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Learning Collection for Kids | Vol 3 | Colors, Math, Dinosaurs and More!

Mar 25, 2024
to keep it cold. It's like an air conditioner for the engine! There is only one seat in the middle of the truck and it is tailor-made for each driver to keep them safe and secure. All we have left to add now is our colorful fiberglass bodywork. The bodywork is there to protect the driver from flying dirt and debris, but it also gives each truck its own special look. The body also uses transparent panels so the truck driver can see what is happening near the wheels. Awesome! Our custom monster truck is ready for action, and now you know what makes most cars and trucks tick!
learning collection for kids vol 3 colors math dinosaurs and more
Well, let's jump inside the cabin and get ready for our monster truck stunts training! Here we are back at the monster truck training academy with our new monster truck: “Brain Cruncher”! But before we can start practicing our stunts, we have to learn how to drive the truck! Monster trucks have independent rear steering. That means the driver can turn with the front wheels only, the rear wheels only, or the front and rear wheels together. The front wheels are turned with the steering wheel like a normal truck, but the rear wheels are controlled separately using this thumb switch.
learning collection for kids vol 3 colors math dinosaurs and more

More Interesting Facts About,

learning collection for kids vol 3 colors math dinosaurs and more...

Alright, let's buckle up and start practicing our monster truck stunts! The most basic monster truck trick is jumping. Let's try a small one to start. Good jump! Let's watch that again in slow motion! Watch as the big, soft tires flatten when the truck lands and the shock absorbers compress to absorb the impact of the landing. This is very important so that the truck does not break its axle when landing and also protects the driver from possible impacts in the cabin. Let's try an even bigger jump this time. The driver must make sure to make the jump at the appropriate speed to reach the other side.
learning collection for kids vol 3 colors math dinosaurs and more
Oh no! I guess we weren't going fast enough. Alright. Big jumps like this take a lot of practice. Most drivers don't get it perfect the first time. And what do we do when we don't get something right the first time? We get up and try again! Okay, let's go a little faster this time! Awesome! Monster trucks are so tough and powerful that they can jump up to forty feet in the air! Another trick that monster trucks can do is a wheelie. The driver must control the speed very carefully to keep the truck on the two rear wheels.
learning collection for kids vol 3 colors math dinosaurs and more
Be aware! Oops! I think we held that wheelie too long. No problem! Let's try that wheelie again, but this time a little shorter. Well, that worked! An even


difficult trick is the nose wheelie. This is where the driver can keep the truck balanced on the FRONT wheels. Wow, great trick! Monster trucks can perform cool stunts even with all wheels on the ground. With their special four-wheel steering, they can make amazing donuts and spin super fast! Wow, that was great! One of my favorite monster truck stunts is called a backflip. Uh oh. Don't go too fast or the truck will simply crash into the barrier.
Let's try again. If we get the right speed and power, the truck will land safely on all four wheels. Alright! Let's look at that again! The next step is to smash cars! Monster trucks can weigh up to 12,000 pounds, three or four times


than a normal car. Monster trucks are so heavy that they can crush a normal car if they drive over it. Let's see how flat we can leave these cars if we land the truck on them after a jump! Wow, good thing those cars are already broken. I wouldn't want a monster truck to land on MY car!
Alright, that was so much fun! We learned a lot of interesting things about monster trucks and internal combustion engines! Thanks for


with us, Brainiacs! Stay tuned. We will return after these messages. Hello brainiacs! Remember when we learned to add with our cool monster trucks with stunt jumps? That was fun! Well, there's another even cooler way to do


