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RIMWORLD ORGAN HARVESTING - The Perfectly Balanced Organ Harvesting Colony Simulator Game!

May 31, 2021
you've got the tea leaves on the burner here we go and here's our very own box of yorkshire tea oh it's fantastic it's glorious it's a yorkshire tea hello ladies and gentlemen I'm the scoffing Brit and today we're going to play to the fantastic.



a story generator by tainan sylvester is that this


is not in fact it is a war crimes


that's right because this game is very famous for a very important reason in space no one can hear you violating gin convention today. We are going to establish a lovely



rimworld organ harvesting   the perfectly balanced organ harvesting colony simulator game
That's right, we're going to create the ultimate base on Rimworld, where we'll not only harvest the


s of anyone who gets too close, but we'll also imprison random passersby. and force them to grow lots of delicious, delicious tea for us, this will be the true, ultimate, ultimate way to play the grim world and believe me it will be



so make sure you sit back and relax with a nice hot cup of tea . tea in hand as we go to establish the largest and most human rights violating


ever conceived, as it is time for us to dive into this game, today we will play in the default mode with a good old crash landing setup , although thanks to some cheeky mods I have in the background, this will be a one-off build anyway, we'll be playing with the default cassandra classic builds and it's time to get them into the game. seed we are going for well, of course we are going for the beautiful tea seed, the largest seed of all will generate 100 inhabitants of the world, it will increase the population and this should be perfect, let's go by the way, these are all the mods that we are using, It's quite a few for today's episode, but believe me, they are all absolutely fantastic, please don't judge the fact that we have mods like this, this and this, there was this and this, oh god, I realize 90 of these names mod they make me look like an absolute psychopath and that's mainly because I am, oh god please don't put me on the watch list.
rimworld organ harvesting   the perfectly balanced organ harvesting colony simulator game

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rimworld organ harvesting the perfectly balanced organ harvesting colony simulator game...

Welcome to the glorious world of tea. That's right, now it's the world of tea when it comes to where we want to settle it's very simple we want to find a nice house in the mountains, preferably in some kind of nice forest, not in a rainforest because it's full of mosquitoes, but in a boreal forest. Boreal forests are the best places to Get Ready, so let's settle in a nice boreal forest. Now, setting us up so close to the yellow tribe is going to upset them a little, but I mean, they're kind of neutral towards us, so it's okay. everything works out fine bam let us land now all we have to do is design our very important free settlers and make sure they will be absolutely perfect and here we have it ladies and gentlemen our free settlers are finally decided. be the free employees help us, the powerful company spiffco establish an organ


