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Poverty in the USA: Being Poor in the World's Richest Country | ENDEVR Documentary

May 02, 2024
in southern california the sun rises over san diego bay next to an avenue in this parking lot 54 year old maria begins her day straightens my bed this car is her home this is every day this routine of stretching my bed maria now He doesn't have a place to live, he's been sleeping in his truck for a year and it looks pretty good now, right? You don't see it, it doesn't look like you live here, but do you? I've seen people with their cars so messy and things everywhere. place and how can I go to work with my life like this, I mean, it has to have a bit of order, you know, because this is what we need to continue, it's not that perfect, but it's the way I want and it makes me feel better.
poverty in the usa being poor in the world s richest country endevr documentary
Maria, about 30 other people sleep overnight in their car in this free parking lot, however, most of them work, they are security guards, super drivers, secretaries or even IT technicians, Maria is a cleaner and caretaker, a exhausting job that you do seven days a week, yes, it depends. where is my car if so I won't have to be flat because my back hurts if so to provide a little comfort to all these people an organization has provided them with a water point, portable toilets and a small outdoor kitchen where maria prepares her morning coffee before going to work this type of bulletproof coffee is very famous in the united states maria's fall from grace is a situation that affects thousands of other americans for a long time she had everything she ever She wanted to be married and lived in this beautiful house but after five years of living together her happy marriage suddenly fell apart he kind of left me he left me he said okay, it didn't work out goodbye okay goodbye see you later I said what no, no I have a homeless place I am a homeless Nobel there is no furniture there is no house so it's just my car I have a seat here and yes, that's how it is Maria couldn't keep anything she preferred to leave everything to her ex-husband and change places page, but in recent years in California the cost of rent has increased so much that her salary of 1500 euros was not enough to pay for an apartment since then every morning before going to work where she goes In this gym she exercises for 45 minutes, but it comes mainly for another rather urgent need.
poverty in the usa being poor in the world s richest country endevr documentary

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poverty in the usa being poor in the world s richest country endevr documentary...

I had to make this decision because she had nowhere to shower once. I didn't shower for a week. She feels terrible. Let me tell you, you feel like a bum. stinky so I thought what should I be doing so I thought oh a gym so I came here her membership costs her 40 euros a month the cost of continuing an almost normal life leaving the gym no one would notice that Maria no longer has a home and She sleeps in her car. I have a wonderful job, so because if I don't take a shower, no one is going to hire me.
poverty in the usa being poor in the world s richest country endevr documentary
I'm going to be homeless without a car or anything. My


is going to fall. You know, what am I going to do? I will be doing I will be a total of 100 homeless people oh no I will commit suicide just kidding maria is just one of the many middle class american citizens who in recent years have fallen into


officially the united states is great again since the crisis of 2008 the economy has never been stronger Unprecedented growth and unemployment have fallen to a record low of less than four percent, a rebound for which Donald Trump has taken full credit, there has never been a better time to start to live the American dream, but despite what the president claims, the famous American dream.
poverty in the usa being poor in the world s richest country endevr documentary
It is far from achieved in the United States 40 million people live below the


line and millions of workers will do everything they can to stay above it you get money Are you familiar with plasma? Are you OK? I do it twice a week and I'm homeless. Overnight is what these Americans fear most because the system here is not very kind to those who lack cash. You better catch up quickly or you will get a possession judgment against you and become addicted. In some states, you will be late paying your rent. It's no laughing matter here, one by one, tenants are evicted at gunpoint.
Where I am going to sleep? I can sleep in the hotel if necessary. For these Americans on the brink of ruin, seeking medical treatment can cost a fortune. It is difficult to eat and drink. their medicine also because they may not get one or the other, so some people are showing solidarity to make sure they are treated for free in field hospitals similar to those found in a


at war and to know the lives of those who cannot make a living in the heart of the destitute of the United States san diego in southern california 300 days of sunshine a year beaches as far as the eye can see an idyllic setting a postcard california san diego is also one of the cities most dynamic in the


