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Outdoor Boys SCHOOLS me on surviving winter in ALASKA!

May 04, 2024
What's wrong with everyone today? I have the


guys here with me. Thank you guys very much for being here. It is a pleasure for us, thank you for inviting us, thank you for inviting us. We just had some steaks, did you like it? Yes, delicious, good, good, the best steaks. I have had in the world oh you are very kind give me five more likes now I'm sorry I'm sorry dad so today here we are going to do a little reaction of what it is like to be in the insane conditions that you are in and sometimes you are in and I love knowing some input that people might not know, sure, okay, it'll be fun, let's do it by talking, let's start Luke here on the Art Boys YouTube channel and I'm here on the frozen tundra. from Alaska and for the next 3 days I'm building Bushcraft shelters sleeping under animal skins dealing with broken equipment and I'm taking you guys for a ride Can I say something?
outdoor boys schools me on surviving winter in alaska
Yes, you are crazy brother. Wow, that scares me just by looking. How did this start? Don't know. I started making some camp videos and they did well and you just got absorbed. You know, you know how it is, are you afraid of being


s or does nothing scare you? It's been a while since that scared me. It's been a while. There are certain things that occasionally scare me, but just being in the forest, no, no, welcome to the Alaskan tiger forest, I think it's time to camp, so this right here is all frozen. swamp, look at these weird little skinny fir trees, these only grow in the swamp, something we call muskeg or you know, or Tundra, it's like 10 to 15 feet of rotten moss, so if you were here in the summer you would be.
outdoor boys schools me on surviving winter in alaska

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outdoor boys schools me on surviving winter in alaska...

Wet up to the knees and stuff, so everything is frozen, like Florida, yeah, it would be like going to the Everglades, you know, oh, minus the many snakes and stuff like that, but there are more mosquitoes, a lot more and a lot. It's cold, yes, but in


it freezes and then you can walk over it. How cold it was at this time. I think it was only 16 degrees Fah, so that's negative, what -10 degrees Celsius or something? I love it. you say it was only 16 the coldest cold I've ever been was 32 me and my 4 year old son went camping at -60° no no no no anything below 50° here in Florida it's pretty cold while these swamps are very difficult to cross in summer, once they freeze, we can explore them, but the first thing is to find a place to camp and, in fact, I quite like this place.
outdoor boys schools me on surviving winter in alaska
Most of these fir trees you see are dead. An invasive beetle called the spruce bark beetle. I came in here and deleted this stuff, that means a lot of building material, a lot of firewood. I love how you explain everything. It's amazing, the air temperature is about 13°F and this ground is not frozen yet in


