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Peppa Pig Official Channel ⭐️

May 02, 2020
jumping in muddy puddles, that sounds like a really good idea. night night


night night george night night


and george are falling asleep to dream about dinosaurs and jumping puddles the great barrier reef pepper is on vacation in australia at kylie's house kangaroo i love being here at your house kylie yes I could staying here forever it's great that you all stay but I'll have to leave for work today what's your job Mrs. Kangaroo I'm a marine biologist what's that I study sea creatures like these little fish here oh a fish tank but the fish I study don't live in a tank They live in the sea They make fish in the sea I have little bridges to swim in and treasures to play with Peppa, that's the kind of thing people put in fish tanks.
peppa pig official channel
Would you all like to come see where I work? Yes please, I have been where my dad works. It was a phone, a lot of paper and coloring pens. It was a very nice office. I think you'll find my office is a lot of fun too. This is my office where Peppa the Sea is. I have the best office in the world, but how can you? Work at sea with this submarine. Do you want me to take you? yes, please, okay, hop on, wow, it's all the colors of the rainbow, that's coral. Coral is made of many, many tiny creatures and coral stretches for miles and miles.
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We call him the big one. barrier reef it's my job to keep the coral safe can we take some coral home? Sorry, peppa, we can look but we shouldn't touch if each visitor took some coral home soon, all the coral would be gone never we should never take anything out of here oh look little fish they are clown fish clown fish they look very funny look there a big blue starfish there is a small red one and a green pointy one what is that? That's a turtle Hello Mrs. Turtle, how are you today? You will see how lucky I am to work in such an amazing place.
peppa pig official channel
Peppa. Look at a little bridge like in your fish tank. Oh, you're right. Peppa. It's a lot like the fish tank here, except there's no treasure chest. Of course, what have you seen, George? It looks like a chest full of gold coins. Wow, George has found a treasure chest. You see, dad. Everything is the same as the fish tank. Ah yes, that gold must be worth a fortune. I think I can get it, but. you said we should never remove anything, I meant natural things that belong here, it's true, these gold coins don't belong here, so we have to remove them.
peppa pig official channel
Oh, it will all go to a good cause, yes, it will pay for a lot more marine research. That was a good day at the office, we saw coral, fish and a turtle. It's a fantastic vacation. I don't ever want them to end, but at some point you will leave. It's not that you can't stay. As long as you want, of course, thank you Mrs. Kangaroo, this vacation is the best Pepper is having a beautiful vacation with Kylie Kangaroo Project School Pepper and her friends are in a playgroup Kids who can tell me what it is This is a castle, that's right danny and for your school project I want you to go home and make a castle.
Wow, you can make your castles with any old object you find at home. Cardboard. Plastic bottles. Egg boxes. Can we use glitter? Please, not too much glitter, it stays everywhere. Can I do the? big castle make it as big as you want the only limit is your imagination it's breakfast time at peppa's house mom daddy i have very good news what is that peppa? I'm doing a new school project school project oh what is peppa? I need to make a castle, okay, why don't you use this empty cereal box? You stick these yogurt jars on the sides and what do you have a box with jars?
No, dad, it has to be good Peppa, what exactly did Madame Gazelle tell you? Did she tell us to use our imagination? And what I'm imagining is a fantastic castle and my castle has to be big enough for me to live in it. I see well, it's breakfast at Susie the sheep's house. Madame Gazelle told you to make a real fairy palace. Yes, with all the little details hello, I'm sorry, but I can't go to work today. It's a school project. Yes, thanks, but I should be able to handle it. This is what my castle looks like, but much, much bigger if necessary. should we use concrete, no daddy pig, we just need to find a big enough cardboard box, do we have a big box? uh, no delivery for daddy pig, I don't remember ordering anything that big, ah, it's just a new light bulb, why do they use so much? packaging for these things, can I take the box off for you?
Oh yeah thanks, no dad we need that box, look what I got cool, that's your castle, almost finished, it's not almost finished, we need to stick things in the paint, add the glitter. Hello hello can I talk to Peppa please Peppa I'm Susie the sheep hello Susie how is your school project going? I'm doing great, pointier mom and she needs to be taller, how's your castle going? It's quite hard work but my mom and dad are helping. a little bit eh, what do you think of this peppa tower? Very good, but it still looks a little cardboard hmm, maybe I can paint it.
I need to get on with my work now, suzy, see you tomorrow, bye, peppa, what do you think, peppa, wow? that looks like a castle oh we finally got there hmm just needs one more thing glitter oh um glitter would stop the castle from looking real and anyway we're out of glitter pepper and her friends have brought their castles back to play in group wow fairy palace it must have been a bit complicated for you to make susie no, it was easy my castle is made of a cardboard box it is a very good castle thank you lady gazelle pedro didn't you make a castle?
But it's too big to take to school. We built it with stone blocks. Isn't it wonderful what kids can do using just their imagination? And my castle really is big enough for me to live in. Peppa loves school projects. Everyone loves school projects. play peppa's playgroup they are going to put on a play little red riding hood all the children have roles in the play they have to practice at home peppa is going to be little red riding hood mommy pig has made her costume daddy piglet is helping peppa practice well Peppa, what are you saying?
I'm Little Red Riding Hood. Very good, so what? I'm going to visit my grandmother. I'm going to visit my grandmother. Bravo. Peppa. Danny Dog is going to play the role of the Big Bad Wolf. Grandpa Dog and Mom Dog is helping him practice with the Big Bad Wolf. don't laugh danny you should be a little scarier try it like this stanley I'm the big bad wolf I'm going to eat your pleasure you see yes, that was really scary pedro pony is going to play the hunter he's going to rescue peppa from the big bad wolf um I'm the hunter and Pedro is a little shy don't you say I'm going to scare you away big bad wolf um go away naughty wolf very good Pedro Rebecca Rabbit is going to be the grandmother, what do I say, mom, let's see?
At the beginning of the play, the big bad wolf locks you in a closet and, right at the end of the play, the hunter rescues you and you say thank you. thank you very good rebecca everyone has come to see the school play ladies and gentlemen welcome to our play little red riding hood first let us meet the actors please please for the sake of the actors no photographs please and now our play begins grandma It's home, but who is this visitor from the big bad wolf? Well done, danny, um, oh dear, danny has forgotten what he says.
The next grandma, you must go to the closet, go to the closet, the big bad wolf pretends to be grandma, I am a little red rider. hood I'm going to visit my grandmother bravo peppa daddy you shouldn't take pictures oops sorry peppa continue um I'm going to visit my grandmother oh don't you look like my grandmother what big eyes you have what bigger teeth you have you're not a grandmother you're the big bad wolf help help but look who is here just in time pedro the hunter help oh help just in time pedro the hunter pedro is a little shy pedro would you like me to come with you yes please you are a very naughty wolf I saved you grandma thank you bravo pedro you were very good you're almost as good as me

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