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Sandra Bullock - Finds Humor In Craig's Accent & Mannerisms - 3/3 Visits In Chron. Order [480-7

Jun 05, 2021
explaining what four centuries have eluded. many yes this is where the problem lies yes this gap here is your the problem yes I am fighting here yes yes yes and my friends who are homosexuals I understand I go, you make sense for each other and you love each other and I I'm like if I was attracted to the man and it doesn't make sense wait, wait, there are a couple of people who are gone. I get it, yeah, I never will. Get it, no, no, I see, you can take it, I mean, I enjoy the company of men like a lot of men do, but I know for a fact that I have gay friends and I'm not, You know?
sandra bullock   finds humor in craig s accent mannerisms   3 3 visits in chron order 480 7
I'm not interested in judging anyone else. lifestyle but clearly there's nothing there for me, you know, it's the interesting look again, so I didn't suggest that in what I said, I'm actually exactly, yes, I would say there are tits, yes, peanuts, oh, it's okay, okay, back to how I feel, you know. What do you think movies are from the B area? No, no, when you do that, I will not continue with the role you started. embarrassing, I mean, right now you just did that women thing, you took, so I clearly didn't say anything nor was I trying to trap you into anything, you say I'm NOT doing that, wait, wait, wait and you use the audience. kind of like your imaginary friend like a lot of people do in an argument when I like if I ever argue with my beautiful wife, of course I don't, but I once did.
sandra bullock   finds humor in craig s accent mannerisms   3 3 visits in chron order 480 7

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sandra bullock finds humor in craig s accent mannerisms 3 3 visits in chron order 480 7...

Sometimes I notice that she turns around and looks at her imaginary friend. to Atlanta and you just did that with that, well you can see, you can see you know we're reasonable here, but something unworkable is happening here, did you just tell me that? Okay, kid, can I ask you something? Yes, do you know when? you do your monologue, yeah Michelle, she's kind of free flowing, yeah you ever saw them and you know why all these good people have come today. They could guide you to prices, clearly, every day, yeah, well, maybe you need to. give away like an inflatable pool or like a Bose or something that you can't afford decent lighting that we can't cut out yeah, I know, yeah, yeah, even I wasn't, I just don't know.
sandra bullock   finds humor in craig s accent mannerisms   3 3 visits in chron order 480 7
Where I'm going with this I don't know, no, I want to know what I don't know because I forgot. You know, after all this, yeah. I still think you're fantastic. I think it's the real secret between men and women, yes. Look, that's what I was saying, yeah, we don't understand, welcome everyone, my first guest tonight is an Oscar-winning movie star, Hurley, yeah, normally I'd stop you, but an Oscar-winning movie star, more applause, mercy and then. a CBS sitcom your life to go oh really an Oscar women women she's living he's an Oscar winning movie star his latest movie the heat is in theaters Friday check out the big doctor calls everyone stop Wow look at that, yeah, okay, everything To be fair, it could be for the horse, but they do, they seem to adore you because, since they didn't applaud initially, they say oh, it's so bad, yeah, well, I guess they didn't get clouded because they were afraid. because sometimes I look at them hello, it's just that you always do this when you're here why the inflections that you put in your words I don't do them because of any inflection they're just there when I say them okay, how are you?
sandra bullock   finds humor in craig s accent mannerisms   3 3 visits in chron order 480 7
I didn't read I'm fine I like your red shoes thank you yes you look wow yes that's cute. I see your horse likes them too. Look at this new man. Dad was fine. Half of you, man, the shoemaker. The fourth to sing horns. Horses were food. Okay, yeah, that's a horseshoe, a horse, you should write for this show, something good, thanks for a while with my jokes, but like dogs, they're cool, it burns very slowly, like my Hitler mustache on my penis , yes, yes, now I have, yes, no. I know how to delete the image oh okay it's not actually there it's a whole thing I think everyone's audience oh it's there no no no no no no no it's a Savior Dali with mustaches ever married, how do you fit that into that versus? no well, you'd like this little Salvador Dali to hide easily down there has a bit of style, yes, but he has a way of traveling, oh how cute, like everything else down there, yes, no, it has to be elegant , you know why not, I'm interested. in this in this movie that like you're the uptight one you're the uptight one yeah I don't think about you at all that's called acting I don't know yeah I don't know I don't like you being stereotyped like a class you know , could you McCalla?
Know? Tight casting. Okay, what, okay, you don't think of me as uptight, you don't love me, typecast, it's uptight, are you judging me a little? I know it was good, it is. Speaking obviously, okay, no, but I don't let you be in the tense moment, but then it corrects itself in the future, yes, and within the movie, that's the story, in fact, we all get the audience, such maybe not and maybe maybe. We all learn something along the way or maybe we don't, it's a comedy, but you can learn things from comedy, not really, yeah, has anyone learned anything from your comedy?
Well, technically it's a Touche Touche comedy, yes, yes, people can learn things from comedy. about that movie, that's my point, hey, what's your favorite comedy movie you've ever seen? You haven't been on Dumb and Dumber, eh, no, but poop


