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What if humans were nerfed?

Mar 08, 2024
this episode was sponsored by Skillshare


are the most powerful class this game has ever seen, even builds with a near max power stat stand little chance against a fully armed human and conversely even builds with the tallest defenses in the game still can't block. The attacks from the ridiculous EOP weapons that


unlock through crafting changes the meta to reflect how overpowered they are, but


would happen if humans were weakened and their intelligence dropped below the point at which they gained the ability to craft? tools that build? would become the new higher levels and which ones might become less viable without humans.
what if humans were nerfed
Well, with their intelligence diminished, humans are expected to return to their playstyle as persistent hunters in the savannah, even without advanced intelligence skills like tool use and fire control. They still excel at this due to their unique ability to regenerate stamina through sweat, they would also retain their unique and powerful ability to throw things, although they would no longer be able to create high damage items like spears to throw after a nerf like this, they would no longer hold up. . the record for highest intelligence in the game that honor would go to the elephant followed closely by dolphins and parrots and then finally again to primates without the ability to control fire or make clothing, humans would once again be limited to only servers hotter due to their lack of skin leaves the vast majority of the game's resources freed up to compete once again, so builds would dominate this new meta.
what if humans were nerfed

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what if humans were nerfed...

There are endless things to consider here. The meta right now is completely human-centric to the point where even the abyssal servitors are affected, the easy answer would be to simply say that things would go back to the way they were before humans reached mastery and in some cases It is certainly true, for example, of constructions that are afflicted to acquire the rare drop of ivory. I no longer have to worry about their worst matchup, but I don't think simply predicting a revert to patch 1.3 point 6 captures the full story. First, the climate has changed a lot since the Ice Age, and second, there are many buildings that have a clear advantage due to how overinflated their populations are, the abundance of their food sources, or the ease with which they they could conquer the mostly empty urban biomes left by nomadic humans.
what if humans were nerfed
There are also builds that have essentially been playing on easy mode because of humans and would now have to change their playstyle and learn to play competitively again. Some quick examples of these roaches, although they have a lot of impressive resistance abilities like radiation and toxics, and the resistance is actually very weak to cold. You would probably have to follow humans back to warmer servers again, since artificial heat is the only thing that allows them to persist in areas where it snows. Rats would also likely experience a drop in popularity because cities would no longer be protected from threats such as snakes. and without humans to feed them, cats would have to up their game too.
what if humans were nerfed
Arguably the most loaded builds in the game are seabirds, while they were perfectly capable of surviving on their own due to the dominant matchup they have against fish, they have lost many. of their skills because looting garbage dumps turned out to be better XP per hour without humans constantly putting free loot on their plates every day, many of these bird players would be completely lost even if they knew how to hunt for themselves the ratio of fish Birds is too low to support the massively bloated player base they have, so you'd surely see a sharp decline in their numbers after a balanced patch like this, but in my opinion the direction the core meta takes depends on how the cattle player base adaptations of all domesticated builds, I would predict that there are only three that have the best chance of achieving mastery, the first of which is cattle.
Cattle have a huge population advantage with this scenario with an active player base of over a billion with their astonishingly high base power stat and equally impressive HP level, there is a very real possibility that Cattle will be more viable in nature that some of today's herbivorous constructs, like deer and elk, it's hard to imagine today's top-level predators having a good matchup against livestock. I could be horribly wrong and the cattle could have full bodies once humans no longer protect them, but in my opinion the fences they are kept in right now protect other players more than the cattle, not all cattle would have success after equilibrium. patch some cattle builds actually can't respawn without the help of human players, but some like Texas Longhorn don't have this problem and would excel in the absence of humans, it could crush any player that gets in its way, the only builds I could I think that having no problem competing with them would be semi-aquatic ones like elk, especially since one could say that elk can match the base of cattle, which is the second potential escape class: horses, in reality, are already invaders in the western United States after being brought over. there by humans in hopes of using them as a support class, they no longer have competition in the current location and without humans to capture and sell them, there are not many predator buildings in the area that can challenge them, their unique ability to sleep standing up and make stealth.
Offensive strategies based on them are less effective against them, so predators would have to resort to more powerful damaging moves to pose a real threat. The last of the domesticated configurations that I would bet on would be the pig. Pigs are extremely effective, versatile and powerful generalists. They have no problem returning to the wild, and in cases where it has happened, they devastate casual players due to their ability to dig burrows. Feral pigs have excellent matchups against anything within the same weight class, so Lynx and wolves cannot compete without risking taking. However, with humans out of the way, we need to talk about


peak predators would re-emerge now that humans are not systematically wiping them out.
Predators with good matchups against the pig would begin to regain their former dominance outside of its territory. Current northern builds like the Grizzly and southern builds like the Jaguar would certainly once again be optimal options in the region. The Lions used to exist on every major server, so it makes sense that they would take any opportunity to regain their former glory. We can't talk about a less humane meta without speculating on what would happen to the current top-tier support classes, cats and dogs, without humans to feed them, need to compete with each other, and while dogs generally beat cats in a 1v1, Cats' ability to climb would give them a huge advantage in the city biome.
Buildings that already worked well in cities would likely continue to do so, and in turn allow the cast to persist as well; However, dogs are no strangers to transitioning out of their support role again. To pack in hunting DPS, here's what happened on the Australian server to create the build we now know as dingo, so although many top dogs are carried by humans, the guild as a whole has no problem holding its place high level in the new one. meta now for some good old fashioned speculation, one of the builds that I think could absolutely dominate the city meta in the absence of humans is bat echolocation, it's one of the most powerful abilities in the game and would be extremely useful for navigating through the narrow corridors. of abandoned buildings, carnivorous bats, such as Duras, the crow's top, would find it easy to hunt mice and rats in the dark and would have many places to perch out of reach.
The last thing worth speculating about is whether or not some intelligence-based construct would work. Get up and start unlocking things in the tech tree, while several builds have unlocked the tool use perk which is just one of three needed to start moving up the tech tree. Fire control has been unlocked by certain Hawks in Australia, but they can't. If they don't do it themselves they can only spread it and agriculture has only been unlocked by ants of all things none have unlocked all three at once apart from humans aquatic intelligence constructs like the octopus and dolphin probably They will never unlock fire control, the ants probably will.
Neither because they are too small to handle without being within range of its heat, but I guess in my opinion parrots and elephants may have the best chance since they both have the ability to pick up objects, they have a long lifespan and both are herbivores. that would benefit greatly from unlocking agriculture, there is also of course the possibility that one of the other apes will start to be suspected of bipedalism with increased intelligence and vocal cords to simply copy the human, each learning their abilities in this way It's not easy, but if you watch my channel.
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