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Sharktooth JACKPOT! 1,000 in 1 Hour?!

Apr 28, 2024
- Oh, wow, we have teeth here, guys. - Oh, that's a big one. - That's great! Wow, you guys hit the


! Come on Meg teeth. Holy shit, look at that over there. Look at that tooth! (Dramatic music) - Approximately twenty million years ago, one of the largest and most dominant predators to ever inhabit the planet, worked in the watery depths of our oceans. With an average length of almost fifteen meters, it was a voracious devouring machine. Even its name means giant tooth. And although it may seem strange, the only thing that remains today that proves its existence are its teeth.
sharktooth jackpot 1 000 in 1 hour
Fossilized teeth. And that's exactly what we'll be looking for. - Very good, right now we are moving upstream. We're getting a light drizzle and it's setting the perfect stage for looking for shark teeth here in the wild. - In this trip to the past, we once again work together with Paleo Chris and Fossil Rick. These two bone hounds have a treasure trove of top secret locations. And special permits granted by the state of Florida allow them to explore and collect prehistoric treasures. Between 25 million and two point six million years ago, which was defined as the late Oligocene to the Pliocene, Florida was completely submerged under the waves of the ocean.
sharktooth jackpot 1 000 in 1 hour

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sharktooth jackpot 1 000 in 1 hour...

Which means that today, the Sunshine State is a hotbed of fossilized shark teeth from all species, including Megalodon. - Now, why do we only find teeth? Do we find skeletal remains of sharks? - That's a great question. Everyone will be wondering: will you find a complete shark skeleton? No, we're not, because shark skeletons are actually made of cartilage that disintegrates when the shark dies and falls to the bottom of its body of water. The only thing we will find will be the teeth. - Right, so the teeth are the only clue as to what this species looks like and how big they can get.
sharktooth jackpot 1 000 in 1 hour
And of course, the Megalodon is the largest shark that has ever lived. -The last time Mario and I worked with Paleo Chris and Fossil Rick, our friendly competition to uncover prehistoric treasures ended in a tie. So once again we have placed the bets. Today we have posed the challenge a little differently. It's still Team Paleo vs. Team Fossil. And today we are going to have a time clock. Now the goal is to see who can find the most shark teeth, who can find the biggest shark tooth, and who can find the brightest tooth. Now Mario and I will be scanning the edges while Chris and Rick dive down the far embankment.
sharktooth jackpot 1 000 in 1 hour
The reason they go to the other side of the embankment in deep water is because as the water curves around the edge, all those teeth accumulate in the deep pockets. With a little luck, today we will find perhaps a thousand shark teeth. Alright guys, do you have cubes? - - Alright. Wow, we have teeth here, guys. - Very good, Mario, are you ready? - Yes. - Well, that's shrimp. - Here you have a tooth. Oh, there's another tooth. - Oh my God! - Oh boy! - Oh, and there's a tiger. We have a fragment of Meg and a tiger shark. - Oh boy, there's another Tiger right there. - This is actually a rarer species of tiger shark tooth. - Wow that's impressive!
Biggest piece yet for sure! - Oh, look at that, is that a Snaggle? - So the nice thing about these teeth is that different teeth evolve differently. So the lower teeth are shaped like this to catch on the meat. And the upper teeth are more like saw blades. So it's a pretty deadly combination when you have teeth holding it down and the top is just cutting into it. I love those teeth, they are my favorite teeth to find. - You have to have faith! Let's go Meg teeth! It's surprising how many small teeth there are. They should keep in mind that sharks replace their teeth constantly throughout their lives.
A shark can have up to 10 thousand teeth throughout its life cycle. And since these teeth are constantly lost and rejuvenated, that is what gives us the opportunity to find them in this state of fossil life. When it comes to oceanic dominance, the Megalodon was certainly a force to be reckoned with. But over time, there was a wide variety of sharks that swam in this area. Including tiger sharks, mako sharks, Snaggletooth, lemon and bull sharks. So while Meg's hailed as the holy grail of teeth to find, when it comes to collecting a thousand shark teeth, all species are easy prey.
Uh-oh, it looks like someone has fallen into a state of fossil fatigue. - An entire container full of gravel. We'll have to take it out one shovel at a time. Let's see how many teeth we can find! - Alright, let's do it! Starting to find the good things now. No big Meg teeth yet though. Yes, Megalodon teeth can be quite difficult to find, so keep looking. - Oh, sweet, snaketooth shark. That's what, while not huge, could be a contender for best tooth. Alright, Chris and Rick are back with what we consider the last two cubes. We have 15 minutes left until the competitions end.
Chris, how do you feel about this cube? - Very good man, he looks good! - Oh yeah, look at that! Holy shit, look at that! That! - That's a Meg. - Oh my goodness, that's our first big Meg tooth of the day! That's a good tooth, my friend. With the clock ticking right now, we're looking not so much for quantity but for size and perfection. Wow, look at that, it's pretty good. - Oh, that's a crazy tiger shark tooth. - Oh, look at that! - Oh, look at this guy, he's excellent. - It's a huge and pretty good tooth. - That's a big one! - Oh my God, look at that over there.
Check it out! Holy shit, look at the size of that tooth! It's not a perfect tooth, but it's a big one. That could be a dispute over... Oh, yeah, there's another piece there. Wow, you guys hid the


