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Putting Gordon Ramsay's Scrambled Eggs To The Test

Apr 06, 2024
These three


egg dishes were made by three of the best chefs in the world. Well, actually I made them, but the recipes are from the three best chefs in the world, so today we're pitting Gordon Ramsay against two of the best. chefs from around the world to see whose



recipe tastes the best and which one is the best to make at home. Everyone knows that Gordon Ramsay can make amazing scrambled


; in fact, his scrambled eggs recipe might be the most famous egg recipe in the world. whole world, but what many people don't know is that there are actually two other chefs whose restaurants were ranked number one in the world and who have their own scrambled egg recipes that might even be better than Gordon's Thomas Keller, who runs the three Michelins. star restaurant The French Laundry and mad scientist Chef Heston Blumenthal, who runs another three Michelin star restaurant called Fat Duck, so what are the best scrambled eggs we can make at home?
putting gordon ramsay s scrambled eggs to the test
Let's find out that we have to start with the man himself, the most recognizable. Chef on planet Earth, Gordon Ramsay, this scrambled eggs recipe is pretty simple: you crack five eggs right into the pan and then add, according to him, a knob of butter which I found out is about two tablespoons and then you turn the heat on to half. where that sweet Gordon Ramsay magic comes in, you put it on the heat and when the eggs start to set, you take it off the heat and continue stirring for about 20 to 30 seconds, then you put it back on the heat and continue stirring and you repeat.
putting gordon ramsay s scrambled eggs to the test

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putting gordon ramsay s scrambled eggs to the test...

