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Ocean Stories | Full Series | Free Documentary Nature

Apr 09, 2024
Wildlife filmmaker Thomas Berant's Mediterranean destination and home to animals you wouldn't expect to find here An exciting search for the largest and rarest marine mammals. Incredibly, the expedition will travel from the rugged coast of Greece to the rugged cliffs of West Africa. With a team of marine mammal experts Thomas Berant is on his way along the cliffed coast of Greece. The German spends much of his life at sea, but this trip is unusual. He is on the trail of a giant and a ghost from 6 million years ago. The Mediterranean was still dry, it was not until it became a sea that marine animals moved to it from the Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar.
ocean stories full series free documentary nature
One of these ancient Travelers appears as a female loggerhead sea turtle on her way to the beach where she was born. The research The Nereus ship aboard Thomas Bergent and Greece's leading sperm expert, Wells Alexandros Francis, aims to document the secret life of these Mediterranean giants. They go to the Mediterranean to see this harassment, but they are here, right? Yes, of course they are and we. I get the same reaction when we say we are studying sperm whales in the Mediterranean, but if I look at the Mediterranean, which is comparatively shallow and small, can it really support sperm whales?
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Yes, of course you can, because the Mediterranean is not that shallow, we are very close to the deepest point of the Mediterranean which is 5125 meters is a lot and along the Hellenic trench this is what we find the most important thing for sperm whales there it is the depth the steep slope at the end of the continental shelf this is important for them we will go along the Hellenic Trench and hope


y it will be practically certain that we will find sperm waves we are going well we will soon find the first signs of life the expedition encounters the most common marine mammals in the Mediterranean a school of dolphins that includes calves, although mothers nurse dolphin babies for the first year, they have to swim with a pod as soon as they are born, but the team is not here to play with dolphins, for this they want to locate Wales.
ocean stories full series free documentary nature
What is a hydrophone being prepared for? What is the reason why sperm whales make this click well? They produce clicks because they can see their surroundings. They send these clicks and from the echo they can receive information about the distance of any. object, this is the way they navigate, find their food, understand that there are enemies around, etc., and our chance of finding them exactly from these clicks, the hydrophone, basically a hose containing two microphones, is dragged in the water 100 meters from the stern, but today the gods. It seems to be against them Alexandros is following a zigzag course constantly veering in this direction and why did we move like this?
ocean stories full series free documentary nature
Is there a reason we have this search pattern here? Oh yes, today was not, it was not easy and this is because I heard the mahe ahead, but forward means almost 180 degrees in front of the boat, so we don't know if there is really ahead to the left or to the right and we should check all these possibilities and any clicks of the spring, but but yeah, I, I. I just started hearing some faint clicks in the distance. Yes, we definitely have sperm whales ahead. Alexandros tells the crew to keep their eyes open. To detect well jets in such a vast expanse of water requires a lot of experience with the bottom head.
Two whales appear on the surface. That of the other filmmaker. Lucky day, two hours, yes, if this continues for a few more minutes it would be a good opportunity to try a first dive. Alexandros will not allow diving until the whales have become accustomed to the boat, but the animals simply do not cooperate and disappear completely. the path closes again the tail fin appears the whale is hunting squid it won't appear for half an hour and where exactly only the whale knows but they go down they don't like the next opportunity but behind Thomas's back the welds are doing what they want It's okay, it's too late An everyday story for a wildlife filmmaker A few days later Greece's rugged coastline stretches for thousands of miles It is the ideal habitat for the monk seal so rare it could almost be described as a ghost hopes Thomas will find the animal with the help of Acidis Kurutos, the leading Greek expert on monk seals, but it is a game of luck, especially in the spring, at the end of September, October and November, because at that time the mothers give birth. light to their young and, as they are very good mothers. and they have to stay with their cubs, they spend a lot of time inside their shelters and taking care of the baby, so we have a lot more opportunities to see them than we do now and if I went to the water right now, do I have any chance to film?
No chance, it's like a needle in a barn. Thomas and Vasilis are traveling to the Alanis National Maritime Park, the only one in Greek waters designated for the protection of monk seals. They want to install a remote-controlled camera in a cave regularly visited by seals. The men chose spring as this is the season when the caves are usually


of seals, however, they proceed with caution. A sudden movement catches Thomas's attention. He makes a surprising discovery: a male monk seal has taken refuge in the cave, but why is Vasilis worried and searching? clues in the behavior of the seal to not disturb the seal the men decide to wait at a certain distance the caves of the seal's last refuge but they were not its original habitat in the old days they gave birth to open beaches but now due to the change of the habitat because they were too safe from human disturbance to change their way of life, they now give birth inside caves that are very unsafe and unsuitable for their babies because in the event of storms, waves cross the caves and the baby he could drown, but if he was born on the beach, in case Tommy's weather has to stand up, he will just go further to the beach and there will be no harm, nothing, he will be safe.
The next morning begins with an immersion in the fascinating world. inhabited by seals Thomas soon finds the entrance to a cave, it is a dark world but


of life. Caverns like these are favorite resting places for monk seals, but the only animals the filmer discovers are sponges and slipper animals. The lobster hides in the dark, a delicacy. For humans and monk seals alike A beam from Thomas' torch detects shrimp clustered at the other end of the cave A forked hake seizes its opportunity The cave is home to all manner of creatures but no monk seals this inhabitant of the sea It certainly isn't Seal Friend Octopuses are rarely seen in daylight and prefer the safety of the night, no wonder they can change their color to match the background.
Studies show that today around half of monk seals' diet consists of octopuses, rare fish. The normal diet of seals is difficult to find. find because the Mediterranean has practically been fished to death as the octopus lands almost directly above Thomas's camera it is evident that some of its arms are damaged it may have already experienced an unpleasant encounter with a monk seal at sunset the expedition leaves the island spend the night in a small port idyllic appearances can be deceptive overfishing in the Mediterranean is threatening wildlife and local fishermen many species are being pushed towards extinction but there is still hope that new life will emerge tonight For the newcomers, our loggerhead turtles, a dangerous journey awaits them.
The small amphibians, even those that survive, will not all reach adulthood, but the female that does will return to lay her eggs on the beach where they were born after bad luck with the sperm whales. Thomas and Alexandros decide to try a different whale. territory through which they travel to Crete Greece's largest island is a windy place Melemi, the summer wind, blows across the Aegean from June to September and is responsible for Crete's blue skies some days it brings force eight winds and a rough seas for the next few days the crew is stuck in port for Thomas, the situation is frustrating.
Time is slowly running out with each passing day. Thomas' chances of getting any healthy sperm or monk seal footage are getting slimmer and slimmer, and with each new day he places greater and greater demands on his creativity. Giant squid is a favorite food for sperm whales, but the sea around Greece is too salty for them, so what do these whales hunt? Thomas hopes to find the answer at the local fish market. Much of the fish comes here from Africa. The Mediterranean, overexploited, may no longer meet the needs of so many tourists. It takes Thomas a while to find what he is looking for if it is not exactly abundant.
