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Monster Truck ABCs - Learn the Alphabet for Kids

May 30, 2024
Hello, brainiacs. Oh yeah! Our Brain Cruncher



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ABCs. Welcome back to Brain Candy TV. A is for accelerate. A, a, accelerate. Accelerate means gain speed. A monster truck can accelerate very quickly. Wow. See how much faster it accelerates compared to a normal car. Come on, speed up! B is for brakes. B, b, brakes! When a monster truck needs to slow down, it will use the brakes. B, b, brakes. C is for falling in love. C, c, smash. Monster trucks are very heavy, so they can easily crush a normal car when driving over it.
monster truck abcs   learn the alphabet for kids
Or better yet, jumping on top of it after a big jump. C, c, smash. D is for donuts. D, d, donuts. Monster Trucks have powerful engines and rear-wheel steering, making them really good at doing donuts at high speed. Wow. Watch it go around and around! D, d, donuts. E is for emergency. Hee hee emergency! Oh no! Our monster truck crashed and caught fire. It's a good thing there are always emergency vehicles at every monster truck show in case of an emergency like this. Emergency vehicles immediately responded to the scene of the accident. So our monster truck driver is safe and sound.
monster truck abcs   learn the alphabet for kids

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monster truck abcs learn the alphabet for kids...

Hee, hee, emergency. F is for front flip. The words front and flip start with the letter F. Front flip must start with a wheelie and then perform a small jump to flip the truck forward and then land on its wheels. Great front flip! Let's see it again at full speed. Fff, fff, front flip. G is for gravity. G, g, gravity. As we


