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Feminist Blogger Believes Trans-Women Aren't Real Women | This Morning

May 10, 2024
Kelly, first of all, tell us why you put us alone or was it part of standing up for


? This is a pressure group that you're involved in, so it's part of standing up for


, but it was something I


ly wanted to do because I've noticed over the last few years that we seem to be losing the word woman, so We could call ourselves the cervix, it looms all the time of the narrator, while in the campaign material on cervical cancer, the woman, the word woman does not appear, menstruates, makes mistakes, breastfeeds, is pregnant. People and I just think that the essence of


debate and what we're losing is literally that the word woman means adult human woman, but people seem to be adopting the word woman too, you say it's disappearing.
feminist blogger believes trans women aren t real women this morning
I think that is not so. That's totally the case. I mean, I think women are being very accepted right now and we're very much in the news. Women are assuming very high positions of power. Don't you agree that women are celebrated? Well, you say woman and woman. interchangeably and I would agree with you, but that's what's happening in the public sphere, so Phillip Bunts just won some kind of entrepreneur woman a business award and he only wears a dress one day a week, for what is done like a man. On the outside here,


makes me feel like you're making the word woman more exclusive than inclusive, you're reclaiming it, you're fighting for a bike lately, right, you think it's been watered down, let me invite you by your side to Indy.
feminist blogger believes trans women aren t real women this morning

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feminist blogger believes trans women aren t real women this morning...

India will obey, she


itioned from male to female about three years ago, yes, yes, yes, why is she threatening you? I think when she decides that men can enter women's space, it's no longer a cheap women's space, but she sees herself as a woman. She is you in every way and they explain to me why you react to that statement. I just want to ask you Kelly, what would make you happy? Would you like to shave my head? Would you make me want to wear boy's clothes? Take my driver's license. away and change it back to a man driving absolutely no you can do whatever you want they just don't recognize you as a woman in law but Kelly I


ly am a woman do you feel sorry for you looking at a woman who got caught in not a man's body, unfortunately, I really don't think you can change the sex significantly.
feminist blogger believes trans women aren t real women this morning
Every cell in the human body has the DNA code for the sex you have, so India obviously looks like a woman, but I don't see India as a woman, what is it about


people that makes you so angry? I mean me as an individual. I've read some of your tweets and you've said that trans people want to annihilate women and effectively extinguish them from the planet now. No, I don't think I've ever said that, but no, you don't recognize trans people as women, do you know what you would say? Literally, my mom is obviously a woman and she loves me to bits. my sister, you know, now she just accepts me as her sister.
feminist blogger believes trans women aren t real women this morning
I have literally hundreds of friends. I just live a normal life, so why don't you still do it as a man? No, but why is it your business? It affects women in the law and the way we live absolutely, so it doesn't affect anyone. For example, if I was arrested today by a police officer who still had a penis but said she was a woman, he is now allowed to search me intimately. he's allowed to intimately search me it's because a transgender police officer who said he was a woman took the police to court to have that right because he said it was discriminatory he thinks he's a woman you're saying that doesn't make him a woman that It means that I have to indulge in that belief too and I don't, but when you are sitting with someone who likes India and who from a very young age felt bad, felt very bad as a child and lived as a woman for many years, that man I had full trans gender reassignment surgery and there is a lot involved in this, although it is not done just on a whim, yes, and yours now says he cannot be a woman.
What is good to live as a woman? I mean. What living woman asked me? I think it's a very good question. Well, you know, I have something called gender dysphoria. It is a medical condition recognized worldwide for about 50 years and treatment for someone like me felt like gender dysphoria is the only way. I can feel normal if you want by making the transition and I have made the transition and life is great, you know, I have no problems, I pay my taxes, I'm living like me, I'm living it like me, but what does it mean to live like I do?
I don't know that we need a body and in the society I live in there is a two-way street: what I feel about myself and the way society sees me and unfortunately, no matter what I feel about myself, I can't impose a society. to allow myself to be deceived I can make ice but you are saying that she is deceived. I am saying that men cannot be women and now India is free to live her life however she wants. You wouldn't want me to be illegally recognized as a woman. let's say for example he could go out one night and I was raped so he would go to a women's shelter in your well, no because then he wouldn't be a women's shelter, close it, then where would he go?
You could raise money and create your own shelter to continue talking about India. Let's talk about the broad base of women and men in Do. It represents many people. He has intuition. She talks about it very openly. Miranda Yardley does it too. And he doesn't. I don't even remotely agree with India, I see that the problem is these days and the poster of it was removed in one of the complaints. The main complaint came from a dr. Adrian Harab, who was not trans but describes himself as an ally of the transgender community and complained to Billboard that his poster would make transgender women feel unsafe and in fact, it was a trance for a large hate crime.
Do you see yourself as? I mean, are you proud to be transphobic? I don't know what transphobia means unless you know Sturt in adult human women and the fact that it is considered transphobic absolutely highlights the absurdity of what is happening. Actually, you have been investigated by the police. No, I was. I was interviewed by West Yorkshire Police in which I was able to make many comments about his behavior and they wanted the law to be tested to determine whether or not it is illegal to say that a sixteen year sentence should not be taken. -old to Thailand and castrate them, but why is it your business?
It is a personal fact. We agreed that there will be terrible confusion and there is a long way to go with all of this. No, I think I agree that this is it. an absolute assault on women and womanhood and we are losing the feeling of women that Wow, friends, dono. I'm suspicious of our trip anyway. I mean, I don't see why that matters to me. Can I just say again, as a man, right? I'm not saying the kind of things you're saying and you have every right to say what you say as a woman, there's no problem with that, what I don't understand is why you don't have empathy for her, I understand that, but I don't.
I don't think India does this for fun, there is no pleasure in being trans. I'm not amused by this fuss, so you don't really realize that she has a trip she's looking for, perhaps a destination with others. women who say please hold me please have a good understanding of what I've been through what about Karen White who claims she is a trans woman who went into British prisons and raped women in women's prisons? Myra Hindley Rose West men in our prisons there are only 3,000 women and 12 thousand of those men are sex offenders, so there is no comparison.

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