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Bushcraft Camping with Coyotes & Hunting My Dinner

Apr 16, 2024
Luke here with the Outdoor Boys YouTube channel and it's fall here in Alaska. I'm


in Bushcraft survival shelters


grouse and fur, cooking good food and having a great time. This is a place where you would expect to see a lot of snowshoes. hair or even grouse and frankly either of those sound pretty good for


tonight, there you have it, they are little rabbit poops, this is a great time of year to hunt snowshoe hairs because they turn white in winter and it's just the beginning of winter, but we don't have snow on the ground yet, so it's very easy to see a white rabbit with all this brown color.
bushcraft camping with coyotes hunting my dinner
I just have to spend a lot of time looking at an invasive beetle called the Japanese spruce bark beetle that has wiped out the most. More than 90% of the spruce trees in this forest. Large tracts of forest in Alaska have just been completely devastated by that beetle. I can see a spruce sitting on a tree branch ahead. I definitely have it very well camped and camouflaged. Oh, there it is. Look at that, this is the Spruce Grouse and they are delicious like a wild chicken, but you can see how they camouflage themselves when they are on the ground, they are very hard to see, there is a little mark on their eye, a little red.
bushcraft camping with coyotes hunting my dinner

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bushcraft camping with coyotes hunting my dinner...

Like a little red eyebrow, the plants have feathers on their feet to keep their legs warm in the winter, but they like to sit on these fir trees about 20 meters off the ground and you'll see them ball up right there, but you just have to look and look and look at this time of year, there is rarely just one of them. I have to look around very carefully and see if I can detect better. I made myself


and this trip has been great. Start with this, check it out, those are moose bones right there that look like a big wolf, look at all the hair on it, oh there's more wolf poop, wolves probably patrol this trail looking for food, there sure is a lot of poop in it, oh, this it seems. a decent place to do.
bushcraft camping with coyotes hunting my dinner
Camp lugged this big, old, heavy tripod here and I forgot the adapter so I can't use it. I have forgotten so many things. Today I feel so half crazy that I forgot to bring paracord and I forgot to bring any utensils, plates, cups or something, so I'm going to challenge myself, it's all part of the fun before I start my shelter. I have to prepare something for dinner. I brought some bread flour and yeast to make some. bread but I have to let it ferment a little so I'm going to start making the dough right now okay let it rest I think I better start cutting down some trees.
bushcraft camping with coyotes hunting my dinner
I'm going to need a lot of poles, yes. look at all the sap oozing out of this tree, it's from spruce bark beetles, they drill tons of holes in the bark and the trees just bleed to death, as far as the eye can see, the trees were just wiped out, I can't see half a dozen living trees throughout this forest. I bought this ax last spring on my trip to Japan, I have no idea what it's called, but this thing is amazing for removing branches from trees. This is the most time-consuming part of the whole process, but if you use thicker logs it goes much faster, but if you use thinner logs they flex a little and it's easier on your back.
Okay, here we go. I have my bed made. You better light the fire. I'm getting hungry. There you go. just a cotton ball with a little Vaseline, the Vaseline makes it burn longer and hotter and we, the cotton instead of the dye lint, burns a little better there you go, kills Spruce beetles just goes up like gasoline, luckily it rained this morning so everything is quite wet. I wouldn't want to start a big fire like this, otherwise they'll let the fire spread a bit and consume all the dry grass and sticks, then you'll have a nice bare spot that will be safe to start a fire.
I just have to watch him like a hawk right now, okay? I'm going to get away from my camp and go clean this bird. Here we go, a couple of pieces of grous breast meat. I was planning on plucking the whole bird and cooking it over the fire with the skin on, but I hit it a little low with the .22 and it made a bit of a mess, so I'll tell you what if you're looking for the ultimate survival foods flour beans rice those They are hard to beat, I mean, this is like two 3 days worth of food here in this bag, it's compact, it's cheap, it's non-perishable, it tastes delicious, I love it, just let it simmer for a good while, Well, the beans will take a little while to cook.
I cook, so I'm taking out some slices of pilot bread, some cheese and salami. I'm making myself a little snack if you don't know what pilot bread is. It is a stable cookie, it is very thick and hard. He may have assaulted the children. Halloween candy a little last night look, I have the bread dough here, let's give it a smell oh yes, it's fermenting fermenting slowly because of the cold put the dough up here let the heat of the campfire warm it up a little, that will speed up the fermentation I forgot all my utensils, so I made a quick spoon, oh, that looks good, let's leave it there to warm up, okay, I use my griddle as a plate, we have my spoon, we have some bread, oh, that smells delicious, It may not look fancy, but I'm excited to eat it.
Wild birds like the ones grown are so incredibly lean that if you cook them like chicken you will completely ruin them, they get very dry, you have to cook them like a steak, you want a little pink in the middle. I have some hot sauce here, I'm going to put some of my rice and beans on my grouse which were delicious, it's amazing how good those beans taste, just onion, garlic, salt and butter, that's all I added, so good, I'm very full, I just finished. dinner and a few snowflakes are falling I think I'd better finish my shelter and go to bed okay I think I put up the shelter just in time it's starting to rain here we go these pine logs are always a little bit Pokey and I'm always scared from blowing out my air mattress, so I put on This Grass to give myself some extra insulation and protection.
This is my pillow. It is a waterproof bag and has a furry lining. Just grab your jacket. and put it in there well, it's late and I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning. Hey guys, it's around 2:30 in the morning and there's a big pack of


