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Nastya tries to work as a nurse for rare animals

Apr 09, 2024
light Master hello guys today I'm


ing as a pet Setter hello okay that was my first client I almost forgot this is the place oh great here first Tas B the alligator okay mhm it's time to cut the nail, oh, fantastic, all set, bye. crocodile bye bye I'm hungry what should I do okay nevado that's delicious oh you're so cute it's time to brush your teeth mhm bye nevado let's go next time mhm come on what's up with these guys? No, they are not on our list. Sorry guys, next time come little gohost, who else wants a girl?
nastya tries to work as a nurse for rare animals
Come on, hurry up, hurry up, hello, Bey Rock, baby, I don't know the words, no mm- oh, you sleep earlier, oh no, not today, it's not for me, no, no, no, no, it's okay. yes hello hello hello hello h c don't mess up m- it's so nice we C are here MH mhm oh hello hello call the shift okay next pest hello hello hello if you want a if you want our service you can make an appointment yes mhm oh no, no It's a list of hours, no, let's go to the next climbing teacher. I want a new bag.
nastya tries to work as a nurse for rare animals

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nastya tries to work as a nurse for rare animals...

I want a new toy. I need new makeup and candy. I'm out of money. I need to earn some money. Yes, I'm coming, wow wow wow this. The job is very easy, okay, come on, oops, here you go, oh huh, delicious, hey, what's up with the money? Welcome to my own pet cafe, this is my first customer Hello, hello, my K wants a mouse, I'm sorry but we don't have mice. H we're leaving wait wait wait wait I'm going to try to find mice H how did you get here? um no, I don't know why this is a trap for mous.
nastya tries to work as a nurse for rare animals
I can use this ah H what, oops, I feel for you, uh-oh, we already have it. a rich Mouse what less is too much let's go no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is h green I think it would be the best job dardu this is a dream job hello let's start


ing what you have to start from the same Start well, yes I have to do it, this is not my dream job. Can you wash my car? Well, here's your money, yeah, I have an idea, yeah, this is the best way to make money at your age, White Master, oh, look who you are, right?
nastya tries to work as a nurse for rare animals
Do you know who this is, it's an armadillo. Armadillos live in the savanna or the forest and this is a baby kangaroo that's only 4 months old. Hello, Hello, Hello, all the monkeys are very tame and love human company. Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum He was so cute Interesting facts about Lemurs' tails are longer than their bodies, I didn't know. Happ, these are Servals, they are very cute but not at all docile, but they like to play like house cats, what do you think they are? They're otters, of course, well, you know that. one for sure is a white tiger and who is this one here, it's a giraffe oh hello the giraffe is not a tame animal it's a wild animal so you have to be very careful in your contact with it well it's time for us to do it Let Light Master, such a cute dad.
I want a party. A dog. No. I've been saving money my whole life. I promise I'll help you with the dog. I think we can choose another one this one because of its name it's like oh wow good choice thank you oh it's too early I want to go for a walk okay, let's go uh-oh clean up after your dogs I'm done oh good morning dad needs to sleep this is your bed ooh nice bed I want to eat well M delicious this is your bathroom oh I need to clean oh it's C Che on my homework silence please silence please I want to go for a walk I need to do my homework please hello guys, how are you?
I can't do my homework because of the dog, it's okay, no problem, I can take it. Thanks dad for helping me, no problem, Nasta. Look, I made an accountability schedule for us. I'll feed him and clean up after him. and you will accompany him and buy food, it's okay, the main thing is to help each other, yes, master, hello, master, hello, whore, oh, we live so far from each other, I have an idea, I'm going to build a tunnel, wow, how cool. Ready, ready, yes, dad, bring it. the balloons W balls thank you very much posy for these gifts I have a microphone yay posy what should I do with this it's time to dance and sing challenge for dad okay come on dad happy happy birthday happy happy birthday everyone singing tep it's raining happy happy birthday it was fun to everyone thank you so much posy show me your puppy light please oh okay here i have something for him this is for you life yeah wow some boxes pretzels a ball like the one I like it, another ball, a big one, very fun, thanks, posy.
So much for these gifts, I really appreciate it, I have something else for you again, py, thank you, what should I do with this H FR? Yes, I like it and for dad m W, thanks posie, I'll give you something too. I need the gift, posie, guys. You want to know what I said to Posey then go to Posey's channel and watch the video where I give him the gift the link is in the description bye

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