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Wild Congo | Part 1: River of Monsters | Free Documentary Nature

Apr 19, 2024
the Congo River, a throbbing pulse through Africa, the deepest


in the world, home to untamed and untamed foreign creatures, the


is born here, blowing bubbles like a baby, it is the Congo, walking 5000 kilometers through central Africa , becomes stronger, brazen, fierce, only the Amazon River moves. more water but the Congo is the deepest place in the world locals call him shambeshi he answers to many names he takes on different identities he touches countless lives every November this river hosts the most vibrant


y in Central Africa the largest mammal migration on Earth begins Slowly these straw-colored fruit bats fly from all over Central Africa and gather in a grove, swarms of hundreds become hundreds of thousands, then up to 10 million of these unconventional conventional ears pass up food in their mad rush to get here , a place called kasanka, of Roman origin, they themselves come to Gorge and Companion, they huddle together in search of safety and warmth, forming one of the largest colonies of fruit bats in the world.
wild congo part 1 river of monsters free documentary nature
The millions of bats. Titus's tiles. They land in an area that would cover just 60 football fields. Tranquility comes to Kasanka again as the sky lights up. This newcomer grazes his teeth and goes to bed at dusk, they start the


y abroad, hungry animals burst into their buffet every night, the 250 gram bats eat twice their weight in fruit, about 6,000 foreign tons with a belly full of mabola plums,


loquats and Waterbury fruits. Bats add about 10 tons to each tree they cling to overseas. They have chosen the clean Grove party. Bats move around scattering seeds on their journey home.
wild congo part 1 river of monsters free documentary nature

More Interesting Facts About,

wild congo part 1 river of monsters free documentary nature...

The foreigner returns to normal just before Christmas, but there is nothing normal about the Congo River that begins. your journey in zambia south central africa here north of kasenka the


suckled by bangvayuru one of the largest marshes on earth bangla wetlands cover an area half the size of belgium thanks 17 rivers feed it but only one drains it In Cadende the local language means where the water meets the sky. Wildlife thrives here, just as the bang violu feeds the Congo. The fish in these waters feed about 50,000 Zambians. Locals build fishing camps deep in the swamps, accessible only by wooden pierog boats.
wild congo part 1 river of monsters free documentary nature
Papyrus plants grow thickly creating a mini swamp jungle. five meters tall foreigner the largest predator is not a lion but a giant bird the beak of the shoe is 1.4 meters high and if its beak were a real shoe it would be a man's size three and a half but in reality it is a slipper of sport waiting in search of prey, it can remain motionless for hours like a gargoyle near the papyrus forest floor. The water-crafted weavers, the fussy chicks assert their independence and want nothing to do with this worm, a few meters up, at the top of the heavy papyrus canopy, other weavers begin.
wild congo part 1 river of monsters free documentary nature
In their own families, males build their love nests to attract a mate, and if she likes it, she will move in and redecorate the nursery, but every move causes the cradle to rock until disaster strikes, throwing a little one out of its nest and the Weaver chick too. young to fly arrives at the shoe bead as a lunch attendant unfortunately for the Weavers bang Valu the shoe beads will always be hot on their heels beneath the surface of the swamp the roots of the papyrus jungle go back in time to the dominion of a creature that first settled here almost 400 million years ago, long before the dinosaurs like papyrus plants, the African lungfish spans Two Worlds, this fish has gills but still needs air every half hour, Otherwise it will drown, unlike most fish, it has a primitive lung and, what's more, it can perform a truly impressive feat when the dry season arrives and the water turns into puddles and the puddles turn into mud.
African lungfish is in the middle of it all okay the secret to lungfish longevity begins with a fall-defying mud burrow About 25 centimeters below the surface, the fish sheds mucus that solidifies to form a cocoon-like shelter that traps moisture and lets air in. The lungfish enters aestivation. While most animals burn fat for energy to stay alive, lungfish digest their tail muscle and survive for months. Until the season changes and salvation rains down on him, just a few days of rain changes everything, sinking bangvayulu underwater again as the ground begins to soften, lungfish rising like zombies everywhere, if need be, They could have waited two years or more.
They climbed back into the real world with the help of their modified finger-like fins and hit the water, then made a quick trip to the surface to take a refreshing breath of foreign air, but maybe this guy should have stayed in bed. , the lungfish waited months to breathe again. He now wakes up to a world of familiar dangers adapted for life in and out of the water he built to survive, but then sows the shoe bill almost before the Congo River has even begun. The Thirsty bang vayulu swamp absorbs 90% of its water by keeping it inside.
Perpetual second place to the mighty Amazon, most of the water that flows into the marshes evaporates or is absorbed by foreign plants that remain, leaving the swamps here as a single luapula river, the Congo River wanders like a wandering teenager traversing Africa to find yourself beautiful. On its way to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country inaccessible to most and dangerous to many, the river begins at a height of a thousand meters and meanders through the acacias of the African bush that provide a comfortable habitat for guys like this, the African rock. python the largest snake on the continent and one of the largest in the world during its 20 years of life it will never stop growing and could reach up to seven meters it lacks poisonous fangs but the deadly constrictors the hug does the trick it can even sneak up lift and crush to an adult monkey caught napping, but today he is not so lucky, if necessary, he will spend hours discreetly in the tree at this time the actions on the ground where the helmeted guinea fowls scratch to eat their own this little family The Crowd look for seeds, worms and insects, they are also constantly alert for danger, ready to squawk at the slightest threat.
One would be a good snack for the python, but the predator and prey don't seem to realize two days later, the snake is. He's still hungry, he's in the middle of molting, his soft scales become scaly and until the scales fall from his eyes it's like he's looking through a plastic bag, he sniffs a path to the river, nothing like a bath fresh to soothe dry, flaky skin. guinea fowl that never lived far from the head of the water there too it is difficult to miss the snake could be lucky the guinea fowl huddled together squawking a formidable crowd the python can probably feel the vibration in the ground but its blurred vision prevents it from blocking just one to call for dinner guinea fowl are not helpless if pressured, they will band together and attack the snake in its current state.
You are at a real disadvantage. The skin python backs away no matter how hungry it may be during the molt. off your game, all the more reason to hit the water and soak that skin. a snake that sheds is a vulnerable snake at least it still has its tongue to sniff for now at some point even its tongue will shed, but by then it will be able to see again in a few days it will get rid of its scales and go back to work and with very hungry traveling through the Democratic Republic of the Congo the river is called lulava about 2,000 kilometers from its birthplace the wide and slow The river accelerates its pace crosses the equator and sinks over the edge of the world The boyoma falls marked the end of the untamed course of the river from this point


