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Marriage Survival Camping! -22 Degrees with Wife & 3 Kids

Apr 16, 2024
Luke here, the Outdoor Boys YouTube channel. I'm here with my


Rebecca, my friend Jake, and his


Heather, and we're doing the Happy Wife Cold Weather Challenge where we'll see if we can go winter


and stay happily married. To do this, we'll bring the warmest


gear known to man, cook great food, shoot off fireworks, and have a great time. Foreigner, oh, foreigner. Okay, that's a lot of things. ready, here, he's on the sled, his hands got a little cold, they're all packed in there like sardines, but they're hot, Becca, you like this, you love the head, it's okay, you're ready, it's okay, it looks like it melted. kinda oh wow, yeah, yeah, this is big, yeah, this is his tent, yeah those will be the best, well Jake is breaking out the big guns, he's got his canvas walled tent from his mining claim down here, so it's going to be very hot in here in just a second.
marriage survival camping  22 degrees with wife 3 kids
Tom, we have to figure out where we're going to put our tent. We need 13 feet, what do you think? Tom, this is a good place. We go abroad. We shoveled an amount of snow comparable to a small driveway. Let's get to 10. My wife is very much, yeah, it looks great, I mean, and the Furious is ready, get some damn propane, yeah, we have smoke coming out of the chimney, go to the top bunk, I keep hearing that's it a foreign roar, the heat rises and it's very hot here on the top of the hot tit so we hang our clothes and dry all the children's wet clothes, how are you doing well, I was setting up the tent, Tommy built a little shelter for the snow, yeah, look at that, oh, that's ice, right there, our water jug ​​is frozen, oh, me.
marriage survival camping  22 degrees with wife 3 kids

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marriage survival camping 22 degrees with wife 3 kids...

I need it guys, I think we're going to make some spaghetti carbonara for dinner, you like it for dessert. I have a bunch of baked apples in this foil tray and we're going to slide them under the stove. It'll take us a couple of hours cook. I think what do you guys think, are you hot Becca, are you hot, oh yeah? I can't believe you're still wearing your jacket, it's hot in here, okay guys for dinner, we're making a classic Italian dish, spaghetti carbonara, now this might look pretty fancy, but it's not, it's just five ingredients, all of them. the things you can easily take to a campsite.
marriage survival camping  22 degrees with wife 3 kids
Many of these classic European foods are really good for camping because they are simple, non-perishable ingredients. I have one of these. Taken baked garlic breads that I'm going to throw on the stove also not very traditional but it's delicious okay guys the first thing we're going to do is brown some bacon. I'm going to make the sauce for the spaghetti carbonara and it's one of the easiest sauces in the world, I have five ounces of parmigiano reggiano, basically fancy parmesan cheese and I'm going to need eight eggs and then we're going to add a ton of pepper and then we're going to add the bacon and the fat.
marriage survival camping  22 degrees with wife 3 kids
Here, so we set it aside until the pasta is ready. Is there water to boil our pasta? Do you want it to be salty? I like to say that it should be as salty as Italian tears when you put pineapple on pizza. That is pretty. Great, how do they do it? We need to cook on the microfire, okay, we'll take the pasta to Jake's Place. Yeah, then we just pour the sauce right in, let the hot noodles cook the eggs and melt the cheese. That's right, slightly burnt garlic. bread, well here we go guys, we have a moose steak, spaghetti carbonara and some garlic bread.
Everyone who gave birth to a human goes first, there they go, here, look, here they go, Jake, here they go, want some more, yeah, okay, there you have it. Here, well, you made a moose carbonara sandwich, what do you think you like? Excellent, what do you like? Yeah, it's not that bad. Oh yeah, here, let me catch you, I'll take that's amazing news today, this photo of Jake of moose is. Awesome, if you want to see Jake make some crazy hunting videos check out his channel. That's how in Alaska. I'll put a link in the description of the video below the guys and they come out here and have it all right.
I have to go make some. dishes ah, we have a snowball to wash, well, dinner turned out pretty well, but I think it's time for dessert, oh, it smells really good in here, oh, yes, we have some granola, you can sprinkle it on too, oh, nice and soft, I just want it. It barely holds its shape, that's good. I also have a caramel apple pie that we need to heat up, so let's put it right there. We have to have ice cream to put on our baked apples. I'm going to make some homemade ice cream, you just need a few cans of sweetened condensed milk and some vanilla extract, fresh clean snow, pull out the pine needles, delicious vanilla ice cream, okay, now use some apples too, sprinkles, 200 days, the first piece is the ugly one.
Hello baby. that's for you that's for me calories don't count with camping it's not that bad or that bad eh it's just not Chevy at all baked apples it's so hard to be and it's just apples I mean it's just apples we should make a bonfire yeah, okay, let's make a bonfire washing the dishes, oh, the dish is ready, let's make a bonfire and see if we can lure the ladies outside. It's pretty cold out here, the nearest weather station says it's supposed to get down to -nine. tonight or you know, even right on the trail The sky is very high, what do you think of this fire?
I love it, it's a nice fire, yes, that's good, yes, even Jake comes out without the coat of it, what are you doing right now that we have a big bonfire? Come on, we need to shoot off some fireworks, if you've had enough, we've got tips, let's see first of all, short sword, reload, reload, reload, foreigner, so we've got this thing, it's 4000 firecrackers all wrapped up in one big ball. . I think we should release it. Straight into the heat not only because it will be amazing but it will require less cleanup. I'm so confused lighting myself on fire oh my god that was amazing.
Okay, we have some trash to burn a friend. I mean, it's a good time for you. Kids want to watch a movie before going to bed. Well, listen, you have to get ready, get everything ready, get ready for bed and then we'll watch a movie, okay, someone has to take care of these leftovers, there's our projector and our speaker. Well, Becca bought me this little mini portable projector that fits on a tripod. Well, the