here unemployment is practically nonexistent this dream lifestyle was once a daily reality for eric he was a successful computer engineer who earned 7000 euros a month today at 53 years old this man lives alone in his car and to eat free he has made an agreement with the employees of a pizzeria hello hello how are you today well I'm here to pick up something for you thank you that you're here uh these are the portions that they have in their display that they have them for a long time then they put them I keep them in the refrigerator for you to donate Eric comes every night to buy pizza well, thank you very much, I appreciate it very much, okay, goodbye, he will share these unsold portions with other victims of poverty because for a year and a half Eric has been sleeping in this parking lot where maria the cleaner also lives with her pizza she makes her neighbors very happy there are many things good like laurella a 55 year old uber driver looks good are you angry yes we are hungry did you eat today no no I didn't have to drive everything Today in his previous life Eric also worked hard 50 hours a week but four years ago he suffered from exhaustion and a series of health problems, including problems with his heart.
I couldn't work and received unemployment benefits for six months and then nothing at all. I thought I could handle it. I thought I would get better, but it took a toll on me and after several years of dealing with doctors and spending my savings, I was done. basically burning everything down and he could no longer afford to stay in our apartment, eric is trying to get back on his feet nowadays, he is doing a temporary job and is saving up so he can rent an apartment after his long day at work, maria is back, are you tired?
Yes, yes, it's where I work, it's a little difficult because I have to lift a lady, she weighs a lot from one side to the other, from one side to the other, but nine hours is not, it's a lot of hours, but I'm okay, I'm thirsty. food my bed I am ready to jump into my bed because I am very tired at nine thirty at night the doors close from this point on no more cars can enter the parking lot at night there is no security guard and even though There has been no attack this does not reassure Maria I close the door under the windows like this and set the alarm if someone tries to come in I will know I have my pepper spray and my hemai cutter someone is trying to break the spray, yes, because you never know , that's all, a few meters away Eric is preparing to spend another night in his car, although the cabin is full to the brim, the former computer engineer will sleep sitting behind the wheel, certainly far from the comforts. from his old life, one thing I've really discovered about this is that you know the typical stereotype that the homeless person is lazy and doesn't want to work or is a drug addict, that can be the case in some places. and some and some, but the people that I have reached in this program, most of them are very hardworking, people who want to get ahead and who have some health problems or have had a run of bad luck or for whatever reason. um, you know, when you got to this situation, some people can get out of it quickly, some people take longer, it's a state of stark contrasts, despite


