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More Ludicrous Lee Mack Tales | Part 2 | Would I Lie To You?

May 09, 2024
system and what you're tightening up on is that you actually just learn what day of the week it is each day. I can't go back to the year 14 BC. C., true, but I can. I can do it back to the guy. of the 1920s and 1930s and what you do is you learn a Midway to learn the 19, you learn a


icular well point in 1955 3 months in 955 you learn it by heart those 90 days and then there is a calculation that you can do to More the which is That calculation takes a day. You know your expert. period around sewing or whatever, well, you have to give me the exact year, otherwise it will be two different ones.
more ludicrous lee mack tales part 2 would i lie to you
I don't care, May 14, 1955, Tuesday, Tuesday, right, and then how do you extrapolate your knowledge from that to go? Going back to the 1920s, June 23, 1927, it's very simple, yes, it's seven, you stick to the power of two and then you take 10% off unless it's a leap year and it's a leap year. 1955, of course not you idiot, that was 54. and of course 196, this is 55 a, leave it, what absolute CR did you hear that what some idiot said is impolite? 90 years Elite year 7 to the power of two 7 to the power of two is 49-10% 4.9 so You have 7 44.1 correct. I was going to say it's not a day of the week.
more ludicrous lee mack tales part 2 would i lie to you

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more ludicrous lee mack tales part 2 would i lie to you...

That's 41. You round it up or down, which is 44. The key to the door. 21. Two and one make three. Sunday, the first day. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, so David lies. you're saying it's a lie, okay Lee, are you telling a lie? Of course, I'm telling a lie.
more ludicrous lee mack tales part 2 would i lie to you

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