. The ground temperature is generally much warmer than the air temperature and the snow acts as a blanket that traps that heat in the ground. If you can remove the ice and snow and build your shelter on thawed land, it will be a lot warmer and there will be a little mud right there This terrain might be a little more swampy than I first thought how far away are you from civilization right there if you need help oh, it's not that bad I think there was a guy who lives in the woods who's like Oh, he'd probably be like a 15 or 20 minute walk away, but I could've called him and he could've come out and got me, and that's a big thing with a lot of these, some of them are really off base. there and it's like I'm nervous and others it's no big deal and that's one of the big danger factors is how far and this one wasn't bad with the filming and the cutting of everything how long did it take you just to get ready? the trees, that's a good question, it wasn't terrible this time.
outdoor boys schools me on surviving winter in alaska
That's one of the biggest things I need to find a spot with a lot of dead wood because the biggest time factor is getting the wood back to camp so if you have to do that. go out and look for a dead tree and you spend 5 10 minutes looking for each tree and you need 20 trees, you know, that's an hour just walking around looking for trees, you know, and you only have six hours of sunlight, so you know, that's not enough. well, so this was all I could get to get all these trees almost within sight of my camp, so I removed them pretty quickly.
I bought this ax in Hiroshima, Japan, last spring when I used it to remove branches. trees. I have so many people asking me for a link where you can buy that axe. I'm like you, you can't. I bought it as an old man in Japan in an antique store in the basement of his house. No, this is not this, yes, this is not not Amazon, it is not Amazon, there is no Amazon, I like it. I bought it from an old guy, you know, he liked making the cardboard sleeve I'm using, so it looks pretty rough, oh.
It's so amazing that it's the best thing to take limbs and use them, it's the best tool. You can see it's already getting dark and I think it's probably 300pm. Now it's that desperation mode oh I have to get this up before the sun goes down or it's not bad if I can get all my stuff together in the area for when the sun goes down it's not terrible because I always bring a lot of lights for filming and stuff and that's not bad, but if you have to go and set up lights and cameras while you go out and cut Tre, it's a pain in the ass, so I usually try to get everything in the shelter before the sun goes down and that's and then I can go to bed, it's 3:50 p.m.
It's starting to get dark this close to the Arctic, we don't get much sunlight, well I better turn off the lights, it's a tarp designed for a kind of camping hammock. I don't think I've used that tarp even once. What was it designed for, where does all this knowledge come from? Just try it. I mean, really, yeah, yeah, just don't do any kind of training, like military training or anything else, it's just you know that's the nature of YouTube, right, just do it. just do it wow look that's crazy here we go yeah, that's working you can tell everything is wet when it's dead The pine doesn't want to burn the little fingers are getting a little numb I get all the snow out of my ha oh, that feels amazing, I can feel your happiness there every time you say something on your Fridays oh, that feels amazing.
I was getting tired of looking at this like, oh god, that was a lot of work. I think when you get to this point it must be so satisfying, no, it's nice when you get that fire, it makes a difference, it really makes a difference, especially when you're wet by then and everything, it's nice, we can feel it, we can feel it through. from the video, look, that's one of my favorite moments because it's so real and relatable you're just relaxing and it's okay to do it again St I have to go I have to finish this I have a shelter I have a fire I think it's time to start working on dinner this is my favorite part I'm so impressed I'm so impressed you know I haven't seen this one but look at this everyone okay I've got a sweet potato and some aluminum foil here we're going to wrap it up will you ? that a lot all the time he loves the tin foil tactic do you like it? it tastes good yes it does it is a good way to cook you can just put it on the coals it doesn't melt the aluminum foil and then no Don't you know how to throw away the food itself so that it doesn't taste like a campfire or charcoal it doesn't taste like dirt and a good pile of coals here to bury that sweet potato in the coals for about 45 minutes oh another classic dad another classic why?
He really likes steaks, if you don't like steaks something is wrong, can everyone lend a hand? steaks and thinking, you know, Goa can just do this part inside and one of us is being a lot smarter with YouTube than the other, you know, it's a lot easier the way I do it. I'll tell you I'm doing it. this the hard way, put your hand over the fire and count one, two, three and when you can get to three without it hurting, that's about 375°F, so right here I love that knowledge because in Brazil they would teach exactly the same way, so if you can hold your hand over the fire in just 1 second and take it out immediately, that's perfect for browning and there are 3 seconds 375°, that's the way to do it right for everyone, since the fire changes, you may need to adjust your meat a little. bread with my steak, so I brought bread dough bread dough, how did that come about?
I don't remember, I remember, I always wanted to be good at making bread and I think I actually saw a YouTube video where, like an old lady or something like that was making bread in Eastern Europe or I was doing that and so on a campfire in a campfire, damn it, and then I started doing it, I can't remember it's been a while. I've been doing it for a while, I don't remember exactly where I started doing it, but then I started doing it a lot and it's really good and it's like you're outside and you're having a long, hard day, a fresh loaf of bread.