the sixth largest economy in the


, more and more workers can no longer . afford a place to live, but there is another state where the system is even more unforgiving.
This state is Virginia, right next to Washington DC and, in particular, its capital, Richmond. Richmond is a former industrial city. Here a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line. He also has an unfortunate record. This city has one of the highest eviction rates in the United States. There are 3,000 evictions per year, that is, 25 times more than in Paris. Evictions are routine work for loyal Sheriff's Office deputies several times a week. He distributes these yellow documents Hey, how are you? Candace lives here. Okay, this was a notice I put on your door. It's an eviction notice.
You must contact property management. The manager here if you think it's wrong, but we set it up. an eviction for August 7th at nine o'clock is fine thank you ma'am in the state of virginia the law is strict if the rent is five days late the landlord has the right to start the eviction process a few weeks later the tenant receives a notice at your door you know what it is you know what it is you only have a week to leave yes, it's not much I don't know well we'll figure it out I know but sometimes I get carried away with your own enthusiasm loyal officer it's not always accurate hey how are you are you you uh no she lives here no this is yes this is outs which means it's me this woman who has nothing to feel guilty about got away with nothing but a scare Sorry ma'am, we're in the wrong apartment.
Thank you. Threatened tenants have one week to pay off their debts. Otherwise they will face forcible eviction and the loyal officer is not showing much sympathy this morning. He and his colleague must evict the person. who lives in this house sheriff's office and just like arresting a dangerous criminal, the sheriff's office enters the house armed with weapons, okay, sheriff's office right now, the tenant is not home and clearly You haven't had time to leave the premises, sir, it's okay. The owner immediately claims ownership of it. In France, on average, it takes a year and a half to evict someone, while here it happens almost in an instant.
In less than two months, everything is fixed. Check everything. I'm checking the windows now. Why do it? sure the house is safe the tenant has just arrived and is in shock she has been renting the house for seven years she is a single mother of an older daughter she works but has often had difficulty making ends meet she can only collect her belongings the the next day, otherwise everything will go to the junkyard at her expense, it will just be easier for you, like the vehicle that's in the backyard or whatever, if you pick it up because if he has a salvage company trailer, take it off and that's an additional expense that you would be looking at Yeah, okay, I mean, okay Do you think this is all a little harsh?
I think it's hard knowing that he has to do what he has to do and I have to do what I have to do. Where are they? you are going to sleep where am I going to sleep I can sleep in the hotel if I need to yes I can yes thank you very much have a good day they have thrown her out on the street without room for negotiations this is the only way to do it he did not move that depends on she if that's the only way she said she would move before this didn't move maybe maybe she had nowhere to go uh you know she never told me that there are about 10 evictions like this one every day in richmond as a result of this express justice cheap hotels on the outskirts of the city have become a refuge for those who have been kicked out of their homes some people stay there for a long time this is the case of david a 38 year old gardener what is happening man singing everything sam new day david lives in this motel since his eviction two years ago on the weekend the children of this divorced father come to stay to sleep in his 10 square meter room for which he pays 1300 euros a month, this is man , this is our bedroom, living room, family room, every room, this is the little kitchen where I cooked eggs last night and made hamburgers, so I'm not doing the dishes yet, you know, we go out, we play video games and, um. bathroom, you know, I have a shower, but that's it for the week.
David shares this cluttered single room with his new partner. Isn't it too difficult to live here for two years? Oh man, I'm tight, you know, obviously. If you put two people in the same room for a long time, they will clash and have arguments and stuff. His girlfriend has a steady job in the insurance business. As a couple, you could buy a larger, less expensive apartment. However, they're still stuck in this little room because her past eviction continues to haunt them, but at the time she was trying at first and then I'm like you get so depressed going places and stuff and they're not, they're not. . give you a place because they say, oh, you had an eviction, um, you know, that shows that you didn't pay for those two months or something and, um, it was definitely detrimental to it, you know, there was no way to get it.
Inanywhere is almost unthinkable in Europe, but here landlords can access the past of bad tenants with a few clicks. A systematic surveillance that has been denounced by Martin Vegbrite, lawyer and tenant advocate, which is why this database is a public database. I mean, anyone can access this database and look at it and they can search by name, so let's try a common American name, here we go, oh Mary Gillespie, okay, there we go and you can see five illegal arrests, let's see ten ago years. This tenant had a series of late payments even though they are small amounts like this $291, they can have serious consequences so if I'm a landlord I can look at that and say, well that was 10 years ago but I think she's a big risk.
I don't want to rent to you if something bad happens to you, whether you know your hours at work will be cut, whether you break down. ankle and you're out of work for a month, whether you've got that car repair bill or that hospital bill or anything that's just going to put a strain on your budget, you better get up to speed real quick or you're going to crash. of possession against you. and become addicted, so the tenant really lives under the sword of Damocles with such a system. It's hard to imagine how David could one day leave his motel and buy an apartment in which he could adequately house his children, but um, yeah, um, in a situation.
So too if you're depressed and you sit alone in a small room for too long, you don't end up drinking or you know doing something stupid and, thank God, drinking is my only vice right now, you know, but I try to be. a decent person a good father and david is not an isolated case 6,300 people are evicted every day throughout america although in the city finding accommodation is the main source of anxiety there is a region where for some the main concern is simply


able to put food in the table welcome to rural america the appalachians in the eastern part of the country a mountainous region the appalachians were once widely known for their coal production today almost all the mines are closed it is often said that the american dream was lost somewhere part On the way here, the Appalachian region with a predominantly white population is where the


est counties in the country are located during the summer at lunchtime.
This food truck travels through disadvantaged areas of Roanoke. Loose and Stacy are two volunteers who hand out free food. Meals for children in the school system receive lunch and breakfast, so many families depend on that lunch or breakfast that they don't necessarily have to buy if that makes sense because the school system will provide it to them, but In the summer, starting in June until mid-August, there is no school, so where do those come from? That's where we intervene. They serve up to 200 meals a day and every time they arrive they wait impatiently. How are you? well how are you all oh thank you here a big hug a big hug here we go you didn't hug me all hungry yes I'm starving on today's menu a sandwich a carton of milk and a kiwi in this family both parents don't work, they receive 1200 euros of social assistance a month, but since a family of five is barely enough to live well, I try to earn at least two or three, but towards the end of the month, when the stamps run out, maybe eat one, I will eat it, for example , now that it's the end of the month, yeah, which one I usually skip breakfast until lunch and uh or yeah, breakfast and lunch and then dinner, so that's all I need to know, yeah, being