and tea growing


to start, we have the manager, that's right, it's jeff bezos, he started as a corporate slave and worked his way up to manager , he is a cannibal. greedy sausage and body purist and he will be the social man of our colony.
rimworld organ harvesting   the perfectly balanced organ harvesting colony simulator game
The next step is that we have Susan, the doctor. That's right, it's Susan, the CEO of YouTube. She worked as a child on an organ farm and eventually learned to be a medical soldier. be the bloodthirsty, fast-sleeping cannibal who will rip the organs out of our lovely limbs and finally we have Todd Howard, the game tester. He started life as a nerdy kid in the chess club until he developed bloodlust and used the agile and optimistic of him. Fingers to work your way up to becoming a game tester, he is a jack of all trades and will mainly defend the colony, so without further ado, let's dive into this world and here we have it, ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived for free.
rimworld organ harvesting   the perfectly balanced organ harvesting colony simulator game
The characters are here, Basil Susan and Todd have made it now, this is our glorious starting habitat. It's a boreal forest, which means we have an almost unlimited supply of trees, as well as some fun wildlife, but most importantly the benefit of starting in the mountainous region. which allows us to create a very easily defendable base that no one will be able to break into. All we have to do to create this defensible base is simply build a wall here and a wall here and then bam, we're safe! the outside world right now, after organizing everyone's different work patterns, it's time for us to set them up and build our basic base so that our first wooden ball will come up here to seal us and we will put up another wall here like Well, here we go, We have a small protected area to build on.
We'll also set up our basic farming area, right here in the middle of our base. To start, we will grow rice, since it grows the fastest. crop in the game now we'll need to set up the energy nice and quick, so we'll just place it next to most of our crops. It will take you a few days to build all of this but you will get it set up nicely and soon in terms of weaponry we will give Todd probably the bolt action rifle and jeff bezos may be the person to equip the stun gun. This is a very important weapon, especially considering that Susan can't actually fight, but the stun gun will allow us to capture people without murdering them, which is very important now when it comes to real food, because we are in such a nice wooded area that We don't really have to worry about setting up an early farm where we can grow things because instead we would like to use our prison workforce for that, so what we can do is basically survive off the land by murdering most of the local wildlife because there are lots of deer, elk and other lovely species. wildlife that we can hunt to extinction now honestly, in terms of the first day in the colony, it hasn't been a bad idea, we've only built a bed, which isn't necessarily the best.
I'll make those two beds now, so one of The boys are going to sleep on the floor tonight, but that's going to be fine now, when it comes to actual research, we need to investigate a couple of interesting things and from the beginning, the most Importantly, the batteries, because that will allow us to store electricity, which is important if we are really going to keep the food cold right now Susan is going to make Todd's bed and here we go, it's already made, it's a normal, fantastic bed, Todd's room is of terrible quality, but you know it's not the worst, oh, fantastic, wild.
Hunter is passing through our local area now, they're nothing special really. His name is ambassador and he has good stats underground or shoot a happy body purist. His stats are pretty good. I would like to have it in my colony, the only one. The problem is that if he kidnapped him, the only faction that lives very close to us might get a little angry, but at the same time, if he kidnapped him, they would probably send people to attack us, right? Do you know what that means, Bezos? it's time to get that stun gun ready we have a person to catch todd he will also bring you as backup and hopefully we can catch him before he leaves the map hello ambus my friend uh we would really like to have you in our colony bezos you know what to do arrest him 100 possibilities oh wait we can't arrest him because we don't have a prisoner bed well okay we can make one we can build our prisoner area okay now so my plan for the prisoner area is simple we want prisoners for two reasons: one, we want the prisoners to grow tea because that is one of the many resources we can plant, that's right, we can plant tea and that tea plant can be used to create cups of tea. which are effectively drugs that we can sell to people now if we can capture this person and then basically force them to grow tea for us, then my goodness, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to have money, right?
Jeff, do you know what to do? them, this is going to upset their faction, but honestly it doesn't matter, bam, they're arrested now, that's made that tribe very hostile, they're down to minus 75 opinion of us from zero, oh god, that was a big deal emotional hit, but ah, it's Okay, now the ambassador is our new friend here and he's a prisoner when it comes to having prisoners in this world, we can force them to work, which is absolutely fantastic, I mean, sure we can try to recruit them , but what's the point of recruiting them? when instead you can force them to work for you forever now that's what I like about my prisoners and I'm also pretty sure I can change their names of course I can you're no longer an ambassador say hello to a new member of the colony, it is an organ. number one donor, that's true, because this man has a clean, healthy sheet of organs ready to be harvested because guess what everything can be harvested, we can take hearts, we can take lungs, we can take kidneys, we can take livers, we can even castrate characters and my staff. favorite, we can take out teeth, we can even remove eyes, and we can simply sedate the characters' brains for no particular reason.
