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How Mosasaurus Broke The Game

Mar 07, 2024
The dinosaur clips in this video are from documentaries that you can find on the trivia channel. More information about them at the end of the video. Mosasaurus, one of the most feared sea constructs in gaming history. The Mesozoic expansion is often known as the Age of Reptiles. and while it is true that arks soar and the reptile faction that contained structures like dinosaurs, pterosaurs, birds and crocodiles did indeed dominate the Mesozoic, the same cannot be said for the other reptile faction, the lizards, for them It was quite the opposite, they spent a good part of the meta


of that expansion was severely afflicted by the top-level dinosaurs and pterosaurs, however, they eventually adapted and for the destitute there was music as powerful as that of the most overpowered dinosaurs, the Mosasaurus, but how did the lizard player base adapt to survive the hostile meta of dinosaurs, let's look at the specific traits that the ancient lizard can inspect in order to gain a foothold in the Mesozoic.
how mosasaurus broke the game
Mad Lizards tend to have below average base stats. Bite attacks are not very powerful, usually only for grabbing targets below. Due to their weight class, such as insects and other small beaks, they generally do not incorporate other combat techniques into their build, such as sharp claws, poison, or team strategies, and instead try to rely on more tanky tricks, such as intimidating flyers, Detachable tails and strap grips to overcome this. It works because their cold blood requires much less food to keep playing, so they don't actually need to be as active or powerful to avoid starving; However, this is not true for all lizards that build the monitor lizard mode, which includes Lean, high-level lizards like Komodo and Parenti break from that trend and specify a faster metabolism by increasing their base stats but forcing them to play a little more actively.
how mosasaurus broke the game

More Interesting Facts About,

how mosasaurus broke the game...

It was this player base that developed the initial mosasaur build while avoiding the common tricks of others. Lizard Mane opted to instead choose a difficult and unconventional set of abilities including water mobility and, surprisingly, the liveborn respawn advantage, having a terrible and completely one-sided competition against dinosaurs and pterosaurs meant that When the pressure increased on the monitor lizard player's base, it was the best option. It wasn't running nor was he too tall, his best option was to completely change his playing style and become a Marine. This build synergized extremely well with their live respawn buff because it allowed them to avoid the spawn killing that was so oppressive to the other reptiles.
how mosasaurus broke the game
At the time, while constructs like the turtle frequently attacked their nests, the proto Mosasaurus construct could respawn in water away from the dinosaur killers, but in shallow waters for top-notch sharks and fish to greet them, It was actually the perfect environment for them. They thrived and eventually ended up staying in the water and not even bothering to return to the land server to hunt their white hinged jaws that were decent for grabbing prey on land, they were perfect for swallowing fish, their success really started to snowball. from here. The more evolution points they spent on aquatic mobility buffs, the more points they gained and were able to put back into those buffs and were such efficient hunters that they could bear the additional cost of gigantism.
how mosasaurus broke the game
Most sources spiked to a dominant upper level. detect faster than almost any other build in the


's history, overcoming atheist swords in the process and forcing them to abandon their characters entirely in favor of more viable sea builds. Mosasaurus mains had everything they needed to dominate the Late Cretaceous meta, so let's go. Through all the things that made them so


n, his first Opie trait is also the most obvious: his bite strength, which was on par with that of a T-rex, it's hard to overstate how devastating a bite from Mosasaurus, but suffice it to say that the other top-tier ocean predator builds at that point we'll all have a shot at the Mosasaurus to fight xiphactinus one of the most powerful fish builds in gaming history paled in comparison to the Mosasaurus's strengths.
The Ammonite, a cephalopod that went for a tank-style build, probably had the best armor of any oceanic build at the time, but not even its shells were tough enough to save it from the crushing bite of a Moses sword, obviously its size was equally powerful, but for reasons you didn't expect. You see, due to his immense size, Mosasaurus wasn't particularly mobile, he usually had to ambush other players in order to land a blow with his powerful jaws, even tank builds like the Ammonite could speed him up if they saw him coming, however , being the largest ocean.
Building across the entire server has one very important advantage: it gives you control over the surface of the water. Seeing the surface of the water is one of the most advantageous positions when trying to ambush another player who is above the surface. The reflective surface. of water grants a huge stealth bonus, making it easier to get within attack range of players who would normally be able to easily escape due to their high mobility. However, this is a double-edged sword, as being on the surface of the water leaves you vulnerable. not only to exempt from taxes the marine players below, but also the aerial hunters above, which were not lacking in the Cretaceous medal.
This disadvantage is practically negated by the size of the Mosasaurus, although the main enemy of the unkillable giant is the Hemet style. At least at the end of the game, when they have already reached full size, it is hunger, not player attacks. Mosasaurus abused this tactic to the absolute limit, frequently taking down even the most powerful dinosaur builds in the game if they were ever careless at the water's edge and also turning the tables on the exact pterosaur builds that specialized in punishing marine players who strayed too close to the water service. The last major factor in their success is a continuation of the ability they suspect to be a live-born lizard.
Mosasaurus retained this ability and expanded on it. When looking at the Parental Instinct trait, pretty much the only time most Sora players were vulnerable was during the beginning of their game, when they didn't have the size to protect them from attacks, this is when the other Ocean Bills top level like a tennis launched its assault on the player base or mostess like smaller lizards, these players would stay in the safety water that was too shallow for Xiphactinus to approach, but even at level one, Mosasaurus was too big for that and therefore without the protection. from Mother Moses or the players, her effectiveness would completely demolish any hope of survival, but with her help, Sources Moses' dominance over the Cretaceous Ocean meta was basically untouchable, of course, we all know how the developers reacted. when the meta became so centralized around a select few. powerful builds, but I hope this video is still useful as an example of how loading your builds can achieve total mastery with just a few smart build options and advanced techniques, who knows what the next big thing in modernity will be after passing the map by the The way the Mosasaurus CGI in this video is from a fantastic new documentary called Amazing Dinoworld is a miniseries that tells the stories of several ancient creatures with one episode dedicated entirely to the history of Mosasaurus as an evolution.
It's available right now on Curiosity Stream. The best place on the Internet for high-quality documentary and non-fiction titles. I never thought I'd see the day when a documentary about dinosaurs surpassed the original series Walking with, but I have to be honest, the incredible Dinoworld surpasses it, I really think so. Curiosity Stream has become a major player in creating new and amazing things instead of just being a hub of nostalgia for me. Oh, and speaking of creating new things, if you sign up for a free Curiosity membership today, you'll also get access to a new streaming service. which a group of creators, including me, helped found nebula, this service features originals from tons of great creators, as well as hosting all the normal YouTube content in one place where it's safe from nasty mindless algorithms, so yeah You want to support top-notch educational and independent content creators alike and get access to amazing streaming sites.
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