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The Gordon Ramsay Sandwich That Made MrBeast Shave His Head | Scrambled

Apr 14, 2024
Are you telling me now that you're not going to eat it? Yes, it depends, unless it looks really good. It has to look so good. I want to




to eat it because I have to, bro, I pissed off Ramy, welcome to the scramble. I'm cooking my favorite dish,


eggs, with some close friends and today we have one of the biggest YouTubers on the planet, an entrepreneur, and I just found out that this guy is crazy, please, welcome, Mr. Beast, thank you, what a huge hype man I love it. Yeah, that's good, first of all, what competition, Charlie Talking Factory, where did the idea start from?
the gordon ramsay sandwich that made mrbeast shave his head scrambled
Well, okay, wow, just get into it. I love how he's so good that you don't even need to focus on what he's doing, so we. I just finished filming my video where I gave away a chocolate factory and you may not believe it, but it really came from the movie. WKA, well we grew up with that ex right and it was that kind of Magical Mystery Tour. full of chocolate, but where were you when you thought I was going to do everything? Oh yeah, honestly, someone tweeted it to me and I saw the tweet. I thought they were saying, you should recreate Willy's chocolate river was the Chocolate Factory and then we were talking about it and we thought, well, if we're going to do the chocolate, River might as well do the Chocolate Factory and then, my God, those buns look so delicious, I love those toasts, those buns.
the gordon ramsay sandwich that made mrbeast shave his head scrambled

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the gordon ramsay sandwich that made mrbeast shave his head scrambled...

Now you have the most amazing line of burgers, and we have our own burger shops, but have you ever had the perfect breakfast


on a burger? No, that's what you're doing to me, that's exactly what we're going to do. So


eggs, smoked salmon and some waiting. Do you want me to take a bite? You know that they are? uh, white truffles, right, uh, that's a black perago truffle, that's right, oh, that would explain why it's black amazing, absolutely amazing, amazing. I really want to take a bite so I also have to say that I'm doing a video where I try not to eat food for 30 days and if I have to




so this is an interesting opportunity because I'm going to try not to Eat what he makes, but if it looks good enough, I might give in, is what I told him, so I'm going to make a


and you tell me now that you're not going to eat it, yeah.
the gordon ramsay sandwich that made mrbeast shave his head scrambled
It depends, unless he looks really good, he has to look that good. I want to shave my head so I can eat it because I have to, bro. I


him angry. You know, this is probably the fourth time he's gotten mad at me, but honestly, I enjoy it. try a little piece, just take a little bite, right, um, how do you fast for 30 days? was the last time you pooped, uh oh, see, he asked me that before and then he said, "Actually, I'm going to wait until we do this." I wanted you guys to know, so I haven't eaten food in 14 days and when I stopped eating, I pooped on day number two and then I didn't poop again for a week and I was like, oh, I guess no more pooping because I'm not eating and then randomly on day 10, I don't eat food.
the gordon ramsay sandwich that made mrbeast shave his head scrambled
I had another bowel movement I called the doctor I swear I didn't eat blah he says oh yeah that's normal when your body breaks down fat it creates waste blah blah blah so why do you do it? What is the OBJETIVE? Well, oh gosh, I think in my case I have Crohn's, so not eating will help reduce the inflammation in my gut. B I also like to try hard, that's why I buried myself alive. I walked to Marathon, the longest pair of shoes in the world and stuff, so as you know, I'm training my mental toughness and this is what pushes me to the maximum oh my God, it seems so, could you do it in 30 days?
We'll see, it depends. I would say there is a very good chance he will give in now. I'm very hungry, brother. He comments on how long you've fasted before, so he looks, see? Can you tell my eyes were watering? Just looking at this food makes me cry a little. The chef is gray all day, we don't sit down to dinner before preparing dinner in a kitchen, you're gray so it's small bites. I mean, yes, we eat four or five times a day, but in small bowls because you know you can't sit down. Going down and having that great lunch that great dinner and then thinking about where the energy is to taste that level of perfection, yeah, in terms of when you're absolutely nailing the dishes and seasoning them to perfection, so we never season these scrambled eggs until are halfway.
If they turn gray, they will become watery and become almost like a dark colored grout. Wow, so my eggs hit a butter there and we continued for a minute scraping while cleaning well and as we stirred we just scraped constantly and that way, at what age did you start cooking? So Mom was a harness chef at this little greasy spoon cafe and she worked three jobs, so he used to go to work with her literally right after football. practice every weekend, so I think I started around 8 D, yeah, eight, so you've been cooking for 20 years 20 I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish now, um, breakfast, what would you do?
Normally if you are not fasting, what would you take? for breakfast, honestly, just eggs, usually it's called eggs, sometimes I actually put some smoked salmon in it because I think it tastes good. I'm kind of a ketchup lover, I don't know, sometimes when I go to a steakhouse. and I put ketchup on my steak, they yell at me, so are you like one of those people or you know what? Yes, they have five children. They love ketchup. What they make is like ketchup. ketchup. ketchup. I like spicy ketchup. Okay, the ketchup is good, so he approves.
He makes me very happy because we once