This is Todd's third day in a row sleeping outside on the ground, but you know, he's actually still a pretty happy little character. He is an optimist, ladies and gentlemen, he has the life motto: "it just works", which means that even when life gets you down, things will still work out in the end, as people will still buy his games. Oh, and lovely, the organ donor is immediately getting to work. He worked digging the tunnel that I have designated for him so that he can actually get to work planting the fields here, so what we're going to do is designate this area here, this entire area.
It is going to be a prison work area where only prisoners will be able to work. Any settler who enters this area will not be able to work unless he is a guard. It's going to be a fantastic area, ladies and gentlemen, because what we can do is appoint a giant. cultivation area and this giant cultivation area can make for delicious cups of tea, of course the prisoners cannot survive on tea alone, so we will give them their own food cultivation area, although it will be much smaller than the largest tea. important. area and this area can grow potatoes, here we go right?
I'm lovely and here we go, our lovely little organ donors will get to work well and soon we will open this door so the organ donor can come out and start logging . all these trees and oh my god he's doing it he's doing it what a great guy oh I love it they really work and he's planting tea our organ donor is planting tea oh the business is up , ladies and gentlemen, our first reluctant employee, what? A great little guy, now our lovely prisoner, after his first day on the job, has done a fantastic job. It's not the happiest sausage in the world, but honestly, things are looking good.
He's managed to sew a lot of tea plants all over this landscape, which is perfect. Now one thing we can have our prisoners do is we can also have our prisoners expand their own prisoner barracks by simply designating an area to be destroyed, oh my goodness what amazes me is the fact that the organ donor he is really okay with their existence they are actually enjoying their job of planting tea he is enjoying it I am surprised I am very impressed these are tea plants by the way, when fully grown we get a proper cup of tea from them and not talking about tea of rubbish, we're not talking about a ted lee, we're talking about high quality yorkshire tea, first foray against poison spiders, ladies and gentlemen, tomorrow it's a poison spider explorer who only has a knife, this is perfect if just a melee stat of two will be great, so what we're going to do is send in jeff bezos and todd howard, although todd won't be allowed to shoot and bezos' job will be to try and capture this. person using our lovely taser, wow, bezos, wow, that's a good first hit, we hit them with the taser, come on, just a couple more hits, jeff bezos and there we go, two stun gun shots was all what it took to bring down tomorrow, so here we are.
I'm going to capture this person, there we go, perfect, another excellent addition to my workforce collection. Now all I have to do tomorrow is sleep to alleviate his various pains, but that will be fine in terms of being a new settler, uh, they're fine. their slave price is only 200 because statistically speaking they are not the best, but once we let them mine a little more, maybe teach them how to craft or care for animals, they will be good workers in our army, I know it as we run. We are low on power and haven't looked into batteries yet, it still makes sense for us to have a second wind turbine up and running in terms of future energy.
We have a couple of geothermal energy sources that will help ouradvance colony, I mean we actually offer our workers a very high quality existence, when we really think about it, I mean they get food, they get the opportunity to do things, I mean we're pretty generous, but at the end of the day they just have a limited area they can work in and I would love to see it expand. Oh, and there's a nice exotics dealer walking around. This is fantastic. Now good exotics traders are very important because they are one of the few traders in this game that accept organs now, unfortunately, we.
We actually don't have any organs to donate or at least we don't have them yet because all it takes, ladies and gentlemen, is one look at this healthy person here tomorrow to realize that he has a whole bank of healthy organs, so which makes a lot of sense. so we can harvest one of his kidneys, I mean, at the end of the day you have two kidneys when in reality you only need one, so we will begin the operation to harvest one of his kidneys. Now Susan, go do the surgery. performing the operation on a prisoner's bed is not the best bed, but it gives us a 74 chance of success in the surgery and it will have to work well, let us perform the operation, we have a 70 chance of success, give me the kidney, we have the kidney, ladies and gentlemen, bam.
Anyway, we have jeff bezos here, jeff bezos is going to trade with the good exotic traders, we have a whole organ to sell to you, believe me, you will love to buy it, so we are going to sell that organ for 762. I would do it. I would like to say that technically that prisoner was worth only two hundred dollars as a slave, which means that the organs in her body are more valuable than her as an actual living being. This kidney alone is worth almost four times as much as she is as a human being. Great, here we go, we're going to sell that kidney right now, we've built all these beautiful walls and this is going to allow us to designate more prisoner work areas outside as soon as all these walls are built and it's going to give us more space for them to actually work now. one thing i noticed is that basically none of our colonists know how to cook, none of them have good stats for cooking but neither do any of our prisoners so one of our colonists needs to keep making food let's make that todd um you will have to cook you won't be very good at it but honestly it's okay you can learn so you will get to work and prepare some basic meals and these basic meals will keep the working prisoners very happy now that the prisoners have done a great job their first harvest of Potatoes have grown by 47, tea has grown by 15, but what is really striking is the fact that they have managed to extract a huge amount of steel for us and, more importantly, the prisoner area has now expanded so that we can ceding this entire area to our prisoners because we've walled it off


