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Piers Clashes With Trans Supporter Over JK Rowling's Controversial New Book | Good Morning Britain

Jun 02, 2021
uh, a hashtag that says rip jk


s that we said before has been trending on twitter. the harry potter author is not dead, his latest victim of cancel culture, is due to his new


, said to feature a male serial killer who dresses in women's clothing and is divided. opinion and of course it caused a storm online so let's talk about this with Rose of Dawn who is a


activist and YouTuber who says JK Rowling has done nothing wrong, broadcaster and politician George Galloway who says cancel culture is intellectually stifling, and journalist Benjamin Butterworth, who says It's about people being heard in a way they weren't before.
piers clashes with trans supporter over jk rowling s controversial new book good morning britain
I wonder if you could first explain why JK Rowling is in this mess. Well, JK Rowling has been tweeting derogatory comments about


people for a few months and a few years she has been suggesting them. her anti-trans views and her new


with a male name reportedly features a character who dresses as a woman to kill and many people, including myself, are incredibly concerned about how this defaming people trans, you said a man. Whoever dresses as a woman to kill is not a transgender person uh according to the reviews this person is a transvestite the truth is that for many people but a transvestite is not necessarily a transgender person but you are saying that this is an example of hatred against people transgender, although I am not a transgender person, I am because in the minds of many people who are not familiar with the distinctions of trans people with these issues and may have seen other derogatory comments by jk Rowling against trans people, this will be seen as a way of degrading them this will be seen as an insult to all trans people the idea that we should be afraid or nervous about you, you haven't read the book, right?, no one has read the book besides, and do you support it? the hashtag rip jk


, I mean, I think if there's any sense that people among those hashtags were saying you know the death threats or that she should be kind of dead, that's clearly incredibly unacceptable, would you like me to Will it happen to her?
piers clashes with trans supporter over jk rowling s controversial new book good morning britain

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piers clashes with trans supporter over jk rowling s controversial new book good morning britain...

So, well, what I would like is for people not to buy this book, for people to challenge JK Rowling for her views that are unpleasant and derogatory, to attack people so that they do not buy a book that has not been read. Nick Cohen, who is a major left liberal writer, has written a part of the latest viewer novel jk Rowling that he has read is not even remotely transphobic if you actually read it he doesn't have any transphobia so again I ask you if you want to cancel a book you haven't actually read, you have too.
piers clashes with trans supporter over jk rowling s controversial new book good morning britain
I didn't read Cohen's entire book review, which goes into great detail, which means that really the whole premise of why she has to be at peace is based on a lot of nonsense, and yet let's be clear about it. that it is about stoking hatred. and worry and fear fuel hatred and all those who have been contributing to the rip jk Rowling are the ones who want her dead canceled shamed vilified finished for writing a novel that none of you have read and that according to nick cohen in this The long review it's not even remotely transphobic and it certainly isn't transgender in character, how can you want to cancel something and embarrass someone, bury them and have them tear up Twitter for something you haven't even read?
piers clashes with trans supporter over jk rowling s controversial new book good morning britain
Look first of all, friends. jk Rowling has not been canceled the myth of canceled culture is not alive and well that is the only thing that is dead today if she had been canceled she wanted people not to buy the book you just said benjamin wanted people not to buy her book why Given that it is not even remotely transphobic because she has a character in there who is said to be a person who dresses as a woman. I haven't read it, neither have you, so you can't be sure about that. I have read a very long review. here, which completely repudiates the point of your position, let me bring in george galloway, george, this is the problem here, isn't it this cancel culture? uh this is a perfect illustration where people have tried to shame destroy boycott ban cancel we had Jedward of all. people are calling for the book to be burned, they hadn't read it either, no one has actually read the damn thing, the irony of course is that this will put it at the top of the best seller list, the book they are trying to ban It always ends there. years ago alfred hitchcock made a movie called psychopath it's a pretty significant movie and the killer in it norman bates not only dressed like a woman but he dressed like his dead mother no one at the time tried to cancel it because of that because killers come in all shapes and sizes, including bra sizes, there are people who dress, there are people who are women, people who are men, who kill other people, it's fiction and when you're in the territory of hating someone for a fictional character that has drawn. a book you haven't read I'm afraid you're the one deep in psychiatric territory okay let's talk to Rose of Dawn because you're a trans activist um in the review Piers references, Nick Cohen says cross-dressing barely comes up when does nothing.
Considering the fact that the killer wears a woman's wig and coat, not a dress as a disguise, when approaching one of his victims as a trans activist, do you find depictions of someone as a transvestite wearing a coat offensive? and a women's wig, of course, not to people? They have the right to be able to dress however they want, we know that a transvestite is not the same as a trans person, however, there is this kind of growing rhetoric within the trans activist movement that there is an umbrella of several different genders. identities, gender expressions and that sometimes includes transvestites who have absolutely nothing to do with real trans people, that is, people who deal with gender dysphoria and transition to be able to deal with that, that is what a person is trans, by definition, a transvestite has nothing to do with it.
That, getting back to the book itself, as I understand it, is simply one line and doesn't even necessarily refer to the killer as a transvestite. I think he just mentions that Color at one point wore a wig and a woman's coat. so that no trans rhetoric comes out of this book and I disagree with Ben saying that JK Rowling has been spouting a lot of derogatory rhetoric around trans people. I haven't seen her use any kind of insults. I've seen her say anything that is incredibly problematic to the point of needing to be removed from public life.
She is someone who the vast majority of the British public would probably agree with, such as the idea that there are only two biological sexes. I mean, that's something. which we used to take and exploit until the current year where we are being pushed that this is more of a spectrum or a social construct which is absolutely nonsense if people actually look at what jk Rowling says they would see that everyone This outrage is just a way for activists to feel important, they want to have a goal and it turns out that in this case she is one of the richest women in the world now that she has been a victim of cancer. culture that there have been people asking her editor to drop her, there have been calls on social media to effectively remove her from the platform, even a sign at Edinburgh train station that said I love JK Rowling was removed simply because someone was upset with the idea. that people might admire her, yes, and the point is that the point is Benjamin Butterworth, I don't even like JK Rowling, I've had many


