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I Drove Over 800 Miles to Fossil Hunt For Megalodon Shark Teeth at the World Famous Calvert Cliffs!

Jul 02, 2024
and look what Kyle just saw on this block which is a Hemi, a lower tangled tooth and look at the bone right there, the bone next to a


T right in the formation which is cool, which is super neat, let's take it out the knife. I think we can take it out, grab this chunk and then work on it somewhere. Oh my god, oh dude, yeah, that's so cool. oh my god, that's so cool dude, okay, yeah, let's get the Ching knife, okay, are we rolling? Come on, we're rolling well, let's go around her oh my God, that's nice. oh look at that oh the tips right there wow that's crazy oh that's going to be a flawless tooth I bet it's going to be cute pretty cute oh oh oh oh oh can you pull it out oh oh oh my god oh wow look at that look On that tooth, wow, that's beautiful, that's perfect, man, yeah.
i drove over 800 miles to fossil hunt for megalodon shark teeth at the world famous calvert cliffs
The roots are all there, yes, that's how they come fresh out of the clay. That is incredible. What a nice tooth. You just had an upper Hemi and now you have a lower one too. I know that happened. Perfect. Wow, great. Look at it, wow, isn't it so beautiful? That's impeccable, sweet, they'll accept it. Look at this clam shell. I saw just a part sticking out of this ball down here and I pulled it out and it was. both sides, it's such a cool


, look at this shell sticking out of the shell, it's one I haven't seen before, it's like a big moon snail type shell, which is really cool, I could hold on to that, I haven't seen one of those.
i drove over 800 miles to fossil hunt for megalodon shark teeth at the world famous calvert cliffs

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i drove over 800 miles to fossil hunt for megalodon shark teeth at the world famous calvert cliffs...

Today though, everyone, we're working our way back to the vehicles and we've worked up an appetite so we're going to go get some food, but I had an amazing time here at Calber Cliffs for the first time. and I can't wait to get back, tomorrow we'll be


ing some more in a different area that's not Cal Cliff, right, it's somewhere else, yeah somewhere else, so stay tuned for that, that'll be next time's video week, probably um. and see you then, thanks for watching. I'm with my friend David again today and we're in Virginia right now. I've never been fil


ing in Virginia before and David was kind enough to take us to one of his sites here and we should possibly find some Megalodon food and other early Meine


s, so that's amazing, it's a little bit older than we thought.
i drove over 800 miles to fossil hunt for megalodon shark teeth at the world famous calvert cliffs
We normally find in Florida, which are middle Meine fossils, so I'm really excited to see what we can. find, let's get to it, look at all of them, they're all quartz pedals, that's different than what I'm used to, it sure is cool and we have this beautiful clay right here where the fossils are eroding, so hopefully we'll find our first tooth here. soon well well well guys we arrived at the beach I just saw our first tooth of the day it looks like a moo right there yeah let's see it yeah a little worn but not a bad start at all very cool play it nice makeo for the first sweet man very great, yeah, okay, I have my first tooth of the day, right there, a very beautiful moo.
i drove over 800 miles to fossil hunt for megalodon shark teeth at the world famous calvert cliffs
Shar is very sweet, she has such a pretty color, yes, I like that light color, we will take it for sure, okay. I'm recording because it looks really cool maybe we'll find a tooth just live right now we can do it we just have to find one you don't have to be crazy just a tooth somewhere while we're filming I won't even cut this clip if we find one even i'll cut it it'll just be a straight clip it looks so good it looks so good it's okay if we miss something you guys should let us know in the comments and we can come back and watch it and be sad ok I refuse to believe there isn't a tooth line here on somewhere, right, it can't be real, I've got another tooth, a pretty cute St, right there, let's see, oh my gosh, dude, that's cute, oh, that's beautiful.
Wow, that's big, it could even be real makeup depending on its shape. Wow, yes, there has to be at least two. That's exciting. the bone yard which is a room to make, yeah, it's nice and solid too, cool little fossil piece right there, a cute dolphin, this is a super cool find, guys, check this out. I'm pretty sure it's a fossil sperm whale tooth. yeah, oh, it's a little broken, but it's still a sperm whale tooth, an ancient sperm whale, that's crazy, oh, why did a sperm whale have to be broken? That's cool, okay, okay, okay, look at this tooth sticking out of this cliff. the ball should get out of my way, oh man, I think it's complete, oh dude, oh, that's so incredibly beautiful, look at that, what a beautiful mark, oh my god, that's amazing, oh my god, dude, look at that beautiful blue color, man that's sharp as a. knife fresh out of training how about that?
Oh that's so amazing, we need to wash it just a little bit now, that's a classic, oh my gosh, look at that moo it's pristine, man, that's stunning, nice find, here's a very beautiful hitch. tooth that David just pulled out of a small Cliff ball look at the tooth that is incredibly well preserved killer wow well it's a Hallis type day you can find a lot of these this one is quite big it looks nice but I think it's broken, oh no, it's a shame, it fuels the damage, maybe it could be, yes, but look at the color, yes, that's beautiful, more where it came from, oh yes, look at this bone sticking out of the clay right on the bottom, it looks like a rib which is really cool.
I see right on the layer, there's probably a whale or a dolphin, if that's NE, we got it right. I see a tooth tangled here in this little Cliff ball, so let's go around it carefully and it should come out. Oh, it looks perfect. man please be full oh oh oh look look look okay wait wait it's the hole it's ho oh oh yeah wait it's actually in those serrations I think it's Poss oh yeah , it looks complete, look at that color and preservation right there, oh man. it's sweet cute darling we'll take it I think I might actually oh I think it's actually a makeo it's a makeo I think it looked like a lower Hemi cute not bad cool little tooth yeah I got a little tiger


tooth right there cute cute oh that's a one man Prett, look at that, I'm happy, yeah, very good to very good.
I saw this bone in a piece of clay and I pulled it out and it looks like a bunch of little bite marks all over it, right? I'm crazy? There's more sticking out here, so I'm going to try to pull it out and see what else is going on here. That's really interesting. I also took that little bit out and it has the same markings, it doesn't fit, so there's something. It's missing and I don't see any more bones sticking out anywhere, but that's pretty interesting, guys. The craziest thing just happened. David noticed this little shark tooth here and picked up this rock.
Turns out it's not a rock, it's an arrowhead or spearhead more like here on the beach, crazy man, that's crazy, we were literally walking out, what a find for the last find of the day. I wish I would have been filming that if I had picked it up because it looked kind of fun and it was kind of funny it's an arroe head it's missing a little tip and a little bit of the base I can't believe it that's crazy crazy dude and that little tooth what the hell is that It's incredible, friend, what a way to end the day, man, right?
I'm not joking, seconds after I understood that point, David found a 100% worked piece of quartz. Look, that crazy day next to each other ended, but what a way to end it. I love finishing it off the right way. Wow, that's sweet, okay, that'll be it for today's hunt, amazing day. I mean, I wasn't absolutely perfect, but we still found some cool


and ended the day with two gadgets, right? It wasn't. Waiting for that crazy, totally unexpected, cool surprise to cap off the day for us, um, so this video you just watched was probably from two days of hunting and if we get another chance to hunt while we're here, uh, while I'm here .
You'll probably see another video with David, so hopefully we'll do that again, but if not, be sure to check out David's channel. He's linked in the description under his shirt, right there. give his channel some love and thank him in the comments below say thank you man for taking us on adventures with you and uh yeah we appreciate it man of course happy to have you well see you in the next video shoot. careful

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