, so we're going to let the prisoners basically mine this space here and then establish a new crop. zones for them here we go, we can have a large 10 by 15 growing area here where they can grow rice, then we can have an even larger growing area here to the south where they will mainly grow tea. be a giant tea field oh yeah, it's going to be fantastic and since we'll need more food, we might as well designate even more areas of potatoes potatoes for everyone, perfect, look at this, these lovely organ donors get to work, they're making sandstone.
They are cutting down trees for us oh I love having prisoner labor it makes everything so wonderful honestly the colony is going so much better than I expected but of course we need more employees we have all this untamed land that could be full of tea crops. and equally we have all these prisoners with organs that we can take slowly, although apparently our first prisoner will actually have a proper rupture risk now, oh, we have a braid of the poisonous spiders. Fantastic, it's Sky, the enforcer, a 59-year-old woman. Who is a misandrist? Well, he doesn't like men, but he's tough, very good at hand-to-hand combat.
His plant stats are fantastic, which means he'll be a great farmer for our colonies, so Jeff, I need you to give my friend a rest, although I'm actually kind. I need you on the battlefield right now, so let's eliminate him immediately and go try to capture Sky. We'll also take out Todd in case things go wrong, okay, let's try to capture another one. reluctant worker oh wait, it looks like they're being attacked oh by the fantastic boar, okay, so they're already a little injured, they're going to bleed out in 23 hours, so we can wait for them to weaken a little and then send them away. on Bezos, but you know, let's send Bezos now, okay, first shot, that's a miss, another shot, that's a good hit, let's take him down, Bezos, take him down, oh Bezos, you killed them, Bezos, somehow you managed to kill them. a stun gun you shot a stun gun in the left shoulder and you killed them ah bezos i told you not to taser up to seven hundred thousand but you know what these things happen at least we can steal their medicine it's a shame we don't have another prisoner to put to work, but hey, I'm sure another raid soon will be long anyway.
Now the fun thing about the lovely guest mod we've enabled is that visitors will come and stay for a few nights. and we can actually charge them, we charge 10 silver coins a night just to stay in this garbage looking room, although unfortunately winter has already arrived because the temperature outside is -10 degrees which is killing many of our tea plants , yes that's how it is. The potatoes are dying and the tea is dying. We will have to try to do a massive harvest and if we manage to get any harvest then great, but if we don't then that's fine, the tea is simply too young to be harvested.
Well now we just have to save as many potatoes as possible, honestly, even though we are entering winter, we are entering winter with a very decent food supply. We have 629 potatoes in our inventory and probably a few hundred potatoes in inventory. field when a new mission arrives, now we have an interesting mission here, which is that we will basically be paid to do battles for profit. A local councilor from one of the factions basically wants us to distract the pirates to get the heat out of their caravans, this would basically involve sending three groups of pirates over several days to be sent to our colony and in this case probably we will accept the mission to gain control of this heavy weapon, a masterpiece in In fact, it would be great to kill people, of course, we won't get it until the raids are over, but it will be a great weapon for Todd Howard, no doubt, a little better than your little bolt action rifle.
Oh, and here comes the raid. fantastic, sure, jeff bezos, prepare your stun gun, we're going to hunt prisoners, anyway, todd, come here, remember, don't shoot at will, todd, that would be the worst thing you could do, in fact we know that there is actually a new mugger, someone else who is swinging and going to smash against a wall, okay, I didn't expect that, okay, if we keep these doors open, why is he just breaking down the door? Can you stop breaking down the door? Stop trying to break down my wall. It is breaking. my walls, right, todd, that's it, let him take down the wall, I told you you can't kill him, but Jeff Bezos, you'll have to assassinate him, stun him, well, we'll bait him with Todd Bezos, Ron, don't get stabbed, Bezos.
Okay, Todd, look, you're going to have to shoot here on this one, uh, please don't kill them, okay, that's a good hit, it should actually slow down his movement guesses. They are moving slowly to 48 which gives Jeff Bezos the opportunity to stun him todd now you are the one doing the provoking oh jeff you killed him for the love of god jeff let's immediately try to fix this wall jeff is in no immediate danger, so I think it's time for us to naturally go find the other person who might arrive oh no they died in the traps beans okay here comes the final raider it's an 83 year old woman named shorty immediately has 70 movement because he has huge cataracts, hearing loss, back problems and also has a smoke leaf addiction so I think this is probably someone Jeff Bezos can really walk just because of the fact that Jeff can really walk at full speed.
Okay, Jeff, let's go hunt for a grandma. Good hit. Good hit. Very good. We have slowed down the old lady. She slowed her movements even more. at 22 and you killed her, gave her a poor heart attack, oh God, sure, let's take the silver from her body, oh well, at least we have our heavy SMG masterpiece to give to Todd, oh God, I swear, these non-lethal tasers. they're actually quite dangerous, okay, winter has finally started, which means all of these fields are basically completely sold out until the new year, but everything is fine, oh my god, this is fantastic.
