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Visiting Lily ! Elsa and Anna toddlers - playing

Jun 05, 2021
Listen, it was a tie, that's how you're both right, it was a tie, you both finished first, oh, I get it now, it was a tie I'm sorry, I'm sorry too, congratulations to you and congratulations to you too, yeah, but that It's sad news for me because look, I finished second then, but Anya, don't be sad because yours was much harder to color anyway, yeah, I agree. I have spikes and a lot of those tentacles, yes, yes, I guess it was harder, but I rushed so I made a mistake. Look, no, it looks a little bad now, well, okay, we can help you finish it, really, yeah, and it won't look like it won.
visiting lily elsa and anna toddlers   playing
It doesn't look bad anymore, oh, thanks and that's it, thanks for all your help. Girls, it looks great, now you're welcome, girls, look what I have in these boxes. Oops, I dropped them all. I hope they aren't broken, but don't worry, we'll help you pick them up. Thanks, let me see. it's not broken it's not broken this one no, mmm, I think they're all good, yes, they're all good, great, actually, it's a good thing we left them because now we can select them more easily, oh yeah, because they're all available now, yes, also, I have a surprise for you, what is it, what is it, will you choose a doll and can you keep it?
visiting lily elsa and anna toddlers   playing

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visiting lily elsa and anna toddlers playing...

Oh really, yes, wow, thank you so much, I'm very excited, any doll I could choose, yes, there are so many options, I think I would. like this one with the striped hair and I'm going to pee on this one with the purple hair oh and I think I forgot to tell you that I also have this special, wait a second, isn't that the ultra rare one, yeah wow, that's so. great wow you are so lucky to have her she has shiny hair it is gold with glasses great mommy is here oh we are back how are the kids? oh they had a lot of fun they played they ate snacks and I'm pretty sure I don't want to leave Elsia Anya We're here Can we stay five more minutes?
visiting lily elsa and anna toddlers   playing
Sorry girls, but it's time to go. Stay two hours now and you'll have more playdates with Lily. Don't worry, oh yes, really. Next time we will invite you to our house, it is a very good idea, bye girls, thanks for coming, bye Lily, we had a great time. Thanks to me too, bye, blueberry, you're so cute, oh, blueberry, bye, oh, and you can use this box to put. all your things in oh thank you oops that starfish is big now the dolls here we go thank you bye


bye until next time hello mommy we had a lot of fun I can see that you can tell us all at home yes and we are I'm so glad we made a new one friend.
visiting lily elsa and anna toddlers   playing
Yeah, okay, let's go. Thank you very much for inviting them. Thank you. Bye bye. Thanks for coming. It was a pleasure for us to see more videos. Go to our channel and subscribe.

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