. to the point of starving until tomorrow goodbye this reality is nothing new in the Appalachian region in 1964 during his election campaign President Johnson visited Appalachia he was horrified by this poverty once elected he launched a master plan to put an end to poverty today here and now declares unconditional war on poverty in america one of his ideas was to create food stamps which were food stamps given free to the poor and to this day the government distributes these food stamps to 40 million of Americans in this mobile home park in the heart of Appalachia most families benefit from this food aid with the American flag hanging from the front steps this is the mobile home of cyrenia collins, 58, a ex marine cyrenia no longer works due to a prolonged illness she receives a pension of 700 euros so every day she tries to manage, alexa, everything here is given to me basically these were tables they gave me, they were very ugly, like this I'm in the process of painting them and making them a little personal. so that's another way to reduce costs this is the queen chair this is my comfortable chair I love it so it's something that actually when I bought it it was a big expense and it was thirteen hundred dollars so I made payments for it only thing at home it's too expensive for me you know so this is my chair and his financial difficulties have gotten worse since he started boarding his niece jennifer an unemployed single mother who has three children to take care of leah lindsey and jaden luckily jennifer gets food stamps everyone the months on the first day according to the number of children you have in your income, they put, you know, a lot there and I receive every month on the first day.
I will receive like 640 640 just to buy food, just for food, yes, 560. euros a month to feed five people a tight budget before going shopping the two women check the balance of their card Serenia and Jennifer can spend their coupons food at any supermarket like this discount store where they regularly go once at checkout the food stamp card works like any other credit card and at this store in Appalachia they are by no means the only ones who use it. How many people pay with food stamps here? There are probably people who come here. That's a lot, yes, yes, thank you Donald.
Trump is planning to reduce the number of people receiving food stamps; He risks further impoverishing an already vulnerable society, but ironically here 80 percent voted in his favor and his support continues to earn a little extra money. Serenia does something. housework for her neighbors for a few dollars she also cuts the hair of James, who works in the mine. He is a loyal supporter of Donald Trump. I'm a Trump fan. Yes, I support Trump. Because? Because he has done everything he said he would do. Know? Trump is willing to help other countries, but his country comes first.
That hasn't happened in a long time. Donald Trump is a billionaire. Donald Trump supports his family wherever he goes. His children. His wife is everywhere with him. That says a lot about a person where the family is. it's family and that's why I work for my family it's been so many years maybe 30 years that there haven't been jobs now our unemployment rate is very low right now theory theoretically uh every person in the US can have a job and that what they told us if there is a job for every person with the numbers so that if people want to work they can find a job, their unwavering support is something difficult to understand because since their election the daily lives of people in Appalachia have not has improved poverty is always present and has caused some strange happenings in this small town in the middle of the night, dozens of cars enter a fair here, if you turn right, tickets are sold out here, okay, I suggest you Come back here around three. or at four o'clock, well, it trips you up because it makes you think that it's like everyone is lined up like you're going to a concert and you get there, just keep your teeth together, you're done or something, you actually know these people.
They are coming in their hundreds just to see a doctor because every year here for a weekend all they will get in this line is doctor only one non profit organization organizes free consultations oh there is a great need in many of your families In In this area there are working class families who have a hard time choosing between paying for life-saving medication or buying food for the week, so it's a shame to have to do it this way, but you have to be careful. of your people and these are our people and this is the way we take care of our people we did it even though the health care system improved under Barack Obama 28 million Americans still do not have any health insurance medical services Serenia does not have them either I want to miss the event, she spent two hours on the bus to come and camp here, but during the night a strong storm came up.
Good morning, we've had an adventure, we had a flood, literally a flood, it got really dark and the next thing he did was I know we have a gully washer over here. Nothing. Everything there is soaked. Blankets. Everything and no sleep. Last night Serenia arrived with her entire family. Her niece Jennifer and her three children. Everyone needs to see the dentist, but medical fees are on the way. The United States is the most expensive country in the world, beyond the budget of a large portion of the population, so staying up all night doesn't bother them. I mean, it's hard for them to have medical care.
Yes, it is not easy, it is not easy, but it absolutely must be done. The alternative is not good so the family arrived the night before because here the rule is first come, first serve at six in the morning the doors open they announced the running order 125 127. someone is fast asleep in car 128, like this that next time we will call groups of 20 again, once inside, these patients discover a large-scale field hospital, a scene that looks more like that of a humanitarian disaster and yet it is really just the America modern, here people are treated in turns. by a group of volunteers, nurses, family doctors, but also specialists capable of treating more complicated diseases, the most notable part takes place in this sports center transformed into a gigantic dental office throughout the day 60 dentists descale drills, fill and extract teeth by the dozens a discouraging sight for some who arrive at the scene serene is overwhelmed with emotions it is beautiful all the people who volunteer so many people receive help who need it before my sister passed away all her teeth were pulled out and she had no tooth to replace it with and she was younger than me now and was my older sister, so I think about what happened with health problems due to her teeth and they are important, in turns, the family will be examined.
Jaden, the youngest feels. a little restless I want you to brush even if it's when you get home from school you have to do it twice and you can get three that's really good okay in a situation like this prevention is the main goal of these dentists everything has gone well Jaden, he is eligible for a simple routine check-up, but for Serenia, the medical care that awaits her is more complicated. She is already missing five molars and is worried about having a sixth that is extremely damaged removed. After three hours of waiting, it is her turn.
Going up feels great ma'am, are you ready? I think you are ready or not sir. Okay, I'll take it here. My God, a young student about to complete her university degree will take care of her before treating Serenia. She's already had time to do it. get familiar with the work she spent the morning extracting teeth did you extract today? Did you extract? um I have extracted about 15 teeth today yes, myself, yes, a lot, yes, very good day, yes, it is a pretty good day, yes, you will spend 15 minutes extracting the cyrenia tooth. It's the 16th of the day, as if she had a big mouth, but here there is no time to take a breath, Serenia is escorted to the gym locker rooms for the next stage, a dental prosthesis study that, like the rest, is run by volunteers and financed with donations.
Let's go. let's relax relax, no, lie down, just relax your lips, relax in this room, they take the dental impressions and in the next room a new set of teeth is created in less than two hours, cyrenia's new smile is ready, There we go, how uncomfortable are you? oh I got it, you have teeth all the way back yes, you're welcome darling, I want a big smile, regards, thank you, you know I can smile and feel it, that's what I want, that's what I need, yes, what happened, I have teeth , TRUE? They got the same if the family had paid for all this treatment they would have had to spend more than three thousand dollars in the United States there are still some American citizens who are personally taking steps to help the poor on the other side of the world country a man has embarked on a mission against poverty that has plagued the sidewalks of his city a legendary city that is rarely associated with poverty this is los angeles los angeles and hollywood punk 38 year old elvis is furious with what los angeles has become in recent years it is not a third world country it is one of the