A sperm whale needs between 500 and a thousand kilos of squid a day. Over time, the climate improves and Thomas can return to the nearest good place To see you again How are you welcome? Well, I'm fine, everything's fine on the boat, yes, of course, so let's eat some sperm whales, eh? Will the team be more successful this time? Alexandros has been on research trips during which they do not see a sperm whale for three weeks abroad, however, luck is on his side and they encounter their first group of whales in the morning. This time the whales are more confident, they do not run away and even show interest in the boat that Alexandros can get. some photos seem to be old acquaintances ah I think this is the Pillow group yes this is the Pillow group it is the best known studies show that Mediterranean whales never cross into the larger Atlantic Ocean the small population seems to live in total isolation the crystal clear water allows the whales to be identified even at a certain depth the adults are about 10 meters long almost the entire group has submerged leaving only two whales on the surface waiting on the surface the baby will never be left alone it is like that, well, it depends, It happens when they spend many hours with the waves and adapt to our presence.
Sometimes they live with the baby near the ship and die. They leave it and yes, one of the main causes of the recent decrease in sperm. The wells get tangled in the heights. drift from the sea The nets used to catch swordfish recovery is slow, especially for the small population in the Mediterranean, why did they try to remove the head while inspecting the boat? It is the only position in which they can see stereoscopically with both eyes. They have 3D vision because from the large head in all other directions they can see with one or the other eye, so when they want to inspect something better they stay like this towards the lower jaw.
Well, for the first time on the Expedition, the whales aren't worried about hunting. We have gathered for a rare meeting, an ideal opportunity for Thomas to obtain unique images, okay, prepare yourself, diving among these giant creatures is a humbling experience. Thomas approaches them respectfully. The animals are huge and much faster than a diver. world wanted to attack him the whales turned towards the camera and inspected the alien visitor for Thomas, it's a strange feeling, he wonders what the whales will think of him and continue watching him or will there be some other reaction after the Giants.
Grouping together, Wales' behavior is mysterious Thomas does not know what they are communicating, he knows that in large males, a third of the body length is used to produce sounds that pass through the enormous nose, the biological sound generator biggest in the world. Very little is still known about the way whales communicate just before the end of the dive, one of the whales below the filmer accelerates and its bulky body shoots out of the water. Yoo-hoo Thomas' patience has paid off. He finally got some very unusual images. What he doesn't know is that the most exciting moment of his career as an underwater filmmaker is still ahead of him.
A few days later, Thomas and Vasilis returned to the cave where they saw the injured seal, no sign of it, hoping it was gone. recovered. He's trying to find a place for the remote camera, so where do you think the mother will be? This rock that you see here, since we have that high tide now and this one is submerged, the rock yes, in September, October, it will be out of the water. So this area from there to you two to there will be a space for the cubs to lie down out of the water and the mothers will lie down over here and some of them, if they want to go somewhere dark, then they can use, look, the tunnel It goes a little bit higher and then you can use this place.
Do you think they're hiding in here or not? They like to stick their heads in the darkest part of the cave, okay? You always have to keep in mind that during the storm things are very different here, they finally find a protected place, a sloping rock wall behind the cave entrance, the installation is done in stages, first comes the noisy part, the Bacillus has told Thomas that he is really big. The waves break against the rocks and spray the entire cave. It's okay, if sea water comes into contact with the lens anddries out, the salt crystals will prevent the camera from capturing anything.
Okay, an aluminum plate serves as a support and then install the camera. It can be moved in any direction and includes an infrared function that allows you to record images even in complete darkness. Afterwards no one will be able to enter the cave, so all control and recording equipment must be located outside a daring Venture. The cliffs above the cave rise almost vertically


climbing is not necessarily a filmmaker's dream, but the only reasonably flat surface to mount the solar panel for power supply is a small plateau well above sea level. Finally, all the technical equipment has been transported and is ready to be installed without this technology.
The crew would have to camp next to the cave for weeks and the seals could smell humans, which would scare them. A specially programmed computer can store the images for several days thanks to the Internet. Images can also be sent anywhere in the world. world as soon as there is any activity in the cave, Thomas will return. A seal has been seen on a neighbor's island by a local fisherman with patience and a little luck Thomas might be able to find it it's a game of hide and seek along the rocky seabed suddenly there is a shadow the Ghost appears the first seal monk an adult male Thomas barely dares to breathe foreign seal does not seem to feel threatened what chance this is the recording he has so much time to get seems to be completely relaxed what do the sounds mean the clicks clearly audible riddles Thomas who has never heard of such behavior The seal approaches for a few minutes.
Later it disappears from Thomas's place, not wanting to disturb the animal, the filmmaker decides to return to the boat in the port. He can't wait to hear Vasilis' opinion. That's very strange, so why did he do that? I don't really know you. He had recorded something that was probably the first time anyone recorded something like that, hostile behavior that is certainly a new enigma for us. I'm very happy to think of a new puzzle for us. The behavior of monk seals still holds secrets even for bacilli. Alexandros's ship The Mediterranean is a very busy place, especially if you work with a hydrophone, you listen to the propeller and all this is coming from this tanker, yes, yes, just from this ship and see where it is there.
Sperm whales are becoming deadly and the The problem is that the collision of vessels with sperm whales is increasing rapidly. Look here, these are all sperm whales. You can see the marks on the propellers. They are huge. Hello, yes, actually, almost the entire sperm whale is cut into pieces. You can imagine if you have a population. of only 200 animals and more than one per year is disappearing due to a purely anthropogenic cause so the impact of the population is large it is probably not sustainable despite the sounds of the ship's propeller alexandros place the sperm whales ahead they should appear stop doing click so it should appear on the surface at any time you have to be careful hello hello over there but this time something is different eight ways they are really accelerating the whole group traveling so fast that we don't understand why then the whale suddenly stops in some positions they are vertically in the water, it seems as if the females are celebrating another of their meetings, but no one yet knows that their behavior has a very different reason.
Thomas cannot distinguish what is happening beneath the surface and, therefore, he has no idea what awaits him. He hurriedly prepares to dive at the moment the filmmaker has been waiting for for weeks. The whales have never been so close to the boat and in such numbers, but the Giants are busy. The last thing they seem to need right now is a paparazzo, which Thomas has. I don't have one. idea of ​​what is happening. I noticed that among the gigantic gray bodies a baby sperm whale has been born. Out of curiosity, he addresses the camera directly. The mother and aunt do not approve and begin to threaten the foreign intruder.
The females have to keep the young close to the surface. who can breathe and they have to deal with what could be an enemy an aunt joins the mother her message is clear behind the situation is getting out of control he gets on the boat quickly Thomas swims as fast as he can but the whales were hot Chasing the cameraman just a meter behind the giants chase him if they wanted the whales could easily give him a fatal bite thank you while the team pulls Thomas out of the water his camera is still working he is confused because it was a really unpleasant situation Thomas says that one of the whales already had its teeth around her leg in the middle, they are protecting her, yes the whales didn't want to hurt Thomas, they just wanted to protect their new family member.
Thomas never intended to upset Wales but after all commotion it was a lucky day for the expedition and Wales for Alexandros this is the first time after 10 years studying Wales a dream has come true Thomas is overwhelmed like all young animals the baby whale is very curious, it weighs about a ton and measures four meters. For a long time it spent more than a year in its mother's womb and it will take one or two years to suck before being able to feed. How did he do for you? I mean, you've seen so many sperm whales.
