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Wild Colombia Revealed | Free Documentary Nature

Apr 14, 2024
In this wonderful world that we have been entrusted to care for, there is a special place, a place where sunlight and water have created one of the most unique and beautiful regions on our precious planet. It is a land where a kaleidoscope of habitats has created a stunning rainbow of life, from high mountain glaciers to cloud forests and swampy springs, from equatorial jungles to open grasslands and swampy green plains, from desert plains to mysterious lakes and lost


worlds. From rugged islands enveloped in abundant oceans and raging rivers to the most spectacular locations and unexplored ancient lands, this is a country with some of the most incredible creatures and diverse environments on Earth.
wild colombia revealed free documentary nature
It has nine unique natural habitats and is the second most biodiverse country. of the planet a land of stunning natural beauty often hidden this is Colombia


to the outside world Colombia is often seen as a country with a dark and painful past, but there is another Colombia, a unique land of secret magical beauty, a magic that stops many have never been seen. Located in the northwest of South America. Colombia is home to one of the most incredible species of


life. on the planet mammals birds frogs reptiles butterflies and plants and three legendary creatures of South America the largest bird the most formidable snake the strongest feline this wild The generosity is thanks to the overflowing gift of Colombia's


the water Colombia is embraced by the wild Pacific Ocean and the warm Caribbean Sea bordered by the Amazon and Oronoko basins enriched by the great Cala and Magdalena rivers Colombia is a country eternally linked to water The journey of water begins in the mountains, the great Cordillera de Andy and the peaks record of the Sierra Nevada Des Santa mat just 42 Kilometers from the sea, these are the highest coastal mountains on Earth.
wild colombia revealed free documentary nature

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Legend has it that these white-covered peaks that touch the clouds are the gateway to heaven and even today the few indigenous peoples remaining in the Sierra Nevada de Cata look towards the high ridges to pay their respects. To its mother earth, to the south of the mountains are the majestic mountains of the Andes that extend throughout Colombia. Meltwater from these ancient glaas runs into the rivers beneath the great ice fields of El Kwii. They are some of the oldest waters in Colombia. High above the mountains. The condor has the largest wingspan of any bird, more than 3 m.
wild colombia revealed free documentary nature
Rising with the thermals of the mountains, the Andean condor glides above the clouds in search of food. The condor can live for 75 years, but its numbers are declining as its wild lands are invaded by breeding programs in Colombia and the US must succeed if this impressive bird is to continue flying through the Andean skies here in the high mountains life and death are just a step away at the end of the day the temperature drops well below


