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Space explorers ! Elsa & Anna toddlers & Chelsea fly to the moon - Barbie - spaceship

Apr 17, 2024
I'm glad you're here Elsie and Anya Chelsea look who's here Elsia Anya I'm so glad you're here Yes, we're so happy to be back at your place. It has been so long. Yes, I know how good you have been. 'cause you know the news, we both have younger brothers ooh, that sounds really fun, yeah, and there's baby stuff everywhere, baby food, cribs, everything that's fun, I can't believe it, I forgot, I forgot, I have a surprise to show you, come with me. We know we love surprises, now turn around, whoa, yes, that's right, I have my own


ship, it's really, well, it's not real, but if we imagine it it can be real and it's so much fun and there are so many things that do.
space explorers elsa anna toddlers chelsea fly to the moon   barbie   spaceship
Do it and see, and there is also a little rocket swing and you can get out of the rocket down the shiny slide. Wow, Chelsea, this is the best. I don't even know what to say, so can we come in? Of course, it is for everyone. to play, oh and wait, from now on we will become



, so now you can call me dr.


, understood, dr.


oh so that means i'm doctor elsia yeah and you're doctor anya oh yeah we're so ready if i want to become a rocket scientist the finishing touch is a nice lab coat wow thank you chelsea blue this one and this one try them look girls look at me now we are professional space scientists well actually you are us astronomers well still a type of scientist and We are also professional astronauts.
space explorers elsa anna toddlers chelsea fly to the moon   barbie   spaceship

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space explorers elsa anna toddlers chelsea fly to the moon barbie spaceship...

Well, you girls are well behaved and Barbie left me in charge to take care of you, so I'll be around. Okay, I'll sit on the couch and read girls. Each one has their own scientific laptop. one is mine, any one, you can keep the pink one and you'll see how purple yours is, okay, that's cool, and just in case, if we have to go to space and take off, we have our astronaut gear, oh, boots, helmets, gloves, that's so. Great, now I totally look like a scientist and I have these cool headphones so I can communicate.
space explorers elsa anna toddlers chelsea fly to the moon   barbie   spaceship
Oh wow, those robots scared me a little. Oh, but they look pretty out of this world, get it, Dr. Anya, let's make a plan of what we're going to do. observe in space with the perfect telescope, let's do it for astronauts to explore the


we can also see that through the telescope stars oh and anya those rocks oh yes comets thank you dr chelsea okay and planets yes that's cool stars now for the


, I feel like the moon was so cool, perfect and now we know what to look for oh wow dr. anya dr.
space explorers elsa anna toddlers chelsea fly to the moon   barbie   spaceship
Chelsea, what is it? Dr. elsia, I just did some research and guess what I discovered, tell us, did you know that there are more stars in the galaxy than? grains of sand, what that's amazing, but how common, but there are so many grains of sand like one, two, three, four, so many, yeah, banya, because guess what space never ends, that's mind-blowing, so you can't even measure it, no, no, wow. It's the most extraordinary thing I've ever known and now it's time for the telescope, let's see if we can find what we wrote, come on doctors, oh I want the black one, no, Elsia, wait, what is it, dr.
Chelsea, is this actually Barbie's professional telescope? like he can see very close up it's because he likes to study the stars oh really hmm so we can't use this one no but this purple one also has very good eyesight try it then I don't but I have it. First, though no, yeah, but it's my telescope, so girls, you should probably leave and I should go first, no, no, but I called him first. Well, Chelsea and I can look first, okay, anyone, two of us, yeah, two of us, that's so weird we can't. Do that, but I brought the block here first, so it should go, yeah, but basically it's in my telescope, so it should go, yeah, but but but but, what's your reason Anya because I touched the telescope first, yeah, Sure, so you don't lie in my bag? my turn no girls I should have it please no chelsea no anita anita whenever you want to do something your name is anita right anita yes and you are elsita and chelsea you are chelseata ah girls but I should go first although I don't like these silly nicknames I should go first it's my telescope but I saw it first not me hmm you know what if we can all look at the same time at the same time all of us how is that possible? dr chelsea well I can take a look one eye elsia can take one eye and you can take one eye look well let's try it okay I'll go first no no I said I first anya take one eye I'm that heaven hey girls I can't even see anything at all, oh I really tried to read, but I guess I can't because all I hear is I can't see, I can't see what the problem is here, everyone wants to use the telescope, right?
Yes, because To look first, it's my telescope, but Dr. Chelsea, can I tell you that she probably looks through her telescope every day and we never get the chance? Yes, that's true. Dr. Chelsea, can we go first? Well, girls, girls, are you done arguing? Now science is supposed to do it. Be fun anyway Chelsea yes you are right it is your telescope but you have guests so you have to be nice and you Elsie and Anya are the guests and you have to be nice to Chelsea too. Oh well, that still doesn't explain who. goes first okay, I have an idea how to solve this elsia your name starts with e chelsea your name starts with c and anya your name starts with a so which letter comes first in the alphabet a for anita I go first okay, that's good and who the next in the alphabet, me, that means I'm last, but my mom can still create ice, ice, ice, ice, that's super cool, hey, hey, elsita, we heard that, the sun just slept, now wait , let me get closer, that's the closest I've ever been.
I've seen the stars wow that's amazing I can't believe it it feels like I'm really there oh and I think I see the moon nearby oh who's next? You have to see this for me, oh wait girls, since I always watch. Through my telescope I will give this turn to Elsia. Dr. Elsia. Thank you so much. Chelsea friends, wait forever. I don't see any stars up close. It's because you pushed elsia away. Oh oh. Okay, that means the other way around. Now I can see. You're right, it's so spectacular. Is there a shooting star? No, there are no comets, but I do see stars.
Dr. Chelsea. Dr. Anya. I'm looking at the moon so bright. Wait a second. What is that on the moon? Girls, there's something on the moon. Girls, I saw it, I saw it, how did you dress like a creature? Yes, like it was some kind of green creature. Oh, Elsia, you've got to be kidding me. No, I literally saw something through the telescope. Okay, so let me check, let me see if. You're right, yeah, what's that weird thing? It's just a creature, wow, take a look, oh I see it, I see it girls, oh wait, it's gone girls, I think we're about to make a big discovery, we may have discovered a creature. on the moon um yes, but how are we going to know for sure traveling there?
Because that's what scientists and astronauts do. Who is up? Yes, you are right, Dr. Chelsea, let's go to the moon, yes, in order for us to make a great discovery, we fly to the moon we will need helmets and gloves, everything an astronaut needs, come on, so the first step, the most important, get your cool astronaut helmet, I'll take the pink and blue ones, which are mine, we have our helmets and now some gloves, I'll take these. long, oh wait, but we have to take off our coats because we're turning into astronauts, we sure are the cap, fresh dye look, almost done, astronaut Chelsea, these gloves are heavier than the winter ones, we look like penguins, but we are ready, we are going to be astronauts. inside astronaut elsia, can you hear me?
Oh yes, I can understand that now astronauts we have to pack, we will have to take pictures of the space atmosphere, hmm, very good, oh and we also need some space glasses, they are definitely important and it may be cold. blankets good idea blanket and we have everything we need no no no no are you forgetting the food oh yes elsia yes yes yes perfect yes because in space we will be very hungry so we must have enough food well I think we are ready to take off come on space space space face face let's discover let's make a big discovery let's put the food in storage so we're ready to make our big discovery and take off but something's missing oh yeah mission control captain what's up chels since we're about to?
To take off we need mission control, can you be sure you take off now? Yeah, yeah, oh, and you can also shake the rocket to make it look like we're actually taking off. Yes girls, we have our mission control, oh yes, mission control, but what? It's that again, good question, Anya, it's the person who helps us take off and he has computers, you know, they basically keep track of our rocket, oh oh, yeah, interesting, I'll go in the sidecar, this mini


