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Squishy Makeovers Fixing Your Squishies #36 (Part 2)

May 18, 2024
Hi it's me and today is the second


of a series of



I started last week, basically someone sent me a set of six toothpaste


and I'm working on decorating each of them in the most complicated that I probably can and so last week I finished three of them, which I'm not going to show you because they're spoilers, if you haven't seen it, check out that video for those of you who were here last week, thank you, let's move on to the rest. three toothpastes that I haven't made yet I have a plan I know what I'm doing let's get into it oh my god this is the most amazing start to this video hello I just want to kiss you no jeez I mean the pig so If you have been on my channel for a while, you might recognize this giant pig


squishy makeovers fixing your squishies 36 part 2
I was sent this Squishy a couple of years ago and it is currently one of the largest in my collection. I've used it on miniature after miniature, but it hasn't been a great opportunity for me to paint it until today. I saved the biggest character in the set for today and this is her, she's so cute and so soft and so chubby, and I once saw her holding the little tube of paint. I just knew she had to be a


of this series, but not like this. I'm going to have to make some very significant changes to her, first of all cut off her ears because she's actually a pig, you won't get used to it. the idea is fine, just give it a try below.
squishy makeovers fixing your squishies 36 part 2

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squishy makeovers fixing your squishies 36 part 2...

I'm going to remove the wings. I actually don't know why they were there in the first place, just because I don't know that we don't need wings. I was a little careless. That wing removal, um, the scars will be severe. I should have taken a little more time with that one. I tried to trim it and even things out a little bit and then I'll also remove the piggy tail and of course the other wing. she has to go too oh my god, I literally just slaughtered her, that's a crime, what have I done? Oh well, I need to try to make the most of that situation, so I'm cleaning up as much as I can now.
squishy makeovers fixing your squishies 36 part 2
I have a very naked and very vulnerable looking pig, what does he need? Well, avocados, obviously, I decided to use them as her new ears because I thought they looked remarkably similar to the shape of cow ears, so I'm gluing them on and voila, it's a cow. Doesn't it look like a cow? Stay with me, let's do this. I'm going to glue the paint tube in place of it too and I'm going to start doing the huge amount of patching that needs to be done on this. girl and when I say huge I mean huge, the amount of puffy paint I used on it is honestly, it's repulsive layer after layer of this thick sticky stuff and all the different colors of paint I'm using it's not just because I'm having fun here , okay this is because I kept using paint bottles and had to grab new ones and oh why does he look like someone I don't want to associate with?
squishy makeovers fixing your squishies 36 part 2
Don't hurt me once the whole process is over. Ready, you're still there honey, okay, well, go. I'm putting on the base layer. I know this is difficult. Things are going to get better. I hope that after covering this completely in white it will look more like a cow and less like a pig with a scalp with avocados stuck in its head and aha, here it is completely covered in foundation and yes, it looks like a pig with the skin scalp with avocado stuck in the head, there is no turning back now, so I hope the color changes it.
You're going yellow for her and you may be thinking Mariah, you dummy, you didn't have to change this pig thing, you could have made it a yellow pig or you could have kept it pink and made it the pink character in the show. Yes, that's true, why didn't I do that? Because I did not want to. I wanted a cow and she will be a cow. The only problem is that even after changing her ears and painting her yellow she still looks like a big pig, she's fine, she's fine. Okay, if I just add cow spots, there's no way she won't look good as a cow, so I'm drawing all of that and then I'm going to use a more golden yellow to paint on both her cow spots and her secondary.
The theme of roses is, as you may remember from the first part, each of the animals in the set of paintings has its themes of pink, orange, green and yellow and its secondary themes of Hearts, Carrots, Bows and Roses. I don't know why I wanted to do the secondary theme. It's necessary maybe she's just overcomplicating things but she was having a good time so once the cow spots appear I notice something about her. Somehow, she still looks like a damn pig. Oops, okay, didn't you see that it's not actually