zing in just a few hours but as the sun rises in the sky the land beneath the frozen peaks awakens and an amazing cycle begins the fogs and clouds that arrive will end up quenching the thirst of millions this is part of the most distinctive landscape of Colombia the param is the richest high mountain environment in the world with more than 00 unique types of flowering plants here.
wild colombia revealed free documentary nature
More than half of all the wastelands on the planet are found in Colombia. The paramo is like a giant sponge that absorbs runoff from glaciers and extracts water from clouds in a process called Cloud Extraction. here in Chingaza the Gigantes silvery green the forehead is key to this each leaf has hairs it specially adapted to trap moisture from the fog some plants can trap up to 40% of their weight in water the forests and plants breathe Param fog the The wetlands filter the water to purify it and then the sponge overflows with fresh water. Billions of gallons are poured from the slopes.
This water will quench the thirst of the country's fastest growing cities Colombia's population has grown by more than 12 million in the last 20 years to more than 48 million, almost 80% of these people now live in rapidly growing cities expansion such as Ki medag Jin and bogatar, all of which depend entirely on this natural source, but this resource is not unlimited and can only be protected if the wasteland is this delicate landscape. 2% of Colombia, however, provides 70% of the country's fresh water and the tragedy is that the precious wastelands are being devoured by agriculture and industry. The loss of these lands will turn off the tap for Millions beneath the moors.
Lush vegetation covers the mountains. The fertile slopes are nurseries for the abundant cloud forests that teem with life. A spectacle bear is a rare sight. It is searching for food. The only bears in South America. Its existence is threatened by poaching and habitat loss. Its survival depends on preservation. of the complex ecosystem in which they live, conservationists are now using satellite technology to gather vital information and protect the remaining bears. It is estimated that fewer than 3,000 remain in the wild. Spectacled bears climb trees to feed on nuts and honey. This young man needs all the climbing practice he can get.
Also in the lush temperate zones of Colombia there is a small winged wonder that flutters among the flowers. There are more than 147 species of hummingbirds, more than anywhere else on Earth. Legend says that they are sent to Earth to seduce the moon and that they fly long distances on its back. of geese, the truth is almost as incredible as the wings of the Legends hummingbird beat about 60 times per second, they can visit up to 5,000 flowers per day consuming twice their body weight to obtain enough energy and because each flower is a precious feeding station that the territory needs to defend. oh, the battle for the winner keeps its flower the loser will have to try his luck somewhere else west of Colombia between the Andes and the Pacific lie the rain-soaked regions of California and Chocó these unique forested slopes are the wettest places in the Earth forever On Colombia's Pacific coast, humidity transforms the region into one of the most extraordinary biological hotspots in the world.
Small patches of forest are home to a thousand varieties of butterflies that drink from a moist forest floor soaked in mineral-rich liquids. Inside this chrysalis is one of the largest and most brightly colored creatures of its kind, the large blue morpho butterfly. Its entire life, from caterpillar to butterfly, lasts only about 4 months when the butterfly's wings are closed. The brown spotted underside provides camouflage against predators such as birds, but in flight it is a stunning beauty. In blue, birds also flutter on the branches of the forest, more than 800 species, the Club's winged male mannequin beats its wings 100 times a second creating a song-like sound, while the white-tailed male mannequins compete with each other to See who is the best woman dancer.
Decide that this natural greenhouse is also the perfect place for orchids. There are more species here than anywhere else on Earth, but also lurking on the damp forest floor is one of the deadliest creatures on Earth. The golden dart frog is the most poisonous vertebrate in the world. It's classified. As hypertoxic, a single frog has enough venom to kill 10 adult men, it is also critically endangered and found only in the Chocó region of Colombia, announcing its presence. The bright gold color acts as a warning to its only potential predator, a hardy Copus epinephelus species of snake.
To the frog's deadly venom, but not completely immune, the venomous vertebrate derives its toxicity from a diet of poisonous ants and termites. A sticky tongue works sometimes too well, especially if the ant has time to bite after eating enough ants and extracting their venom. The frog now. exudes a super poison from its back another creature found in the ever-flowing rivers of the choco has a different idea about how to stay out of trouble sunlight keeps its muscles warm and ready to flee at the first sign of danger and in this jungle that could come from anywhere the speed and weeping legs of the basilisk lizards means that water is no barrier to escape the wealth created by The choco rains fuel the dazzling tapestry of