This is something incredible. Two years ago, the same social unit. gave a newborn but he was one day old and now he is an hour although maybe 10 minutes that's why they were running together but because one of them was going thank you very much that was the most exciting experience I have had in my life yes the crew will soon say goodbye to Wales the turbulent events they have experienced in their search for the Gray Giants have forged strong bonds between the team members They bring photos that have never been seen before and the newborn calf gives them I hope that despite the constant threats, the Gray Giants Mediterranean have a chance to survive.
How to get out? The chances that they have of the new weapon surviving here in the Mediterranean, in Greece, I think they have a much better chance because there are much fewer predators. Of course there are other risks from humans and of course the mother has to dive to find squid to eat, but if a mother has a problem another adult female will take care of it, that's why they have the social unit because society The unit protects all members of the group. Whales may have a future, but what about seals? A few hundred years ago, monk seals would have been an everyday site in the Mediterranean.
They inhabited almost all the coasts. Today, a few animals live off the coast of Greece. and Turkey apart from that, there is only one major area in which it can be found: Western Sahara. What chances of survival do Atlantic coast monk seals have before the birthing season begins in the Mediterranean? Thomas traveled to West Africa. Western Sahara is a land of extremes, one of the places in the world most richly endowed with marine life, colliding with an inhospitable desert since the 1990s. Spanish scientists have been carrying out a successful program to protect monk seals when the seals are not around. hunting they spend a lot of time playing in the surf near a mother and her cub something Thomas would never see anywhere else today the camera mounted in the birth cave needs a service the dive is an absolute exception if the seals don't seem bothered the scientists They will not go further inside.
The cave is an extremely sensitive area. A look inside reveals why the beach offers peace and refuge to animals. Directly above the cave is the observation station. Scientists observe events in the cave daily. The camera also allows them to identify different valuable animals. data for scientists Now in October all eyes are on the newborn pubs and there is good news: 50 puppies were born this year more than at any other time in the last 12 years, it seems that the population here is growing again, a hopeful sign for the colony. About 200 seals live on a six-kilometre-long coastal strip, half as many as in the entire Mediterranean.
In the afternoon, Thomas checks his email and gets another surprise. A cave camera in Greece shows a mother seal with her newborn pup. Thomas decides to return to the Mediterranean immediately, but the weather in Greece has changed dramatically. The storms have begun. The images of the cave are disturbing. Did the pub manage to find shelter in the far corner of the cave or did something terrible happen as soon as the storm subsides? below Thomas and vasilis rush to the cave no, there is nothing and there is still a big swell looking for bacilli I still hope that the mother has taken her calf to another cave if the cub is injured the men have to find him as quickly as possible and they are extremely cautious the last thing they want is to upset the mother because then she might abandon her cub Thomas and Bacillus search a dozen caves both above and below the surface always with the same sobering result nothing to Even though they are getting further and further away from the birth cave, they are not ready to give up.
It is not until they go to an island outside the national park that Vasilis finds a sign of life. A truck drives away and smells that means they slept. to the animal that was sleeping here yesterday so bacillus finally finds the missing seal, he seems fine and shows no signs of injury bacillus takes a quick hair sample for genetic testing thank you the pup doesn't feel anything so vasilis leaves as quickly as possible but the young man decides to follow him a golden opportunity for the filmmaker while the mother is away Silas gives him permission to dive maybe the baby seal will jump into the water thanks the newborn is still on the beach a seal not the pub but another young animal a I had probably been here a few months when they arrived.
Foreign caves are often used by more than one mother seal. This allows better protection for the young when the adults are away. They hunt and then the offspring appears. Unlike adults, hatchlings are extremely curious and explore playfully. their surroundings at the same time constantly increase the time they can stay underwater. Scientists estimate that there are only 250 to 300 monk seals left in Greek waters, making encounters like these a rare treat. Pop is still young and his mother. will only leave him for an hour or two to go hunting in a few weeks he will be left to fend for himself for up to half a day at a time what fantastic pictures, better than Thomas could have hoped for, the young male will grow into a mediterranean about two and a half meters and weighs about 300 kilos the female will be a little shorter and lighter finally it's time to go well yes they swim among us it's incredible yes yes and they are not afraid of that, it seems that it was used in our appearance and no he was scared, you see, he was really used to our presence there, so it was really great, well, well, no discomfort, nothing, no, this is an experience that neither of us will ever forget.
Back aboard Vasilis, isolation gives way to thoughtfulness. A lost memory What do you think the future of monkeys will be? In one word I can say that it is not promising, there are so many things that need to be done if I have to compare this with periods of my life and my involvement with them. sales I am very disappointed because the population since 1980 has decreased. What are the things we have to do? We have to make more marine protected areas, corridors between them that will be connected to also increase fish populations, food for animals, but also apply more regulations measuring human activities, which is actually the main cause of the hood threatens the survival of this animal, so if we don't do it, they could become extinct.
Do you think that is possible? Yes, if we continue with what we do today. which is not enough, yes, they will become extinct, on the one hand, the expeditions were a great success for both scientists and filmmakers, on the other hand, they show that there is still a lot to do to save the giant and the ghost of the Mediterranean . German filmmaker Thomas Behrend. He has been fascinated by the world of the


s since his childhood on diving expeditions that take him around the world. He encounters creatures that very few people have the opportunity to lay eyes on him.
Thank you, this animal is huge. Are you sure it's Thomas this time? In the search for two mystical Giants, he gets closer to them than expected, together with a team of experts, the cameraman sets out in search of the mysterious sunfish. The search will cover half the world thanks to modern technology. Unique images are captured at depths that are difficult for humans to reach. divers, Thomas tracks another giant, this one in the rivers of Florida, the manatee, with him a people who have made the protection of this endangered species their life, one two three, follow the trail of the ostietai or bony fish more biggest in the world.
Thomas first brings to California the sunfish that he has regularly observed on the Pacific coast supporting thefilming is underwater photographer Mike Johnson Mike has been photographing sunfish for 20 years and knows exactly how and where to find them. Thomas is interested in how Mike manages to get these deep-water fish in front of his camera, so the answer often lies directly off shore. Giant algae, also known as kelp, cover the surface of the water, only below the surface can you see the true dimensions of the halo, however, it reaches the height of trees. Creating an impressive underwater world, the algae can reach 30 meters in height and grow up to one meter in a single day.
The gas-filled, balloon-like dishes help stabilize the stems. The kelp forest offers nutrition and protection to various forms of life well hidden in a tangle of stripes a seaweed crab goes in search of food the giant kelp is anchored to the rocky bottom of the


by an adhesive organ although it may seem otherwise. It has roots, the algae obtains its food from the water through its leaf-shaped plates. The labyrinth of algae hides a multitude of life to fish like seaweed. It offers food spawning opportunities and excellent shelter all in one place. The rich fishing grounds attract hunters such as seals.
Marine animals trap their prey at the base while the huge sunflower star wanders around. However, in its search for food, the sunfish is nowhere to be found, but its appearance off the coast is related to the kelp forest. The tides and waves continually pull on the 30-meter-long algae, when they break off, they rise to the surface and then move. Out into the open sea, these floating stingrays will guide Thomas and Mike along the sunfish trail as we want to get as far from shore as we can in a small boat into deeper water, where we're more likely to see real kelp paddies.