and commerce share the water on the other side of the boyoma falls the Wayward River reaches maturity and becomes navigable and is eventually called Congo the city of kisangani directly downstream of the falls marks the beginning of a 1,700 kilometer trade route to Kinshasa, the capital, the ancient and the modern converge when fishermen from the Viganya tribe arrive in the city and sell their catch thanks to the fishermen who live next to the rapids have tied their destiny to the rapid waters for centuries the vagina has built large wooden frames to hang its traditional braided fish traps miles of dense jungle The undergrowth borders these banks further north The jungle surrenders to Savannah and becomes Garamba National Park.
The basin that forms the park's northern border feeds the Congo and its sister the Nile. Garamba, three times the size of Los Angeles, is one of Africa's first national parks established by Belgium in 1938, but after decades of civil war. and poaching has not been kind to the inhabitants. Foreign grasslands that attract large numbers of animals invite an even faster enemy. When the fire reaches Garamba, the breeze can whip the flames into a foreign frenzy, but the news isn't all bad. The fire is a boom. Building yellow kites that come to catch insects fleeing the fire is a risky mission but it satisfies the longing for a lightly toasted lobster like rain or the ebb and flow of the Garamba River fire is simply part of the rhythm of the savanna during the current season. dry.
The riverbed juts out and that means tight quarters for the approximately 2,000 hippos that live here, a single bull rules each herd, but when the water is so low and space becomes scarce, tensions build up and to top it all off, this bull He seeks to mate with his age and size, he wins it. best mating spot choose the best spot to impress the cows and ensure dominance hippos spend most of the day keeping cool in the water they float and can walk along the bottom but can't really swim the bull parks next to the bench where he can mate without the cows getting into his head when he wants to mark his territory the poop hits the fan he makes his point clear Among the herd when dusk falls the hungry herd wants to get out of the water to graze but the stubborn old bull blocks His way a young upstart enters to challenge his authority and defeat the boss in a game of pegs in the Challenger he faces off against the old alien foreign bull the unhappy hippo stands his ground his rival retreats well the old bull proves that he is still the hippo boss in charge confidently comes to land the others hesitate to respect their space eventually they will follow their example abroad they will eat their fill of grass and then return to the water Before dawn in other parts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo the hippos face the extinction hunted and poached for meat and illegal ivory for their teeth here the remoteness of garamba protects them the garamba river meanders hundreds of kilometers through the savannah before returning to the jungle and joining the foreign