is fun. I mean, if you do the bathroom it seems fine and you commit to them. they can be really very powerful and moving, so what you're saying is remember that in the movie the perfect scene and um, he set the scene, yeah, right, why are we? So I say let's drop that topic and move on to no, no, no, come on.
Keep the boobs, people enjoy that, oh that makes you go, no that's a bit weird. I'm like, wow, I didn't do that. I kind of liked the club, kind of hot, oh, you were sad. McClendon's is sad, maybe it is. like it was a little bit, you know that instead of yeah, you know, have you ever spent any time in Germany, just a little bit, where buzz, what's up with this, was it Germanic, was it all about the poop? Oh, Chief McKenna. Oh, someone is pooping, it's a stereotype. It's not really true, it was the clean floors thing, but now I'm understanding things about the C4 section level, everything is being preserved and makes sense.
I'm really trying to do a little, don't you think something through comedy? I have learned there you are there you are for you in therapy I will be your therapist so we can talk about your purpose give him the word okay okay okay I will be fine okay I will be your German or Austrian therapist Fred Freudian oh well I could be Freudian for my hobby I could be young in oh I love Union, do you see yourself anyway? You say it, tell me how to say it like that in julienne, you bite your lip, you see that expression here again, you, you I mean, I feel better, okay, so tell me about your dreams, when did you start dreaming about tests ?
Oh God, I don't know how to get out of this doll in five. Alright. Did you have anything nice with the McCarthy sheets? I did it. it's delicious please look at your face Wow why question trying to change it to get to know me but I'm so sorry Evan right oh there's the line she's lovely she's very very she and she delicious wonderfully talented she's he very funny lovely even lovely woman I'm so scared of her, I don't know what to say from now on about her she's just great, cheers, cute, oh, she's really, she's a good girl, I like her a lot, I mean, that's what she is Honestly, I know, I know, I was just, I'm just worried. that I've really bothered you no, I don't think that's possible no, you're my therapist, this is where you try, fix it, okay, here, okay, use my suggestion for you.
I think you should probably have a good time. a cup of tea, aha, I had some before coming here, well, then I have nothing. I am a British therapist. Yes, what a sweet tea, that will clarify a nice cup of tea in an episode of Downton Abbey. It also helps with cooking, it also helps with pooping, a nice strong cup of tea. Listen, you know, once or more than once when I have difficulty going somewhere to learn German. I am very sorry for the entire country of Germany. It wasn't me who did it. wine from this man seokkyun Sigmund Freud no I don't lose my gaze Germany it's okay, anyway it's just a joke sometimes, when I can't go to the bathroom, a nice cup of tea and orange, that really helps, yeah, what do you do in the Orange? the line we have to take a break we'll be right back with Sondra villas then we'll pay for that then we'll be war welcome back everyone I'm here with Sandra Bullock yes and during the commercial break Sandra asked me why does Secretary wear eye shadow?
And I was like, I don't know, let's find out why you wear eyeshadow. A horse that doesn't talk, huh, Jeff, what is she saying? No idea, yeah, I think he wears eyeshadow to look fabulous and make her eyes pop. All of us, yeah I don't wear eyeshadow and I think my eyes look a little small, I told you they see a little shadow, a little bump on the side, I think it's just age or maybe lack of sleep , those are my youngest children, the same age. Like your boy, I don't sleep much, yeah, now you sleep, I do, you really are in the last six days, yeah, I know, I get it, that doesn't cost you a pattern, just, yeah, I mean, you know you from another way.
Get your hopes up and my hopes are already high, okay, how nice, difference in sleep, oh man, I can't remember that he wakes up and has a lot to say, yes, yes, like his father. Oh, he's done well for you, so that's what he talks about. complement, you know I took it as such, a bit of a showbiz kind of thing, yeah, yeah, it was nice, yeah, I can just go for a minute, how's everyone? Did you read oh no, no, no, let's enjoy? Let's embrace the old island, yes, you want to add a little subtext to us.
Are you planning on getting advertisers for this part of the show? You won't get anything out of it, right? I don't care, I like it, I'm just waiting. this finger up because they pixelate the other one anyway we're done, you're fine because your obligation is over. I would really appreciate it if you invited me oh I wish it was true yeah a little creepy at the end and that's a little yeah. Sorry, Thunder Bella, can you eat without realizing it? Gluten is in everything. No, I'm magical, you didn't know that, did you? If it's like bread, the bread is good, also the gluten was like gelatin.
Can you eat gelatin? Are you vegetarian? You like to be like how cute, cool.

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