these same rains feed the rivers that flow into the west from the slopes of the mountains Stroll through the villages to the coast, its waters destined to meet the world's largest ocean, the Pacific, this great ocean kingdom is the coastal corridor of the humpback whale, now in a protected area every July in a secret cove here in the Choco Zut Tra National Park, these extraordinary The waters resonate with an ancient song is the sound of humpback whales migrating from the cooler latitudes of the Antarctic Peninsula guarding the entrance to this cove there is a male young while this solitary male sings the whales under his protection arrive a mother with her calf the Bay becomes a classroom and is about to provide the experience of a lifetime to a flotilla of whale watchers and ecotourists.
This learned skill allows whales to clean microbes from their skin and stun fish for hunting. As you move north on the choco, the rains are more modest and the forests thin, but this tree offers a special gift for one of Colombia's rarest mammals. Their favorite food is the flower of the pot-bellied tree, but the fallen flowers are not good enough for the three lazy toads, who will slowly travel long distances to reach this fresh delicacy when they are full. Up to 2/3 of the sloth's body weight is food. Lunch can take a month or more to digest, but their cute appearance means sloths are good business for animal traffickers.
One of the fastest growing illegal businesses in Colombia. Highly adapted to its environment. Pets almost always die. This young sloth was found sick and dying in a Backstreet store. He is one of nearly 400 that conservationists have rescued and returned to the wild in recent years. This sloth is now lucky enough to live in one of Colombia's protected places. forests but in the northwest of the country only 5% of the original primary forest remains a beautiful but tragic symbol of this loss it has become an emblem of exotic Colombia these are the great wax palms of the Indus and this is the only place in the Land where they grow, they reach a height of over 60 M, they were once part of a thriving forest, now this forest has been cleared to make way for grazing cattle, which eat the precious new seedlings now that they have lost protection of the rainforest so no new palms can grow but the cattle make money and feed the people these solitary trees that have been standing for 100 years could disappear within a generation they are a stark warning to save the remaining forests before It may be too late each year Colombia's unique biodiversity is exposed to a growing threat across central and northern Colombia Two rivers are most affected by the destruction of this habitat, CA and the Magdalena, are busy arteries for the industry that connects cities with the coast.
Lush forests lined its once clean waters, but now young trees are burned before they can grow in the river water. It is polluted by uncontrolled industry and municipal waste and is bordered by a sea of ​​monocultures and mining. One small creature among many is fighting this deadly deforestation. The white-headed tamarind only lives in Colombia in the forests that once covered the northwest and are in trouble: there are now thought to be fewer than 2,000 wild adults left on Earth. A team of dedicated scientists are fighting against all odds to save the remaining Cotton Toops and ultimately increase their numbers, but although their habitat is now protected, the law is often ignored.
Every day the last patches of forest are being devoured by illegal forestry and agriculture, the fight of the whiteheads should encourage everyone to preserve the beautiful land of Colombia and the creatures that live in it for a truly iconic animal, the river valleys of Colombia are the ancient roads to and from its hunting grounds at the top of the food chain. The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas with an estimated population of only 50,000 in the wild in South America. Scientists are working to protect This magnificent feline by creating jungle corridors safe routes to link the main populations of jaguars from the north of Argentina to Mexico passing through Colombia, the complex network of river channels is not an obstacle for these cats, unlike the majority of cats.
Jaguars They are good swimmers They stalk and ambush Predators use natural cover to silently approach their prey Jaguars eat river fish and turtles, but they also hunt larger terrestrial prey, such as deer, and these pecks pound for pound.pound. Jaguars have the most powerful jaws of all the big cats and can kill with a bite to the back of the head directly through the skull of their prey east of the Andes is Los Yanos, part of the Great River Basin. Oronoko. These vast low-lying wetlands bordered by impressive peaks are the great PLS of Colombia and extend over more than 30% of the country's surface.
The most biologically diverse grasslands are home to the world's largest rodent, the Kabara, and South America's largest snake, the Anaconda. There are also almost 5 million cattle in the region and every year they are rounded up, which can be a very nervous time for some animals, these birds. You have good reason to worry: making your home underground is not the safest place to be in a stampede, but for burrowing owls it is a part of life, once the male has verified that the coast is clear, it is safe May this season's chicks emerge to experience the Glorious.
For the first time, the plains of Los Yanos open, but life will not be easy for these young owls. The coming months from January to April will be more difficult for all animals in the region. The winds have changed and the northeastern Caribbean trades are blowing across the plain. Eastern plains with no mountains to encourage rain the flooded savanna dries up in drought conditions everything is fighting to survive but these alligators have a plan they bury themselves in the mud and enter a sleep state called season Almost motionless and using little energy they will remain locked up until the pools flood and the food returns early in the morning during the dry season on some remote banks of the Oronoko Basin, one of the strangest and strangest sounds can be heard on the planet.