We managed to capture a random pirate that was walking around, so this. The pirate that came to our colony is actually going to try to attack us, however, he ended up giving up because I think he has a lot of problems. In fact, he won't be the best prisoner, but honestly, a prisoner is fine, just someone who can grow. crops as soon as the weather improves is all we really need now he comes loaded with a lot of problems like a ragweed addiction but honestly yeah who cares he'll be fine he'll be a great new companion for our others prisoners.
So what's his problem? He has a juice addiction and a ragweed addiction. I see well, you know, everything will be fine. He will be a welcome new addition to the force and even if he starts to die, all we have to do is harvest everything. Organize him before he gives up, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the glorious offer, that's right, do you need an organ? Are they missing a kidney? maybe they don't even have a heart, guess what, thanks to those glorious brainiacs at spiffco finding a complete stranger. and a stash of never before discovered organs organs now at a huge discount, that's right, the first 10,000 people who like this video will receive their own organ of choice, that's right, a free organ, it can be yours, all Participants of course should not question where the organ comes from worry about where the organs come from or report the organ to the police claim your organ today now go back to the video honestly the colony is going from strength to strength this is absolutely fantastic something you could do just to make sure We have an extra safety net when it comes to combat: it might actually be a good idea to try setting up a kill box, so if you don't know what a kill box is, you basically set up an area where your enemies have to funnel to get to your base, the only downside is that it can be a little tricky to set up a funnel box when you have a bunch of prisoners like me, but I'm sure we can find a way, and somehow new romantic developments jeff bezos and susan are now together romantically, that's right, apparently susan got excited and agreed to become bezos, his lover, well bezos, hopefully this divorce will be much easier than the last one, welcome back ladies and gentlemen, We have just received a very interesting mission called temporary workers.
Basically all we have to do is send one of our colonists to the moon empire to help contain a plague outbreak and then what we can get afterwards is a choice of free options. we might gain some honor, some goodwill, or my personal favorite, a free settler. That's right, we have to get rid of one of our colonies for eight days, but in the end we get a new colonist, so let's accept and ship. one of our workers to the empire of the moon we are going to send Susan since she is our only colonist incapable of using violence.
It's time to load up one of our settlers. Susan, go. One thing I didn't realize was. That this new settler would actually arrive instantly, we didn't even have to wait eight days. Here's our lovely new friend, Amul, in terms of his needs, he's a bit of a complicated character because his firm ability makes it difficult for him to get mental vision. However, because he is a tortured artist, he is more likely to have a mental break, so there are twists and turns with his character, one thing is for sure, he really knows how to cook food, so we are going to have to cook most of our food for a while.
As long as Susan returns, we will simply imprison a mural and then throw it into the prisoner area. Now, considering that we are unlikely to be attacked for the next few days, what I'm going to do is build a giant wall to basically surround our base, roughly speaking, it's a wall that will be about three tiles away from the central wall. real of our base and this wall will have an important job, its job is basically to prevent the sappersThey can attack, meaning your settlers can freely attack slowly walking enemies, but those same enemies can't defend themselves, so what we've set up here is that our enemies are forced to pass through this entrance to our base. and then we can fight them before they can fight us, allowing us to completely screw up every fight in this game.
That's right, we have discovered immortality, now the thing is that you can do whatever you want. with these doors we are going to personally hold all these doors open and send someone to open them all, this will mean that raiders will instinctively come here, but of course if we have some kind of pack of hunters that we don't really want to fight for no reason even though we could assassinate them, we can choose to close these doors and wait for any enemies to come out, but anyway our steel turrets are set up once again, we don't need to power them.
We don't need to do anything with them, hell, they can even break, never mind, here we go, we've sent Lisa just to activate all these doors to stay open and that's fantastic, oh my gosh, our base is doing it. absolutely glorious we also have all these rice plants that even need to be harvested oh this is just fantastic oh and here we go fantastic all this new rice is coming in I realize it might also be a good idea to set up some sort of hydroponic area for our prisoners to work in the winter, so for that we are going to build a new structure here, this single room will be filled with a lot of hydroponic basins and will give our prisoners something to do when the time comes.