ed in our episodes about the stars, gravity is what pulls things toward the ground. When a monster truck goes up a jump, gravity will push it down so it lands back on the ground. That jump was made with Earth's gravity, so the truck falls as expected.
monster truck abcs   learn the alphabet for kids
Let's see what happens if we make the same jump, but with the gravity of the planet Mars. Mars has less than half the gravity of Earth. This way, our truck will be able to jump much further before gravity drags it to the ground. Oh! See how high and far the truck can jump with the much lower gravity of Mars. What will happen if we increase gravity to the gravity of the planet Jupiter? Jupiter's gravity is 2.4 times stronger than Earth's. Activating Jupiter's gravity... NOW! Oh! We can already see how much heavier the truck is thanks to Jupiter's gravity pulling it down.
monster truck abcs   learn the alphabet for kids
Ho ho, the monster truck doesn't go very far with Jupiter's gravity. I wonder what will happen if we try that jump with the sun's gravity. That's 28 times stronger than Earth's gravity. Oh no! The sun's gravity is so strong that our truck can't even move. Let's try that jump again. But we will activate the sun's gravity once the truck is in the air. Activating the sun's gravity, in three, two, one, GO! Wow, wow! The sun's gravity is so strong that it crushed our monster truck to the ground. G, g, gravity. Stay tuned. We will return after these messages.
H is for help. H, h, useful. Oh no! That other monster truck rolled over on its roof. We should help and push it back on its wheels. Here we will give it a little push. Alright! We did it! Now the monster truck stunt show can continue. H, h, useful. I am in favor of ice. Me, I make ice. When it is very cold, the water in lakes and rivers can turn into slippery ice. Even this big monster truck with its sticky tires has trouble driving on this frozen lake. The good thing is that this ice is very thick, so our monster truck will not fall into the cold water below.
Me, me, ice. J is for jump. Ho, ho, jump. We just installed some extra large jumps at our monster truck training ground. See how high our monster truck can jump while training on these big jumps for the next stunt show. Oh! Our monster truck can jump so high! Ho, ho, jump! K is per kilogram. K, k, kilogram The kilogram is a unit of weight measurement that is approximately equal to 2.2 pounds. Monster trucks are very heavy. They weigh around 5,443 kg or 12,000 pounds. That's almost as heavy as four compact cars. Wow. No wonder monster trucks can crush cars so easily.
K, k, kilogram. L is for loud. Lll, lll, loud. Monster truck stunt shows are exciting and fun, but they can be extremely loud. With the roar of the crowd and the powerful engines of the monster trucks, it can be so loud that it can damage your hearing. It is a good idea to bring some earplugs or earmuffs so you can enjoy these noisy shows in complete safety. Lll, lll, loud. M is for monster truck. Mmm, mmm, monster truck. Monster trucks are made of many custom parts not normally seen on normal vehicles. An ultra-strong steel chassis, oversized suspension, giant 600-pound wheels, and a powerful 1,500 horsepower engine.
Monster trucks are cool. Mmm, mmm, monster truck. N is for wheelie on the nose. Nnn, nnn, horse on the nose. A nose wheelie is when the monster truck rocks on its two front wheels. This trick is quite difficult and it took us many tries to get it right, but it sure felt great when all our hard work and practice paid off, and we finally did it! Nnn, nnn, horse on the nose. Or, it's for ostrich. Amazement, amazement, ostrich. Ostriches are birds, but they cannot fly. But did you know that ostriches are the fastest running birds in the world?
Their long, strong legs allow them to run up to 43 mph. That's much faster than the fastest human being: around 43 km/h. No human could ever outrun an ostrich, but how would an ostrich fare against a monster truck? Ready, Set, Go! Oh! The ostrich is off to a great start. He is miles ahead of our fastest human. But he is no match for the speed of our monster truck. Amazement, amazement, ostrich. P is for pogo. P, p, pogo. Pogo is a stunt where the monster truck jumps into the air and then bounces on its rear tires, as if on a pogo stick.
Good pogo. You can really see it bouncing off those big rear tires in slow motion. P, p, pogo. Q is for quarry. Kw, kw, quarry. A quarry is a large open pit where rocks and minerals are extracted from the ground. This quarry has been closed for a long time, so now it is a great place for our monster truck to do some stunts. This quarry is very small. Some quarries can be hundreds of times larger than this one and much, much deeper. Like this large quarry in Thornton, Illinois. Wow, that quarry is gigantic! Kw, kw, quarry.
R is for backflip. Rrr, rrr, backflip. A reverse backflip is like a normal backflip, but we drive in reverse. Nice! We made a complete turn and landed on all four wheels while driving in reverse. Rrr, rrr, backflip. S is for save. Sss, sss, save. In a monster truck stunt show, a save occurs when the truck is about to roll over or crash, but returns to all four wheels at the last minute. Oh no! Our truck overturned on its roof. Wow! Good save! That was close. Sss, sss, save. Stay tuned. We will return after these messages. T is for truck jump.
T, t, truck jump. Truck jumping is one of the biggest stunts a monster truck can perform. Between these jumps there are a bunch of monster trucks lined up. And we're going to try to skip them all! Wow! Look how many monster trucks there are! Let's count them together... One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen! Wow, that's a lot of trucks to jump! Alright, let's see if we can jump the fifteen trucks. Go! Wow! We drove over all those trucks and landed safely on the other side. What a fantastic truck jump!
T, t, truck jump! U is for uphill. Uh, uh, uphill. Monster trucks are especially good for driving uphill, with their huge tires, raised suspension, and powerful engines. Our monster truck can easily drive uphill on this steep and bumpy mountain trail. Uh, uh, uphill. V is for volcano. Vvv, vvv, volcano. A volcano is a vent in the Earth's crust that can release hot lava, steam, and ash. It is a very dangerous place. But fortunately, our monster truck is really tough. But we must avoid those super hot lava flows. Lava can reach up to 1200 degrees Celsius and could easily melt our rubber tires.
Vvv, vvv, volcano. W is for horse. W, w, little horse. A wheelie is a trick in which the front tires are lifted off the ground and the truck is balanced on the rear wheels. Great little horse! W, w, little horse. There are not many words that begin with the letter X, but many words contain the sound X. X is for explosive. Ks, ks, explosive. Hey, what's that loud noise? It looks like that volcano is about to have an explosive eruption! We better get somewhere safe and away from this volcano. Oh! That eruption was explosive! Look at all the ash and smoke you've put into the air.
Ks, ks, explosive. And it is for yacht. And, and, yacht. Take a look at this huge ship called a yacht. We have prepared a trick to see if our monster truck can jump across the river and over the big yacht. Do you think we can do it? Let's find out. Oh! We did it! Let's see it again in slow motion. Wow! What a trick! Our powerful monster truck easily jumped over that yacht. And, and, yacht. Z is for zoom. Zzz, zzz, zoom. Our monster truck has fun driving off-road. Oh! Watch it go by at high speed.
Oh no! Be aware! There are a lot of zebras ahead. We're going to have to weave through this herd of zebras so as not to hurt any of them. Nice. Thanks to our zigzag, we managed to avoid all those beautiful zebras. Zzz, zzz, zoom, zig zag and zebras. Alright! We learned a few words for each letter of the


. Good job, Brainiacs! I'm so glad you're here to learn with us. Hello Parents, If you and your children have found value in Brain Candy TV and would like to send your thanks, you can make a quick and easy one-time donation on my Buy Me a Coffee page at or You can scan the code here.
Your support would mean a lot. Also, thank you to our amazing Patreon patrons for their monthly support of our show. Special thanks to our new Super Brainiacs Freddi, Conner, Luke, Cole and Bryan, Ayan Banerjee, Dorian and Domani, Arlo, Wayne 'Bodhi' Galvin III, Grayson, Ezra and Theo, Cohen and Ethan. Plus our new firetruck-level Brainiacs: Clay & Micah, Wallace & Henny, Logan Batzle, Milo & Emmet, Jace & Rayna Shapiro, Connor & Carson, Killian Ray, Liam L, Jonathan, Zac, Mia and Aine, and RJ & Blaze Basore. You are amazing! Thanks for watching, Brainiacs. See you next time.

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