It comes from one of the most endangered reptiles on Earth. Hunted almost to extinction for their skin. The sound is the mating call of the male oronoko crocodile. The male and female begin to nuzzle and surround each other. a ritualized courtship eventually the male rotates the female and they end belly to belly and submerge the female lays up to 40 eggs underground they will have to remain safe for 80 days before hatching if they are not buried deep enough Predators will detect them the lizard taste the air in its mouth after almost 3 months the mother will return her belly to the ground listen to the sound of the small crocodiles at birth catch the mother's attention dig to help them emerge and life begins the mother carefully carries each baby to safety the water these baby crocodiles still have a lot to go through but hopefully the fur trappers will not return the dry season continues and in many places things get worse before they get better the rains finally arrive above March water levels and April in some rivers they grow up to 8 m a time of abundance returns the scarlet ibises gather in their elevated positions waiting for the insects disturbed by the rising waters while the sun sets over the plains the drought seems like an eternity to the west of the yanos In a region called Sania De La Macarena the end of the dry season lights up an incredibly colorful bloom this Rainbow River is unique in Colombia called Cano cristalis it is often celebrated as the most beautiful river in the world the crystal clear waters show the vivid colors of the aquatic algae It is believed that the red color protects the plant from the equatorial sun.
This spectacular exhibit has a brief window. Too little water and the plants die. Lots of rain and the river rises, submerging the glory further south. The waters flow to feed the mother of all. Rivers the largest in the world and the longest in South America This is the Amazon basin of Colombia as the slow, calm waters embrace the forest a horned toad watches the Howa monkeys earn their name, the woolly monkeys search for food and the squirrel monkeys They make a living from the leaf litter below, but anticipation is increasing the rainy season has arrived south the rivers of Colombia's Amazon basins grow the forests flood and the environment is transformed The river and the rainforest are They have returned below the surface a new world has appeared what was once the forest is now a rich underwater habitat the anaconda the territory has grown the fish have new feeding areas among them there is a hunter as famous as the jaguar known as the river tiger the silver arowana has changed just over 150 million years it is the male who guards the fry in his mouth perhaps even more unusual is the way the arowana hunt living in a tree does not mean you are safe from its jaws this bush Cricket is completely unaware of what is hidden beneath the arowana they have a divided eye that allows them to see underwater and on the surface at the same time, they have been known to jump more than 2 m plucking prey from a branch or hanging from a vine.
The great rivers of Colombia's lowland rainforests wander and meander as they grow. The waters enriched by the organic matter they dislodge turn dark brown patrolling the darkness. Waters is a creature once believed to be from Legends, the largest of the dolphins, the rare pink river dolphins that hunt their prey in murky waters using echolocation over the years. So many have died that they are now in serious danger of extinction. Sustainable fishing techniques are helping to protect and preserve them at the same time. future fish populations for local fishermen to feed their families, living proof that there are ways to protect this part of wild Colombia.
Hopefully it is not too late every year, new creatures emerge that remind us that we must take care of nature because it never knows what it may be hiding. As recently as 2010, a surprising new animal was discovered hidden in the dense and impenetrable forests of Colombia. It was a small shy mammal completely unknown to science, the Keta Titi monkey, the rarest monkey in the world, it is estimated that only 250 exist and are only found here in Colombia, they make for life the bond cemented by a twist of the tails, witnessing the beautiful Titi for the first time It is an incredible privilege this newly discovered monkey proves once again that wild Colombia is still full of potential discoveries and there are more surprises in the sea two unique islands on the Pacific coast have their own survival stories to tell marello and gorgona here in gorgon island in the pacific nature is coming back from the dead less than a century ago the forest was cut down and burned to make a prison complex now closed it has become a national park and the trees and wildlife are coming back, showing again that nature will return if the right measures are taken further from the Pacific coast, in the westernmost part of Colombia, nature is breaking all the rules Isla Mell is a volcanic monolith 378 km from the earth in the middle of nothing is pure rock should not support life, but crabs and land lizards scuttle on the existence of life here due to the waste of a seabird NASA exploited more than 100,000 of them more than anywhere else on the planet, the unforgiving environment and food shortages mean survival strategies take a ruthless turn.
Boobies can hatch two chicks, but one will be 5 days older and 5 days stronger than the other. The oldest chick is programmed to take care of itself in a drastic way while the adults watch, it will kill its weaker sibling, expelling it from the Nest, ensures that it will get enough food from the parents for itself, the second chick becomes rich by collecting crabs and life continues once the chick has eliminated its sibling, the parents. diligently caring for the lone survivor is nature's insurance policy each breeding season if the first egg does not hatch there is always another one that takes its place further north on the Caribbean coast of mainland Columbia is a group of small tropical islands a Providence in San Andreas Archipelago is just what you'd expect from a Caribbean paradise, except when night falls, watch out for zombies every year.
