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Preschool Learning Compilation | Vol 2 | Shapes, Colors Math and More!

May 05, 2020
go over those. big hills in the sand, do you know what those big hills in the sand are called? They are called dunes and the word dune begins with the letter d. Hey, let's look and see what the dump truck is carrying. Great, the dump truck carries a lot. of toys what kind of toys are there there are some dinosaur toys and some toy dolls hey the words dinosaur and doll we will start with the letter d the name of this doll is daisy for names like daisy we use a capital d okay it's time to deliver the toys, okay lizzy, go back, look how many toys there are, there will be many children happy with this delivery, so what did we learn today?
preschool learning compilation vol 2 shapes colors math and more
We learned that the word desert begins with the letter d other words that begin with d are dump truck, dog, dunes, dinosaur and doll, and when we have a name like daisy, it begins with a capital d, there were three other things that began with the letter d, did you see them? There was a dolphin, a drum and a duck, if you saw it. I can't find them, try looking again, thanks for


about the letter d with us brainiacs, hey brainiacs, remember when we learned about


at the carnival? It was fun. They were two-dimensional


, which means they are flat shapes with a width and a height today we are going to learn about three-dimensional shapes 3D shapes have three dimensions width height and depth let's explore our room with our fantastic toy monster truck and see if we can find things make them look like 3D shapes look, there are a lot of blocks stacked in the shape of a pyramid, this is a square pyramid, a square pyramid is a three dimensional shape that has a square face at the bottom and four faces that are triangles, let's drive our monster truck Down for a closer look, hey lizzy, check this out.
preschool learning compilation vol 2 shapes colors math and more

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preschool learning compilation vol 2 shapes colors math and more...

Ok, let's go, oh no, what a mess, we don't want to leave all these blocks lying on the ground. Let's bring our bulldozer to come and clean all the blocks. Okay, the blocks are all clean and save it, where should we look next? Oh no, watch out for that basketball that was nearby. Hey, this basketball is a different kind of 3D shape, it has no faces or edges, just a big curved surface, do you know what this 3D is called? The shape is called a sphere. A sphere is a good shape for a ball because it has no edges, so you can bounce it like a basketball or kick it across the field like a soccer ball.
preschool learning compilation vol 2 shapes colors math and more
There are many fun things that are shaped like a ball. sphere, look over there, I see other 3D shapes. These number blocks are made up of six faces that are all square. This means that this shape is a cube. A cube has six square faces that are all the same size. Let's go through those cubes with our tough monster truck, yes, we knock them all down. Do you see other cubes around here? Hey, there's that cube-shaped gift box. All six faces are square, so it must be a cube. I wonder what's inside. Great, it's a. toy helicopter, let's see if we can find


3D shapes in our room, what are these things called?
preschool learning compilation vol 2 shapes colors math and more
These are traffic cones, they have a circular base and a curved surface that reaches a point, this 3D shape is called a cone, let's see if we can. make our monster truck drive between these cones without knocking over any of them oh no that didn't work okay let's try again yeah good driving we did it we went through all the cones I think there might be


shaped objects in top. where we can't see them, let's explore the room with our toy helicopter to see if we can find more 3D shapes. Hey, we know that shape, that balloon is the same shape as the basketball, it has no faces or edges, remember what? the shape is called that's right, it's another sphere good job brainiacs, let's see what else we can find up here look, there's a new shape there this soda can has two circular faces and a curved surface between them do you know what kind of shape it is?
It's called a cylinder, wow, oh, good thing that soda can wasn't open, we better put it away before someone trips over it. I think I see a familiar shape on the desk over there, let's check it out. This party hat has a circular base. and a pointed top, do you know what kind of shape it is? That's right, it's another cone. Look, what is this here? This shape looks like something we've seen before. It has two circular faces and a curved surface in the middle. This trash can is in it. cylinder shape hey, look at that cool toy transport truck.
It would be fun if we could make the monster truck jump on it. Let's use our helicopter to find something we can use to make a ramp. I know the box of Kleenex and the book could make a good ramp for our monster truck. That Kleenex box looks like a cube, but instead of square faces it's rectangles. This shape is called a rectangular prism because its faces are rectangles. Hey, the transport truck trailer is also shaped like a cool rectangular prism, okay, let's put that book on top of the Kleenex box to complete our ramp there, that should work, come on, monster truck, nice jump, isn't it? the best landing, although we now know all kinds of 3D shapes, if you look closely, you could be You can find more examples of 3D shapes in this room or even in your own home.
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