: and that's multiplication! OK Lizzy, let's use our giant dump trucks to learn how multiplication works. Multiplication is like addition, but we repeat it many times. Let's say we have four dump trucks and each truck has three cars.
We could count the cars by adding three plus three equals six, six plus three equals nine, and nine plus three equals twelve. We can also count in threes: Three, six, nine, twelve. Or we can do it the quick way and use multiplication by saying there are four groups of three cars, or four times three equals twelve! Four times three is the same as saying three, plus three, plus three, plus three. We are adding the number three, four times. Over time, you will learn the entire multiplication table so you can quickly do these calculations in your head.
This is the multiplication table for all numbers up to ten! Wow, that's a lot of numbers to learn, but don't worry, there are some tricks to learn many of these numbers easily! Everything that is multiplied by zero is equal to zero. If there are five trucks and zero cars on each truck, then we have zero cars. Five times zero is zero. If we have ten trucks, each with zero cars, we still have zero cars! Ten times zero is also equal to zero. No matter what number you choose, if it is multiplied by zero, the answer is always zero.
Any number that is multiplied by one is still the same number. If we have six trucks and each truck has a monster truck, then we have six monster trucks. Six times one equals six. If we have twelve trucks and each truck has a monster truck, then we have twelve monster trucks. Twelve times one equals twelve. Any number that is multiplied by one is still the same number. Six times one is six. Twelve times one is twelve. And even a hundred times one is a hundred! So each number in the first row of the multiplication table only counts for one.
One times one is one, one times two is two, one times three is three, and so on. There are other patterns in the multiplication table. Let's look at the tens. It's like multiplying by one except we add a zero to the end. Ten times one is ten, ten times two is twenty, ten times three is thirty. What do you think is ten times six? That's how it is! Ten times six is ​​six zero. There are sixty! How much is ten times ten? Ten times ten is ten-zero, that's a hundred! The five also have an interesting pattern.
Each number ends in five or zero and they alternate. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five and so on. Here we have five trucks and each truck carries four beach balls. Let's use our multiplication table to find five times four. Five… times four… is twenty! So, five trucks, each with four beach balls, make twenty beach balls in total. And it doesn't matter which number appears first. Last time we had five trucks and each truck had four objects. This time we have four trucks and each truck has five gifts. How many gifts do we have? Four times five is the same as five times four.
They both make twenty! So four trucks, each with five gifts, equals twenty gifts in total! Can you think of other ways you can use multiplication in everyday situations? Alright! We learned a lot about multiplication! Let's review what we've learned so far... Multiplication is like adding the same number multiple times. Any number multiplied by zero is always zero and any number multiplied by one is always the same number. There are patterns in the multiplication table that help us memorize each row. It doesn't matter what order the numbers are in for multiplication. Good job, Brainiacs! You're




for adults!
Your teachers will be surprised at how smart you are when you get to school! Hello brainiacs! It's Lizzy's first trip to the museum and she is very excited to see the dinosaur exhibit! Most of the large


died millions of years ago, so all we have left of these amazing creatures are fossilized skeletons like this one of a Tyrannosaurus rex. Let's imagine going back in time to learn about these incredible ancient animals! Dinosaurs are cool! They were some of the largest creatures that ever existed and ruled the Earth for over 150 million years. We know


lived a long time ago, but how long ago was it?
It was so long ago that humans didn't even exist yet! Most of the large dinosaurs became extinct about 66 million years ago. An animal becomes extinct when it no longer exists anywhere in the world. Let's try to imagine what it was like 66 million years ago. Let's build a timeline that extends to the sky. We will put today at the bottom and 66 million years ago at the top. The average human life expectancy is about 70 years. In this timeline, if we go back in time 70 years, before most of our grandparents were born, that would be just a sheet of paper. 5,000 years ago, which is the beginning of recorded human history, you would only have 71 sheets of paper.
Modern humans like you and me have been around for about 200,000 years, so in this timeline, that would only be 28 centimeters tall. But if the big dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, that would be equivalent to a stack of paper 94 meters high! That's 1 meter taller than the Statue of Liberty! Wow, that was many lifetimes ago! Remember that each sheet of paper represents 70 years ago on our timeline. Not only that, but humans have only been around for a small amount of time compared to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs appeared about 235 million years ago. In our timeline, that would be a stack of paper 10 meters taller than the Eiffel Tower!
So dinosaurs ruled the Earth for so long, and humans have only existed for this long. So humans are definitely the new