countries in the world it is almost like a movie prop, they don't do it, it is difficult to understand that, like every day, this is how people live , Los Angeles is the symbol of the California dream. heart of hollywood cinema and temple of luxury and, however, today los angeles is the capital of thehomeless people in america, in recent years the number of homeless people has increased from 33,000 to 55,000 under the commercial towers the situation became tragic when I was a child and I lived here it was nothing like now I left for almost two decades and I came back a few years ago and it just blows my mind it's going to increase because every month the cost of everything keeps going up there is no regulation so apartment owners and landlords can raise the money for rent whenever they want but Nobody's paychecks are increasing, outraged by the situation of these homeless people, Elvis quit his job as a sales assistant, he lives off the salary of his partner Leia who works at the university this way Elvis can dedicate all his time to help the homeless a little further from the center a woman has moved under this bridge elvis and leia they visit her regularly she is fine baby she has been living here for five years in a small tent she shares with another woman inside they are at the mercy of the dangers of the street they have already been robbed several times well just look at it everywhere they just opened it and uh now now she doesn't I don't even have a door when she sleeps here at night, there are no lights under here either , so it's very dark and especially as a woman that's pretty scary, even if you're a man it's scary because anyone can walk in the dark.
In doing whatever they want to help these people, Elvis wants to do more than just bring them bottles of water. His great project is hidden in the courtyard of his church. He came up with the idea of ​​building them small wooden houses. They are not big, just four square meters, but Inside Elvis and Leia have thought of every last detail to improve the daily lives of these homeless people window arms Yes, so what does it mean? If someone tries to open the window, the alarm will sound. This here allows people to sleep when people sleep, they may think they can do better, they feel better. they want something better the house is also equipped with a fire alarm a light and a phone charger all powered by a solar panel uh elvis thinks of everything down to the last detail to restore some dignity to the homeless, he even assigns them a address, obviously they're not going to be recognized by the post office or something, but it's really just psychological, you know, my apartment has an address, I'm sure your house has an address that is The ultimate goal is that most of people, any homeless person, is treated like trash, you know, once you have that title, you're screwed because people look at you like a monster or you know yourself as someone bad or you chose to be there or you're crazy or you you know, and most of the time that's not the case, so the little I want to say is that it's very easy to dehumanize people, but the little things are very easy to bring back to a person.
Each cabin costs 1,000 euros, financed entirely with donations collected on the internet, but his generous initiative is illegal. The mayor of Los Angeles has prohibited him from installing his cabins on the city's sidewalks. Elvis doesn't care and this morning he is going to deliver one of them. to a homeless couple who needed a lot hey hello I'm elvis hello I'm krista nice to meet you this is our dog brownie hello brownie crystal is 32 years old and three months pregnant she lives on the sidewalk of this sidewalk with her partner andre, what's going on, Friend, how are you?
Oh my god, I hoped you didn't leave last night. That's the mother of the beast for four years. The couple has been sleeping in this little wheeled cart that is infested with bugs, yes. man, that's like bedbugs, I mean eat, eat a lot, man, like I said, you can do everything, all these different little brands, man, mainly from not being able to have good hygiene, elvis doesn't feel like hanging around, The trick is to get this, get this. ready and turned off before the police arrive but still the small house weighs 400 kilograms and the wheels get stuck in the street a neighbor and another homeless man from the neighborhood come to lend a hand and as soon as the house is ready other people upstairs homeless people are begging for a small house I have a couple more almost ready to go so thank you, thank you well, thank you very much, I appreciate it.