This process until the eggs are cooked to your liking, usually about four minutes total. By the way, we haven't seasoned the eggs yet, but there is literally no salt or pepper on these eggs yet, once the eggs are cooked, take however much you want right away. Remove from the heat and add some fresh cream to your scrambled eggs. This stops the cooking process so the eggs don't overcook in the pan. Oh, just look at how beautiful these scrambled eggs are. This is also where you will salt and season your eggs. and to finish you put it on toasted sourdough bread covered with chives and that's it Thomas Keller it's time for your confrontation with Gordon Ramsay in this recipe Apu not only breaks all the eggs in a separate bowl but you also wait to season them before cooking them, which would drive Gordon Ramsay to his grave and then you beat them well and if you thought that beating was already excessive, let's go one step further, this recipe requires straining the eggs so you can remove them. larger lumps and you get a really nice smooth egg mixture then you melt some butter over very low heat a knob of butter is also fine here and then you add the eggs once they start to set stir gently until they are cooked to your liking.
putting gordon ramsay s scrambled eggs to the test
Then, and this will sound familiar, take it off the heat and immediately add some fresh cream to stop the cooking process once again. Thomas Keller adds flaky salt and Italian parsley and puts it on top of toasted brioche instead of sourdough bread and voila, these scrambled eggs are done now Gordon Ramsay and Thomas Keller are pretty classic French-trained chefs. I've been lucky enough to dine at both of his restaurants and his menus are very classic but executed to perfection, but our next contender is the complete opposite of what he knows. for extremely scientific cooking using things like liquid nitrogen and centrifuges in the kitchen Heston Blumenthal is the king of food science and is one of the craziest chefs the world has ever seen.
putting gordon ramsay s scrambled eggs to the test
He is literally a mad scientist, but can he make a normal scrambled eggs recipe that we can make at home and can it really be better than Heston's recipe from Gordons and Keller? It starts out normal enough, you crack a bunch of eggs into a bowl. Well, we don't have shells, you add a little cream and butter. and then season with salt and pepper, then beat it together so it's nice and smooth. Seems pretty normal, well the next step is to prepare a double boiler, which is basically taking the bowl with the egg mixture and placing it on top. a pot of boiling water, what this will do is cook the eggs indirectly with just the heat coming from the water instead of directly from the heat.
The pan itself cooks the eggs very gently and as a result, this recipe is by far the most time-consuming. I cooked these eggs for about 15 to 20 minutes, but that's actually a good thing because it gives us time to prepare our dressing, which is a bernoisette which is basically brown butter, it's actually literally brown butter, take some butter and cook it in a small saucepan. over medium heat and wait until it turns golden brown and has a really beautiful nutty smell. You have to watch this carefully because it starts when the butter turns brown and if you don't watch it, it could turn into black butter, which is not very good. delicious it's quite bitter after the butter has browned you pour it through cheesecloth or a coffee filter to remove some of those impurities and then you're left with this beautiful golden liquid of deliciousness oh my goodness at this point your eggs are probably close to Done, so keep stirring until they're cooked to your liking and then take the bowl off the heat, put it on some sourdough bread, top it with the bournoisette and Bam Heston Blumenthal.
Scrambled eggs are ready if you are thinking why are we making such complex scrambled eggs which is one of the simplest dishes ever, well you are right, scrambled eggs are actually just eggs cooked with salt and pepper in a pan, But even with such a simple recipe, there are a few ways chefs differ in how they cook their eggs, the first being temperature. Gordon Ramsay likes to have his eggs over medium heat and then alternate when the eggs are on and off the heat. Thomas Keller likes to cook things low and slow over very low heat, but he keeps his eggs at a low heat. heats all the time and Heston Blumenthal takes it to the extreme by not even using direct heat for his scrambled eggs the second is the preparation of the egg Gordon Ramsay does not beat the eggs separately Thomas Keller beats and then strains the eggs and Heston Blumenthal adds milk, cream and butter to the egg mixture, each results in a different type of scrambled eggs in the end and ultimately differ in what they pair the eggs with.
Gordon likes chives. Thomas Keller likes parsley and flaky salt and Heston Blumenthal likes it. brown the butter so even though they are all scrambled eggs they have slight differences that create quite different results and now is the moment everyone has been waiting for, let's try all three and find out which one is the best Gordon Ramsay Scrambled Eggs They were the most famous and most people knew how to make them, but Thomas Keller and Heston's blumenthals have their own techniques and tricks that can make them even better than Gordon Ramsay's, so again let's see First, two things, which one tastes better, simply, which ones are the best scrambled eggs and second, which one is the best one to make at home.
Some take longer, use more dishes, whatever they are, but if they taste really delicious, maybe it's worth it. We'll start with the starter Gordon Ramsay hmm no, I know this will be a very difficult decision because this first one already tastes so good that the fresh cream added at the end can really be tasted. with chives on top, all of this is absolutely delicious when combined with the sourdough bread I need. I needed another bite, oh my goodness, I really don't know how it can get better from there, but we'll see if it can be that way in the next one. one up is Thomas Keller's scrambled eggs, let's see how they taste, oh oh gosh, what is this from a pure flavor perspective.
Sorry, Gordon Ramsay, but Thomas Keller beats you, I mean, it's much smoother, it's much creamier, the taste really, really. good because you add that flake salt at the end to make it a little crunchy and from there you get a little extra salt. I also think the combination of brioche with this is a chef's kiss. Wow, it doesn't get any better than this. right, and finally we have Heston Blumenthal's scrambled eggs, holy shit, not Heston Heston Mr. Blumenthal Chef, if you ever watch this video that is sublime for everyone, even if you don't want to make them regularly, you should do it right now because it's so A Unlike the other scrambled eggs, this is the creamiest by far, it almost looks like a custard, it's that smooth.
I find that adding milk and heavy cream when beating the eggs allows it to become even smoother and creamier. The fact that it cooks so low and so slowly for 15 minutes, which is crazy and the best part is that bernoisette, which is the browned butter that you put on top, you get that nutty flavor, you get that buttery goodness. . Mr. Blumenthal knows what he's doing. Sure, who has the best scrambled eggs? Gordon Ramsay is the most famous, but is he really the best from a taste perspective? Gordon Ramsay loses it when you compare it to Thomas Keller's or Heston Blumenthal's the texture of the flavors the combinations the way it's cooked it just falls short but it takes first place and it's convenient it literally uses a frying pan that's it a pan, you crack the eggs into the pan, you mix everything in the pan, it's very easy to make, it comes together in a few minutes.
Thomas Keller is average. in both you know it's in the middle in terms of taste, very delicious, very creamy, you get results quite quickly so it's quite convenient to do it, the only problem is that you need a strainer and a separate container so you'll wash a few different ones . dishes and Heston blumenthals is the cream of La Creme of scrambled eggs, it tastes the best, it has the best pairing, but it requires a lot of effort to prepare, you need some bowls, plates, pots and pans, it will take you 15 to 20 minutes to make this along with la bernoisette if you want to impress someone if you want to make your family a meal for Mother's Day or Father's Day, Heston Blumenthal scrambled eggs are the ones to make, so which one is best.
What I will do in the future every time I want to make scrambled eggs will be Thomas Keller. I'm okay with washing an extra dish or two. It takes about the same amount of time as a Gordon Ramsay, maybe just a little longer. Thomas Keller's edges are a little longer. It's just a little in terms of something I would make every day that tastes absolutely delicious, but don't take my word for it. I encourage you to try all three at home and decide for yourself, let me know which one in the comments. you think you'd like the best, but if you want to see more experiments and videos like this, definitely subscribe and hit the bell and I'll see you in the next one.

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