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Barbie Inside Out 2 Doll Riley Packing for Vacation

Jun 28, 2024
Riley Riley honey, she didn't even pack her suitcase Riley Riley wake up, what's that smell? We sleep until the alarm, we sleep until the alarm, what's not, we're going to be late, we're going to make a bus for the summer camera. Packed up, okay, everyone, calm down, we'll figure this out, whatever, uh, oh no. I slapped my alarm and that's not the worst part, they didn't even pack and they have dirty clothes everywhere. The summer camera bus is coming in a few hours to pick you up you have all these dirty clothes on the floor and dirty dishes uh sorry mom, I was up yesterday playing a video game and I fell asleep before I could start


properly, you better move, someone woke up and chose violence let's combine the energy no, no, no anger, let's be nice, let's apologize and let's get things done, okay, apologize, everything is going to be great, everything It's going to be okay, what if we miss summer camp Sorry mom, I'll do a load of laundry real quick, clean up and start


right away, okay baby let me know if I can help you but Riley, now You are 13 years old. more responsible, yes, mom, oh, I smell horrible, that was mild, thank you, thank you first, let's gather my clothes so I can pack my favorite hoodie as soon as possible, oh, there's a bunch here too.
barbie inside out 2 doll riley packing for vacation
I guess mom was right, let's take this load. Laundry oh oh, I just dropped them down the stairs, okay, here's the laundry room, oh, that's a lot of clothes, no time to tidy up good morning, monkey, hey, you're okay, good morning, dad, Sorry, it's been a crazy morning. I didn't pack and I have to wash these clothes and the summer camp bus will arrive in a few hours. Okay, is there anything I can help with? Yes, in fact, when the bell rings. Could you put the clean clothes in the dryer? Well, yes, I can definitely do it, but all the clothes. here, especially my favorite hoodie, now let's get some detergent and maybe add a little of this too now mom said to bring the dirty dishes from my room, I have to wash these perfect clean dishes, hey honey, why no? have breakfast yes, I think I'll have some cereal, we also have some delicious muffins, now I need some milk, why does the milk look so lumpy?
barbie inside out 2 doll riley packing for vacation

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barbie inside out 2 doll riley packing for vacation...

Check the expiration date. I think it's bad. The milk expired today it's just not mine. day oh honey I'll make you breakfast go ahead and start packing thanks mom okay let's go pack hey monkey your clothes are ready thanks dad I was just about to start packing I'll go ahead and grab your gear hockey, this will come in. a separate box, don't forget my lucky hockey puck, I keep it here inside our regional championship trophy, okay, Puck will hopefully be packed, pants, shirts, swimsuit and a rash guard pajamas, oh , I love these, ew, ew, ew, nothing more than the kittens, oh, what a shame.
barbie inside out 2 doll riley packing for vacation
Hey, hey, hey, our little girl loves those Kitty pajamas, how about these? My mom just bought them for me. Joy, move, yes, better, much better, pajamas, underwear, how am I going to get all of this to fit in that small suitcase? Riley, I can help and I made you a breakfast sandwich. Thank you so much Mom A, you're not going to pack these, these are your favorite pajamas, not the pajamas again, wait, be nice, say it in a nice way, no, I'm going to leave those and pack the new ones. Instead, you have me, wow, you're so good, you make that look so easy now in this bag.
barbie inside out 2 doll riley packing for vacation
I'm going to pack all my toiletries, like my electric toothbrush. Dental defects. Band-Aids and Lotion, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Deodorant and 2-in-One Shampoo and Conditioner. Can't. I forgot sunscreen, my loofah, and my hairbrush. I'm going to pack a sweet little gift. What if I miss mom and dad? It's going to be a long couple of weeks. Oh no, no, no, she's fine sister. I have an idea we can take a photo of. mom and dad and when we feel a little homesick we can look at it I guess that will help, of course it will. I'll take this, okay, I've already got everything packed.
I think I better go take a shower so I don't get lost. the bus I'll help you close a suitcase and that was a refreshing shower oh my hair looks crazy nothing a good brushing can fix I have my outfit planned my shirt, leggings and my sweater and I'm ready, okay, I'm ready to Go, I hope have a good time at summer camp. If you guys want to watch more videos with me, be sure to hit the like button. Let's turn this Barbie Skipper


into Riley inside out. First let's change. her eye color since Riley has blue eyes, the next thing we have to do is give our


some braces now that Riley has some braces, she will need a haircut, okay, she has her bangs and her hair shorter, she is starting to really look like Riley. now it looks amazing now it's time to create a bedroom inspired by the movie Inside Out too ch ch

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