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Should Dinosaurs be Unbanned? (Feat. Casually Explained)

Mar 06, 2024
This episode was sponsored by Skillshare. One of the most controversial balance updates the developers have ever introduced was patch 1.3.1, the update that banned and nerfed the vast majority of


, marine reptiles, and pterosaurs. Therefore, it


come as no surprise that one of the requests that the developers get the most out of is to reintroduce


back into the game. The developers have never removed any classes before. But what would the meta be like if the developers actually forced and allowed players to respawn as dinosaurs? Well, to answer that question. We first need to understand why dinosaurs were banned in the first place, and believe it or not, I actually had the chance to ask one of the developers this very question.
should dinosaurs be unbanned feat casually explained
So a lot of people have been wondering: why were dinosaurs banned? uh you know, I get this question a lot because the dinosaur class was one of the most popular in the history of the game and we definitely got a lot of pushback when you released the first extinction pack, but to be honest, the meta was just picking up. obsolete Especially players who choose to play with increasingly larger land carnivores like the T-Rex. As a balanced update, we tried to improve the herbivores by putting two additional horns on the Uniceratops. But of course, the T-Rex players simply specified a higher attack.
should dinosaurs be unbanned feat casually explained

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should dinosaurs be unbanned feat casually explained...

Then once. We even tried to weaken T-Rex players' anger ability by increasing how often they want to engage in sexual behavior, but then players thought it would be fun to shorten their arms. So in the end we thought it wasn't worth dealing with all these complications. and we


just do a hard reset to reduce oxygen levels to limit the size of different class wars and encourage more nuanced skill trees and while we're seriously considering a dinosaur remaster due to popular demand, to be honest, even Now if you look at most of the character models, they are simply shrunken and remodeled dinosaurs, to which we put skins so that they are not noticeable.
should dinosaurs be unbanned feat casually explained
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on this matter. Okay, so what would it be like if dinosaurs weren't banned? First, let's talk about dinosaurs in general. The main advantage of dinosaurs is their enormous size. When fully grown, the only thing that could de


it were other giant dinosaurs and potentially hunting groups. While size is an advantage in defense, it can be a challenge for overall survival. Dinosaurs required an enormous amount of food, potentially more than today. The game could provide Y, so if the developers were to remove the ban on dinosaurs, they would probably also need to improve the spawn rates of almost everything.
should dinosaurs be unbanned feat casually explained
The average build of a dinosaur also tends to be quite modest when it comes to speed and intelligence, having speed comparable to that of an elephant. and intelligence comparable to that of crocodiles. This means that most of today's top levels will outspeed and outsmart them on a regular basis. YOINK! But this is not the case for all dinosaurs. So let's now go into details. Let's start with herbivores. So I don't think hadrosaurs are very viable since they don't have good defensive abilities to protect themselves. Their best


ure is that they can communicate effectively and keep an eye on each other.
But today's best hunters rely on stealth, a strategy specifically aimed at solving their problem. Hadrosaurs would be great at detecting tall carnivorous players from afar, but not stealthy structures that stayed low to the ground and moved through the bush. Now, you might be thinking, "Oh, that's no problem, the herbivores could outrun them," but the big herbivores. They had much less mobility than today's top predators. They would be more comparable to an elephant, as I said before, but where elephants lack mobility, they make up for it with intelligence. The same cannot be said for dinosaurs, but not all herbivores would be in such a bad position, hadrosaurs lack any type of weaponry, but other herbivores are much better armed.
Triceratops is perhaps the best-known armored herbivore and it's easy to see why. At full speed, a triceratops could outgun even the tankiest opponent. But that being said, the carnivorous player base has gotten a lot better at handling frontal weapons like horns and fangs. Therefore, the Triceratops may have difficulty defending itself from attacks coming from behind or from multiple angles. Getting behind an opponent has become a staple trick in every carnivore's playbook. Especially for canine and feline structures. Sauropods held an interesting place in the meta during the Mesozoic and would definitely still be so if they returned today.
His stats at the end of the game were simply impossible to beat one on one. No other land build has ever managed to come close to the same base stat total. Even the large predators of the time barely stood a chance, even in teams. But they only reached this potential late in the game and have relatively few defensive options in the early and mid-game, other than relying solely on high-level teammates. This means that your teammates must be able to stop an attack before it is too late. Due to their extreme height, predators would almost never be able to sneak up on a sauropod clan in the open field.
But approaching using stealth isn't the only way to catch a vigilant opponent off guard. Hiding in trees is another option; one that is employed by some of today's most powerful builds. Big cats tend to aim for their opponents' necks and well, it would be pretty hard to miss. Even the top-level Jaguar probably couldn't shoot a top-level sauropod. But all the big arboreal cats would definitely be a problem for the juveniles. Potentially so problematic that not enough of them could make it to the end of the game to fight back. lower level players. It's hard to say.
In general, they could be completely viable or completely helpless, there's not much in between. In my opinion, the most suitable herbivore builds to survive in the current meta would be those with tail weapons, specifically Stegosaurus and ankylosaurus. As mentioned above, the best predators will tend to attack from behind, avoiding a face-to-face confrontation and staying out of range of counterattacks with horns, fangs, and bites. This strategy works very well against today's tanky herbivore classes, but an attack from behind would be a terrible idea against a club or thagomizer build. Additionally, the armor on its back would make it much more difficult for assassin configurations like big cats. to deliver their critical blows.
Of all the herbivores, I think these are the most likely to become top-tier animals if the ban were lifted. Now, let's move on to the carnivores. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think large tyrannosaurs will do well in the current meta. Tyrannosaurs are min-max to optimize damage, which was great when your goal was to be able to take down tanks. with HP levels as high as dinosaurs. The only current structure that would be important to matchup against would be the elephant, and while that is important, having just one good matchup is not a top-tier strategy.
All Elephant players need to do to counter this specific tactic is specify slightly increased mobility, as the T-rex's top speed is extremely low compared to current versions. However, smaller tyrannosaurs like Albertasaurus and Daspletosaurus would still be viable, since they haven't sacrificed as much mobility as the T-rex. Mobility is really the name of the game for predators right now and is why I would put dromaeosaurs like Velociraptor and Deinonychus as top contenders for being too OP for the current meta and not only because of their excellent mobility but also because They really wouldn't need to adapt much to their playstyle in the Cretaceous.
Cretaceous raptors fed mainly on small animals, such as prehistoric mammals, and occasionally teamed up to take down medium- and heavy-weight ones. This niche is still very much available today and birds of prey would have little trouble in combat against structures like opossums, raccoons, and Waaaaah birds. This is the same role that the fox and the coyote occupy right now. So the question is: could the Raptors compete with them? In one-on-one combat, I think the Raptors have the advantage. While Raptors have less HP than any canine, they also have much more burst damage potential. Canines use the persistent hunting strategy and need to make several attacks to take down a target.
Raptors, on the other hand, deal much greater damage due to their sickle-shaped claw that can potentially shoot an enemy. Both employ team strategies and both have high mobility and intelligence. So, all things being equal, the Raptors' ability to hurt the canines would, in my opinion, win them the day. So overall, if the individual dinosaur builds were removed, Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and Dromaeosaur would probably be top tier, while the others might end up struggling. Dinosaur players would need to learn many new skills to be able to compete with how advanced the dinosaur is. goal is. Especially when it comes to what OP humans are like.
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