Thomas and Mike move away from the coast. Seaweed is floating somewhere far away in the Pacific. Will they find the right place and meet the ocean sunfish? The Crystal River in West Florida. Here Thomas is in search of another ocean. Rome, the manatee. The Crystal River is one. One of the most beautiful river landscapes in Florida, a paradise especially for birds. Brown pelicans have practically seen a school of fish wiped out by pesticides in the middle of the last century, once again they are a common sight here Thomas goes diving with scientist Bob Bondi Bob knows that Florida manatees are, like no other, marine mammals that live in the ocean, so what are they doing here in the river?
They are adapted to the marine but they are also very aquatic and they come and use the rivers to drink the water and take advantage of the warm water that is there and the search of forage and other vegetation got a satellite image here of the Gulf in the area where you can see that humanity will have incredible distances between the Panhandle in Florida and then go all the way to the tip of Florida. They can go along the Atlantic coast to Rhode Island if they wish. The migration capacity is extraordinary. Manatees are truly marathon runners and can swim incredible distances if they need to and want to.
The Crystal River is one of the most important wintering sites for manatees. The building boom of the last few decades has changed the quality of the water, however now only The Three Sisters Springs are very clear. Bob wants to see which of his charges will spend the winter here in Warm Springs. He has been watching them for decades and now they have become a part of his life. Oh, it's a privilege. I mean, face it. I started doing this 30 years ago and there were some manatees out there, but even today there are more, so we see the harvests and the rewards of what's happening with our conservation and that's rewarding, is there a magnificent animal?
We have a lot. To learn from them, Bob can identify individual animals based on their particular characteristics. I always have a waterproof pen and a drawing board on hand. It's basically my way of taking notes while I'm down there. I have done my best to draw a silhouette of a manatee and when I see scars on the manatee I will draw on each of the silhouettes and then I will keep track of the frames, you can see, you can write the number of the photo that I end up taking to that when I come back to the office I can compare them oh, you can't help but love a manatee.
They are very endearing old pioneers and sailors used to call them mermaids. You know they must have been a sea for a long time, but if you look at them. up close and you can see through his funny face that there really is a very interesting endearing creature. Bob's research reveals that these lumbering creatures can reach an advanced age of up to 50 years. Their relaxed lifestyle often leads them into dangerous situations as their many injuries attest that, in general, you know that no manatee is exempt from suffering scars from the boats they interact with in the environment, as you can see that many, if not all, of these manatees have some evidence of their interaction with boats on California's distant wild coast. in the Pacific in search of sunfish Thomas and Mike are searching for floating seaweed Mike makes the decisive discovery birds are really a big factor in the search for seaweed burgers, we may not see the seaweed, but we do see the birds, and if we see birds together, which tells us that there is probably something below them.
Thomas finds it hard to believe that he will encounter the world's largest bony fish under such a thin layer of seaweed. As Mike secures the boat to the seaweed island, the filmmaker prepares for his dive. Under the floating seaweed he makes a surprising discovery: this small island in the middle of the vast ocean has a magical attraction for fish, foreign food and shelter in the shade of seaweed. Thomas is impressed with the vibrant life under the algae canopy. The blue half-moon hangers. they probably traveled with the flotsam while the arboreal fish hatched in the algae Thomas is so busy filming that he barely notices the perches purposely swimming in One Direction out of nowhere an ocean sunfish suddenly emerges now it's obvious who They target crescent-shaped perches How the Sunfish found the floating island remains a mystery, although the reason for its arrival quickly becomes clear.
It is evident that the Sunfish and the Half Moon Perch have been waiting for each other. The largest animal seeks the help of the smallest ones to get rid of the annoying parasites. These incomparable fish communicate with a simple signal. The sunfish stands up and freezes. The invitation to purchase begins the cleaning work. The skin of the common molar, as the ocean sunfish is also known, is one of the thickest in the entire world. Animal Kingdom Around seven centimeters stabilizes the creature's enormous body like armor but does not protect against parasite infestation. The secret fish disappears from Thomas' sight as soon as he arrived.
The molars can be found spread practically all over the world, not only on the American Pacific coast. Very little is known about them anyway. At night, Thomas receives a call from Italy. Sunfish have been seen in the Mediterranean, off the coast of the island of Elba, the filmmaker does not want to miss the opportunity and decides to fly to Europe. This surge will be harder than in California, since there are no kelp islands in the Mediterranean. He prepares in the port of Elba. This time, the expedition will descend to greater depths on board, since last year the underwater photographer Roberto Rinaldi saw some sunfish here in the depths of the sea.
Diving, do you remember where you fought the Stanford? It's camped very close to the coast, so we just have to walk. The depth is quite a bit because it is below 50 meters, but we had to dive a lot and we had to stay in it for a long time. below because otherwise we have to meet and see this mola mola fish. I'm afraid it will be less and less because the time period last year was very short. Well then come on last time, the sunfish disappeared after just three days, Thomas. relies on the remotely operated underwater vehicle and is expected to provide images of the enormous steps, an opportunity that shark expert ilionora esta habata does not want to miss this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, we almost never go so deep into the Mediterranean, so whatever we find This will be absolutely new to science and molas, we know that sharks eat molars, so wouldn't it be great if we saw a shark attacking a molar right in front of our eyes?
Fingers crossed, the team completes the search for the sunfish and can begin. It doesn't take long for the ship to reach its destination near the island. The ocean floor drops abruptly. It's too deep for any longer. There is diving here, so the underwater ROV is used instead of human divers. The team is excited, but something's not right, boss. such a violent impact was not part of the plan the ROV does not react the two technicians are lost for Thomas it is the worst thing that could have happened someone now must go down and raise the device again Roberto launches himself with a special rebreather equipment he can go down to the required 60 meters and his time at the bottom of the sea is limited Thomas is not comfortable with the idea that rublauto will dive alone After a few harrowing minutes, the diver finally appears on the screen Shortly after, air bubbles indicate Roberto's rise.
He must wait another hour to decompress; However, before he can safely return to the surface, the team meanwhile rescues the damaged ROV and begins diagnostic checking immediately. At night, the technicians find the problem. The drive control is broken and must be replaced, which means a long, forced break for the overseas expedition. The manatees are still dozing in their pool. Their metabolisms are so slow that they would freeze without this natural heating system. The routine of morning grooming is carried out by Sunfish they free the manatees from parasitic algae and dead skin, since with the molar the manatee's inclined posture seems to incite the school of fish to its task not far from Warm Springs Thomas and Bob Bondi discover a manatee with her calf Thomas is amazed they head straight towards the two men in winter the creatures only leave the warm springs to graze on the river bed manatees are the only marine mammals that live on plants the vegetarian lifestyle has a price, although especially when they are young.
Feeding mothers spend eight hours a day searching for food. Manatees take all aspects of life at a slow pace, which is why they only reproduce every two to five years. Unlike most mammals, manatees have their nipples under their armpits. Its Indian name probably comes from this peculiarity. Manatee means breast, no one can distract the mother from her food, neither the calf nor the diver, she only interrupts her feeding for brief moments to breathe every five to eight minutes, replenishes her air supply and then the calf returns to drink. The milk supply dries up only when the mother has produced new reserves.