fault. This is me, it's not you.
I don't know how, somehow, with cow-shaped ears, cow spots, it's still giving off such strong pig vibes, but here we are, we're in desperate times right now, so I've brought you, what the hell can you Do well? actually it's his back fins because it turns out they're the perfect shape of a cow horn so I'm just going to cut them off and glue them on oh oh no that's the wrong place you damn fool okay put them there and you know this one's not is the proper order to do things I should have added these from the beginning but I didn't think it was that necessary until I got really desperate so of course they need to be sealed and painted.
I'm going to give you this. golden brown color which I thought would look great with the yellow color scheme. I also changed her inner ears to the same color and added some cute pink cheeks painted on the facial features in a dark brown complete with eyelashes oh she's a little lady. big lady but lady, then I added the little green leaves to the roses so cute, finally I painted them on the paint tube using the same basic design as the ones I already did in this series, I just added some little roses in there to keep with the theme. painting yellow there adding metallic gold details and shouts, here she is and this is Mary.
I don't know where that name came from. I thought I was going to call her Rose for obvious reasons, but then I saw her and like no, she's definitely Mary after all this, somehow she still looks like a pig stall, but we all know Mary is the cowiest cow you'll ever meet. , okay, she's a cow, she is despite the slight special confusion. I actually really love this design, I think it's adorable and definitely one of my favorites in this entire series, so now that we've completed the first four colors of the rainbow, let's get back on track, in the correct order and tackle the blue a Next, oh blue.
It's a little strange, this is where I bring the damn fish. I want to create a puddle of paint for the fish to swim in, so I needed a flat, round squishy to serve as a puddle of paint. I tried this cake roll which wasn't feeling good so I swapped it for this cookie. The chocolate chips in the paint puddle aren't ideal, but hey, I think we can make this work. Look at him, he's already swimming for some reason. I decided to just rip the little pin out of Hulk. this cracker and made a big cut in the foam, which is convenient to make it look more like the fish is actually swimming in the cracker.
I mean the painting. I cut out the background and yeah, that's a little more convincing. I'm going to do it. All official glue and I tried to stick the paint bottle upside down but that didn't really hold up, it didn't hold up on its own so I grabbed a toothpick and just pushed it in to hold it up, yeah my baking background is really coming very helpful here, just kidding, my baking skills are scary. I learned this from my baking experience, although it's actually not ideal to have a wooden pick in the center of my squishy, ​​but it still works.
I went ahead and applied a very thick layer of Puffy Paint all over the top. I'm trying to get rid of that cookie texture, make it more or less smooth so it looks like paint. Once it was completely dry, I had to go over it all again using all the puffy paint colors. Because I'm just killing them left and right. I'm actually using some puffy paint today and after it dried, I went in with a brush to make an even thinner coat and remove some of the shallower clumps once again. puffy paint layer at the bottom we need to fill all that cookie C finally it's time for the base coat covering all that catastrophe in white it's such a good feeling and here's the weird creation I made do you like it? ugly, it's time for blue I went over all of this with this beautiful blue.
I clearly chose blue for this idea because you know it's the color of water, but I feel like because I chose a water color, it doesn't look like paint. It looks like it's supposed to be water, so it looks like a puddle of water with a tube of paint sticking out of it, but it's supposed to look like a puddle of paint with the paint pouring out the paint and then somehow this fish just found this. puddle of paint and decided to swim in it, okay I don't know, I haven't figured out the whole story of how this happens once I painted the whole puddle.
I'm in the fish. I chose two shades of blue. on this and then outlined the stripes with a nice deep gold color while waiting for it to dry. I cleaned the bottle up a bit, which involved painting in some really hard to reach places, which was fun. Next I'm painting the fins with a dark blue and using that same color to draw some little liquid lines give it some fluid action time for the face of the little fish and I added some eyes wow how come adding two dots Does something make painting it so bad that I tried above? and smaller eyes somehow, it still doesn't look like a fish, so I did this and that and added a little blush.
I'm going to pretend that's not happening for a second and paint some waves on the bottle, the secondary theme. For this one it's water, so we have waves, then I added some drops of water and it's supposed to look like the paint is splashing water on the bottle, you know, okay, back to the fish's face, I tried to wipe it off. the best I could, I really don't know how cute it is, I mean it's a fish, they're not that cute overall, okay maybe they are, but it's just not one of the cute finishing touches I'm adding. the color there just some juicy highlights the little gold accents some little sparkles in the eyes oh that actually helps a little so this is not my favorite but I think it's a pretty interesting idea.
I'm very happy with the uniqueness of I just didn't connect with this character much, I feel like he doesn't have much personality, maybe I should try talking to him. Hello, yes, it is a little uncomfortable. I don't know that guy. I even have an awkward fish name, maybe one day we'll meet, but for now I'll keep my distance too, in case you've forgotten or don't know, my line of Mini Mystery plushies is still available in stores right now . You can find them at Walmart Target or Amazon, plus many other places they travel. Scan this QR code to see where you can find them near you.
Finally, the last tube of paint in the series features this very special person. Wait, it's a snail. no, she is a person, this lady has been sitting at my table for about 3 months. I found it deep in my soft containers. He didn't know why, but he knew she needed to be separated. Actually, I can't paint it. Well, those eyes, those lips. She is too special, she is too perfect, so she will remain on my counter until the right time comes. Honestly, this is the weirdest squishy I've ever seen and I really just wanted to show you guys, can we move on anyway?
The real squishy I'm painting is this cat, oh look, it's a cute little head and, oh, it's got a really long body. It's actually one of those soft ballpoint pen type things that I'll remove the pen part from. Wait, there's actually not even a pen. Okay, that's trash similar to our paint snot, sweet pee. I thought this would look really cute as a character taken out of the paint tube to make it look like it's made of paint, but I want to reduce the size a little. I kinda thought something like this would look a little cuter so I tried gluing it all together but because of the hole in the squishy it just came apart Where's that junk?
I brought this guy back from the dead, how do you feel? a little piece of this to keep part of the structure intact, I glued it all together and that's it, now I went around with that messy seam and tried to cover it all and smooth it out with puffy paint, I went over that with another coat and then several. more off camera and hey it's about time for the base coat paint everything white and of course our last remaining color of the rainbow this is the purple character so I'm going to paint all the cat paint purple and Then I'll clean the bottle. and adding some little falling drops, which are just fantastic.
I mean, these drops just make it all make sense. Now it's time for details, so I added this little purple band to the paint tube and the details of the cat's face and body. I chose a really simple cat design. Honestly, it's kind of generic looking at it now. I wish I had given this cat a little more expression. I mean, this cat had so much potential and then to do that, she's cute, yes, but she's so neutral. give me some expression of emotion something no, there's nothing there for