out there. at my camp I can hear him laughing and barking to the left and then to the right, okay, I'm going to try to get some sleep, we'll see if they come to the camp and mess with something, okay, good night, good morning. I didn't sleep very well last night.
I would wake up to a huge pack of


running through the woods around the tent. I first heard them here on the left and there were so many dogs it sounded like dog sledding. kennel were laughing, screaming and barking around 2:00 a.m. They were here on the left and then they made their way through the woods in front of the store and then they got to the car. and then around 4 4: or 5 a.m. They came back this way and this time I could hear them behind the tent, but I kept the fire going all night and, as far as I know, they never entered the camp, never bothered anything else.
Keeping the fire going all night burned through my entire pile of wood, so I need to chop more wood. Chopping wood is a great way to get your blood pump going in the morning. I think it's time to prepare breakfast. Here we go, fried spam. a little bit of butter here let's melt it all over just spreading a little bit of melted butter all over my bread i got some honey here fried bread honey butter and spam breakfast of champions right here that pack of coyotes started howling over there new, that's a fabulous sweet and salty flavor, I got the fat and honey, oh, the fried spam is so good, it was so delicious, well now that I have some food, I think it's time to clean up the camp e go do a little more


, you know, this really was a good bed and I have to tell you, the older I get, the more I care about having good back support, you know, one thing I was worried about is if a spark I might or might not set this dry grass on fire.
You don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to flames and melting sleeping bags, but I'm a little skeptical about whether that's really a problem, so let's give it a try. It's much more than a little. spark, so if those embers don't light the fire, I think we're good. I think you need the combination of sparks and wind to get that going, it's certainly not going to burn like a flaming inferno, it's been a fun little camp. but I think it's time to put out the fire and go hunt the things I'm hunting, like rabbits, clumps and Tagan, they all live off these willows.
Look at these things and you tend to find a lot of these willow patches on the edges of trails. or paths, so just walk these trails slowly and look, spend a lot of time looking good. I've gone more than a few miles and haven't seen anything, but we had a good day, it's been a fun trip and I hope you guys enjoy watching it. This, if you want to see more videos from the Outdoor Boys YouTube channel, be sure to click Subscribe and check out our playlist. We have all our videos organized by playlist. Alright guys, see you in the next video.
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