Will coming down for manatees in a shallow river prove much easier than finding a sunfish in the wide Pacific Ocean? I hope this is stable enough without the help of experts like marine biologist Tierney tease the search would be futile she is exclusively researching molars it wasn't until graduate school that I became very interested in them my advisor had a small photo of molars in his door and that was just the craziest fish I had ever seen in my life. There's a little picture of such a big fish and, um, I was hooked. The team wants to fix the satellite transmitter on a sunfish.
Tierney has already provided transmitters for her research to more than a dozen animals around the world. This is a weight to carry, yes, so the largest is the animal, the smallest bird, so we are looking for an animal that is healthy and big, that is all we need, so we are looking to count hamburgers, we are looking for fins that They stand out and we listen to Darren, he has the perspective from the sky, the pilot. he has a much larger area in view from above in his plane than the team in the boat Roger this requires patience not exactly one of Thomas's strengths no hours go by without news from Darren Thomas uses the time to learn more about Tierney's molars, who is eating the molar?
Do they have enemies? We can see who is eating them. Sea lions will often eat them. Orcas, but parasites can also help us. It's funny that parasites really exist. It's this fun little detective story. We found shark larvae. in Mola, so we know that for that tapeworm to complete its life cycle it has to get into a shark, which means that a shark has to eat the Mola five six Thomas, will the sunfish stay on the surface long enough ? Mike pushes the small boat away from him. At most four miles northeast of his position above, we are approaching an animal one hundred yards away.distance at 12 o'clock, okay, let's go to our nine.
Things have to happen quickly now that I've done it. Wait, wait, where is it? the scalpel, uh, right here, Tinny is having trouble anchoring the transmitter to the centimeter-thick skin of the fighting fish. Shock line, docking line ready, set, okay, let's go. Tierney releases the fish back to Freedom, still a little dazed, the creature disappears into the wide ocean, the transmitter. It will chart all its movements before detaching itself in about three months. Okay, Roger, the tag deployed, that's good, so your fish was about two meters here. Look Craig, how slimy he is. Look here, all the slime.
I just couldn't hold it. They have a very thick protective layer, which may also be a way of protecting themselves against jellyfish stings, but that is a protective layer of mucus that can protect them against all kinds of infections. Injured hands are evidence of rough skin. Under the protective mucus, the day has been a complete success for the team via satellite transmitter. Tierney will learn even more about the isolated life of sunfish. Animals carrying transmitters can also be found in the warm springs of the Crystal River. Thomas and Bob. follow the trail, it is clearly somewhere on this, at this angle, here the sign is clear and distinctive, the manatee must be nearby, animals with transmitters help Bob establish which parts of the river should be closed to humans, so there are some lateral fidelity patterns. that we have learned that manatees have directly by placing radio tags on them and observing these migrations that they make, is very important because they use the corridors that there are, the waterways that we use for our own boats, so that the interaction between the boats and the manatees There are serious problems, so here is the entrance to the sanctuary where we could see the manatee.
Oh yes, here it is, yes, yes. Beneath the boy is a resting manatee with an unusual injury. We were surprised when we saw this manatee and it looked just like that. He had a wound inflicted by a propeller, but upon careful examination we determined that it was actually a shark bite. This animal had been attacked in the marine system before reaching the Crystal River, but there is very little evidence that manatees are actually prey to sharks. and successfully or by alligators it happens, but it is quite rare for it to happen, fortunately for manatees, very close to men, a manatee obviously remains dangerously in the heat.
A rescue team led by scientist Andrew Garrett aims to capture the animal and transport it to a special place. Thomas' Manatee Hospital for Medical Care is close to the action, but first the creature must be found. Eventually helpers locate the weakened manatee. His colleague tells Garrett the exact position. The net can be removed. Everything must happen quickly so that the animal does not escape. foreigner, but the hardest part is yet to come, you're going to take off like that, take them both and put your stack further forward if you can on the other side of that stack and then Nilda and Mike, you guys are piling up next to that. orange ball like even higher if you can Stacey please only with combined strength and the several hundred kilo animal behaved well on board limp tail limp tail limp tail are you ready one two three pull I have a fish two let's get that fish out of there Jack there you got it, the manatee is in critical condition one two three requires urgent medical attention Veterinary surgeon Dr.
Murphy from the manatee clinic at Tampa's Lowry Park Zoo is already waiting for the exhausted creature and starting first aid. in the patient for a while after Dr. Murphy has given her antibiotics the underheated animal urgently needs heat her slow metabolism can only generate a critically low body temperature she will be around for a few days and then we can improve her chances of survival but right now he's really teetering on the edge and could easily die in the next 30 minutes or he could die tomorrow morning. There is a ray of hope. However, the rescued animal still has a healthy appetite.
Good news from Italy. The ROV is back up and running and ready to go. This time it reaches its destination without incident and provides clear images. At 70 meters in length, the colorful tropical reef, cold, oxygen-rich water generates enough nutrition to support an unexpected abundance of life, surprising only at this depth. ocean sunfish are nowhere to be seen. I think the best thing is that we just float here and then scroll from left to right and have an overview and just wait. That's all we can do. The hours pass but nothing happens. What's that? Oh, it's a mola oh and it's not just out of nowhere three molars emerge over the edge of the reef but the ROV disturbs them yes, stay behind the shellfish now a fourth fish appears why are they gathering here on the reef the upright posture le remember Thomas the Watched the sunfish under the kelp island in California, as before, as if receiving a secret signal, a few smaller fish approach the sunfish here in the Mediterranean exactly as they did off the coast of the California Pacific.
The sunfish looks for particular places where they can get rid of the parasites. Elionora and Thomas are under a spell. Then a scream is heard from behind the boat. The captain has seen a molar on the surface. Immediately everyone is on deck. Hurry, hurry, hurry because he is leaving. a school of pilot fish guides the filmmaker to the location is a hunting sunfish his method may seem unspectacular but his prey should not be taken lightly his molars feed mainly on jellyfish and other forms of knideria although a single contact with a vessel of Portuguese war can be fatal for a human get up without hesitation a thick mucous layer offers complete protection against the blue poisonous tentacles Thomas is delighted but it won't be his only spectacular encounter today the reason we go at night is because the six-scaled shark is an animal that lives in the depths and then at 2000 meters it's all, it's always very dark, it's completely black, which is also the reason why it has such a big green eye that it is able to see in the dark and we go there at night because he is used to it he she they are used to this type of situation again it is like looking for a needle in a haystack a night dive among sharks carries certain risks sometimes it can be a problem if the shark gets too close to be safe ilionora carries With him a foreign harpoon Ora and Thomas begin to dive into total darkness the sea seems completely lifeless about 30 meters away they finally reach a rocky plateau there was a shadow Thomas could hardly believe what he saw right in front of them a powerful six-inch shark skills patrolled the ground Knight these deep-sea inhabitants rise to higher levels to hunt strange movements are deceptive the four-meter-long shark can swim extremely fast although no attack on humans has ever been known its size alone commands respect the light The glow of the lamps bothers the shark and he seems upset because the team doesn't want to risk anything so they move away like the Sunfish, the six-skilled shark is found all over the world and is also a Wanderer between the deep waters and the surface of the ocean.