here the mighty river makes wider and more powerful a super highway fed by hundreds of tributaries carrying sand and sediment over the centuries the Congo has taken over to build elaborate sand castles abroad the largest is almost as big as Munich The imposing island of sediment stands like a fortress that small streams managed to cut to the remote Center but pay a toll along the way the jungle plants steal almost all the nutrients from the water this is an island of isolated highly specialized small creatures From the nutritious waters of the Congo the residents of this nutritional desert had to evolve cunning ways to scare away a decent meal.
The foreign butterflyfish gets its name from its wing-like pectoral fins, but this little fish owes its life to the shape of her body. Its flat, straight back allows it to sneak up to the surface to hunt without standing out. eyes Focus forward and upward, not sideways like most fish, allowing it to lurk under foliage with its eye focused on what's above, things are looking up for the butterflyfish, the socket Congo Basin is the second largest rainforest in the world, many plants and animals in the Basin do not live anywhere else on Earth, but this is not a perfect paradise like any other place.
The law of the jungle never changes. Kill or die. The African mantis. A stealthy hunter. He survives by blending into the taxi. The Beetle named for its markings. he realizes that he is about to feel a fatal fear: the Mantis lost the battle but not the war months ago she laid an egg the size of a walnut Sac on the banks of the stream hundreds of newborn mantis nymphs greet the world, each one the size of a foreign ant in theOutside, very few nymphs will reach adulthood if food is scarce, they may even devour each other while butterflyfish patrol the surface, eel catfish lurk in the lower depths, but this catfish is not an ordinary bottom feeder. if you can't find food at the bottom. water will dine out is flexible in another remarkable way also thanks to an extraordinarily flexible spine allows the eel catfish to tilt its head down to eat a trick that most fish cannot perform this type of evolutionary advance helped vertebrates conquer The land of the Congo basin is like a giant laboratory for evolution.
The dense rainforest and the speed of the river's depth and rugged landscape keep species separated so they adapt in unique ways to thrive in small niches west of Kisangani. The Congo River encompasses hundreds of sand islands over the next 1,700 kilometers of dense forest. the bushes grow to the water's edge, this is the zanga river as it flows into the congo, even in a part of the world teeming with life, the zanga rainforest takes the prize with more species of plants and animals than almost anywhere else , in addition to providing a salad bar you can eat to gorillas and other tropical forests generate more than 20 percent of the world's oxygen in a forest of herbivores plants need to defend themselves fight a bitter battle to taste bad or be toxic or difficult digesting sometimes works but in the war between plants and animals, a heavy weight as a secret weapon along the Sango River, the dense and seemingly endless jungle gives way to a huge clearing, the jungabye, the elephant village, the Forest dwellers travel far to visit this dusty 125-square-meter plane, unlike most.
Elephants These African forest elephants have almost completely straight tusks to avoid getting tangled in the dense foreign forest outdoors. Space or even water is not what attracts them here, they have come to jungabai for a reason, the mud jungabai is like a spa with minerals and salts that animals need for their health but cannot get from plants or water the minerals in the mud also neutralize the caustic compounds in some of the plants they eat an antidote to their poison the elephants They fight for the best places, it is not only the big ones who argue, the young people also want their share, the mothers and their babies try to stay away from the commotion and at the same time manage to devour their minerals on the outside, the grass also contains the nutrients that the elephants need.
This young calf could use some practice. Those who do not master the technique of cutting grass simply suck up the minerals from the surface. It's perfectly fine if the kids eat dirt. The elephants aren't the only foodies who find this place, they're just the biggest. There's plenty of land to cover abroad as the Congo ripples and roars along its 3,000-mile course. everything in its time. He can often be harsh, but he always takes care of those who are strong enough to survive.

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