rocks , let's make a great discovery, that's right, dr. chelsea anya I'm riding the


come on it's okay because I can go in my space jet and it's faster than yours oh yeah that's actually a good idea because we don't really have much space here so I think that's it to take off, let's go to space mission control to the astronauts, are you buckled up and everything is ready, astronauts, captain, roger, we are all ready, so all systems are clear and ready to take off and the countdown begins to ten o'clock? nine eight seven six five four three two one last stop where we go into space let's imagine that we are leaving the atmosphere.
I'm going to get you some new rocks that will be landing soon and now imagine that you are landing, get ready, come on, we are on the moon, Anya imagine that you are landing now and the engines are off. The mission completed the ground control copy that was successful. Now go explore. I don't see any strange creatures that Anya has seen. In fact, I don't even see. Know if it's a creature, let's go explore girls, look what the captain prepared for us and now it seems like we're actually on the moon. Let's jump and shoot. It seems like I'm on the diving board because there is less gravity on the moon.
It really looks like the Moon, but I don't see any creatures. The surface looks very different from that of Earth. There are so many rocks everywhere. Oh, and I like the way you jump. I think I can see the Earth so amazing and you do like that. right, girls, let's jump on a trampoline, follow my example, we're following the moon, it's amazing, look at all the sand, we're in space, oh girls, look, has anyone ever found gold on the moon? hmm, maybe it's a special lunar gold. or something like that, hey, this could be our first discovery, yeah wow, and these must be your average moon rocks, but they look amazing too.
I'll put them in the spaceship. I found another one, oh yeah, keep looking. I found one, oh yeah. Anya, take them back to Earth. Astronauts do not forget the mission. Did you see the creature on Roger? Well, we haven't seen any creatures so far, but we still have to continue exploring. Come on girls, no, nothing there. I don't see anything here. Astronauts, no, astronauts, come here. look it looks like I'm seeing some kind of footprints, oh could it be from that strange creature, maybe they look bigger than alpha, wait let me see, hmm, the same size actually, what could it be?
Did you hear that? What are you trying to scare? We, no, I'm not trying to scare you, I actually heard something, dr. Chelsea, do you hear it? Yes, it's like a kind of tapping, I hear it, dr. Chelsea, what is it, it's getting faster, maybe we should get back to our ship, huh, the creature? creature, I better get back to my ship, guys, look, wait a second, uh, yeah, yeah, that's right, I'm the creature that's tricking you. Stacey, it was you the whole time, yeah, it sure was me everywhere, so wait, even in the telescope, it sure was your face.
I was just trying to play a fun little trick on you. You like me? Yeah, we actually loved the gimmick and it just made this mission seem so real. I'm glad you girls liked it. I just wanted to be a little more fun. great control, can you copy us? Yes, I can hear you Astra Anya. We found the creature. It was Stacy the whole time. Oh, you found Stacy. Well, that's mission accomplished. It was a success. Are you going down to earth now? That reminds me that I have To return to Earth, do you have room for me?
Surely we have spatial control of the ground. We will return to Earth. Copy that. Everything is prepared. Moon creature Stacy. You can come aboard with me. Moon creature. That's funny. Let's imagine that we are leaving. return to earth five four three two one blasto yes for more videos go to our channel and subscribe

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