Remains of molars have been found in the stomachs of sharks. Is it just a coincidence or does the six-skilled shark specifically hunt sunfish? No one knows the answer. To this day, almost nothing is known about these mysterious inhabitants of the deep sea. in the Crystal River in Florida spring has arrived in a few weeks the manatees will leave their winter habitat in the open sea Thomas wants to pay them one last visit before they disappear in the Gulf of Mexico an animal approaches his boat inquisitively the mermaids, like They were also called the ancient sailors. Manatees supposedly lured men into the water to their doom.
Thomas also can barely resist when the cameraman is in the water and the sea maiden has vanished into a cloud of ooze as the cloud rises. The Colossus appears to have been swallowed by the Earth without Thomas seeing it. The manatee approaches him from behind the filmmaker. He is shocked when the enormous creature sneaks up on him and he is not alone, a calf seems to be taking Thomas as one of its own, he faces an uncertain future, even more so since the explosion of the Horizon deepwater oil rig in April 2010, at least abroad. There is good news from the manatee hospital.
The hypothermia victim is on the road to recovery. She seems to be a winner. I think right now we will have to see if he will lose some of his fins or if he will lose. part of her tail due to severe cold injury to those tissues, so we will have to see and another patient, Baby Coral, will be released into the wild today if she did not have enough time to return to warm water sooner. it got really cold because she was radio tagged we knew where she was we all made the decision that the water was too cold and she would most likely die before she got back to the warm water side so we went ahead and rescued her about Four and a half thousand Manatees live on the coasts of the US.
In the winter of 2010, almost 1 in 10 fell victim to the cold, making the hospital's work even more important. With the help of a satellite transmitter all the movements of the Baby Coral can be followed. Hopefully the data can be used to more effectively protect these friendly creatures. Very good for Baby Coral, today marks the end of a dramatic odyssey and at the same time the beginning of a new life of freedom. His experiences on the Crystal River have left a lasting impression. Thomas, although the manatee's homeland is threatened, hopes to see these gentle giants again here in a few months in California.
Now summer is the best season to see big fish and if there is anyone who can find them it is Darren. yeah, I've seen the swordfish here and the molefish, as well as my chances of seeing a really big monster molar, what do you think my chances are? I'd say this year is pretty slim, it's just one of those years. I haven't seen many large animals, it's just been a different weather pattern. We're in colder water this year, much colder than normal, so I haven't seen enough time for a quick trip to Tiani's teas when the sun comes up.
At six in the morning the mole begins to descend. The scientist has followed the travels of the tagged sunfish via satellite for the past few months. Thomas notices a recurring pattern in the recordings. It seems like a normal work day. Go up at six. Look what we can see. The fish is not lazy at all, it actually goes up and down and up and down and up and down towards deep water targets, presumably eaten, it is eaten here at about 250 meters and stays there for about an hour and then returns to the surface, because? Do they rise and heat up like a big solar panel?
There is a lot going on as to why the sunfish is at the surface, so birds or fish could clean it up to the surface. It could also be warming up from being on the surface. On the same surface, the sun could be burning the parasites with ultraviolet radiation and then when the sun sets, it stays on the surface overnight, so many animals migrate to the top of the water, so well that it may seem who are resting. be eating there are more secrets you want to discover, is there what you still want to discover? We want to know their behavior and their movement patterns in great detail so that we can better inform fishermen that you know how to change their nets or how to change their fishing pressure, the mola plays a very important role in the ocean food web because they are the largest jellyfish in the world.
Back at Harbor, Thomas receives the message he has been waiting for. Hi Darren, okay? No, it's really fine, in two hours. I would. I have to see the filmmaker comes out immediately along with Mike Johnson flying fish fly fish the little boat flying fish heads for its objective and maximum speed what animal I think this is the one you were looking for are you sure finally Thomas and Mike? reached the indicated position even from a distance the filmmaker realizes what a foreign giant awaits him Thomas has dreamed of an encounter like this since his childhood for months the cameraman has been on the trail of manatees and sunfish learning a lot about these mysterious giants and filming hitherto unknown scenes, this encounter, however, is the climax of their journey.
It is only a few fleeting moments but Thomas enjoys them to the fullest. Then the mola disappears once again in the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean, the northwest coast of the United States the home of


the filmmaker Florian Garner while the dolphin expert uttamagref has settled in Ireland the two German expatriates have never met but share a common passion, each in their own way both have decided to dedicate their lives to sea ​​and its inhabitants Ireland's rugged coast is uttamagraf's second home. For the past 11 years he has been studying solitary dolphins. The scientist has a special relationshipwith a female dolphin named Mara utta.
He accompanies her throughout the year and has acquired surprising knowledge. The Salish Sea in the northwestern United States is characterized by fjords and majestic mountains fascinated by the untamed landscape Floriancan marine biologist and


filmmaker has made his home in Puget Sound lives on Whitby one of the region's many islands oh Florian's house is a stone's throw from the sea. The German shepherd siho is the biologist's constant companion when he goes out with his heavy camera to his favorite diving area, this is where he spends every free minute, from here he can enter directly into the water without having to carry his bulky equipment very far while civilian Florian Dives waits patiently on the beach, at shallow depths. the water is a very special habitat with fields of green seagrass covering the seabed here you see the world from a very different perspective Goldeneye ducks forage for food near the shore they comb the seagrass for shellfish, snails and fish they spawn Suddenly Florian has the feeling that he is being watched by a snoozing harbor seal.
Thanks, the billowing sea grasses are where the seals sleep. They can stay underwater for more than half an hour. Their tranquility and plump shape are deceptive. The seals are indeed. Extremely athletic, it only takes a few fin strokes to reach the deepest parts of the fjord, 700 meters below the surface, although Florian encounters seals on almost every dive, he is always impressed by their elegance and curiosity. Some creatures are only discovered at second glance. Strange looking sea slugs. Grays on the seagrass floor. Prairies that are home. to a surprising variety of life on the western edge of Europe, the wild coast of Ireland has been shaped by the waves of the Atlantic, the Emerald Isle is a land full of myths and mysteries, some of the most astonishing


, however, are certain in his small apartment uttamagrev is preparing for his daily dive for many years he has lived on a ranch on the irish coast without ever having any interest in horses the water runs to the beach his diving area is just a few steps away With determination he heads to a remote inlet that like so many in Ireland is deserted but this bay has a secret in the year 2000 a dolphin appeared here unexpectedly and the fisherman stayed Kristen the woman Mara the Gaelic word for C oh since then UTA ​​He has accompanied Mara in all the different seasons, probably the only human being who voluntarily spends up to seven hours at a time in the cold waters of the Atlantic.
Each encounter begins with an extensive greeting ritual. Dolphins normally live in groups or pods. They will probably never know why some. Dolphins like Mara separate from their families and seek contact with humans. Over the years, a close and unusual relationship has developed between Utta and Mara. This unconventional behavior is very good. Good luck to the scientists who can thus accompany Mara. In their underwater world the Atlantic is cold but very nutritious good conditions for a wide variety of wildlife, dolphins, however, are not universally popular. Mara's neighbors are mostly crabs that forage for food near the shore.
