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Mario Speedrunners Keep Making History

Mar 05, 2024
I haven't counted how many frame-perfect or accurate entries there have been up to this point, but it's definitely a lot and we're only halfway to talking about 52, just two warp zones this time and the one that will take us to World 8 is on this Vine or it's supposed to be, but we can access it by clipping it into this upside down tube and going down it if you want the details of why it works check out this video it's one of my favorites I've ever made and you may not you have seen it. The part I didn't cover in that video is the details of how to get this warp wrong as quickly as possible.
mario speedrunners keep making history
You need to be close enough to the vine to load it into memory, otherwise they will just send you back. Until the beginning of the level, the most common way to do this is to clip the right side of the pipe, since the left side is just too far from the vine, but the quickest way to do this is to clip directly into the left side and then have the screen scroll as you enter the pipe, that way the creeper is loaded as it goes down and can reach the warp zone; The latter can be quite difficult to do as you need to increase some speed for the screen to scroll.
mario speedrunners keep making history

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mario speedrunners keep making history...

If you press down too early or are too slow when shifting from right to down, then you won't have enough speed, but wait too long and you'll be too far to the right. and not being able to get into the pipe, it's a tricky balancing act that you can only walk after a successful pipe clip that again makes a frame-perfect jump to set up subpixels for the clip, a well-timed launch in its path into the pipe for good secondary speed and jump at a good height and push to the left with good timing. I think you get it, it's a precise trick, although it saves about a second, so


wouldn't be put off.
mario speedrunners keep making history
Scalpel was the first to do this trick in his previous world. record and of course nipy did it here in the sub eight race, well with all that behind us we are finally in World 8, although it is the final world, it really is not that bad starting with 81, the most important of this stage. It's right here, it's hard to pass without slowing down, going under it is not an option here we have to go over the pipe. I know it seems like nify pulls it off quite a bit, but it's actually accurate, remember you can only stomp on enemies. every other frame and sometimes you just get a much bigger bounce of Koopas again for reasons I don't understand, so you have to be very deliberate about where you bounce on this Koopa that Strat niy uses to make this consistent for jumping. the last frame before this hole, uh, I don't know about you, but I think he got it.
mario speedrunners keep making history
If you jump on that frame, then you can aim for the back of this Koopa and you should make it, and the rest of the stage is pretty. straight from there 82 is a really strange level, if you run to the end, find a pipe to enter and it takes you back to a previous point in the level, it will repeat infinitely until you get on Vine, the move to do this. The fast part is not the most difficult part of the race, but it is still not trivial. Now that we are in the clouds and can find Bowser's hidden Castle in the sky, we have to play 83 first, although I mentioned it before in the video, but This is Luigi's Shining Moment, we can finally make great use of his gigantic jumps.
He can clear this huge gap at the end without slowing down at all and finish the stage at exactly the same speed as Mario. He basically loses all the time he just saved. trying to speed up towards the castle, well we are still at a pace of 759, here we go, the final stage 84 is difficult for Luigi as there are a lot of pipes to go through, which means that many times he has to speed up right at the To start, we have a fairly tight jump, usually a two-frame window and then another, to jump to the first tube, you have to enter the swimming room here.
Luigi has worse acceleration, even underwater, there is a fire bar in this hallway that we'll have to slow down a bit because he does this part impressively fast. He's cutting it very close to that fire rod, but I mean he has to do it. He only has about 0.1 second of wiggle room here if he wants to get 759 in the next room. it's very awkward for Luigi, yeah I'm not sure there's much more explanation needed as it just seemed too hard to do with this character, okay once we get to this point we're already past the flagpole glitches, We already passed the wall.
Clips almost all the hard stuff is out of the way we come to this hallway and we have several seconds to sit and be nervous for a final jump, okay niy Nail the last jump of the race and everything is in Bowser's hands now this first guy is Bruce he was kind and jumped forward so Luigi could run under him, what a friend we love, Bruce now only Bowser is left. He's got this whole thing down to a science, where he actually recognizes the pattern of hammers Bruce throws and knows exactly what speed he's at. Based on that, he knows that he is in Pace for less than eight minutes and that he will get a pattern from Bowser that he can overcome, but he doesn't mess up the final jumps through these hallways and jumps on Bowser at the right time and that that's all.
Super Mario Bros 2J with Luigi is made in less than 8 minutes. This is a really good speedrun. Luigi has had a lot less players, so for the world record to be so good is incredible. I guess the Milestone sub eight was so hot now. I will do that. Quickly mention a couple of notable places. I could improve this execution from here, meaning every time someone is up to the task in one or two, I could do another wall clip right here. I don't think I have to mention all the steps. This time he already knows. Wall clips are very difficult with Luigi and since it's so close to the start of the level we haven't been able to find a great subpixel setting yet, but if someone can implement this in a run it will save a good chunk of It's time not to having to deal with this glomba and another advantage of this clip is that you can let the wall push Luigi further to the right side of the screen, now he can land on this elevator before it disappears from the top and get here without Hitting the pipe, as far as I know this can save at least 0.7 seconds and maybe more.
There are also, of course, more P flag failures you can do. Each one of them is very difficult, but if you're going to add one more, definitely do it right away. The 42 flag po glitch actually saves a little more than one frame rule with Luigi and since this stage was already close to the next frame rule, this P flag glitch ends up saving two, which is another 0.7 seconds, the downside is that there is no way to do a full jump to this B flag glitch point, the only way to land where you need to is to release the jump button in the air with perfect timing, of course the glitch of the flag, which saves extra time, had to be extra difficult, those two things are the main places runners would look to save time.
From here, a 758 or 757 may happen in the future, but let's all appreciate that a 759 happened. I'll always choose Luigi over Mario, except in this game he's really special. I'm glad that Other Racers could be brave enough to make this race happen and that I could cover it and give the best plumber some time in the spotlight. Thanks for watching. And subscribe if you liked it.

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