The bread is hard to beat. It's very difficult to overcome. I agree 100%. I have a question. Does smoke bother you? Because you do it so often for so long. I think I'm a little less sensitive. smoke than most people obviously because I'm around all the time, but the way you light the fire in your shelter affects the way the fire attracts smoke and stuff, so when you go down and you're at the bottom of the snow so you have a windbreak around the fire so you don't, the smoke tends to rise much better unless you really have a strong wind, there are many things like one of the big The thing is, no, if there is a lot of smoke, build your fire, bigger hot fires, hot fire, no smoke, no smoke, and then yeah, it's much better and then you'll see me build a heat reflector which is like a wall behind the fire to push the heat back, that's really good because the wind that will blow the smoke towards your face is behind the fire, the wind will blow from left to right, but not so much towards your face, oh that's done. put that in there, you see, if I was doing that, I would eat each one of them individually, your dead, that's a YouTube thing, it's 13°, you know how quickly your food cools at 13°, but you have, you want to put everything on the plate I don't even want to plate it looks amazing to have everything on the plate you have to do it also I like to eat a little bit of m a little bit of sweet potato a little bit of you want to have a meal no a little snack yes, you know everything, but I eat cold food most of the time with that, let's take a look oh, that looks pretty good, what do you mean pretty good, it looks amazing, it looks delicious, but I bet it's not that good? well like yours ah you're making me blush I completely agree with that I tried your steak I think I've been doing it wrong all my life oh no not at all that looks delicious a little bit of honey and butter I'm going to put there no, no , we have to talk about this because this is like your signature.
Now apparently I had nothing to do with it, just like me, suddenly people are like honey butter is something I didn't know. It's a big deal, but that's your thing, he's the honey butter guy. I guess so. I guess when I first saw your video I related a lot because I always have honey and butter for breakfast no matter what, and that's fine. As soon as I saw that I thought we were going to be good friends for a long time. It's good food. The sweet potato is so soft. It's exactly how it should be. I'm going to put a little cinnamon on my sweet potato and on my bread. cinnamon and potato it's like you ever went to Texas Roadh House oh yeah yeah and they have cinnamon uh cinnamon butter yeah oh my gosh my wife buys that by the tub and it's always in our refrigerator, It's so good, it's so good, it's so good, medium-rare, sir, congratulations, look at that, how did you use the thermometer?
I just won the steak, it looks delicious and I'll eat it right now, it doesn't look like you in the middle of nowhere, you see. It's much better than many steakhouses I've seen. I'm just saying you're a walking griller. Did you like the steak? It's the best steak I've ever had. How do you like your steak? Because not before. You don't like it, you like it better well done, but this time you try it medium rare, it was still your favorite now you make medium rare taste like it's the best thing in the world and you cook it, you cooked it, you cooked many of the steaks , Yeah.
You did a good job Tommy, I hope you cook like this when you get home, man, my mom was going to be proud of me, yeah, we sure have sweet potato, cinnamon, honey, butter, bread and two huge pieces of seasoned steak that don't . It doesn't look cold, no, the steak was, the steak was good, one was pretty good, I think the bread was a little cold, M, that's good, oh, that was good, there's still a little bit of this steak left, just go sit him in the snow. bake and it will be good tomorrow is that the natural freezer yeah, yeah, oh yeah, well now that we've had a fire here for several hours, we're starting to figure out what the ground situation is here, it's very soft.
Look at this, it's a big swampy place right there, so I think we're going to end up sleeping on this side. Well, it's pretty clear that I need to make a bed. If I sleep straight on the floor, I'm going to be soaked and frozen. I'm refilling my water jug, just a cup or two at a time. I have to melt a lot of snow to get 2 liters of water. I've only seen snow twice in my life, so to me it's fascinating, so you have to melt. so much to have that little water, yes, all that full snow probably had that much water, so it's notYeah, this is probably the most complicated thing I did on the entire trip because that's not gas. pipe or something oh oh no, I'm not worried about that, uh, what it is is that I'm under the car and the car is held up by the snow, right?
I just shoveled the snow away, I didn't even think about it, so if the sides of the snow collapse and that truck lands on me while I'm kneeling under it, I'm stuck on the ground and I just sit there and freeze to death or die or whatever, that's not good, so you know, use. Proper jacks and stuff when you do that kind of thing right I didn't even think about it's hot but it's not hot obviously this is a bit tricky I have to make sure it doesn't catch on fire or melt any wires or everything you know what you're trying to do is make the oil more liquid when the oil because the oil is literally frozen yeah it gets thicker and thicker and thicker and then you can't pump it through the engine and so on your place.
Instead of turning into a lubricant, it turns into glue, so the starter motor can't make the engine run, and when you heat it up, it becomes, you know, you think of olive oil, if it's in the refrigerator, it's a solid, you know? Same thing and just trying to make the oil liquid, omg there you go, woohoo, this is living in Alaska, in a nutshell, things go wrong, WR, things break and you have to deal with it, You know, it's not like I can call a The tow truck's engine overheated, let's see if we can get out of here.
I loved. I mean, I feel like just watching the video I've already learned a lot. Thank you Luke for being here, thank you my brother, thank you for cooking for me. amazing steak, learned from the best, ah there you have it, maybe one day I will visit you, you are going to show me everything guys make sure you go see the outdoor activities guys it will all be in the link. in the description below follow them thank you for coming thank you for being here thank you for telling me all these things behind the scenes it was absolutely amazing oh thank you so much it was a pleasure I hope you enjoyed this video if you made it A thumbs up if you are not subscribed, make sure to subscribe, see you next time, take care everyone, bye.

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