Excursions with Mara are a unique opportunity to explore the underwater world through the eyes of a dolphin for hours. Mara shows a human companion around. her kingdom of algae and rocks boredom is a strange concept she wants to explore and discover everything but Mara's sociability is not to everyone's liking laughter a young spider crab evades her approach by camouflaging Mara shares her habitat with real giants two and a half times By its size, the coast of Ireland is also home to basking sharks, although their mouth is as big as a door. Man has nothing to fear from the shark that lives on plankton.
Basking sharks are ocean nomads and will eventually disappear again. Deep within the Atlantic Vancouver Island, north of the Salish Sea, there is a pure heart behind the hill waiting for you until you lay your head in peace. Florian hopes to find black bears here, you roll up your fragile skin, don't look. Back to where you've been there's a kiss in the autumn wind along with his friend Todd Graves searches the coast Todd I think we can stop here, something right there and sure enough, a bear appears from the Floriancree forest that has come down from the mountain where he has been eating wild fruits so as not to disturb the bear Florian films from the boat three quarters of a bear's diet is vegetarian when he eats animals they tend to be small sometimes very small When the tide goes out The crabs hide under the stones, a fact that did not go unnoticed by the bear, but the bear does not seem to be that hungry and moves away again towards Puget Sound.
About an hour's drive from Florian's house is Seattle, also known as the Emerald. The city, the port, is the pulsating center of the region and its unmistakable Skyline features the Space Needle Tower, but Florian is not here to see exciting architecture magically attracted to the water, no one on the dock is aware of what is happening right under their noses and not Many people would think about going diving in the city. Florian is one of the few and expects a very special encounter during the first meters of his dive. He is accompanied by Stella sea lions, the largest of all sea lion species who seek the same thing.
As Florian moves forward, it is completely dark, this eternal darkness is the home of what he is looking for, but it is not as easy to find as the many fish that live here. Florian is about to give up when he sees movement and the glow of light like a weightless being from another world. A huge octopus moves across the Merc. Fields of male wool five to six meters long also have something supernatural. In them the powerful jaws can open the shell of a lobster or a sea urchin the giant octopus is on the prowl as a pair these powerful animals only live five years at most towards the end of their lives they put all their energy into procreation and then they die In fact, the caves contain a female octopus, but she is not yet ready to mate.
Florian's dive against the backdrop of the Seattle skyline was a complete success now that he knows where to find the animals the next time Ireland was known as the island of saints, as evidenced. Alongside the many ruined churches and monasteries off the southwestern tip of Ireland are the Skellig Islands. Historians suppose that 12 monks and an abbot lived on said Michael, but 800 years ago the settlers abandoned their stone houses forever today. silence dressed in sackcloth Aesthetics have been replaced by noisy Sea puffin clowns spend the summer here raising their young at the end of August, when their young can fly.
Puffins will disappear once again across the vast expanse of the rugged Atlantic. The Irish coast is lobster country and sometimes the lobsterman gets something unexpected. The Mara company has joined one of the ships. Out of curiosity, follow the line to the lobster pods. Lobsters can live up to a hundred years if they do not succumb to the irresistible fishy smell of the lobster pots to which this lobster throws caution. the winds and seals its own fate whether intentionally or by chance thanks to Mara's intrusion this is a lobster that will not be eaten tonight its presence confuses the crustacean who quickly overcomes a retreat mission accomplished Mara moves on she is not the only one lone dolphin on the Irish coast thank you visit visit the small harbor of Dingle which was once a sleepy fishing village after the unexpected appearance of a dolphin in 1983 the place has changed beyond foreign recognition it was named it became a star and the pride of Dingle well, thank you for listening to the art of the safety announcement we hope you enjoyed your trip thank you people come from all over the world to see mushrooms the dolphin which for many of the fishermen has become a good source of income but It happens if one day it doesn't appear at the moment.
However, the mushrooms appear as regularly as Clockwork, no other dolphin has stayed so long among humans without a break. Ota's own life is closely related to that of mushrooms. He was her first big love with dolphins, so to speak, and the reason she stayed in Ireland. Foreign mushrooms. decides when the show ends when he's had enough disappears where also no one knows exception passes a passage that connects the narrow Puget Sound with a wider Juan de Fuca Strait the area is well known for killer whales no other animal fascinates Florian as much as These black and white whales and the marine biologist knows exactly where to find them.
Orcas of the Salish Sea are the most studied in the world. Unlike many of their relatives, they are not nomads and are therefore known as residents. Three clans that total almost 90 animals. They wander the fjords looking for food for Florian. They are the undisputed rulers of the seas. The orca clans here are divided into different groups, each with their own distinctive dialect. Thank you, they are excellent hunters and feed almost exclusively on salmon due to their unique behavior in the world. They speak of an inherent orc culture They know each animal individually, but the enormous creatures are in danger Overfishing of salmon stocks is causing their populations to constantly decline Florian meets Kenneth Baulkham one of the pioneers of orca research Ken has been studying animals for 35 years and has offered to identify the animals Florian has been filming.
The names we make are alphanumeric. We just followed Mike Big's pattern from the first group he saw. He called apod. The second was b-pod and within each group he gave it a number. when it got here the alphabet had JK and L and that's what we have right that's l78 it has an open saddle big toe on the sj27 saddle one in front is probably J30 well it has a very high dorsal fin there's J30 and 33 They're about two years different in age and he's the oldest, so this pin is a little higher. Apso is strong and powerful and in fact you decisively know that he is much stronger and bigger than the females and yet they really depend on the females, yes they are.
Mommy's sons are stuffed whales, actually, yes, they do what mommy says and mommy introduces them to the right females. Florian hopes to see many of the residents on his dives in the Salish Sea off the Irish coast, as is often the case in In this part of the Atlantic there is a raging storm, the force of the wind flashing land and sea is overwhelming for Mara, the huge waves are not a problem, she glides effortlessly through the rough sea, thank you, at some point even the most powerful storm dies down at this moment. It's still dangerous to dive, but Utta knows there are a lot of interesting things happening underwater right now.
There is also much for Mara to discover. After the storm, interesting debris accumulates on the coast. This cap now has a new owner. Mara doesn't just seem to know it. what the object is but also what it is for he greets Otto with his new acquisition thanks the dolphin watches with interest what utta does with a strange object and the scientist has to wonder once again who is studying in which foreign exam Mara loses interest hat and does other things in the summer tourists also come to Hooters Bay many dream of meeting a dolphin in the wild do you have any idea how strong an adult dolphin can be?
Ulta uses its underwater camera to film Mara propelling stones the size of footballs at the bottom of the sea. Tourists can only guess what happens underwater, but this is certainly not the gentle animal they expected. Absolute recordings show that In addition to elegance and curiosity, Mara has another wild side. Foreign children prefer to stay dry. He lands and joins them, happy that Mara's emotional outbursts are safe in the can. Mara's behavior has earned the respect of tourists. She has now calmed down again and seeks human contact. Wild dolphins do not react to whistles or other forms of temptation they receive.