The winter wind is too strong and powerful and of course we have all the necessary components and steel to build these hydroponic basins, so it should be nice and easy now that we have a fantastic opportunity to test our defenses using the animal event bloody What is happening, this basically means that if we accept, they will send us eight men hunting alpacas, quite a challenge, but we will also get a champion to help us fight them, which is actually very useful, we can also get a lot of nice things. items from this, so we will receive a lot of honors, as well as this nice, elegant robe, and here we go, our champion has really arrived fantastic, oh, and here comes the pack of alpacas from the manhunter, oh my goodness, look at them in all. of his glory as manhunters now of course what we're going to do is place Bezos here because he has a gun, we want to place Todd here because he has a gun and now all of our temporary settlers with knives will have alignment . along this wall, hillary you need to equip a smooth steel club, you actually have a weapon, so you should stay here, you already have a club so you canStay there, you already have a knife, so you can stay here and our new companion you can stay here.
That's cute, okay, now you're going to see something absolutely hilarious. The man who hunts alpacas will always pass through this small channeled area, but they. We are going to walk through this area where we can hit them and they can't hit us, so here comes the alpacas at high speed, it immediately hits them through the wall, they can't defend themselves, we can shoot them. everyone is slower because they have to group up and we can attack them from all sides, oh my god yes, now some of them will make it through, but the vast majority will be knocked down here, check these out.
Alpacas just walk slowly while being beaten. Fantastic and that's all the defeated alpacas. It looks like we'll be eating alpaca meat tonight. The best thing is that you can even improve this build even further by lining up a bunch of turrets. around here, but for the most part it was a glorious success, no one was hurt beyond a bruised leg thanks to an alpaca and this man's left thumb being brutally beaten. Great, we've set up this nutrient paste dispenser to now feed. In this prison barracks, all we have to do is connect it to some power and now we can feed the prisoners with tasty nutritious pasta instead of real food and more importantly, we can set all our prisoners to They are only allowed to eat pasta, this makes feeding them much cheaper and I also think it is time to install our first hydroponic basin which requires of course a beautiful solar lamp right in the middle of this room and then we surround it with basins hydroponics, these bad boys need 100 steel and one component, we have 43 components lying around and about 1000 steel, so we'll start placing this.
We can afford to put quite a few, they consume a lot of energy, but remember we are gaining a lot of energy from this geothermal generator, but my goodness, we have these hydroponic basins set up, so let's unlock this area, designate this to grow tea , this can also grow tea, this can grow strawberries, I guess this can grow potatoes, now the good stuff. The big thing about hydroponic basins is not only that they grow year-round, but they actually grow a little faster and as soon as we get these bad boys built, we can turn this into a prison work area and that way we'll just prisoners will be allowed.
To work in this space only the prisoners will plant the crops, it will not depend on our colonies, they can focus on doing better things now with all these hydroponic basins installed and most importantly, this solar lamp that uses 2,900 watts. We are going to need to install a new geothermal generator. Luckily, we have one more steam geyser here, so that's exactly what we're going to do. A new geothermal energy plant. Now this is very important, so we'll have Susan working on this shot and we need it quickly before we run out of power. Oh my god, Hika is super happy and he wants to join this colony completely, of course we are going to accept because this is another colonist we can kidnap, so Hika has joined the colony. but of course if the rest of them don't join immediately we still have 1.4 days until they leave and if they still don't want to join voluntarily then we can force them to join.
Yes, they will never leave and there we go, we have a new geothermal generator that adds more energy to our grid and we have two new missions: a crazy wolf that will attack anyone it sees and someone named Dunlap offers to join our colony. He is being chased by four men. hunt deer, I mean, Dunlap is fine, apparently they are a sheriff so we can take them in and immediately make them prisoners to work for us and here comes Dunlap to join our colony. Well, Dunlap, run in and here come the hunters chasing Dunlap, oh God.
Oh my God, Todd, can you please stop trying to fight the deer, melon, oh idiot, if you die here you'll at least have to try to bait them from the other side. Same to you, Bezos Todd, oh my gosh, we're going to need more people to fight here, luckily we've got Hika here with a stone club, we've got Laureen here with a knife, right, we're going to have to fill this box and Punching the deer to death and Hillary too, well, three. Ladies, come on, we have to save Todd Howard, he's bleeding on the floor, okay, Todd is back, Todd, it's time to strafe, I know you're really hurt, oh great, we're being assaulted at the same time, luckily these guys are going to fall in love with our little one. trap, but in the meantime we have a more pressing problem in the form of Todd bleeding out on the floor and here we go, we've already taken care of them, someone please rescue Todd, so when it comes to these guys attacking, everyone They are going to attack through this same route here they also warn us saying when they are going to start attacking, but these guys have a lot of weapons, one guy has a shotgun, one guy has some stone clubs and an automatic pistol. so it would be a little scary to try to fight, but luckily we don't have to oh my gosh and here comes the raid.