with her, she led the council culture, she was happy when I was abused on the national programme. . tv in the United States I have no reason to defend it, but I do defend its right to freedom of expression and I would ask this of you since you want it to be canceled for a book that you have not read and that you clearly have not understood well anyway, eh, out of interest if she wrote if I wrote a novel tomorrow about I interviewed real-life serial killers of all shapes, sizes and genders if I were to write a novel tomorrow is your position I wouldn't I wouldn't be allowed to do it's a transgender murderer because that doesn't seem very egalitarian to me if your battle is for equality surely the criminals in novels could be transgender or are you saying it's a rule for people like me so we would have to be a straight white man like me , but you couldn't actually have a transgender killer, what's your position?
The point is that when so few people know about trans people, when they are so unknown and so rarely covered in books like this, the idea that the only supposed representation as most people will interpret it of a trans person is which is a killer who dresses as a woman to kill, so just to clarify what you're saying about that, but to answer my question, then we could never have a transgender killer in a What's new is that what you're saying right, the fact that the idea that they dress like women to kill, as reported, is the problem, not the ideas themselves.
I just asked you a very direct question for whatever reason you're trying to. To avoid the answer, the question is very simple. Could I write a novel with a transgender murderer? There are millions of transgender people in the world. If you did that, I'm afraid it would be to stoke the same hatred, so I wouldn't do it. I would be allowed, but if I were to write a novel in which a person like me was in charge of the killing, you would find that it is absolutely fine, you are not that unknown to people, there are many rich white cis men who were born as men, in actually I'm not. a cis i'm just a white boy you can just call me a white boy what do you use i don't even understand white man let me get george stay away here we have it george don't we?
The bottom line of this culture with this culture war is that while I write a series, I write about Benny, I think you would have had to say George, if we wrote a novel and the killer looked like me or you, right? a straight white man that's fine but if he really made the murderer a transgender murderer and there are millions of transgender people in the world that is unacceptable and he would have to be shamed, vilified and cancelled, can't people see the danger of Watching Fiction tell novelists what mold they should put their characters in, what narrative arc they should have because they could offend an activist like Benjamin Button.
It's incredibly ridiculous and dangerous. I don't think he's getting any younger as he gets older. Clearly, that's how it is. he may have a point it's completely dangerous that's my point susanna yes i don't think you listen i totally agree i have a whole book on all this and i hope benjamin i hope you read it you're in it so i hope you read it oh yeah you're at Pierce's because you might learn that the best way to preach about tolerance is to show a vague appearance of tolerance because that's the problem, the problem with the brigade is that you're never even remotely tolerant of what you want what I do is have rip jk Rowling as a trend because you guys don't like a book you haven't read, I mean it's absurd anyway, we have to leave it at that guys, thank you all so much, in fact we really appreciate the debate.

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