They make a decision and express themselves through body language, movement and eye expression, only someone like Absoluto who studied them in depth can put themselves in their shoes. Mara shows the same behavior as the mushrooms, she decides that when the program ends they still interact with their own times, it's just that during the day they make a decision The mission includes transmitting knowledge about the solitary dolphins so the baby arrives at a temporary school the Seattle night skyline Florian has returned to the kingdom of the giant octopus the light from his lamps attracts a squid and some strange looking fish Then, as if out of nowhere, a male octopus moves through the beam of light to disappear again in the dark a few seconds later, perhaps the same as before.
Florian wants to know if he managed to mate withthe female in the cave, but a spiny head. she is blocking his view when the fish finally moves away, the filmmaker discovering long tentacles. Fanning hanging threads full of little bubbles. Thousands of eggs form a curtain and the octopus cave. The female will be busy for six months caring for her eggs and protecting them from predators. She will remain in the cave without eating until her babies hatch. Octopuses mate only once in their lives. This is the only time these intelligent creatures seek the company of their own types.
Floriana is fascinated. It is very rare to get such good images of such a female. hidden they move away and cannot be found despite their size without pulling the female blows oxygen-rich water to her eggs and freezes them from the sediment after hatching the hatchlings have to fend for themselves this is the time when some of His enemies have been waiting for the mother. The octopus will have died of hunger and its corpse will be used to feed other animals on the Emerald Isle. Some time has passed since Mara's outburst. He's been away for a few days and wonders if Mara is still in her bay.
On the way there, he passes many others. lonely coves that could attract Mara, but the dolphin is already waiting for utta, who has come with a fisherman friend. Mara heads to an undulating underwater garden. Hundreds of types of seaweed of all shapes and colors grow on the coast of Ireland, some like spaghetti grass are tasty and nutritious. Brown and red algae are also food for many sea dwellers, but Mara is not here because she is hungry. She brings Ulta a piece of bladder and then she appears to order it. The scientist understands that Mara. She wants an exfoliating massage, this is a kind of sensation, since scientists recently discovered the use of tools by dolphins.
Mara shows that dolphins are capable of very different feats. She cannot use the tool herself and instead she asks Absoluta for help. Act of planning generally seen as a human characteristic of massage. Mara purposefully swims to the fishing boat, although they have known each other for some time, so far the dolphins and the fishermen have kept a respectful distance. Often a fleeting contact is enough to break the relationship. The ice was the first time, yes, the first time she couldn't believe it because before having seen anything before, the foreigners said goodbye, leaving Mara alone in the bay.
Dolphins are not the only marine mammals on the Irish coast. Mara shares her kingdom. with seals normally these two loners barely notice each other today their curiosity takes over them once again it is Mara who takes the initiative the seal is more cautious the seals communicate visually she keeps Mara in sight while she in turn scans her with his Sona the unusual encounter lasts a few minutes and then they both go their separate ways borian wants to show his wife Gina the orcas he goes to sea again with Todd Graves it couldn't be a better foreign day yes, I'll try to see How many are there?
The L family has discovered the largest group of residents in the fjord area using a Ken list. The two try to identify the whales individually while Florian is busy filming. Gina makes a great discovery. Only three to five young are born at a time. year each, killer whales over two meters long can be clearly identified by the markings under their dorsal fins. I saw that one, the luminous part is like a V where we carved there. I'm pretty sure it's the l78, but some of these wheels are that old. I can't believe it, yes, really, that makes me have more respect for them.
I guess I mean you do it anyway and then you find out that, oh, she was born in 1928. Orcas aren't the only welds Florian gets to. film here every year Powerful gray whales pass through the Salish Sea, once nearly extinct, the population now numbers 20,000. Growing up to 15 meters in length, these enormous creatures eat microscopic shrimp that they filter from the water and feed only in the summer. of the year they depend on their fat reserves at about 10,000 kilometers a year their migratory routes are longer than those of other whales the mothers give birth in the warm waters of the coast of Mexico before embarking on a dangerous journey towards Alaska all by the calves these orcas are not here to hunt salmon the gray whale calf is in great danger these orcas are not from here they are passersby patrolling the west coast of the United States they hunt gray whales the mother desperately tries to protect her calf and outswims the orcas oh, the hunt lasts several hours leaves the calf exhausted despite its enormous size the gray whale has no chance against the foreign attackers the mother loses the unfair fight and her calf on the Irish coast less dramatic events are unfolding Furthermore From Mara and the Mushrooms, another dolphin has achieved fame and fortune here for two years.
Dougie visited the small port of Tory in the north of Ireland. Ben's dog, the perryman. It was love at first sight as soon as Dougie appeared in port. Ben was quick to join. As long as he remained underwater, the dolphin was invisible to Ben since the dog cannot dive, however, the pair seemed to enjoy their game of hide-and-seek. Thank you, at one point Dougie would surface or draw attention to himself in some other way like the scars. show that it was not the first time they played together from a scientific point of view this friendship cannot be explained especially if you are of the opinion that nothing in nature happens just for fun what the couple really felt when they played together remainsAt the beginning , the locals thought that the dolphin might be sick and asked him for help to examine himself carefully.
Dolphins perceive their surroundings especially clearly through a sound that uses several clicks. Dougies scanned Total carefully and was able to assure the inhabitants of Tori that his dolphin was young, healthy and especially curious just like Ben. He assumed that Dougie had met Ben by chance at the port and they had been playmates ever since. He also thought it was possible that Dougie would disappear again as suddenly as he appeared. she was right after two years Dougie stopped showing up and no one knows if he will ever return all Ben has left are memories found on a moonlit night Florian prepares to go diving at his local beach on Whidbey Island he waits civilly for his master return swarms or smelts are looking for food these smaller fish are food for a young salmon that hides in the seagrass during the day but its enemies are also lurking a spiny dogfish is on the lookout for a drained juicy salmon looking for sea slugs of fishing to eat here you eat or eat strange creatures emerge from the depths some of the jellyfish are incredibly elegant the seabed is a kaleidoscope of strange beings there is no habitat as strange to us as the sea it is an archaic world of darkness that seems of another, over time, particularly strange forms appear Kimera, inhabitants of the deep sea, more than a meter long, related to sharks and rays.
For Florian, the encounter with these animals is always a very special experience, their living fossils that roamed the oceans for the first time. 150 million years ago the male has gripping organs in the ventral fin to hold the female during mating and a strange growth on his head the light attracts a distant relative of the Chimaera a spiny dogfish the next minute Florian can't believe What a six-skilled shark sees swims slowly by. This powerful, five-meter-long animal also lives in the deep sea and rises to the upper levels to hunt. Its slow movements are deceptive. The shark can swim extremely fast even if it has not been caught. recorded attacks on humans their size alone commands the respect of Florian scientists believe that six Gill sharks not only come to the fjords to hunt, but, as viviparous creatures, they also carry their young hair.
Florian hopes to one day be able to film a birth like this. The Salish Sea is Florian's personal paradise. A nature with which he has fallen deeply in love. Ireland became Utamagrev's paradise. new home where he dedicates himself to the study of solitary dolphins with passion and dedication. What Utta and Florian have in common is the love and respect for the sea and its inhabitants.

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