We don't have many people here to stop the raiders, but at least we can do it. a couple of hits before it starts bezos also collapsed on the floor right vaughn I'm sorry but you need oh vaughn you can't get up susan you have to work of course you do maureen you're going to die No you're okay right Lauren I need you to fight again with Dunlap too, you can also come fight now, they are doing a great job of punching through walls, actually, because these guys are not animals, they are actually very slow. and this has allowed us to land some very important early hits on them, putting Dunlap in a good spot to take out some of them with this revolver.
Health wise, Lisa is saved, so Susan, you just need to rescue Bezos and here we go. Now we are running away from the bugs, we have killed three of them, which leaves only one gadget here. I'm pretty sure we can try to arrest them, maybe or not, at least we can beat him to the ground, oh my god, this was hell. It was a complicated fight, but we managed to survive and here we go. We actually dropped the contraption on the ground which means we can capture them just fine, at least it's one more prisoner for the collection and I'm honestly surprised we did it.
Don't lose anyone in the process, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the start of order 66, the last player move, ladies and gentlemen, you see, what we are going to do is arrest our guests before they can leave for their destination. In two hours unless we can stop them, which is of course what we're going to do now, we have four guests left who aren't actual colony members and we have three colony members who are technically awake, I mean, technically Todd was. awake. and about but he decided to blow a sheet of smoke a few moments ago and he collapsed to the ground so what we want to do is try to arrest the four remaining settlers before they leave and the way we're going to do that is to have Susan, who is incapable of using violence, arrest von, this has a 98 chance of success, so of course it will happen.
The reason we arrested von first is because he's a fighter, which means he's incredibly good at combat, so we want to get him out of hand-to-hand combat. immediately, but as soon as we arrest him, the remaining members of his faction, the tired nomads will immediately become hostile, that's why we have Hika and Dunlap here, who will pacify them immediately, so three, two, one will try arrest them and there we go, we have done it. arrest him, that actually caused the remaining refugees to try to flee, which is perfect because we can immediately arrest them on the spot, there we go, we have captured three of them right now, all we have to do is capture Lisa with a hundred percent chance. of success come on dunlap come on oh my god this is perfect we have captured them all order 66 it was a glorious success dunlap my friend you know what to do we have to do it oh my god we are going to have so many prisoners oh this It's crazy, now I'm going to keep Hika and Dunlap, our new recruits, as actual members of the colony simply because there is so much work to do right now that we simply can't leave them by the wayside and send them to the mines. and this is it, the workforce is now growing oh it's perfect, it's absolutely perfect, it will mean that we can actually get all these potatoes out of the fields because oh my goodness there are a lot of potatoes in the field oh my goodness now we have more . prisoners than colonists, how many prisoners do we have?
Well, we have one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine prisoners and four settlers. Now hydroponics is absolutely amazing because it actually allows crops to grow at a 280 percent growth rate, which is absolutely ridiculous, so we're planting some rice now and even though the rice has only been planted for a day, it's probably will end today with 10 crops. Oh, fantastic news, ladies and gentlemen, bezos and susan are getting married, the ceremonies will begin inside this very impressive dining room, here we come, we are now celebrating the occasion, everyone is very happy for the next 30 days, bezos and susan will have this crazy marriage bonus, this bonus is so high that we can choose to harvest their organs and they won.
In fact, they don't care, you can harvest two organs and they just won't care, that's the power of love, ladies and gentlemen, love conquers organs and here we go, the glorious wedding celebration is over, this is it. all, ladies and gentlemen, our first tea harvests. have finally been harvested, the plants have not fully grown, but still with seventy percent growth, we can get two tea leaves per plant, now we only need two tea leaves to make a beautiful box, a refreshing yorkshire tea, so in the morning our lovely prisoners who would normally be making food will have a new job, that is, one of the hired ones or amul here he is going to collectthis cup of yorkshire tea here, go to the electric stove oh, it is amul who has the glorious job and starts production. of yorkshire tea that's right, you're going to start brewing it now you're heating up the teapot, you've got the tea leaves on the plate, here we go and here's our own box of yorkshire tea, oh, it's fantastic, it's glorious, it's a yorkshire tea, what does it do?
Yorkshire tea does well, it is a recreational drink, if you consume it you are very, very happy and it makes your day much better, oh, what can we do with this Yorkshire tea? Well we can give yorkshire tea to anyone whether they like it or not because it's a social drink, we can even send our settlers to consume dunlap yorkshire tea here for example, it's a bit sad, I mean it sure is happy because he attended a wedding, but this man needs more happiness in his life, so let's make him consume a delicious cup of yorkshire tea, here we go, consume that delicious yorkshire tea, now that he has consumed that delicious yorkshire tea. yorkshire, you will be very satisfied, oh my goodness, another search for refugees, Shaw's unknown wanderers, four desperate refugees agreed to join our colony.
We'll stay here six days and we can put them to work and then we can put them in jail. Oh my goodness, ladies and gentlemen, this is it, oh, it's so perfectly


