want to miss them. You can even rotate them. in notifications and aggressively telling me when my lovely sausages are available to view anyway. It's always a huge thank you to each and every one of my majestic patreons who make these fantastic videos even more possible. Seriously, thank you very much, you are all lovely people. And your continued support in this time of ups and downs is greatly appreciated, so thank you. Did you sit there wondering what video you'd like to watch next? Look no further than this one on display, now hand-picked by me to be exactly perfect.
For you, I mean, if you enjoyed this, trust me, you'll love the next one. You like to scam people. So anyway, you'll love it. I'll see each and every one of you in the next one. Have an absolutely lovely day. and goodbye for now

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