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Nastya and useful stories for children about good behavior and health care

Jun 04, 2024
H Where are my ducks here? Do you wash your head? m h We need to see a doctor. Oh, hello doctor, we have a problem here. Let me explain to you what happens when you don't wash your hair. Let me show you. See, this is what happens. when you don't wash your hair come closer i'll show you now imagine this is your head and if you don't wash your hair there are little insects called lice that can live inside your hair and cause it very itchy and uncomfortable that's why you always have to wash hair, look at this little guy, let's get some of these bugs out of your hair, there's one there, take it, do it,


job, I see one right there trying to escape, there, do it,


nastya and useful stories for children about good behavior and health care
So you see, it's very important to keep your head nice and clean. Mhm, now let's wash your hair. Wow, great job. I was always my hair. Thank you Doctor, goodbye, no problem. POT. I will send you the invoice the first one I finish with and managed to take. this, for lunchtime, stop, stop, stop, you have to wash your hands before eating, now you have to see the doctor, come on, doctor, we have a new problem, she doesn't wash her hands, okay, let's go a look, oh, oh no, these hands. We're so dirty we have to wash our hands that way you can stay nice and


y I'll teach you all about this come on so when you don't wash your hands everything you touch can infect germs and bacteria and then when you do you eat, it gets into your body and that's what makes you sick, that's why it's important to always wash your hands, let me show you, look at all those germs in your belly, you must feel sick, look, you see, it's a worm, that's why I have to wash your hands, I think it's time you learned how to wash your hands properly, come with me, yes, thank you doctor, now I will always wash my hands, come on bye, we did a great job, hey, what happened?
nastya and useful stories for children about good behavior and health care

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nastya and useful stories for children about good behavior and health care...

It hurts too much, come on, we have to see a doctor, oh, NASA, how are you, doctor?, she has a toothache, a toothache, oh no, let's take a look, uh, do you brush your teeth every day? days? I don't brush my teeth, let me show you why it's important to brush your teeth every day look at this that's a big mouth eh uhoh first of all let's brush our teeth now try hooray and now let's get rid of this cavity here's a good job doctor look there's a cavity now those teeth look great good job look doctor, there's even a hole there, that's not a problem, we can fix it all right now, let's fill it and make that cavity look new and don't forget to floss, You see how many things were hidden there.
nastya and useful stories for children about good behavior and health care
That's why it's so important to floss, okay kid, these are for you. Now always remember to brush your teeth, here you go. I will always brush my teeth. Goodbye, doctor, goodbye, where were we going to be or not? No, no, no, no, too much sugar. just take one, wait, wait a minute, oops, again, come on, we need to see a doctor. Hello doctor, hello, again doctor, we have a problem here. Okay, let's take a look here. This seems serious. I have a special team. We have to do it. look deeper, okay we have to look deeper, let's use this x-ray to see what's going on, you have all these sweets in your belly and in your chest too and even in your head, too many sweets now we have to eliminate all these things from your skin, here you go, let's do it, doctor, can you help him get it nice and clean? let's talk about


y snacks this or that this or that this or that yay and now you see why it's important choose healthy snacks now I'll eat healthy thank you doctor, no problem, bye guys, go away, why are you sitting so close to the screen? uhoh, we need to see a doctor, come on doctor, how come you guys didn't


