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Vlad and Niki Best funny stories for kids | 1 Hour Video

Mar 09, 2024
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven forty-eight forty-nine fifty welcome to Ryan cars car for rent car for rent you go welcome let me show you I have white I have red I have blue I have yellow What car do you want? I want this one okay I'll get the key cool cool now bye now what happened Cody she's another car thanks yellow okay I'll get the key okay foreigner wow Bugatti good choice where are my clothes? All the cars are broken. the business is closed let's open a new one foreign let's see together yes yes okay a kiss from a place okay here we go hello hello hello guys okay I'll steal it from behind let's go to school fasten your seatbelt oh cool let's play yeah do it don't bother the driver An open window on the foreign bus look what I have one too me too don't throw rubbish on the bus sorry, let's go abroad I have a cool frog cool I broke it in half okay teacher, I'm done, thanks come back please okay what is this joke teacher teacher I'm done thank you I'm looking here home come on mommy I found it oh that's what I like to see let's turn on the readings I understand blah oh no no no no no no no no no thank you yes, it's okay, blue, we're late for school, okay, grandma needs help, yeah, come on, thanks, we're late for school, foreigner, thanks, okay, we're late for school, run, stop, cow, thanks , choose your food please, we will help you, the job is done, thank you. rain rain go away we're late for school I have an idea yes my turn yes I win I'm hungry I'm going too let's go um so many ice creams wow it's amazing thank you delicious okay great yes Chris looks like here delicious delicious oh yeah we just want to see what's inside, no no problem, I'll show you everything I have, this is better with some drinks, this I have some ice cream cubes, do you want to try it yourself?
vlad and niki best funny stories for kids 1 hour video
Yes, let's choose your ice cream, just strawberry chocolate. and add some nuts please thank you okay let's make waffles good job thank you and wait five minutes thank you hmm I love you baby please but remember don't eat too much foreign ice cream come on oh my god Christian , thank you, you can. wake up bye hey hey brother what are you doing here cool wow why did you do this laugh what oh my god foreigner thank you and that's nothing amazing wow wow wait how do we get out of here? I have no idea so many doors what happened I don't know wow hello to get out of here maybe blue we are going to have to put the balls in your color like this I like the color blue I like the ingredients Orange is my favorite color Everything is finished How we went out?
vlad and niki best funny stories for kids 1 hour video

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No. Panic I think it's yellow and laughs wow what is it it's slime I'm a big brain but what door maybe it's green yeah Chris give me a circle okay Chris we need a square, give me a triangle, the last one, where is the action? Oh, maybe, orange, foreign, delicious. I'm next, I'm scared, don't worry, Niggy Let's Ride, it's pear, yes Alex, it's cucumber, hmm, what is it, oh tomatoes, delicious, hello, it's snake, no, eh, it's dragon. Larry Larry, say hello, hey, please subscribe, but where's the way out. I have no idea, but where is it. come out maybe yellow wow one two three four five six whoa I know, let's count one two three four and five one two three four five six yay yeah this three two one foreign spiders I'm just wow come on two two hamster wheels baby baby one two three yay number four chocolate fountain come on yellow green delicious level five wow wow Spiderman number six wow one two three four five six yeah slime orbeeze packing peanuts I'm jelly Bob yeah one two three four five six seven yeah let's open number one number two the same number three is orange number four is a black cat number six amazing it looks like a tiger but it's a cat the same seven cats seven pets wow number eight wow one two three four five six seven eight I need I need to get the flavors orange juice right Cherry good job water easy right oh pineapple tomato yes ah milk watermelon right okay oh Peach without carrots yes, it was difficult number nine seven eight nine one two three one foreigner come on wow Nikki look it's a button one two three come on Nike Are you there?
vlad and niki best funny stories for kids 1 hour video
Yes, let's press the buttons. Oh thanks. I'm next. I like to squish what color the shoes are. Oh wait. Oh, thank you. Hey. Ma'am, this is fake money. What happened? I lost my money. Thank you. Pop it. Yeah come on spiders lol it's time to relax. yeah you want fries let's get back to this ah I wanna be here forever hello hello welcome to Five Seasons Taco thank you Annie okay wow the rules yeah please call me please okay okay What happened? The room is dirty, goodbye, let's clean, okay. welcome ah okay oh excuse me sir I'm hungry oh I want to eat food okay we need food oh hot dog okay see you okay room service oh what is that um okay music channel with me in your eyes tell me what you see perfect paradise Nancy's music is over, please, this is okay, everything will be okay.
vlad and niki best funny stories for kids 1 hour video
Removed external lock. Where is the spider? Yes, I do. Thanks for coming. See you. Thank you. Come on, what this way? Okay, oh no, what. Mommy, look, I know what to do. Okay, okay, okay, thanks mommy, what should we do? Oh yes, mommy, come on, come on, come on, sweet, delicious, come on, baby, mommy, we need water. Mommy laughs, yeah, okay, I think it's a trap. Thanks, oh no, what should we do? I don't know, oh okay, oh, no, oh, okay, don't run, oh, let's go again, thank you, thank you, I want a soda for me too, okay, great, I'll bring it, thank you, I want a lot, it's not my movie number six, yeah, wow, wow, foreign, oh my god, this is ours.
Okay, it's for foreign babies.

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