a video where we were eating several thousand steaks or whatever and I asked for ketchup and the chef literally almost threw me out of the restaurant. He said to me: What did you just say? It was like, oh, never mind, oh, that smells good, you're going to make me cry, so we're already halfway through this, okay, so the butter is melting. I've grated some beautiful truffles like this, okay, and now we're just. I'm going to fold that back in and out of the heat, this is the secret, so I've got truffle, a little bit of AG parmesan.
I use it as a sort of salty aspect, so I don't really season it with salt. use that cheese, you can see, this makes me want to quit youtube and become a c. This looks so fun. Did you ever think when you were starting those videos with your friends literally 10 years ago? Yeah, who's there, the fool? Goobers, would you be interested in 100 million subscribers, subers, uh, well, yeah, I knew when I was 13 that I was going to do this until the day I died, just because I loved it from the first video I made, so just En My head was like, "Well, if I do this long enough, I'll eventually reach whatever goal I want, so that's always been my way of thinking.
What I always say is that the luckiest thing that can happen to someone is finding the right thing." that you love at a young age and I had that and so did you absolutely and also it's not a job, it's exactly a passion, but I think the lockdown taught a lot because everyone connected and those videos started to repopulate and become YouTube, the audience increased like a little Yeah, crazy, it's crazy, so come on, come on, just get to the end, they look so soft too, they don't look too hard, I like it and to keep them from overcooking, okay, just.
I'm going to have a touch of fresh cream in there, oh my gosh, I don't even know what that is, but a nice fresh sour cream, screw it, I think we're, I think we're breaking the fast here, guys, and then just look and then CH, come. here it's time uh so I think Gordon is going to make me I think Gordon is going to make me shave my head bro, look, look at that, I'm watching him cook, it's been 14 days since I ate food, I think I'm going to Cueva, like this that a small touch makes me cry.
Okay, can you tell I'm on the verge of crying? I just think I'm sorry, oh my god, that smelled good but strong. I'm very from there, it's a little touch of lightness. cured Scottish salmon, okay, maybe it's not that he's hungry, maybe it's just being here, just give him that, oh my goodness, and finally, just a little touch, do you serve this in your restaurant? They are so special, holy CRA. We're not on the menu, okay, because if this was on the menu, it would take us all day to make these things and then finally a little touch.
I don't think we put anything else that looks like just a touch there and that's fine, and there we are. look beautiful, oh my god, breakfast sandwich man, come on in. I hate to at least take a bite. You have been the first person in my entire career who has cooked something from start to finish. You have never eaten. Please, I guess I guess that's it. I'll take a bite and I have to spit it out technically CU of refeeding syndrome but I still want to try it, it's not going to be hot so you're breaking your fast.
I'm going to break my fast. Yes, enjoy this moment. don't mention that I have to shave my head give me a minute a piece before I shave my head okay that's supposed to be sloppy oh god yummy delicious I love it I love that that's it bro I'm supposed to spit . This because refeeding is the worst thing I've ever had in my life, but you can't just have a rush of carbs after not eating for 14 days, let me show you something, let me, first, because I have to shave my head. second, I don't know if you've seen this, but we once had a $70,000 pizza, did you ever see that video? $70,000 yeah, so where is it?
So we ate $100,000 ice cream, we ate the world's largest slice of pizza, where's $70,000? Golden Pizza I have eaten a $110,000 steak, all of this I don't know how much it cost, but this is literally better than all of this, it is the best I have ever had and I have eaten food that literally cost more than 100 thousand dollars. The food was crazy, amazing, amazing, try it Carl, try it cost you your hair, where are the hair clippers? Well, technically, it cost me my hair. Can I shave it? Thanks, that was great, I feel energized just from having that in me, bro, after 14.
I actually got a boost of energy even though I didn't even swallow it, the peak happened here, come on, Thank you very much for watching scrambled and thanks to the amazing Mr Beast, don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to get more amazing videos like this, take care.

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