nastya and useful stories for children about good behavior and health care
Yes, something was wrong with her eyes. Take a look, ah, I see that if you want to keep your eyes healthy, you don't want to look at the screen too close because it can really drive your eyes crazy, so if you want to keep your eyes healthy, make sure you keep a distance of 20 to 40 inches. away or even worse, you can lose your vision, get down, what happened? Now I have to wear glasses. I'll keep my distance. Things aren't like H. See you later, what are you two looking at? Hey? You have a problem with your eyes.
Bye bye. make, oh, what, oh, nobody's perfect light, Master, excuse me, you could have seen me, you could have moved, come on girls, what, my God, what happened, what happened, if you want to turn it around, make a star with this baby, what are they? let's do I think I have an idea yay uhhuh just wait um um let me fix that stay still and action super make this granny rrap a star no way definitely no way let's go faster go one two one two one two you place yourself You go away, go away, don't jump, one more, one more, come on, one more, one more, come on, one more, one more, I think we're ready, bring it, come on, come on, okay, okay, give me a microphone, go away I got this yo yo yo yo I'm the rapper grandma and I'm here to say I came to rock M this very day the magic man will give you another chance and now it's time to see a grandma dance come on okay I'm done, I'm done.
How many likes did we get? We got 10 million likes. Yeah uhoh chicken not again make this chicken dance oh my gosh another tick tok with the chicken I guess so catch her come here guys what's ours. We don't know which one. one is I don't know, wait, I have an idea, 1 minute, let's see what ours is because our friend loves stains. She grabs it, go, do it faster. I did it, you did it, this is getting a lot of views, it's Aubrey, you. We're back guys, did you learn your lesson? Yes we did it. We are very sorry.
Can we help you with your work? Surely they can help. Come on, come on, light. Master, who is there? Girls, come on, it's camping day. Okay, girls, come on, let's get ready. yes H MH oh my god how preppy Sophie Jossy mhm what a beautiful day for camping we are ready, what are you girls wearing oh c things? Yeah, come on girls, let's load the car, let's go right now, okay girls, make sure you buckle up. Come on girls, so, oh no, I broke my heel, oh, I hate mosquitoes, Mr. Tree, how's it going? Come on girls, hurry up, so we're tired, when are we going to get here?
Yeah, yeah, come on, okay, you know what, let's set up camp. here finally perfect finally I can change my clothes I'm not a Disney princess anymore but I need something free so girls, what are you going to eat? Oh, I don't know, just like I'm going to order pizza or something I don't know, now I want to relax, pizza delivery. I told you it worked and none of this is for you because you don't believe in us. I'm starting to like camping. What just happened, maybe I can use this. Oh no, poison ivy. that was not a good idea I found a whole bowl of blueberries maybe I can make a juice with this and blueberries oh no don't eat unknown berries in the forest guys my hand where we are supposed to sleep so delicious Pizza hey still make your Pizza St St help you, help, we don't have a tent and we don't have help with food.
I have an idea, um Aubrey, how about you rebuild a new tent? Mandy, you find water and NASA, you find something to eat, okay? see, yes you can do it taada, now it's perfect, oh yeah. I think I have an idea so let's see if this idea works now that we have a new tent it's time to eat give me back my snacks yeah give them back to me. Are you s


d, I brought you your water, okay, let's try it, try it quickly, ah, gross, there's water right here, yeah, okay, the girls challenge is complete, so now it's time for a story fear.
Once upon a time in the dark, a huge scary spooky forest. Three friends like you decided to go camping and go for a walk or something like that. We got so scared that it turns out we will never see him again because a scary furry monster fell from the treetops. Goodbye, good job. Oh, this is an old friend of mine. I love camping M this is come play with me Candy Land Candy Land call all the kids come on in it's the amazing Candy Land Candyman come on Candy Land wow hello hello one ticket please wow Big Spenders, here are some tickets, oh, I can.
I don't even come out of my pocket, where did it go? It's a ticket to Candy Land, thank you, a ticket, please, okay, here you go, here you have some tickets. I hope it's super sweet, thank you, wow, so many Stu. Hello girls, why not? come here and play this amazing game come on girls get in line no kylie you're cheating yeah ha yeah yeah ha yeah yay uhoh oh no girls come this way. I have a lot of sweets and cakes that I love you. to see it's going to be sweet come Ono And there's no money maybe next time I'll have it keep going wow I have to go look for that dog come here come here puppy hey hey come here M delicious M delicious cake but you stole it I'm sorry , I can I won't be friends with someone who cheats Sorry, can you give me a chance?
Okay, one last chance, let's try it. Well, thank you, we have to fix everything you've done. Come on. Hello, do you want to play with us? Of course let's go. come on, you can go first, thanks glue and gray JW, take this ice cream and excuse me, thanks, no problem here, this is for you, sorry Candyman, I was wrong. wow and syrup wow delicious there you go thank you thank you go bubble you don't care if you make a mistake you just have to fix it hey what is this W so delicious?

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