! Holy Cow! - Now I love your enthusiasm. You've been doing this for how long? - I have probably taken a million teeth, but each of them I love to become a man. - That's incredible, it's like you guys have this genuine enthusiasm even though you've been doing this for a long time, you've seen a lot of teeth but it still excites you. - I'm telling you, the competition- Oh my God! - Chris, I need Paleo Chris here.
What is this man? -Oh, that's a killer fossil, he's a dolphin tooth. There is an extinct species of dolphin there. - You didn't even say we could find dolphin teeth! - Awesome! - Oh man! - Holy shit, look at that over there. Look at that tooth, look at that tooth! That's a Meg tooth! Check it out! Look at that tooth! That may be the best tooth of the day. I guess we'll wait and see. There is still a long way to go. - Wow, these are beautiful, Mako, wow. Those Makos are phenomenal. One hundred percent complete and Meg is pretty good too. - Okay, Chris, looks like that's pretty much the end.
We are exactly one


away. Alright guys, that's all. We've been there for a little over an


. Not finding anything else in yours. Should we go take a look at what we have? - Let's do it. - Very good, then what we are going to do is spread all these teeth on a table. One half for Team Paleo, the other half for Team Fossil. We will find out who has the most teeth, who has the biggest tooth. and who has the prettiest tooth. Alright, here we go. The Fossils team will count their piles and then their prize teeth.
Other species do not count towards this competition. - See one, two, three, four. There are 400. - They are stacks of 100, okay, 400. - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. - Wow, for 450. Okay. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 60. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, 470. - 470, okay. That is amazing. We decided to divide ours into ten. So I'll go up tens to 101 and you'll just keep track in case we lose count. Okay, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, one. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, two. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, three. 10, 20. 320, we won't even come close, but 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 332 to 470. Oh, you guys definitely. I got the point in quantity! Looks like my fossil fatigue may have burned us out on this one, Chris.
Oh no, oh no! Okay, so the Fossil team focuses on quantity. Now it all comes down to size. Who has the biggest tooth? Um, this is going to be hard to say. So for you guys, it's definitely a really big tooth. But so is this. We tip more, you get more in return. Now when it comes to what the actual length of the tooth would be, we may tell you the length. But in weight... In general, with shark teeth it is almost always measured by weight. - Well, guys, they gave us the weight, not necessarily the length. - But still, isn't it the length from the tip to the root? - It is, and they still have us surpassed, I think, in the length part. - I surpassed you in length, okay?
So we're tied, one on one. So what we're going to do now is determine which is the best tooth by placing our three best teeth in the center of the table. - I went ahead and I have this secret pocket right here. I may have been saving a couple of treats. - What do you mean? - Well, wow! What do we have there? It's a very pretty tooth! Let's see what else is in this pocket! This may have been my best find of the day. That tiger tooth. Ok, now that it comes to the quality of shark teeth, what do you look for to determine what is a flawless tooth? - You look at how pretty the enamel is, you look at whether there are missing striations, whether there are chips, whether there are damages. - Well. - It may be a good size, but look at that. - Yes, it has some wear. - Just the polish is pretty amazing.
Yes that is good. - Well, this would probably be our weakest link. This is your weakest link. So put those two up there. Wow, that's a really tough decision. We surpass them in size and teeth, but they surpass us in uniqueness and enamel. Do you know what I think we should do? Leave this to the audience. Guys write in the comments section below and tell us, which of these teeth do you think is the best and who wins Team Paleo or Team Fossil? Alright, to break the tie between Team Fossil and Team Paleo, we need you to vote which tooth is the best.
Is it Team Fossil that has this tooth? We'll call that number one. Team Fossil with tooth number two, Team Paleo with tooth number three, or Team Paleo with tooth number four? Write in the comments section below because you guys are going to break the tie. Chris, Rick, thank you all so much for taking us to one of your top secret places today. Guys, be sure to check out their YouTube channels, links in the description below. It was so much fun going out into the wild looking for shark teeth. I'm Coyote Peterson, I'm Mario Aldecoa. Be brave, stay wild.
See you on the next prehistoric adventure! Wow, finding shark teeth is cool! The largest Megalodon tooth ever discovered measured a whopping seven inches from root to tip. So I would say we feel a little far from breaking any records today. But that doesn't mean we didn't have a great time searching for prehistoric treasures. Look at that tooth! Somehow, Paleo Chris and Fossil Rick never seem to run out of energy. So to keep up to date with their adventures, be sure to follow them on social media and stay tuned, because our next prehistoric collaboration is already in the works.
Hey Coyote Pack, if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to come back and check out our first collaboration with Paleo Chris and Fossil Rick, where we search for saber-toothed cat skulls in another of their top-secret locations. And don't forget, subscribe and hit the notification bell so you can join me and the team on our next wild adventure. - It's actually a white shark tooth. - We have a clue about the teeth of a great white shark! (the desert sounds)

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