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Our Blue-Tongued Skink had Babies!!

Jun 09, 2024
well here? Can you make a movement with your tongue or are you just going to show off? so it feels good, it has the attitude that I really like to see in them and yes it has that silvery sheen to it because obviously it also has some issues with shedding so we do have shedding as an issue and overall it's a small size but the last year He also ran and had a very rounded snout, but this one's face actually looks pretty good, other than being small, can you close your mouth? Okay yeah it closes well and looks straight so yeah just a little weird okay so this is another one we're going to have to hold on to for a while and we'll probably adopt him into a really good home so we'll put to this spicy little baby in his container, oh no. you don't escape, you don't go back to your container, you stay here and there, we have our litter of




s, very cute and very bold this year for some reason, but I think they are actually going to like the containers I wanted to put them in. together so we can do like UVB on top, but maybe we can make something later and honestly, they'll only be in these containers long enough to eat, no, no, you can't escape the rudeness, no, stay.
our blue tongued skink had babies
This, I'm sorry, is where you live, but we're going to hold on to them long enough to make sure they eat, poop, shed, and behave normally to basically show us that they're going to thrive. and they are doing well in their new homes so after those 3 four weeks Mark we will be able to find them their new homes yeah and we already have a waiting list because as soon as they were born I just posted them. on patreon and some people have already sent emails saying they would be interested in one of these beauties, what I find remarkable is how quickly they grow, within a month, when they go to their new homes. considerably larger than this, like 125% like a Thea size and a quarter they currently have, which is only significant for a month, so it's ridiculous how fast they grow, but they are beautiful


and after about a week or probably 5 to seven days once. we have given them some time to absorb the yolk and then we will offer them their first meal which will be green leaves, carrots or grated sweet potatoes and we will mix in some high quality grain free dog food and maybe add that too. some insects no sir, I don't want just one variety to escape, they are omnivores, so they need a variety of plant matter and proteins, they definitely like proteins, although more than vegetables, and they do look anything like their mother , they will do it.
our blue tongued skink had babies

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our blue tongued skink had babies...

I also definitely prefer grain free dog food to healthy veggies but that's okay we'll still offer it in case you're so bold look at that tongue oh my god you're just bragging so what they do in the wild es they remove their tongue and stick it out like what he is doing and they do it in the face of threats to scare them away because they are usually bright colors, especially their tongues, which are known to reflect certain wavelengths, especially for birds, in the eyes of the bird seems to be very bright warning coloration, could they stop running away from you?
our blue tongued skink had babies
It's like the equivalent of taking a mirror and shining the light into your eyes very quickly, like sticking out your tongue at a bird, it's a very similar sensation to that, so it really works. It scares the birds and makes them fly, which is great, but I'm not a threat, I'm not going to hurt you, you're okay, they'll come back in due time, so it won't take them long. Realize that people are not predators, we are friends, yes, that's right, since they will not stop escaping. I'm going to put all these containers on the shelf and then we'll finish this video with the mother and the baby. it's a


family reunion we have mom and dad right here you made beautiful


and speaking of which i took one out to complete this video man you are so skink and cute look at that face oh my god you are so cute .
our blue tongued skink had babies
Well, anyway, these two definitely make some beautiful babies color-wise, like babies. I can only imagine that they will be as pretty as them, if not even prettier, they will be beautiful, yes, and I know you. You are very sassy even though your parents are not, so you will have to calm down and act more like your real parents, but anyway thank you all so much for watching today's video of our skinka paloa 14 Baby Blue Tongue Skinks, These are honestly some amazing lizards to have as pets as long as you have room for them as adults. They are as easy to keep as bearded dragons.
They are a little more unique and have slightly less useful legs. potatoes with little stubby legs sticking out of them, but that's what I love about them, they're so cool. I love these guys so much, so if you are looking for a next lizard and have experience with leopard geckos or bearded dragons, not necessarily both, but really just basic lizard care to take care of, definitely consider a


tongue skink, They are a unique species and, as you can see, they are full of personality, but they calm down with the handling of the agents, as you can see with their parents, they are very manageable animals, very relaxed, simply daring like babies when they think that everything is going their way. to kill so I can't blame them, thank you all so much for watching and thank you Patreon patrons for your incredible support. contacting our Patreon backer waiting list once these babies are ready to go find their new homes so thanks again everyone oh my god look at that bold nerve anyway thanks everyone for watch and see you next time.

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