I'm going to get half and I won't live in a chair anymore, but your project isn't completely over. make everyone happy why don't you go back to your house and enjoy the air conditioning a neighbor has come to express her discontent she is against this why she uh doesn't want it in front of her house she is calling the police and so we have to Hurry up and we will pray that they are allowed to keep their house. That's how things go in Los Angeles. A few days after filming, the police threatened Elvis with destroying his cabin if he didn't remove it.
He decided to do it. move him and the couple to privately owned land in the end the disgruntled neighbor won her case but some people are trying to fight the homeless snub in fascinating ways we head to texas to the puritan waco this city has about 50 churches For its 120,000 residents here once a month a religious community organizes a strange program people come from all over the United States to participate in it do you know what's going to happen to you? no no no no no no no no I have a little idea what. You know what?
We are going to be homeless for 24 hours. These high school students will live, eat and sleep like the homeless, like about 20 other participants, all from middle-class backgrounds. Each person has paid 60 euros to participate in this project. Janet Durrell came up with the idea 25 years ago, the wife of a minister, and has already agreed to let 30,000 people take part in this amazing role-playing challenge. The goal is to create compassionate care for humanity and poverty. Everyone can achieve the American dream, but when they are trapped in poverty and cycles of poverty. They have to have a defender to take them out.
Ladies, you have 15 minutes according to Janet to truly experience the life of a homeless person. They have to start looking like them in this second hand. clothing store, participants are encouraged to dress like them, I don't know, I don't know what homeless people wear, yeah, there are a lot of evaders there, they're supposed to be in this, yeah, but I'm a jeans fashion and these. small boots but I think they will keep the mosquitoes off my ankles so I'm happy because at the moment it's not too demanding but it's going to get complicated with the second stage sleeping outside, not outside. on the streets but safely in this fenced yard.
However, mother Marta, 53, is a little worried. She thought about it a lot before enrolling in the program. It was her husband who convinced her to take the step. Doesn't seem like a real homeless situation, does it? right, yes, it doesn't smell like poop, it doesn't smell like urine, there are no rats running everywhere, yes, no, this is definitely a lack of luxury housing, yes, without a doubt, it is a fact that is a comfort to everyone anyway and it won't be a very long night. tomorrow everyone at six in the morning janet durrell gives everyone a wake up call and they don't seem particularly well rested come on martha it's not a real homeless situation they're safe they're safer than being on the street but This is not as safe as being at home with your family, so it gives you a little more reality of what life in the environment does to your body, so tonight it takes about 24 hours to start getting the idea that this This could be very difficult for the next stage of the program.
The participants are let loose in the center of the city. Your task is to find something to eat on your own and without money you can smell the food. So should we ask this guy who? Can't you panhandle or solicit people in restaurants in Waco like in many other cities in the United States? Begging is a punishable crime. Rummaging through trash cans is also prohibited. Oh, there's no food there. They are property of the city and they are claiming it. anything is considered theft to survive, the homeless and waco are forced to break the law our two participants are not going to find anything to eat and after two hours of walking the streets in 40 degree heat, marta faints , you must resort to calling your husband to the rescue but I feel like I feel too weak well, like I don't care about you like I'm too old and fat, I can't do it, you've learned something about yourself and what it would be like to be homeless around you age, yes, and it would be difficult, are Americans really prepared to face poverty?, maybe not their leader, donald trump, has recently announced that the poverty rate is falling dramatically despite these 40 million of his fellow citizens continue suffering in its clutches

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