on the block, and we appeared long after the dinosaurs became extinct. Dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes. Some were quite small, like this velociraptor that was less than six feet long. Deinonychus was a medium-sized dinosaur, about 11 feet long. Then, of course, there were the BIG dinosaurs! The Triceratops was as big as a medium-sized school bus, measuring about 30 feet long and weighing the same. Ha ha, imagine riding one of these to school! That might get some attention!
Tyrannosaurus rex (or T-Rex for short) was as long as a fire truck, including the grand ladder! That's 40 feet long! Long before the T-rex and Triceratops appeared, there were huge sauropod dinosaurs like this Brachiosaurus. It would have been as big as an excavator with two giant arms. That's 69 feet long! The largest land animal living in the world today is the mighty African elephant. Look how small it is compared to these ancient giants! Let's learn some interesting facts about two of these dinosaurs: Triceratops and T-Rex. Triceratops was a strong and robust dinosaur. It was herbivorous, that is, it only ate plants.
But even though they didn't eat meat, they were still very dangerous and had some of the best defensive adaptations in the history of the world. Both Triceratops and T-Rex lived during the Cretaceous period, the last period of the great dinosaurs. A triceratops would have been an excellent meal for a hungry T-Rex, but it was too risky to take on a Triceratops. It had a unique ball joint to connect its head to its neck, giving it the ability to quickly move its head in any direction, along with those dangerous horns. And unlike the relatively soft horns of a rhinoceros which are made of keratin like our fingernails, the two horns of a Triceratops skull are solid bones, so they were very strong.
Those huge horns would have made any predator think twice about attacking a Triceratops, but the large bony frill at the back of the skull would also have protected the Triceratops' neck from any attacker brave enough to try. However, scientists now believe that the prominent horns and frills on the Triceratops skull were primarily used for courtship and other social displays, so perhaps there weren't many dinosaurs reckless enough to try a Triceratops in battle after all. This is Tyrannosaurus rex. King of the Cretaceous carnivores. A carnivore is an animal that only eats meat. The name Tyrannosaurus rex means "king of the tyrant lizards" and the name is well deserved.
It was one of the largest carnivores in the world. As far as dinosaurs go, the T-Rex was probably very intelligent. Its brain was twice as large as that of other giant carnivores. The T-Rex had the strongest bite force of any land animal. It had a bite force of more than 8,000 pounds of force. That's like the weight of 3 cars.small ones pressing every bite into the T-Rex's powerful jaws, which were lined with sharp, banana-sized teeth up to 8 inches long. Its bite was powerful enough to break bones, which gave the T-Rex a special advantage over other dinosaurs as it could gain additional nutrition within the bones and consume every bit of its prey.
The T-Rex had a highly developed sense of smell and could smell its prey from great distances. Based on impressions left inside the T-Rex skulls, scientists discovered that, compared to the size of their brains, their olfactory bulbs were very large: that is the part of the brain used for smell. This means that the T-Rex's sense of smell was probably as good or better than that of a bloodhound, which has one of the best senses of smell in the animal kingdom. T-Rex also had excellent vision. Its eyes pointed forward, giving it 3D vision even better than that of modern eagles and it could possibly see prey at distances of up to 6 km.
All of these things combined—excellent vision, an incredible sense of smell, a large brain, and the most powerful bite of any land animal—made Tyrannosaurus Rex one of the most formidable carnivores the world has ever seen. I hope you enjoyed learning about dinosaurs and that you find them as interesting as I do! Hello parents. If you'd like to see YOUR child's name in the credits and other fun perks, check out our Patreon page at Thank you so much for your support! It really means a lot. Thanks for watching, Brainiacs! See you next time.

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