are watching her show. I'm going to go ahead and make up your beds. A father's work is never done abroad. I prepared all my sleeping bags and the amount of Overkill here is ridiculous, I mean The Feathered Friends negative 60 sleeping bag, it is the warmest sleeping bag in the world that my wife will sleep in anytime she is below 40.
This one here is another negative 60 bag, but it's a kid's size and that's it. For Tommy, this is a bag of 25 negatives. Nathan is going to use that one and that's a bag of 25 negatives and Jacob is going to sleep here and I have a bag of 20 negatives from North Face and this whole thing is ridiculous because it's like 80


in this. hot tet this is the warmest tent in the world this is the arctic oven it's made here in Alaska and it's so hot here I'm sweating I have to get this down there are expeditions to Antarctica that aren't as well equipped as us Okay, I'm going to go Let's see if the


are done with their show.
Okay Jake, do we need to go get water? We need to go get water. Oh boy, well, let's get them to bed. Alright. Oh, okay, let's go get the kids. tucked in and I'm giving them some hot Tang before bed there's a small water tank on the side of the stove with a tap so you can always have hot water for hot drinks it's a nice thing you said you just wanted to try it there go my wife is going to be sleeping in the world's warmest sleeping bag inside the world's warmest tent, but that's not enough, we won't take any chances, let's fill up some hot water bottles, that sounds good, thanks.
It's very cold outside, let's go look for your job. I've done this once or twice. No, it's okay Bethany, you're trying one of our British water bottles, okay guys, I've meddled enough. I will see you in the morning. Oh, the company that makes this tent also sells these fire logs. They are supposed to keep the fire burning more steadily without having to stoke it as frequently. That will keep me from having to wake up every two hours and put fuel on the fire. Let's see if it works foreigner Good morning guys, it's around 8:30 in the morning and I almost have breakfast.
Place a breakfast pot on top of the stove that has been simmering for about an hour and a half for store smells. Amazing anytime are you hot? Yeah, well, these little logs seem to have worked. I only used three of them all night and apparently they also work great for cooking because they create a nice even flame, that's one of the best nights I've ever had camping I was warm and slept pretty well glad we're going this is the last one winter it was going to be we have caribou dips this is your caribou you shot yes Cody shot well this the trip is turning into a sampler platter of mammals that, oh, and we had a leftover breakfast pie, yes, breakfast five, that's for you, oh that's amazing, here's the casserole, it's a whole tater tots affair with reindeer sausage, Jimmy Dean sausage, peppers, onion, cilantro. and green peppers on top I prepared everything in advance and put it on the stove when we were ready to start cooking it.
I feel like I'm sunny side up. Did you like the casserole? I love it, yes, it's good. What do you think is a good mom? the green onions with the cilantro that's what the salt does, not the shakes, that looks very good, okay. I'm going to try the caribou sausage too. The kids want to go on the snow machine, so we have to get them all bundled up abroad. You like me? Yes, well, the kids are racing snow machines and Becca is warm. I think it's time for me to start making some lunch real quick. What are they doing?
Yeah, okay guys, let's make Salvadoran pupusas. I have a bag of refried food. beans, cheese and jalapeño and this one with corn flour, foreign beans, squeeze that into a disk and remove the excess here, what are these? These are pupusas, they're Salvadoran and they're gluten-free, you had some jalapeno, refried beans, cheese, really. The simple ingredients really almost have the flavor of a tamale, but better texture. I think it's like a Salvadoran grilled cheese sandwich. It's okay, they eat it with pickled cabbage. It's uh, I think it's time to start cleaning up a little. Oh, I'll tell you what Becca and I really like this intention article.
If you want more information about it, I'll put a link in the video. description below, if you're wondering what our bathroom situation is here, we have this little toilet seat that we bought that fits in a five gallon bucket and when you're not using it you put it outside and all the bad stuff freezes and then come on. and burn it off stranger we have a minute or two do you want to ride the snow machine together yeah just go nice and slow nice and slow okay that's okay there stranger have you stayed warm? I've been staying warm well, well we're all packed up and I think we need to start making snow.
You look good on a snow machine, baby. This is very funny. I really enjoyed that foreigner. Did we keep you warm? We can't stay warm. Our


is intact. Alright. Alright. let's go home, we come home and I'm drying the tent and all our gear and it's been a great trip and we had a great time. Becca stayed warm and I hope you enjoyed watching this video if you want. watch more videos from Outdoor Boys YouTube channel, don't forget to click subscribe, we post new videos every Saturday morning, okay, I'll see you next Saturday, bye, if you like this video, don't forget to check out the Channel from Outdoor Boys YouTube where we have hundreds of videos like this and don't forget to click subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit the bell button you'll get notifications thanks for watching.

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