secondary theme I chose polka dots so I added some gold polka dots, I'm not sure how much I love the look of gold on purple but I felt like the polka dots were necessary. be a different color than purple and I didn't want to just bring in a random color out of nowhere, so it seemed like the best option.
Here I'm going to paint over purple and then I go with the gold background, juicy highlights, polka dots in the paint tube and then the little bottle of paint crests whatever goes over the polka dots again with a darker purple and I shout, here it is, look , there are things I love about this color Yes, concept, yes, shape, yes, but I'm not a big fan of the expression or lack of expression in the cat's face sometimes a neutral face is great and it's just the thing that the squishy needs, but I feel like she just needed more.
This is the complete series. I feel like I've pointed out a lot of flaws that they have individually, but sometimes when you're focusing on creating an ensemble, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and I think overall this is a really great series. I'm very happy with how they all look together, the colors, the variety. I feel my decision to choose characters. of all the different shapes and sizes its really fun and interesting if i had to rank them from least favorite to favorite i would say pink is my least favorite. I'm a little bored of it, then the purple one just isn't giving me enough uncomfortable fish is next. because he makes me feel a little uncomfortable, so sweetly I love, second place to him is Mary.
I mean, she's amazing and my favorite is Barrett. I feel honored to be in her presence. This was a lot of work overall and I put a lot of thought and planning into it. I want to let you know that I will not be posting next Friday. My mom is usually the one who takes care of my babies while I work, but she'll be out of town all next time. week, but I'll be back next week. Thank you very much for watching and I will see you on the 31st, bye.

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