Land-loving black crabs, known locally as zombie crabs, come down from the hills and their mission is to reach the beach and lay eggs. Crabs that can be born in the sea are a local delicacy, but during migration the roads are closed to cars and cyclists travel carefully. Colombians work together to protect the crabs during the breeding season and it is paying off that the crabs continue to live to produce millions of young meals. for humans and a healthy population of wild crabs sustainability in action so many crabs lay so many eggs that even when natural predators flock to feed enough they will survive for a next generation and beyond the beaches on coral reefs and marine reserves protected life thrives under the waves In the Pacific waters of Colombia, near the equator, the creatures of the underwater worlds are surprising in their number.
The heat of the equatorial Sun drives a food-rich current that swells from the depths and creates one of the most extraordinary pyramids of marine life anywhere. anywhere in the ocean Snapper tuner yellow tals and Barracuda dance in the sunlight it is a magical theater of light and life from January to April the action intensifies the most spectacular underwater montage begins hundreds of hammerhead sharks appear from the depths of the Pacific in one of the largest gatherings On Earth, some sharks have infected wounds and battle scars, so a hospital cleaning station opens. Barber and Clarion fish busily pecking at the parasites that feed on the shark's skin, it is food for them and medical care for the hammerhead sharks.
The perfect symbiotic relationship that nature has maintained. This complex and delicate balance throughout 4 billion years of evolution on Earth then 15,000 years ago humans arrived from Africa and began to change the landscape forever Crossing from the north Colombia was the first stop of human beings in South America They were curious creatures that walked on two legs and using tools Terrace with stone. This is one of the best preserved and comes from a period. Before the Incor Empire, it was discovered in the early 1970s and has remained a monument to civilization for almost a thousand years. This epic construction now known as the ruins of the lost city was the center of trade in the rainforests of northern Colombia, descendants of these early indigenous people.
Colombians still survive today by living in isolated areas in remote forests and high mountains, as well as embracing the forests. The first people followed the water. The rivers became trade routes and, as today, they populated the lakes, lagoons and coasts. They prospered in the waters. They fished to survive. For many thousands of years Colombians were one with nature. But as time passed, the population grew and so did the need and greed of man. Soon Colombia's natural resources fueled a global desire for gold, precious metals and exotic exports from large cities and ports like here in Kataha.
We are proud to welcome traders and visitors, but as the towns and cities grew, the population It began to pollute the waters of rivers and seas and turn forests into wastelands. This is still happening today. The wild lands of Colombia are being harvested and abused for gold. coal emeralds and oil coffee rice palm soy and sugar seem unstoppable each industry leaves its own scar on the landscape and its own stain on the waters the destruction of ancient habitats will soon be irreversible the jungles, wetlands and rivers that house the plants and creatures of Colombia are being destroyed, but the civil unrest of the last 50 years has left many natural habitats intact as people moved from the countryside to the cities, giving Colombia a unique opportunity to preserve environments that many other countries have already lost. due to human invasion.
National parks and protected areas were created. From the 1960s onwards they are also playing a vital role in keeping Colombia's incredible natural wealth alive. One of these parks is beyond imagination. It is the best kept secret in South America and is the unknown Wild Heart of Colombia. It is called a cherub and is a reminder of. The beginnings of Colombia in this virgin paradise Wildlife abounds and isolated tribes are still believed to live there. This is truly a lost world and above all stand proud the enormous rock towers, tables of the gods called teis, carved from the oldest rock on Earth, no one knows what awaits discovery. here in the heart of Colombia is the most unexplored ecosystem on the planet the chipete rocks speak to us written inthe stones is a message from the past in paintings the color of blood more than 20,000 drawings the first Great temple of American art delivers an ancient message that is true today the people who once lived here have left in images testimony of their amazement and respect for nature, its images show us that it is not a human destiny to destroy the world.
The universal message is that we must take care of the world that has been given to us. Each of us has been entrusted with the protection of living beings on Earth. We are the guardians of our planet the magical creatures that live in wild Colombia are proof that it is not too late for action the condor and hummingbird must always grace Colombia's clear skies rays and whales must be


to swim in oceans Clean, unpolluted rivers should flow for dolphins, fish and all who drink the waters. Forests must be protected and new ones created for endangered injured monkeys and the precious animals that call the jungle home for the sake of all living things, including the people who live here Colombia's wild lands must be cared for in 2015 This film premiered in Colombia for the Arakas, one of the country's oldest indigenous tribes who still live deep in the rainforest of the Sierra Nevada Des Santa, it was a truly unique experience in Nabu samake, their sacred town.
The Arakas follow a long and pure philosophy that teaches them to care for the planet and live in harmony with nature, an ancient way of life that has a new resonance in our modern world. The formal Prime Minister continued in Boga and was attended by diplomats. The film received an unprecedented reception, the most popular film in Colombian history, in a country so vast and varied that it was the first time many saw the incredible natural beauty of their own Homeland. It shouldn't be the last.

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