, oh, the refugees have arrived, oh, we can put them to work and off they go. to be fantastic ladies and gentlemen oh the colony has never been better we have tea we have people how much tea can we make well let's harvest as much of this tea as possible it's starting to be winter so we might as well okay, harvest all that tea that's there, okay, susan todd, harvest the tea, here we go, we're getting a lot of delicious tea from this good good right now, let's take the tea to the prisoners, oh, but the cool one. tea production is now in full swing armel here yorkshire tea is being mass produced at a terrifying rate good things oh it's fantastic we have harvested organs we have produced tea all is well in the world ladies and gentlemen we are unreadable unstoppable and most of us Lo most importantly, absolutely glorious, I really love this game.
I have this colony. Is incredible. I'm very proud of her. I really love Room World. Honestly, this is the best game in the known universe and there is no other game that allows you to do it. to extract organs from prisoners and also create tea. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, I'm thinking that we've done everything I wanted to do today, so naturally, there's only one thing we need to do: that is, collect an organ from each prisoner. that we have, that's right, I'm going to remove the right kidneys from every prisoner who hasn't lost an organ so far.
Organ donor. You can also donate your right kidney apparatus. Congratulations, you are going to give your kidney. This looks good, all that's left is for Susan to start all these important body removal ceremonies and we can see how many kidneys we get. Oh yeah, we're going to get at least four kidneys out of this. I'm sure he's a qualified doctor. Why are you trying to remove a body part? You have two medical skills, of course, please, you are not a doctor, get out of there, you are not a doctor, you are not a dog driver and you are not a doctor.
I have no idea why these crazy psychopaths are trying to remove body parts cancel that operation susan is the only one who can remove kidneys here we go I think we are going to get about five or six kidneys out of this oh dear oh dear but ladies and gentlemen, These glorious operations have occurred today. Everyone's kidneys have been removed. We have five new kidneys here in our storage. It's absolutely fantastic, ladies and gentlemen, and with that, I think that's where we'll call today's video. If you enjoyed watching rimboard, be sure to like this video and hit the comments section if you want to see another episode of the glorious organ harvesting adventure.
I haven't subscribed yet, make sure you do now, it's a fantastic thing and worth your time guys, your style of content is a little different to what I normally do and I really enjoyed doing it, so any additional support you can give. It is very appreciated to share it with people. It's majestic to just like it, comment on it. Anything works, so thank you very much. Considering the length of this video, there's a very real possibility that we could get Rimworld to the front of the trending tab for the first time. in its entire existence, so it would be a fun challenge if you wanted to take part in it, but of course, no pressure, as always, a huge thank you to each and every one of our sponsors who make videos like this even more possible Seriously, without it I couldn't sit and record Rimworld for like four days straight.
I especially couldn't convince my editor to edit it for five days, so thank you very much and hey, if you want to watch another video like. and I have some more glorious far-flung adventures that you'd love to see all compiled into this glorious playlist anyway. I'll see each and every one of you next time have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now.

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