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New Audi RS7 Sportback Review: All Style No SUBSTANCE? | 4K

Jun 06, 2021
There are two types of people in this world: people who love the Audi rs6 and people who are clearly crazy. It's a brilliant car, although I'll understand if there are people who might not be able to accept it because it's an estate. But to you I would say that Audi has something: this is the RS7 Sportback, a super Audi that breathes fire and that has the heart of an RS6 family but the body of a five-door hatch and the appearance of a coupe. It is designed to work. head to head with a Porsche Panamera Turbo Mercedes e63 and promises fast and smooth performance anytime, anywhere and I mean anywhere, look around, we're in the Atlas Mountains right now, Morocco, seven fifteen hundred feet above sea level, dry and dusty. as hot as you want and the rs7 simply because the training power comes from a four-liter twin-turbo V8 that makes 600 metric horsepower and 800 new meters of torque and since it's an Audi, it has Quattro, so all that power is send. at all four corners of Attraction is just relentless, their body


s may be different but you can tell it has the same engine, the same soul and makes the same noise as the rs6, it's not the loudest engine note and definitely not It is the strongest when it is abrupt and the turbos whistling and whistling add a nice line mentioned in the gear the acceleration is simply tremendous, really its maximum torque is between two thousand and four thousand five hundred rpm and there is no need to wring it out even though I have drained it.
new audi rs7 sportback review all style no substance 4k
In reality it just encourages you to drive a bit like a thug but it's not necessary so you can let the turbos do the work and when in the powerband there is no acceleration lag it just comes on strong every time that you drive approach the throttle LD says it will hit 190 miles per hour without the limiter and accelerate from standstill to 62 in 3.6 seconds serious numbers for a serious machine, but does it deliver those numbers in the real world? and in a place where the heat and altitude may be against it, well, put your money where your mouth is, the road is closed, there's no one else around, launch control, timing screens on, that's 100 , which says zero at 62 and 4.9 C, which is much slower. which Audi claims, I'm going to blame the fact that we are at altitude and it's a hot day and I don't know what kind of fuel you put in this, they put the good stuff in it, it's available in Morocco so it's fast and I'll give it the benefit of the doubt about that performance, but is it fast enough to justify a purchase in a world that is filled with very strong competition specializing in speed and


new audi rs7 sportback review all style no substance 4k

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new audi rs7 sportback review all style no substance 4k...

One of the problems with the RS7 is that there are rivals, you know? There are many good reasons to buy these rival cars, you buy a Mercedes e63 s because you want a German muscle car, you buy a Porsche Panamera because you want to look like a boss, you buy an RS 7 because I don't know, you forgot. the rs6 exists and that's the biggest problem with this car, there's nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it lives in the shadow of one of the most iconic cars to ever exist and that's why it could be a reasonably tough sell, having said I don't think there is a person out there with a pulse and active eyes who would deny that this is a beautiful car.
new audi rs7 sportback review all style no substance 4k
I love the evolution compared to the previous generation model. Same ingredients but just a different flavor. The highlights for me include these headlights which are so much more. slimmer and more sinister than before, then you have this big grille much more angular in its design and the power bolt on the hood hinting at the fact that it can barely contain the 600 horses underneath around the side, you have new skirts, new wheel designs. The car comes with 20 as standard, but these are 22, the kind of size you might have in a huge SUV, but somehow they don't look out of place in this one, so the back half of the car, this is what really separates the RS 7. from the RS6 it has a sloping roofline and they have given it a wide body treatment, not as wide as, for example, a Liberty walk car, but they have stretched it 20 millimeters on each side, much more aggressive , much more muscular than before.
new audi rs7 sportback review all style no substance 4k
At the rear you have new lights, new bumpers, a LED strip that runs the entire width and it all fits very well to me, this is nicer than the RS6, sadly don't look at me with that fancy body. styling negatively affects practicality, boot is a reasonable 535 liters but pales in comparison to the RS six, more importantly perhaps rear headroom is quite poor, sloping roofline and the huge sunroof really eat up headroom, those in the front will have none. With such issues, the driver and front passenger have all the space in the world and will enjoy an attractive, feature-packed cabin, although don't expect all of this car's best features to come for free.
The basic car costs 94 thousand pounds with the door electrically closed at 675 heads. widescreen 1400 ceramic brakes 9700 sport exhaust 1450 sport suspension 1300 and 22-inch wheels 2,200 pounds but that's the price you pay if you want the best, that's the price you pay if you want a car that makes you feel special whether you're standing still or going full speed for me, the rs7 has always lived in the shadow of its rivals and especially in the shadow of its own cousin, I mean, it has always been first, don't get me wrong, but it's one thing to be fast and It is a whole.
It's different being fast and desirable, but with these new changes the rs7 is a completely different animal Cinderella is Mr. rest, she's going to the ball and might throw some shapes. It is a real pleasure to drive this car. It really is. It has mechanics. centered if that can distribute the power, so by default it can send 40% of the power to the front and 60% to the rear, but in extreme cases it can actually distribute up to 70% of the power to the front to be predominantly forward. drive to the wheels, but in dynamic mode you can send up to 85% of the torque to the rear, so it effectively becomes a rear-wheel drive car that will never be as Namek as, say, a BMW M from competition or a Mercedes e63. but it's fun, it really is, it feels like he's giving you enough rope to hang you, but then at the last minute the safety net kicks in and Quattro just saves your ass.
Actually all-wheel steering plays an important role in getting the rear wheels to turn. up to five degrees in the opposite direction to the front wheels to help reduce the turning radius at low speeds and in the same direction as the front wheels to improve stability, while a sport differential helps send torque to the outside wheels in the front wheels. curves as a result of that. The car feels very light, I really laugh even though it is a big girl, it weighs around 2,000 65 kilos and that is more than a hundred kilos more than the old car, it doesn't really feel at all, if anything, it feels lighter somehow and I guess. part of that is due to the fact that the steering is really like even in dynamic mode it's probably too light to be honest what a machine these brakes are amazing too 10 vented pistons and they're huge 14 and a half inches. in the rear, 16 and a half inches in the front which is bigger than some people's wheels, these are the carbon ceramic ones and they can be a little expensive but if you can afford it it's worth every penny, not even a pinch of fame, the reason the rs6 has always been so successful and loved is because underdog family cars weren't meant to be as fun as sports cars and yet here's a car that offers the sports car performance in a family-friendly form factor; was the ultimate hidden gem, but here it is What in today's world is that the IRS Six is ​​normal now that everyone knows about it, it has become popular, which doesn't make it any less special or any less capable, but it does. possibly a little less cool and that's where the rs7 comes in if you can sacrifice it. a bit of practicality, well, a lot of practicality for possibly slightly better looks, then this could be the best fast Audi out there.

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