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SHELTER (Full Length Documentary)

Jun 05, 2021
the worst during the holidays, he was doing better, he was doing very well, but now he is starting to deteriorate. I mean, I took her out of the gas station early. this morning the water dam bribed her, you know, because she runs out of here without eating, since we know that she comes back every night, it's a good sign because she feels safe here, she is damaged, children, have we ever seen how they will. Today hey honey, I want a cigarette oh no, I got drunk here, okay, thanks, I'm going to see dad telling me I'm going to cut my hair.
shelter full length documentary
I think I look a little cheaper, yeah, you don't quite understand, yeah, birthday goes up, but my point is that this work part time, go to school part time and work on your career, do I make sense?, we have also qualified. instant cooking a chance to the subway is fine and we just wanted Raven I don't know if you can hear me but we just want to say welcome no problem I grew up very differently from other people I mean religious lives I mean my parents no I wasn't going to say who were right-wing fanatics, but there were right-wing fanatics and they tried to impress upon me that I was a boy, you know you're a man, if I'm a man, then why?
shelter full length documentary

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Do I have breasts? You know it's a sin. Well, if it's a sin, then why do some of your friends like tanning and you're still friends with them? That's not the point and what is the point. What are you trying to get at me? The point is that you will go to hell. I was like, oh, and you're not the good guys, this is my first transition idea, it's like the second week of hormone therapy, going through the transition process is probably one of the hardest and hardest things to go through. you will have to go through in life.
shelter full length documentary
This is like the horrible stage where I didn't eat anything when I got home and sometimes I starved myself just to be an inch closer to being as skinny as the girls at school this is Janet they make fun of Carmen Carrera she will be like the first transgender Victoria's Secret angel are so beautiful Isis king she was the first transgender - America's Next Top Model are everything you dream of being, you are reinventing yourself again, you are trying to imagine what kind of woman you want to be and you are trying to imagine what kind of girl she wants to look like and is trying to imagine herself as exactly the kind of person she wants If you look at the first page, we want to talk a little bit about LGBTQ politics.
shelter full length documentary
We emphasize that we will call young people by the preferred name and gender pronouns they want to be referred to. To achieve this, we would honor that, let's say they. We are male to female and they are presenting and want to defend the female flora that we are going to honor, that is where they will feel comfortable, where they will stay and we will make accommodations for them that we were not. operating that way and some things may not necessarily align with your spiritual belief, but you work here that's how I see it, we had a small heart and not in the heart has blossomed, so a very big heart we said that everyone, no There is no one who can not come time, please take some time off to read the policy as we continue to work here and find your own comfort in your own peace of mind, how will we know that we love these children unconditionally as our own and us. try to treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve and they have not been treated some people is not the image of what they think about Catholics no no no no we don't look we have children here or HIV right, this is not I don't see the house colored like a religion, true, I see him as his Francisco.
I see us as a place that believes in miracles. I look at it like they are holy staff, the staff is amazing and we have staff that pray. Yes. Could you tell the denominations of our staff what religions they belong to? No, could I tell you the names of our children? Absolutely not. Our goal is to practice the Gospels and what Francis said is that we practice the Gospels all day and from time to time. we have to use words I think we are rooted in prayer I absolutely believe in the mercy of God in the providence of God when it comes to our children absolutely but it's not about religiosity it's about spirituality it's about pastoral care you I know it's very simple love God loves the porn moment my name is Elizabeth Georgia Bravin live a little the beginning George the middle and mine is Thank you dealer Thank you Dean what am I Tilly that's not going anywhere here that's what was good don't count the curve is okay okay, I'll go, I'll go, I mean, they're worried that she's been prostituting herself and because of drugs and alcohol, she's not taking her medications, she's not logging in and out. like she's supposed to, she goes places in the incident at the bar, she broke the bottle at the bar, right, because that's what you have cameras for, but she didn't stab anyone at the bar, to me she needs a place that doesn't It is closed but it is closed.
Yeah, is everyone almost on the same page on this? I think the only thing we could see is how helpless they were in response to this. They know she could alleviate it. She could easily end up at our doors in three days. I have to enter. this with the positive mindset, right, this is going to be good for you, okay, and that's what you got right, oh wait, I know, okay, but you know what I'm saying, okay, I only know one feeling , what a scent I know it's going to Be a good place, I won't spend my money on drugs and then you'll have counselors that will come and give you, you know, some advice and support, and then we'll check on you too.
Good. tomorrow twenty-first of March 19 Wow, even you want to come to work, okay, let's find out what we have to learn more about this program first, okay, before you get a job, we have to make you a little healthier, you know, no no. No, wait, step by step, let's adjust. What I'm saying is it's just where you live first before we all run around looking for jobs, okay, no pressure, okay, that's all I'm saying. I am healthy. I know you think you know that I really care deeply about her and I'm just scared. I think we've done everything we can and I think she needs a change of location and we'll try, but if in a week she comes in and knocks on our door, you know, we'll take her back and we'll figure it out in this case, I hope for Please sigh and I have a window and I have a kiss and I pull the purple.
I'm going to put it over the blue, great, put it, we'll put it under the report. You think this place will work for you. I think so. I think I have my own house. I think it's an improvement coming to. house, I think it's the place where they have to stay, so for a long time I was stuck without other residents like the house, you know, I'm saying what are the things you should be careful with alcohol and drugs, is it going to be difficult for you? to stay away from those things if you're motivated, how you want it to work.
I'm more affectionate, we'll make it work. I made it, but it still surprises me every time I think about it, you know, this is moving. in my own apartment and like this part of my life is ending, so you're moving in and transitioning into what we consider really our final stage of transitional housing, you're excited, oh yeah, I'm really excited about this as it is. I've been. here for almost two years now it seems like an eternity you've almost had a lot to overcome and you've done it you seemed much calmer and more confident than you imagined a year and a half ago when I first got here.
Scared like I don't really like people that much. He was extremely antisocial. All the staff told me this. Do not stop trying. Make sure you know where you want to go and just don't stop trying to get there. don't give up don't persevere it's hard to imagine that I've come this far thank you write this oh yes yes I'm ready I can pay the rent and things like that I can save money no no no problem like I don't want to sound vain or something, but I'm proud, I am very proud, inhale, extend and then exhale, hit the elbow with the knee under the body.
Good last one, inhale, extend, exhale, release. I want to do it as an exercise, let's revisit our safe place that we talked about last week. that there is a cord that starts at the base of your spine and goes to the crown of your head. Many thoughts float by lightly touching the thought. What is a pen? Touch them and watch them go and what I want us to practice is coming back to our safe, quiet place and let me know when you feel like you're there, you feel like you're in your safe, quiet place, okay, let's stay there for a while, this is all just a worn memory, revisiting the feeling I had.
When I first arrived at the doors of the tavern, what was that experience like for you? Alright. It's very brave of you to want to go back to that. I don't know if I've told you this, but have I traveled? A lot. I wouldn't even call it traveling. I've strayed a lot and there are different monsters for different places, whenever necessary and generally in the long run they will save my life.

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